

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
You bankrupt, ignorant, narrow-minded crack baby. The fact you haven't run into traffic is the reason for my chronic depression. I'd rather masturbate with a weedwhacker to a spelling bee than hang out with you. Travelers will spin yarns of your outrageous stupidity for millennia. My intense dislike for you and your shitty posts prevents me from being a productive member of society. A lot of people think that your turn-ons are crush and scat porn. Pooplord. I took a dump earlier and it looked exactly like every one of your posts. I'm not going to pretend I feel sorry for your terrible life. Wallow in a river of crap, you sorrowful twunt. Compared with reading your shitty posts, dying in a fire seems not so scary. Historians will still be amazed by your breathtaking silliness for decades after an angry mob kills you.

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Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I guess he is gone. Maybe you should recruit new troll talent from other social media?
I've watched a few of your videos over the last week, I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm kinda starting to think you're actually right, I'll keep an open mind though, maybe watch a few more
Monsanto loses GMO permit in Mexico


A number of countries around the world have now completely banned GM food and the pesticides that go with them, or have severe restrictions against them.

This comes after the world has experienced a massive resistance against Monsanto and other biotech giants that manufacture GMOs and pesticides.

The resistance also a result of numerous studies that have emerged showing the environmental and health dangers that are associated with pesticides, as well as health dangers that could be associated with GMOs.

The latest country to make headlines with regards to banning Monsanto products is Mexico, as a group of beekeepers was successful in stopping Monsanto from the planting of soybeans that are genetically modified to resist their Round-up herbicide.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
It isn't that your retarded pet projects lack merit that we lay it on you pretty thick, Commander. It's that you're such an insufferable asshole about everything.
I'm proud of having been one of the first to recognize that states and federal government have a duty to protect our natural resources from the damaging effects of pollution that can accompany development."
-Ronald Reagan



Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
A Chevron oil spill 4 years ago. How is this Illuminati connected?
Monsanto has patented the wheat seed and makes most eyery one buy it from them each year rather than get it from last years crop
it has gotten so crazy that those that refuse and use their own seed get fucked over
if a Monsanto gmo seed gets blown over to a non gmo field- they can sue for patent infringement.- seriously

it makes as much sense as suing for littering when seeds blow around


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Monsanto has patented the wheat seed and makes most eyery one buy it from them each year rather than get it from last years crop
it has gotten so crazy that those that refuse and use their own seed get fucked over
if a Monsanto gmo seed gets blown over to a non gmo field- they can sue for patent infringement.- seriously

it makes as much sense as suing for littering when seeds blow around

Really? Need to know more about this.

Will E Worm

There are other countries who didn't sign the agreement yet.

The climate agreement is just another agenda to "spread the wealth" and make every country a third world nation.

ClimateDepot Fndr: Paris Accord Is About Wealth Redistribution, Not Climate
