"Nearly 90 percent of Americans are unaware that there is a consensus within the scientific community that human-caused climate change is real and threatens the planet, a new*report*says.
According to the report published last week by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication*and the*George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication, only 13 percent of Americans were able to correctly identify that more than 90 percent of all climate scientists have concluded that climate change is real.

The annual survey of 1,266 adults compiled in May and June failed to note that it is actually 97*percent of climate scientists that concur that human-caused global warming is happening.*"


All credible sources support my post. I place no credence in any contrarian sources that fallaciously attempt to explain away, or in any way discredit, the proven scientific phenomenon of global warming/climate change.


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Hey everybody! Commander Potatoe is back!!! Finally something to be thankful for. I mean, aside from my grateful attitude about the electoral college; that a Clinton will never occupy the WH; Charles Manson is dead; GDP is on the rise; taxes will soon come down; sixteen years of Trump/Pence; the death of political correctness; and the looming success of my new business.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Welcome back, commander Potatoe. You've really mastered the art of cut and shitpost.
Fight for Haibach Forest


An energy company plans to cut down an ancient 12,000 year old forest in Germany to expand an environmental catastrophe open-pit brown coal mine. The forest was 10 times larger just a few years ago, but the government sold out to the industrial complex and gave away one of Germany's most prized national monuments to the very power company hell bent on destroying the forest. Environmental activists are trying to stop the trees from being cut down. A recent court decision has spared the forest - for now."

Germany promotes itself as one of the global leaders in instituting renewable energy sources, but this is what's happening to the people and the land behind closed doors. Total annihilation of the land, people and cultures thousand of years old, for the dirtiest fuel source known to man.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Au contraire, mon frère.

Dankeschön, Commander Potatoe, for your covering of the current events here in Germany. These events, around the long-planned further erosion of that stretch of land, neext of which a lot of brown coal has been dug out, and which is the next patch that shall be useed up, is causing massive discussions, in the face of our administrations eager promises to trun our energy and climate politics around, and acting very little oon it. Germany is VERY well underway on using solar, wind and other natural, renewable power to take over from our nuclear and coal, etc plants, but our administration is dragging its feet.

An issue involved is the too slow progressing overhaul of our "electrical highways" to bring all the new energy everywhere.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Solve your own problem:

1. Move out of The City (assuming you live in The City).
2. Move to the country, go off grid.
3. Raise chickens & pigs (ranch), grow your own crops (farm).

Carnivore/Keto diet will cure/prevent most ills.
The Holocene extinction crisis, caused by man-made climate change, is a global phenomenon. You cannot help solve the problem, or personally avoid the effects of it, by moving from one place to another.

Nasa 2025 The Future of War

This is an earlier version the Illuminati’s basic blueprint for their trans-human new world order agenda, which they are executing in their satanic war against all of nature and humantiy.
As is their general modus operandi, the truth of their plans is hidden in plain sight, because they know that the average person lacks the mental capacity to comprehend it, or courage do anything about it.

The info is old in general, but if it is new to you, hopefully it can open your eyes to the reality of your demonic plight, and help you to better protect yourself, and your families, from those who want to do you harm.
I strongly suggest that you download and save these documents if you haven’t already.

The Iron Mountain Report is a report created by 15 experts in their field about
the problem of how geopolitical strategies must be changed and adapted
in order to stay and maintain a successfull global governance, without
the need to wage wars.

The present state of affairs is :

"The basic authority of the modern state over its people resides in
its war powers.

Therefore a substitute for the war system must be found in order to
control the people and provide stability and legitimacy of

Obviously, if the war machine is discarded, new political machinery
would be needed at once. Until it (the substitute for war) is
developed the continuance of the war system MUST BE ASSURED.. to
maintain the stability of its internal organization of power.

Interpretation : Keep war until all substitutes are in place and
running so we don't lose our rulership.

(so they are going to de-escalate the war system in order to bring
in a peace system.)

What substitutes for war are there ? Iron Mountain offered several
substitutes :

It must be a Universal Threat of equal magnitute as that of world
war. It must be credible; It must be accepted by the vast majority
of the population.

"Credibility, in fact, lies at the heart of the problem of
developing a political substitute for war."

"We must emphasize that one must be found, of credible quality and
magnitude, if a transition to peace is ever to come about without
social disintegration. "

"It is more probable, in our judgement, that such a threat will
have to be INVENTED rather than developed from some unknown

" ... An effective political substitute for war would require
'alternate enemies' ..."

“It may be, for instance, that GROSS POLLUTION of the environment
can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by
nuclear weapons as the principle threat to the survival of the
species. Poisoning of the air [chem-trails], and of the principal sources of
food and water supply, is already well advanced, and at first
glance would seem promising in this respect; it constitutes a
threat that can be dealt with only through social organization and
political power. But from present indications it will be a
generation to a generation and a half before environmental
pollution, however severe, will be sufficiently menacing, on a
global scale, of offer a possible basis for a solution."

"It is true that the rate of pollution could be increased
selectively for this purpose...in fact the mere modifying of
existing programs for the deferrence of pollution could speed up
the process enough to make the threat credible much sooner."

In other words: Allow pollution to get deliberately get worse until
it can be manipulated by the controlled media into a world crisis.

There even exist numerous books on HOWTO create a global climate

Another pharmaceutical "cure" that increases your chances of death....Seems to be what the medical industry does best!


You Trump followers don't worry about the negative fake news about your demigod tho....just take it and let everybody know how it works for you,,,,if you survive.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Yeah, makes sense that you are not a Trump fan. I am curious:

Are you supporting another current candidate?

If not:

What way of administration or government system are you for?
Nasa 2025 The Future of War (cont'd)

"Public executions" such as that of George Floyd were planned by the elite illuminati devil worshippers to be broadcasted on CNN and other news channels ages ago. They are described in the NASA report which I’m sure most of you don’t know about even though I posted it.

In any event, don’t fall for the race-baiting and rioting. It is just another plot and tactic to break down american society by creating a chaotic and distrustful environment so as to create their new world slave order. Remember that Illuminati insiders already testified that 99% of the ills of society are caused by these elitist devil-worshippers.

They do this so they can can gain further control, and further break-down democratic principles. So basically it’s just another variation of the Hegelian Dialectic put into effect as the “fear pandemic” begins to weaken. Also while this distraction is taking place, they continue to role back your environmental and human rights protections while you aren’t paying attention.

So they create this chaotic environment with the staged torture/murder right in front of the cameras. This is broadcasted by the fully-compromised media who fan the flames by continuously showing it in its entirety. Then when the riots and civil unrest start, they can now attack the demonstrators, which they call “anti fascists” (ANTIFA) thus paving the way to attack people that don’t want the fascism New World SLAVE Order.

Unity and trust in God is the key to your survival, although i don’t expect much of either in this environment, but hopefully these words will ultimately reach the right people.

“…So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him…”
-Revelation 12:9