The Next President of the United States?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Obama was a non threatening half black man who was well educated with whom the liberals felt comfortable supporting. They bent over backwards to get him to the White House so that they could all pat themselves on the b.a.c.k. for getting the first non white President into office. That feat made them feel warm and smug it reaffirmed their belief that they can elevate a black man to the highest office in the country whereas 50 years ago he would've been shining shoes or having some other menial job. Now within the lifetime of a leftist he/she could celebrate that they do care.
Now many liberals will make up a ton of excuses to themselves on why they shouldn't re-elect Obama in order to quell their guilt in not voting for a non white Pres. to a second term. make a lot of non-supported suppositions in that statement! I voted for Obama but it wasn't for any of the reasons you mentioned and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I felt he was the best candidate....not white, not black, not anything racial....just the best candidate.

Were there those who voted for him because he is black? Certainly. However, how that becomes controlled by the media is without foundation or substance. My bet is that you won't see a very energized electorate that comprised a fair number of people who voted for him on racial lines the lats time. He might indeed have been elected president because he's black in 2008. If he loses in 2012, it will be because he has been a failure as a president....period.

You continue to implicate the media yet Fox News seems to have more influence than anyone. Talk radio is dominated by conservative hosts so who is this mysterious media power about which you speak? It does not exist.

We've had this bizarre discussion before if I recall. You and I will never see eye to eye on a variety of subjects, this just being one of them.
so who is this mysterious media power about which you speak? It does not exist.

Of course it does. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, NYT, LA Times, and countless other periodicals.

Just the NYT, and all the major news outlets alone is more than enough power to influence voters and tip things in their favor.

You really need to realize the power the media has.

Ike Stain

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That feat made them feel warm and smug it reaffirmed their belief that they can elevate a black man to the highest office in the country whereas 50 years ago he would've been shining shoes or having some other menial job.

I just had to address this. I know you were just throwing it out there, but, love or hate the guy, he definitely had ambition, intelligence and drive. Classic example of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. 50 years ago he much more likely would have been a law professor than a shoeshine boy :facepalm:

Ike Stain

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Of course it does. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, NYT, LA Times, and countless other periodicals.

Just the NYT, and all the major news outlets alone is more than enough power to influence voters and tip things in their favor.

You really need to realize the power the media has.

If this was the case, Republicans would never win the White House.

I think you greatly underestimate the power of Fox, especially since they brought in Roger Ailes. Love him or hate him, Rupert Murdoch one of the most powerful players on the world stage, and his organization is dominant in modern media.

NYT has become sensational and lazy. Fox has usurped them and now sets the news agenda. To wit: every other network covers their reporting.
I just had to address this. I know you were just throwing it out there, but, love or hate the guy, he definitely had ambition, intelligence and drive. Classic example of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. 50 years ago he much more likely would have been a law professor than a shoeshine boy :facepalm:

Yes but his skin color, mannerisms, schooling had priority. Couple that with a liberal white population itching to put the civil rights era behind them and elect the first black man to the Presidency.

If this was the case, Republicans would never win the White House.

I think you greatly underestimate the power of Fox, especially since they brought in Roger Ailes. Love him or hate him, Rupert Murdoch one of the most powerful players on the world stage, and his organization is dominant in modern media.

NYT has become sensational and lazy. Fox has usurped them and now sets the news agenda. To wit: every other network covers their reporting.

Not really. Bush was elected because the people were tired of a womanizing lying dumbo during a period of relative peace in the world. Bush was elected a second time because the war was still relatively new in Iraq and the search for WMD's was ongoing. Abu Ghraib had not yet happened.
However the media was ramping up it's efforts to sink Bush (Dan Rather's fake story) before the 2nd election. Story was debunked.
Kerry's post Vietnam record made him a look like a ingrate when he testified before Congressional hearing about "war crimes". So he stood no chance of beating Bush during a period of war. No one wanted a turncoat running our military. The media's anti Bush stance lost steam.
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Bush was elected because the people were tired of a womanizing lying dumbo during a period of relative peace in the world.

.................and the people wanted a kick ass President with attitude after 9/11 not a wooden bore named Gore.

Ike Stain

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The media's anti Bush stance lost steam.

Thus they are not as all powerful as you want to portray.

Again, I commend you to look at Murdoch's ascendancy— his organization is thriving while the rest of the media is foundering and going broke. He is the game changer and he is dominant in the new media sphere he has partly defined.

(Why do you think Stewart was so edgy during that Wallace interview? He knows the mainstream media is losing the fight, and it's largely their own fault.)

.................and the people wanted a kick ass President with attitude after 9/11 not a wooden bore named Gore.

You are aware Bush/Gore happened almost a year before 9/11.

(This is why you have no credibility in the Global Warming argument— a little thing called facts ;))
The media will not allow anyone to beat Otrauma.

Rick Perry has a record as does Obama. Perry's is successful and he won't be judged by one poor statement as the country will voice their displeasure as they did in November. The liberal media will try their best to reelect Obama however, November's election results will be completed in 2012.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Rick Perry has a record as does Obama. Perry's is successful and he won't be judged by one poor statement as the country will voice their displeasure as they did in November. The liberal media will try their best to reelect Obama however, November's election results will be completed in 2012.

His silly secession talk aside, Rick Perry has a record that suggests that he is MUCH farther to the right on social issues than are most Americans.

BTW, it made me feel kind of good last night that a Bloomberg poll agreed with what I said here: a large portion of Americans feel that the candidate who is able to secure the Republican nomination will be too far to the right to win in a general election, where the whims of "the base" won't be helpful to his cause.

Here's where we are, IMO: Obama is not currently showing well against a "generic Republican" in the polls - pretty much even money in the last poll I saw. But against the specific Republicans who have declared, or are likely to declare their candidacies, the only one within a whisper is Mitt Romney (not a exactly a fave of the base, the bible thumpers and the far right). It seems to me that the GOP's worst enemy is not Obama... but the GOP'ers themselves, or more to the point, their base. It's the people who see Sarah P@lin, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry as viable candidates who will guarantee the GOP a loss in 2012 if they get their way.

A sensible centrist Republican, social libertarian/fiscal conservative (one who would probably be called a RINO by the :tinhat: crowd) could probably beat Obama. But I don't see Sarah and the Seven Dwarfs (or however many we're up to now) having an easy time of it unless the economy REALLY sinks again - and I know there are a lot on the right who pray for that, as long it gets "their" guy/gal into office. But the most likely guy (Romney) is a Mormon from the Northeast, who acts like he's playing the part of a "conservative", rather than stating his true beliefs.

As for blaming the media for the problems within the GOP now... PUUULEASE! What happened to Fox News being the most watched channel in the U.S.? We seem to be conveniently forgetting that fact when the GOP steps in shit (Medicare, tax breaks for Big Oil, etc.) and gets called on it, eh?
His silly secession talk aside, Rick Perry has a record that suggests that he is MUCH farther to the right on social issues than are most Americans.

What 'record'?:o

The Texas governorship is the weakest (duty-wise) in the union and in a state flush with cash from excessive crude oil prices for the past 7 years, what exactly could he or any other doofus 'governing' that state actually fail at?

Ike Stain

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The Texas governorship is the weakest (duty-wise) in the union

Come on. That can't be true. It's a major state with a lot of population and industry. I'm pimping for Perry, but I don't think this argument is going to hold a lot of water.

Wyoming or somewhere had got to be the easiest duty-wise.
Come on. That can't be true. It's a major state with a lot of population and industry.

Wyoming or somewhere had got to be the easiest duty-wise.

Texas has no state tax in part because of the ransom they claim from the oil companies there every year. Not Perry's or any other Texas governor's fault for being that's one of those things that just is.

If you're a governor and you don't have the problem of wrangling with taxation of your citizenry...that takes 85 pct. of the battle out of the job.

With respect to the state budget, the Texas Gov. has even less authority;

The Texas Governor also exercises less influence over the budget process than the U.S. President or many other governors. The legislature takes the lead in the budget process, leaving the Governor with the opportunity to speak publicly of priorities but with little influence on the formal budgeting process. The ten-member Legislative Budget Board (LBB) holds most of the authority. The Lieutenant Governor is the Chair of the LBB, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives is Vice Chair. The Chairs of the House Appropriations Committee, House Committee on Ways and Means, Senate Finance Committee, and Senate State Affairs Committee are also automatically seated on the board. The Lieutenant Governor appoints two additional members of the Senate, and the House Speaker appoints two additional members of the House. The Governor delivers a budget message, but it has no binding authority. It is up to the Governor to persuade legislators to pay attention to his or her agenda.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Texas has no state tax in part because of the ransom they claim from the oil companies there every year. Not Perry's or any other Texas governor's fault for being that's one of those things that just is.

If you're a governor and you don't have the problem of wrangling with taxation of your citizenry...that takes 85 pct. of the battle out of the job.

Accurate information 'Mega but I don't want anyone to get the impression that Texas is a tax haven for everyone by any means. Yeah, there's no state income tax but Texas has one of the highest sales tax and personal property tax rates in the nation. However, personal property tax rates are determined by county assessors and local and country governments have the option of imposing the maximum sales tax rate (8.25%) at their discretion (I'm not aware of a single county or municipality that doesn't) so you are correct that it relieves the governor of any of that responsibility. In Texas, corporate and business interests get the tax breaks while the consumer and homeowner pay through the nose to make up for it.

Side note: ABC affiliate KTRK Channel 13 in Houston reports tonight that Perry will announce his candidacy for President at his Day of Prayer to be held at Reliant Stadium on August 6. Y'all come, y'hear??

Ike Stain

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Texas has no state tax in part because of the ransom they claim from the oil companies there every year. Not Perry's or any other Texas governor's fault for being that's one of those things that just is.

If you're a governor and you don't have the problem of wrangling with taxation of your citizenry...that takes 85 pct. of the battle out of the job.

With respect to the state budget, the Texas Gov. has even less authority.

Fair enough, but answer me this. Is he folksy? Does he espouse a humble, homespun wisdom? And most importantly, is he someone I'd like to have a beer with?

These are the important factors that qualifies one to be president, not that fancy competence stuff. Or are you telling me you're some kind of elitist...
What 'record'?:o

The Texas governorship is the weakest (duty-wise) in the union and in a state flush with cash from excessive crude oil prices for the past 7 years, what exactly could he or any other doofus 'governing' that state actually fail at?

True, however Obama was a freshman senator from Chicago. He didn't seem to have any experience at all managing things except the millons flowing into his campaign.
Fair enough, but answer me this. Is he folksy? Does he espouse a humble, homespun wisdom? And most importantly, is he someone I'd like to have a beer with?

These are the important factors that qualifies one to be president, not that fancy competence stuff. Or are you telling me you're some kind of elitist...


You're good man....:bowdown:

True, however Obama was a freshman senator from Chicago. He didn't seem to have any experience at all managing things except the millons flowing into his campaign.

Here's the misconception IMO. That any per se experience prepares you to be a president...the only experience that prepares one to be a president per se is having been one. I vote for the individual who I perceive to be the most competent who espouses the perspective I agree with on the issues I believe are important. I would hope everyone uses a similar calculus in their decisions too.

That's why I vote for anyone and that's why I voted for Obama. Not because the success or lack of success he may have had as a Senator. He wasn't running to be Super Senator...obviously experience in g'ment is valuable. But if the effect of the experience is that the individual has become entrenched in politics as usual then that experience is valueless IMO.

My point in bringing up the circumstance with the Texas governorship wasn't to criticize Perry on an experience point. But to challenge those who were saying Perry has done such a good job. Now he could very well be doing a great job...the problem though if you're trying to practically analyze what that means, it's tough to determine for a Texas Gov. since the responsibilities are so comparatively minimal.

Seems to me the toughest thing a Texas Gov. has to determine is whether or not to stave off the execution of some mentally defective death row inmate.:dunno:

Even that doesn't seem to be a tough decision for them....'Off 'em':(


Re: The Next President of the United States?

Best be a populist potus, really, we need the return of a consensual government once again.... once and for all ideally.