Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Obama was a non threatening half black man who was well educated with whom the liberals felt comfortable supporting. They bent over backwards to get him to the White House so that they could all pat themselves on the b.a.c.k. for getting the first non white President into office. That feat made them feel warm and smug it reaffirmed their belief that they can elevate a black man to the highest office in the country whereas 50 years ago he would've been shining shoes or having some other menial job. Now within the lifetime of a leftist he/she could celebrate that they do care.
Now many liberals will make up a ton of excuses to themselves on why they shouldn't re-elect Obama in order to quell their guilt in not voting for a non white Pres. to a second term.
Wow....you make a lot of non-supported suppositions in that statement! I voted for Obama but it wasn't for any of the reasons you mentioned and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I felt he was the best candidate....not white, not black, not anything racial....just the best candidate.
Were there those who voted for him because he is black? Certainly. However, how that becomes controlled by the media is without foundation or substance. My bet is that you won't see a very energized electorate that comprised a fair number of people who voted for him on racial lines the lats time. He might indeed have been elected president because he's black in 2008. If he loses in 2012, it will be because he has been a failure as a president....period.
You continue to implicate the media yet Fox News seems to have more influence than anyone. Talk radio is dominated by conservative hosts so who is this mysterious media power about which you speak? It does not exist.
We've had this bizarre discussion before if I recall. You and I will never see eye to eye on a variety of subjects, this just being one of them.