President Obama Permanently Protects More Than One Million Acres Of Public Lands

“By creating these three new national monuments, President Obama is continuing his commitment to preserving America’s treasured places and cementing his well-deserved place in conservation history,” Gene Karpinski, president of the League of Conservation Voters told the Hill. “The president acted in response to the overwhelming support expressed by local communities and stakeholders across the country for protecting these places of extraordinary environmental, historic, and scientific value.”

Americans aren't even done celebrating last week's creation of 3 new national monuments, and anti-conservation members are busy attacking the law that made the monuments possible. Rep. Cresent Hardy from Nev. just passed an amendment that would limit the use of the Antiquities Act. And chairman of the House Natural Resources committee Rep. Rob Bishop even said “the Antiquities Act is EVIL IN THE FLESH."
PLEASE HELP US DEFEND AGAINST THESE ATTACKS. Click here: http://*******/19yIjk9
We must preserve the president's ability to answer the call of the American people to protect America's wild places! #‎MonumentsForAll #‎CelebrateBSM

President Obama announces new EPA protection of waterways

"The Clean Water Rule, which was finalized by the EPA and the U.S. Army, aims to protect water sources from "pollution and degradation," according to an EPA press release.
"For the water in the rivers and lakes in our communities that flow to our drinking water to be clean, the streams and wetlands that feed them need to be clean too," EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said.
McCarthy said the rule will only affect waters that have a connection to larger bodies of water, such as rivers and lakes, which are already protected under The Clean Water Act. According to the EPA, one in three Americans get their drinking water from streams that are vulnerable to pollution."

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Well, you're an asshat. But at least you're a consistent asshat and you keep your asshattery confined to your asshat threads, so I suppose we should be thankful.


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
What? Did you realize that he should have won? Or did you think I was making fun of an actual retarded person?

In January of 2013, British author and researcher Graham Hancock presented to a TEDx audience a summary (titled “The War on Consciousness”) of his various investigative work into the historical origins of human consciousness, with key insights addressed along with his own personal experiences. Hancock makes a contrast between the traditional cultural values and practices centered around visionary states of consciousness with the values and practices of the modern industrial world.
The TEDx event was titled “Visions for Transition: Challenging existing paradigms and redefining values (for a more beautiful world)”. *The event was intended to be paradigm-busting, but apparently Hancock wasn’t conservative enough in his message, because his TED talk got banned and removed from their website and their Youtube channel.

Hancock gave an impassioned description of shamanic spirituality as an effective healing discipline offering to reconnect the disenchanted with the experiential world of “spirit”. Our modern industrial establishments have denied, ignored, and demonized such states of consciousness as meaningless,*aberrant,*or otherwise pathological alterations of normal brain functioning.
This treatment by Western establishments, Hancock mentions, is related to the value it places in what he calls the “alert problem-solving state of consciousness”, one that’s good for “the more mundane aspects of science, the prosecution of warfare, commerce, politics”. *However, as Hancock mentions, the over-investment in such a state has failed us, given the inequality, destruction, and pollution that has resulted. *Here is the video:


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I was just at the Hoffbrau Haus and the waitresses were spanking this dude dressed up as a woman for some reason. I mean, they were wailing on his ass with a paddle and he looked dumber than shit. I have more respect for that guy than you.
Part 3: The Demonic War Against Nature cont'd: Public Water Poisoning Tests & Water Privatization

Pollution flowing faster than facts in EPA spill


Geologist Predicted The EPA Would Intentionally Cause a Toxic Spill to Acquire Funding


"…the EPA actually had a warning about this a week prior to the disaster. A week prior to the spill, retired geologist Dave Taylor wrote a letter to the editor in “The Silverton Standard” pointing out that the EPA was planning a maneuver that could potentially cause toxins from mineshafts to flood into rivers. He also suggested that the EPA was aware of the possible outcomes, and were going forward with the plan anyway to gain funding…."

wow, this is one crazy thread

mr balltoucher, why are you so anti gay?

if this eric guy is gay then so what - saying someone is gay is not an insult :facepalm:

what is your objection to gay people - is it religious or some other form of hatred?

you're always going on with this calling people f*ggots, gays are terrible shit - The lady doth protest too much, methinks ;)