The Next President of the United States?

Obama will easily win in 2012. He has broken some of his promises but the republican candidate will be an extreme right winger that won't appeal to the independent voters. We will also see a lot of the "Tea Party" people that were elected in 2010 get voted out in 2012 all because these idiots supported the Paul Ryan plan that wants to completely dismantle Medicare for people 54 and under. They will be voted out of office by the same idiots that voted them in. It will be funny.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
No not Brian Williams. Rachel Maddow starts winking and unbuttoning her.......

Well I guess that would sew up the lesbian vote....not that they'd be considering a guy like Rick Perry anyway but if you think that somehow swings the mighty pendulum back toward Obama due to media influence, so be it. That's the best you've got to offer? :surprise: Doesn't exactly sound like a juggernaut to me....:dunno:

Ike Stain

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Yeop that same media. Obama would've won had he run in '04. The media will not pull the rug out from under the first black president. It will not happen.

Tri's attitude should hearten lefty readers— this is the kind of hopelessness is exactly what keeps people away from the voting booths. Trident is a very pure voice of the right and if he feels this way, you can bet a large segment of the base does as well. The irony is, it's usually the Right that cultivates this feeling in the lazy Left and the underclasses. Interesting.

Ike Stain

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"The underclasses"....................................classic red.:1orglaugh

You telling me we don't have an underclass in this country???

If the term fits...
Tri's attitude should hearten lefty readers— this is the kind of hopelessness is exactly what keeps people away from the voting booths. Trident is a very pure voice of the right and if he feels this way, you can bet a large segment of the base does as well. The irony is, it's usually the Right that cultivates this feeling in the lazy Left and the underclasses. Interesting.

Ron Paul had the greatest show of support among "grassroots" supporters than any other candidate in the last election. He is hardly a liberal, and he drew the large college crowds and disenfranchised voice. The media did everything - Fox included - to discredited him as phony, fringe, and "certifiably insane."

Does anyone really think the media is going to pull the rug out from a black man?

Ike Stain

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The "underclasses".....................isn't that term derogatory?

I feel like it's more polite that saying "the uneducated poor who make bad personal decisions and live in a state of generational poverty as a drain on society" — it's certainly more compact.

(I suspect the reason the Lefties are so soft on them is they want to see them raised out of this state and stop being a drain on society, and that strong public education and social services are the way you do it, as opposed to the Rightist position that you have to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. Clearly there are flaws in both approaches.)

Does anyone really think the media is going to pull the rug out from a black man?

I think the love affair is over. Black Man as President. Check. Now we can move on as a nation from our uncomfortable history of slavery and apartheid.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Does anyone really think the media is going to pull the rug out from a black man?

(Imitating my best Arnold Horshack) "Ooo....Ooo....I do Mr. Kotter!!!"

You keep making this statement with absolutely nothing to back it up Trident. If things don't improve economically and Obama keeps alienating his base, he can easily be beaten in 2012....if the republicans can ever find someone that's actually a viable candidate to run against him that is.
(Imitating my best Arnold Horshack) "Ooo....Ooo....I do Mr. Kotter!!!"

You keep making this statement with absolutely nothing to back it up Trident.
2 things;

1. You know Obama was the first 'black' to run for POTUS, right?:rolleyes:

2. The only case I'm aware of where the collective press made sure a politician's agenda was not derailed by fact based reporting was in the case of GWB in the run up to the Iraq war.
If things don't improve economically and Obama keeps alienating his base, he can easily be beaten in 2012....if the republicans can ever find someone that's actually a viable candidate to run against him that is.

On the economy Obama is vulnerable ONLY IF he doesn't come around to defending himself on it. Things aren't great now but is it honestly realistic to think it should be 2 1/2 years after where the economy was heading when he took over?

That's not an excuse but people really ought to put it in perspective. Especially when Obama has probably exceeded what others probably would have in attempting to rescue the economy. Things probably would be worse IMO.

I continued to bring up the fact that Reagan inherited around the same u/e rate as Obama (7.4...Obama 7.6). At the 2.5 year mark of Reagan's 1st term, u/e was over 10 pct. At the 2.5 year mark of Obama's 1st term it's below 10 pct. yet there is the perception that Obama has failed on the economy when there was no such suggestion under Reagan...Why? I suspect for the following reasons, 1. Reagan's talking heads never let the country forget what he inherited. 2. There was no 24 hr. news channels/cycles drumming in our heads a running ticker on the u/e rates. 3. There weren't armies of talking heads on the radio and tv every night battering Reagan's every economic move.

Reagan cut taxes when he took office and the act had virtually no impact on the economic numbers for over 3 years but you never heard a drum beat from his critics claiming it didn't work or was a disaster.:cool:

Now I will say the fact is, the average Joe is just not going to pay attention to the reality. They're going to put their moistened fingers in the wind then determine how they feel about the situation and probably vote that way.

Re: Rick Perry or any other Texas Gov. for them to have a record of 'success' in a state flush with oil revenue these days isn't really an accomplishment IMO.:o

(I suspect the reason the Lefties are so soft on them is they want to see them raised out of this state and stop being a drain on society, and that strong public education and social services are the way you do it, as opposed to the Rightist position that you have to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. Clearly there are flaws in both approaches.)[/I]

Well you can raise them all you want but don't do it on the backs of those who work and pull the proverbial wagon. Plenty of your "underclass" have no incentive to get off welfare, remain in the wagon, have kids that they cannot take care of financially, or get an education. Notice I said "plenty" not "All".

"Pulling yourself by your own bootstraps" is part of Americana. It has been since the 19th century with the famous stories of Horatio Alger. It's as American as you can get.
Well you can raise them all you want but don't do it on the backs of those who work and pull the proverbial wagon.

^^This is rich!!:1orglaugh:rofl2:

Obama has called for the letting expire of the tax cuts for the top 2 pct. I'm still not sure what your position is on that and I'd hate to try fishing through your posts to hazard a guess...but it seems that you disagree with that.

Assuming you disagree with Obama on the top 2 pct. and now you say you don't raise taxes on those who work and pull the wagon.:confused:

Who or what pray-tell does that leave to raise taxes on?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
2 things;

1. You know Obama was the first 'black' to run for POTUS, right?:rolleyes:

Sure I long as one doesn't count Frederick Douglass, Shirley Chisholm, Alan Keyes, Jesse Jackson....where was the "media" then? :1orglaugh

2. The only case I'm aware of where the collective press made sure a politician's agenda was not derailed by fact based reporting was in the case of GWB in the run up to the Iraq war.

Other than protecting JFK and his illicit affairs with women (and that may not really count since that was way before the instant information age in which we now live), I can't really think of another instance either. It must be noted, however, that great bipartisan sentiment swallowed the bad intelligence hook, line and sinker when that episode took place so I'm not convinced that the media had a whole lot to do with pushing that agenda other than it's almost universal validation of it on both the left and right. That only serves to make Trident's incessant assertions that the "media" has the power to make sure that their token black president gets reelected even more absurd.

On the economy Obama is vulnerable ONLY IF he doesn't come around to defending himself on it. Things aren't great now but is it honestly realistic to think it should be 2 1/2 years after where the economy was heading when he took over?

That's not an excuse but people really ought to put it in perspective. Especially when Obama has probably exceeded what others probably would have in attempting to rescue the economy. Things probably would be worse IMO.

I continued to bring up the fact that Reagan inherited around the same u/e rate as Obama (7.4...Obama 7.6). At the 2.5 year mark of Reagan's 1st term, u/e was over 10 pct. At the 2.5 year mark of Obama's 1st term it's below 10 pct. yet there is the perception that Obama has failed on the economy when there was no such suggestion under Reagan...Why? I suspect for the following reasons, 1. Reagan's talking heads never let the country forget what he inherited. 2. There was no 24 hr. news channels/cycles drumming in our heads a running ticker on the u/e rates. 3. There weren't armies of talking heads on the radio and tv every night battering Reagan's every economic move.

Reagan cut taxes when he took office and the act had virtually no impact on the economic numbers for over 3 years but you never heard a drum beat from his critics claiming it didn't work or was a disaster.:cool:

Now I will say the fact is, the average Joe is just not going to pay attention to the reality. They're going to put their moistened fingers in the wind then determine how they feel about the situation and probably vote that way.

Re: Rick Perry or any other Texas Gov. for them to have a record of 'success' in a state flush with oil revenue these days isn't really an accomplishment IMO.:o

I think Obama is vulnerable if for no other reason than we don't (at this stage at least) appear to presently have nearly as motivated of an electorate that includes significant numbers of the various groups who were so vital in Obama's election efforts in 2008. Time and again you hear people from those groups who are disillusioned and disappointed with the lack of results that stemmed from all the bright promises Obama made in the last election. Without that phenomenon repeating itself, I see the right-wing republican voter as being the one who is more motivated in 2012 and he damned sure won't be voting for Obama. Advantage: republicans. The greater problem they have is the lack of a strong candidate who could actually challenge Obama across party and demographic lines. That situation may or may not work itself out but if Wasilla Sarah and Michelle Bachman are the best they can come up with, you can punch Obama's reelection ticket right now.

I agree that Texas' economic health is largely driven on the heels of the price and profitability of the oil companies. Perry's extreme laizzez faire approach in dealing with business in general and the oil companies in particular has been a big contributor to the relative prosperity we have enjoyed here in the Lone Star State at the expense of the financial well-being of other states who have suffered mightily during the economic downturn.


what the fuck you lookin at?
he's got the right stuff to defeat Obama

As do all the other candidates. Not really a strong point for this guy. I for one like Ron Paul. Seems to have a lot of common sense that is sorely lacking in washington these days.
As do all the other candidates. Not really a strong point for this guy. I for one like Ron Paul. Seems to have a lot of common sense that is sorely lacking in washington these days.

I guess you and me are the only ones who think pretty much all of the candidates have a very good shot at beating him right now and will in '12. Just because of the snobiness and smug attitudes these people have I hope Obama loses. :1orglaugh

I do agree with Trident though; the media has such an immense amount of power they inevitably can and will get a candidate if they want him/her. :2 cents:
Sure I long as one doesn't count Frederick Douglass, Shirley Chisholm, Alan Keyes, Jesse Jackson....where was the "media" then? :1orglaugh

Obama was a non threatening half black man who was well educated with whom the liberals felt comfortable supporting. They bent over backwards to get him to the White House so that they could all pat themselves on the b.a.c.k. for getting the first non white President into office. That feat made them feel warm and smug it reaffirmed their belief that they can elevate a black man to the highest office in the country whereas 50 years ago he would've been shining shoes or having some other menial job. Now within the lifetime of a leftist he/she could celebrate that they do care.
Now many liberals will make up a ton of excuses to themselves on why they shouldn't re-elect Obama in order to quell their guilt in not voting for a non white Pres. to a second term.
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