On the economy Obama is vulnerable ONLY IF he doesn't come around to defending himself on it. Things aren't great now but is it honestly realistic to think it should be 2 1/2 years after where the economy was heading when he took over?
That's not an excuse but people really ought to put it in perspective. Especially when Obama has probably exceeded what others probably would have in attempting to rescue the economy. Things probably would be worse IMO.
I continued to bring up the fact that Reagan inherited around the same u/e rate as Obama (7.4...Obama 7.6). At the 2.5 year mark of Reagan's 1st term, u/e was over 10 pct. At the 2.5 year mark of Obama's 1st term it's below 10 pct. yet there is the perception that Obama has failed on the economy when there was no such suggestion under Reagan...Why? I suspect for the following reasons, 1. Reagan's talking heads never let the country forget what he inherited. 2. There was no 24 hr. news channels/cycles drumming in our heads a running ticker on the u/e rates. 3. There weren't armies of talking heads on the radio and tv every night battering Reagan's every economic move.
Reagan cut taxes when he took office and the act had virtually no impact on the economic numbers for over 3 years but you never heard a drum beat from his critics claiming it didn't work or was a disaster.
Now I will say the fact is, the average Joe is just not going to pay attention to the reality. They're going to put their moistened fingers in the wind then determine how they feel about the situation and probably vote that way.
Re: Rick Perry or any other Texas Gov. for them to have a record of 'success' in a state flush with oil revenue these days isn't really an accomplishment IMO.:o