Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Wow. Once MustBeStupid latches onto an idea he really sticks to his guns. He's like a retarded Jack Russell Terrier. No. I actually like Jack Russells. He's like a retarded Papillon.
6 Part Series:

Water Slaves: The NWO Military Industrial Complexes Attacks On The Natural Environment Food and Water Supply of All Humanity

Part 1: Introduction: Corporate Oil Fascisim: Destruction For Control

Oil Bomb Train: Poisoning Streams and Rives To Contimatie The Human Water Supply

Oil Trains Derailing-Spills and Explosions Across U.S & Canada (Video)

Oil Spills: A Methodology Of Pollution Deception & Destruction

6 Part Series:

Water Slaves: The NWO Military Industrial Complexes Attacks On The Natural Environment Food and Water Supply of All Humanity

Part 1: Introduction: Corporate Oil Fascism: Destruction For Control

Oil Bomb Trains & Oil Pipelines: Poisoning Streams and Rivers To Contaminate The Human Water Supply

*Partial re-post to change auto-correct errors in post title*


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I once told a guy I kicked out of a Buffalo Wild Wings in Omaha to suck an apology out of my dick. I have more respect for him than Cmdr Potatoe.
6 Part Series:

Water Slaves cont'd: The NWO Military Industrial Complexes Attacks On The Natural Environment Food and Water Supply of All Humanity

*Author's Commentary*: Destruction and Pollution of the Natural Environment is what paves the way for water privatization. The republican agenda is, and always will be, anti-environmental capitulation and proselytization for big oil, big pharma, etc., over human rights and natural rights. Republicans are the mouthpiece for the NWO. Although the Democratic party is also corrupted by many of the same Demonic/Illuminati/NWO influences, but too a much lesser extent.

So the NWO basic plan is to destroy the natural environment thru pollution and deforestation, to the point where there is a shortage of clean water. Thus creating a market for purchasing water which they will control. With the continuing destruction of the natural environment, and with the proliferation of GMO's, the NWO seeks to destroy the individuals' ability to naturally nourish and medicate themselves, leaving your total existence in the hands of your illuminati slave master, who plan to malnourish and mis-medicate you to death with their poisons which you have no choice but to eat and drink. Thus slowly tortuting and starving you to death in the name of their Demonic overlords.

Republicans hate Nature and the Enviroment

Sell Off All Public Lands! That's What Republicans Want

Reid, Whitehouse: GOP in denial on climate change

Part 2: HAARP Weather Manipulation and Climate Change: Deforestation, Pollution and Water Privatization

San Pao Brazil

Sacramento, California

San Diego



Arctic Region


Newest Oil Spill *Apr 1st 2015*
6 Part Series:

Water Slaves cont'd: The NWO Military Industrial Complexes Attacks On The Natural Environment Food and Water Supply of All Humanity

Part 3: Deforestation and Climate Change: The Demonic War Against Nature

"Therefore the LORD God sent him out from the garden of Eden, to cultivate the ground from which he was taken." Genesis 3:23​

*Author's Commentary* Prisoners of their wealth, the Illuminati's aim is to translate their private monopoly over credit (currency) into a monopoly over everything. Destroying the free natural paradises of God and replacing them with a worldwide demonic system of resource control and slavery. Killing all of God's creatures and destroying all natural habitats so that they can theoretically rule in a barren wasteland hell on earth where all the great works of God's natural world order have been destroyed and/or defiled to make way for their demonic new world order.

The doctrine of destruction is fundamental belief of these satanists. Hiroshima, Dresden, Auschwitz were sacrifices to their god Lucifer. They are responsible for countless environmental, ecological, and humanitarian disasters, the World Wars, the Great Depression and the Cold War; Sept. 11, and the Iraq, Afghanistan, Syrian and Ukrainian wars. The Illuminati Luciferians believe they have to destroy the natural world because they can't abide a world that isn't cast in their own perverted psychopathic image.

Satanists are motivated by hatred of God and humanity. They turn good and evil on its head as way of spitting in God's eye and serving Lucifer.

Their goal is to invert reality so that healthy is made to seem perverse; natural seem unnatural; beautiful seem ugly; and truth seem lies, and vice versa.

Essentially these Satanists want to redefine reality according to their self interest and perversions. This is the cancer from which the world now suffers.

New Congress’ first 100 days: an anti-conservation rampage’-first-100-days-anti-conservation-rampage

Massive California Klamath Forest “Salvage” Timber Sale Proposed

Part 3: The Demonic War Against Nature cont'd

*May 19th 2015 4 mi. long 21.000 gallon oil spill along Santa Barbara, CA coastline*

Seattle Protests Arctic Drilling



Closed Account
I once laughed at a pet psychic. I mean, right in his face and I still have more respect for him than I do for Cmdr. Potatoe.

I once kicked the worst transvestite in Las Vegas out of a bar. He had water balloons for tits. Seriously. I have more respect for that guy than Cmdr. Tater.

Wow. Once MustBeStupid latches onto an idea he really sticks to his guns. He's like a retarded Jack Russell Terrier. No. I actually like Jack Russells. He's like a retarded Papillon.

I once told a guy I kicked out of a Buffalo Wild Wings in Omaha to suck an apology out of my dick. I have more respect for him than Cmdr Potatoe.

Eric is no more crazy than some of the very ones that rant and rave on this board incessantly about the same old shit. Yet he is a whack job and they're not.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I once laughed so hard at a dude who ate himself into a rascal scooter that it cost me a job. I have more respect for that fatass than Cmdr. Potatoe.
Part 3: The Demonic War Against Nature cont'd

Santa Barbara Oil Spill: An Attack on The Mediterranean California Eco-Region
*(One of only 5 such locations in the world collectively harboring 10% of the earths plant species)*

Santa Barbara Oil spill rises up from 21,000 to 105,000 gallons

Attacks on National Parks and Public Lands

The Republican-controlled House and Senate have passed measures that would allow the sale or outright giveaway of most public lands –including national forests, federal wildernesses and *wildlife preserves and Bureau of Land Management properties.*

National monuments & parks under attack in new bill

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
At one job we had to take a shuttle bus to and from the employee parking lot. One of the drivers drove like he got his license from Sears. Just retarded as fuck. I have more respect for that guy than Commodore Potatoe.
eric you paper thin arguments might carry a little bit more weight if you didnt just mass dump a shitload of videos from youtube that no one is ever going to take the time and watch.

If you could form a constructive sentence (yourself) and not just wildly post video after video, people might take you just a little more seriously.

As it is you come across like one of those guys you see on a street corner shouting at traffic.