The Next President of the United States?

I hope people have the sense and the balls to vote for Dr. Paul. He is the only candidate not bought and paid for by special interests and knows how to fix Washington and the debt problem. :cool:


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Should a presidential candidate be required to know the minimum age for voting?
Should a presidential candidate be required to know the minimum age for voting?

Perry really is starting to look senile with a number of events lately. Frankly, I think he was finished after the bit where he was clearly under the influence and got all giddy in front of that audience. :2 cents:


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
I think it just goes to show how out of touch some of these candidates are. I would love to see them answer questions like: How much is a gallon of milk? How much is a pound of ground beef?