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Ted Cruz Announces Presidential Bid


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Yes I do and they look a lot like you because you think an arch liberal like Obama is mainstream.
No, you obviously don't.

You have proven that you don't have the slightest idea about much of anything. Can you even stake claim to any formal education?
What does it make you when someone who doesn't 'have the slightest idea about much of anything' has more ideas about things than you?

I can stake claim to whatever I like. It's the internet after all - which is why such claims mean jackshit. Take your claims of education, for example; despite taking all those deduction and logic tests, you routinely fail to perform any such thing here. You Might be Stephen Hawking on the otherside of the keyboard, but here on this board, that means fuck all.

I once asked you, in your opinion, how often one can act foolish before he can be called a fool. 50%? 75%? By most folks' metrics, I'd say you passed into 'moron' territory a while ago.

So I'll say it straight: you are a moron. Like Ace, the entirety of your worldview that you share with us here is a regurgitation of what's heard in the conservative media. You claim 'to be a scientist of sorts', while coming to partisan conclusions without reading what you're concluding to, ignoring evidence, and claiming grossly subjective things as 'facts'. The only reason I haven't put you on ignore like Ace is that Ace is so obviously a mouthpiece, whereas you dress it up in sophistication. That dangerously gives more weight to the bullshit you shovel at us on a regular basis. But it is just that: bullshit. Consistantly, constantly, demonstratably (the above links are only notable examples; if someone needs more, a few minutes through BC's posting history will provide plenty). I think at this point though this is fairly clear to the majority here, so after this I can give it a rest.

FOX NEWS FAUX NEWS!!! The left hates Fox News for one reason. It doesn't let liberal lies slide unchallenged.
Here's another example of you saying something stupid, speaking for the 'left' as if you had any idea what the left were thinking. Protip: you don't. Fox News takes flak because it shovels out even more bullshit than you do, so much so that entire comedy shows are devoted to demonstrating the depths of their bullshit. And they never run out of material.

I didn't watch any 24 hour news channels for almost 3 years and there was so much belly aching about FNC by you whiny libs I decided to tune in again. Anything that gets liberal panties in a wad gets my seal of approval.
Anybody who isn't blindingly partisan would look at this and spend a moment in self-reflection.

You know, you used to be a halfway reasonable person with whom to have a semi-intelligent exchange of ideas. Now, you just seem like a bitter (your avatar!), myopic, mean and insulting asshole to be quite honest. I liked the old you much better. Just an observation and no personal offense intended.
Jagger, your abilities to stay diplomatic have always impressed me, and I mean that earnestly. You're right on the money here; xfire pointed out the parallel to Sam earlier and he certainly wasn't the first (I feel like Mayhem did that ages ago), but it fits. In fact, in the same note where I'm admiring Jagger's diplomacy, Mayhem (family insults aside - those really aren't useful or helpful) has BC pegged pretty accurately.

I refrained from harsh criticism of Obama for 6 years but it is clear that the conservative viewpoint is not welcome here unless it is conservatism cloaked as a moderate.
You know why Bob never catches flak like you? Bob doesn't shovel out bullshit.

If my attitude has changed, it is because of the constant belittling of conservatives that takes place here.
You're playing the wrong victim card here; the board isn't belittling 'conservatives', it's belittling morons who happen to be conservative. See the point about Bob above. Or revidffum.

A poster that I am sure you like called a family member a crack whore a few days ago yet it goes unnoticed.
A stupid comment, but made in response to a stupid comment on your part. Dry your tears.

I regret you have that opinion of me but if espousing my views results in that then I am not going to lose any sleep over it.
Two things that might help your views survive here: originality and some applied critical thought. But then, if you applied either of those, your views would be different.

I think that's enough time spent on you. Have fun on vacation - try to find some perspective while you're out there.

Back to the OP and Ted Cruz: Govtrack.us has some interesting statistics for members of Congress and some easy links to find which bills were introduced by whom and so on - here's Sen. Cruz. Among his bills are two anti-Obamacare bills, a marriage definition bill, a bill to eliminate contribution limits for SuperPAcs, and so on. Of particular standard pro-business Republican lean is the American Energy Renaissance Act of 2014, which just looks like an open-season pass for oil industries by stripping away countless restrictions. It makes me wonder what 'conservative' means when it's obviously not applying to natural resources or the environment.

I wouldn't vote for him for any position, let alone president (not just because of the listed bills, mind - he's actually sponsered a couple I quite like, like the Operation United Assistance Tax Exclusion Act of 2014).

The same website also has an interesting "Leadership vs ideology" graph which is worth looking more into (by which I mean, the methodology).
I'll pass on Ted Cruz.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
A collection of conservative's opinions on Ted Cruz. I find it most fascinating that they absolutely matter-of-factly state that the "shifting to appeal to various bases" is a natural part of politics (Mind you, it probably isnÄ't limited to the Republicans, but as they cater to the most retarted and backwards parts of the voters, it is most terrifying. Tells a lot about the US political system and the desperate need for a massive overhaul)

Regarding your editorial “The Cruz Candidacy” (March 24): Shades of 1964! For those of us old-timers who worked in the Barry Goldwater camp during that campaign, we see an ominous parallel shaping up because all of the ingredients are there. As ardent conservatives we admired the charismatic retired Air Force general who projected all of our conservative values.

Sadly, as history reminds us, he attracted far too few votes from centrist and liberal Republicans, from the independent sector and from middle America in general during the 1964 campaign. This led to one of the worst electoral debacles in our country’s history.

We see the same disturbing trend in the Cruz candidacy.

Marvin O. Maul

Colorado Springs, Colo.

Constitutional conservatives welcome the refreshing honesty of people such as Sen. Ted Cruz, who fight to maintain the vanishing principles of a limited government. It is painful to think that we must vacillate from those ideals to court various interest groups that profit from a liberal agenda. We may not win now, but we must keep traditional, founding values at the forefront or they will be silenced forever.

Judy McNeil

Lafayette, Calif.

Ted Cruz represents a serious danger to the GOP’s ability to win the presidency in 2016. Sen. Cruz has demonstrated he is a cynical opportunist who has put his own self-interest far above the needs of his party. His engineering of a government shutdown and his willingness to throw his fellow Republicans under the bus by forcing unpopular votes, merely to burnish his so-called “courageous conservative” credentials, have demonstrated this time and time again.

We can look forward to Sen. Cruz calling out fellow Republicans as being not extreme enough to represent the fringe group for whom he purports to speak. This will force other (more viable) GOP candidates to tack so far to the right during the primaries that they will likely be unable to shift back enough after the primaries to win over the critical middle, where elections are won and lost.

We can look forward to another primary season when the GOP candidates tear each other to bits, with Ted Cruz leading the debacle. This will allow the Democrats to cruise to victory in 2016.

Matt Singerman

Newbury Park, Calif.


Ted Cruz’s campaign statement that he wants to abolish the IRS may charge up his base, but it is disappointing because it is completely unrealistic and unachievable. Sen. Cruz should be more interested in selling a much-simplified federal taxation system that could be reasonably administered by the overburdened IRS.

John F. Quilter

Eugene, Ore.

Hmmm...another thought...Perhaps if Ted Cruz has the Republican Nomination the Republicans can lose in a greater than McGovern-like landslide. This could potentially cause the destruction or a revolution within the Republican party. Being an optimist perhaps a reasonable majority with the new party would emerge. I know the Republicans won the last election, but I just don't think they are going to be viable and if they continue they way they are, I really don't want them to be. So a viable and sane option to the Democrats might be a good thing.

(Ahhh...who am I kidding...it is all about corporations and corruption anyway. :) )
Mitt Romney lost by more than 5 million votes and they declared they were going to do an audit to find out wtf is wrong within the party...their answer was........ immigration. Then 1 by 1 the party leaders came out and said "our plan is to change nothing. Stick to our beliefs and it'll be fine" (I'm paraphrasing but that was the message) the conservatives got more conservative and the moderates were disregarded.

So to think they will learn a lesson is laughable. Goldwater said that the religious right scares the hell out of him because they believe that they are doing gods work and for gods work there is no compromise. I bet he would be ashamed of the republican party today.
Mitt Romney lost by more than 5 million votes and they declared they were going to do an audit to find out wtf is wrong within the party...their answer was........ immigration. Then 1 by 1 the party leaders came out and said "our plan is to change nothing. Stick to our beliefs and it'll be fine" (I'm paraphrasing but that was the message) the conservatives got more conservative and the moderates were disregarded.

So to think they will learn a lesson is laughable. Goldwater said that the religious right scares the hell out of him because they believe that they are doing gods work and for gods work there is no compromise. I bet he would be ashamed of the republican party today.
Ted Cruz would be an under qualified, loud mouthed, half wit dog catcher.
But he is consistent......


Staff member
Ted Cruz would be an under qualified, loud mouthed, half wit dog catcher But he is consistent......
Then the rethorical question is what would be considered Hillary? A blatant liar, an absolute bullshitter, a traitor (see benghazi screw up and cover up) and perhaps a farmer (she would fit the bill pretty well in this job). Ans she is consistent in those too.


Closed Account
Then the rethorical question is what would be considered Hillary? A blatant liar, an absolute bullshitter, a traitor (see benghazi screw up and cover up) and perhaps a farmer (she would fit the bill pretty well in this job). Ans she is consistent in those too.

I'm surprised you don't admire Clinton. She seems quite hawkish to me...have mixed feelings about her political views to be honest. Not sure if she would be a capable president for Americans...
I'm surprised you don't admire Clinton. She seems quite hawkish to me...have mixed feelings about her political views to be honest. Not sure if she would be a capable president for Americans...

*Actually, georges thinkings are very simple, he's mind is binary :
Republicans = good, democrats = evil.
Religious = good, atheist = evil.
Christians = good, muslims = evil. Etc.
Shade is a concept that's way too complicated for his mind.


Closed Account
*Actually, georges thinkings are very simple, he's mind is binary :
Republicans = good, democrats = evil.
Religious = good, atheist = evil.
Christians = good, muslims = evil. Etc.
Shade is a concept that's way too complicated for his mind.

You forget his other belief...Wealthy= good, poor= evil
Shades of grey doesn't exist for him I guess...
Then the rethorical question is what would be considered Hillary? A blatant liar, an absolute bullshitter, a traitor (see benghazi screw up and cover up) and perhaps a farmer (she would fit the bill pretty well in this job). Ans she is consistent in those too.

I hope your kidding. They all lie, Benghazi is a farce at best, and there's nobody in the GOP remotely close to her education and/or experience.
You would think a moderator wouldn't stoop to lies/rhetoric maybe you should ban yourself......


Staff member
*Actually, georges thinkings are very simple, he's mind is binary :
Republicans = good, democrats = evil.
Religious = good, atheist = evil.
Christians = good, muslims = evil. Etc.
Shade is a concept that's way too complicated for his mind.

Never talk for me. Talk for yourself. My mind is not binary, poor fool. I don't like socialists and people living on welfare nor those abusing of social security or free healthcare and I don't think that I am alone of disliking them. You have voted for Hollande like 51%of sheeps in our country (France) , have these people that have voted for him shown their intelligence? No, they were stupid and naive because they believed in lies and bullshit of socialists. Count how many murders and attacks have been made by Muslims, isn't that alarming? (I know that there area moderate and reasonable muslims but they don't dare to confront radical muslims, which is a serious problem). You have also some christians extremists like the westboro baptist church zealots but yet you don't hear about them beheading a non christian person unlike ISIS or like Daech does every day. I have no problems atheists, so why do you lie?? You imply what I have never said which is a typical tactic from the left, I know clearly what I have said and I haven't. Unfortunately you have failed, but it is not with the accusations of a tenth grader level that you will shows that you are right.
Last edited:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Never talk for me. Talk for yourself. My mind is not binary, poor fool. I don't like socialists and people living on welfare nor those abusing of social security or free healthcare and I don't think that I am alone of disliking them. You have voted for Hollande like 51%of sheeps in our country (France) , have these people that have voted for him shown their intelligence? No, they were stupid and naive because they believed in lies and bullshit of socialists. Count how many murders and attacks have been made by Muslims, isn't that alarming? (I know that there area moderate and reasonable muslims but they don't dare to confront radical muslims, which is a serious problem). You have also some christians extremists like the westboro baptist church zealots but yet you don't hear about them beheading a non christian person unlike ISIS or like Daech does every day. I have no problems atheists, so why do you lie?? You imply what I have never said which is a typical tactic from the left, I know clearly what I have said and I haven't. Unfortunately you have failed, but it is not with the accusations of a tenth grader level that you will shows that you are right.

Poor fool. You do not hear of "Christian Terrorism", bnecause it gets percieved - or intentionally commented on as the deeds of mistaken singular person. But in most cases, our media and our politics shy away from making a stand against the religion that's ingrained in our system. The co-pilot of the Germanwings Airbus is a christian. So he would be a christian terrorist, right? Following your own logic.

The sheer fact that you are willing to defend and vote for the Republicans, after their massive wars, simply burning taxpayers money, only to now plan to compensate for this money lost by taking away poor and middle classes benefits, never touching those who have the money, you are the bigger fool. But as long as you get to keep your guns and you can wank off on being an 'murican, you are a true naive, well-conditioned pavlov's dog.
Oh, just put your own caption here (In a phase where memes amuse me. I'm so uncool.)
Never talk for me. Talk for yourself. My mind is not binary, poor fool. I don't like socialists and people living on welfare nor those abusing of social security or free healthcare and I don't think that I am alone of disliking them. You have voted for Hollande like 51%of sheeps in our country (France) , have these people that have voted for him shown their intelligence? No, they were stupid and naive because they believed in lies and bullshit of socialists. Count how many murders and attacks have been made by Muslims, isn't that alarming? (I know that there area moderate and reasonable muslims but they don't dare to confront radical muslims, which is a serious problem). You have also some christians extremists like the westboro baptist church zealots but yet you don't hear about them beheading a non christian person unlike ISIS or like Daech does every day. I have no problems atheists, so why do you lie?? You imply what I have never said which is a typical tactic from the left, I know clearly what I have said and I haven't. Unfortunately you have failed, but it is not with the accusations of a tenth grader level that you will shows that you are right.

"I am a supporter of a monocultural Christian Europe"
Anders Breivik
They say if they were to take away tax exemptions for churches Americans wouldn't have to pay taxes at all. Why exactly are they exempt anyway? The ridiculous cult of Scientology owns BILLIONS of dollars in real estate and doesn't pay a cent in taxes??? And let's not even get started on the largest holder of commercial real estate in the world, the catholic church. All tax free. That's fucking retarded.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
They say if they were to take away tax exemptions for churches Americans wouldn't have to pay taxes at all. Why exactly are they exempt anyway? The ridiculous cult of Scientology owns BILLIONS of dollars in real estate and doesn't pay a cent in taxes??? And let's not even get started on the largest holder of commercial real estate in the world, the catholic church. All tax free.

They are allegedly non-profit organizations and therefore are exempt from most taxes. It's a joke....the Lakewood Church (Joel Osteen) here in Houston rakes in millions every year....all tax free. The Catholic church has more wealth than....well, God himself. If we were to remove churches from their tax-exempt status and legalize, tax and regulate marijuana, I'll bet the federal debt could be serious impacted if not paid off altogether.

I deleted your "retarded" reference since I have a nephew who has Down's Syndrome and I find the use of the term in that fashion to be repugnant, insensitive and offensive. I'd urge you and others so inclined to consider this the next time you think about using it in such a manner. Otherwise, a very observant post, Mariah! :thumbsup:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member

I deleted your "retarded" reference since I have a nephew who has Down's Syndrome and I find the use of the term in that fashion to be repugnant, insensitive and offensive. I'd urge you and others so inclined to consider this the next time you think about using it in such a manner. Otherwise, a very observant post, Mariah! :thumbsup:

Thank you. I have worked with - and gotten to love - various people with various handicaps, and I (As pretty much everybody, let's be honest) have my own. Words like retarted should be left outside this.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
None of you fellow FreeOnes members will vote for this man. Or you will have to stop being a member of a forum that names itself freeOnes. Supporting the thougt that the uSAneed a fucking hundred men like Jesse Helms is beyond just offensive.
