You bankrupt, ignorant, narrow-minded crack baby. The fact you haven't run into traffic is the reason for my chronic depression. I'd rather masturbate with a weedwhacker to a spelling bee than hang out with you. Travelers will spin yarns of your outrageous stupidity for millennia. My intense dislike for you and your shitty posts prevents me from being a productive member of society. A lot of people think that your turn-ons are crush and scat porn. Pooplord. I took a dump earlier and it looked exactly like every one of your posts. I'm not going to pretend I feel sorry for your terrible life. Wallow in a river of crap, you sorrowful twunt. Compared with reading your shitty posts, dying in a fire seems not so scary. Historians will still be amazed by your breathtaking silliness for decades after an angry mob kills you.