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Ted Cruz Announces Presidential Bid


Closed Account
You really think so? A Republican? I most certainly hope not but anything can happen. If you're right be expected for boots on the ground, more torture techniques, and more torture to the working class. Guess Wall Street will be happy too once they've managed to get their fingers in the dike...


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
So Rafael Edward Cruz decided to be first out of the gate, awesome. Watching his fellow republicans pick him apart has already been worth the price of admission.
So which is it? They are mainstream media? Or just a bunch of people that varnish feces and store urine in jars?
Actually, Fox proves that you can be both at the same time.

I am VERY moderate on crime and punishment. Republican actually. I think if you fuck with kids or old people or animals you should be executed. I think if you commit torture on someone else then you should experience that very same torture and that includes rape. Not very liberal there. I think we should carpet bomb the entire middle east if we can't stay out of the conflict and let them work it out on their own. Get rid of them because they have too big of a population that believes their mission in life is to destroy any other way of life and our meddling is doing nothing more than kicking the hive. So if we can't keep our fingers out of it, destroy it.
If that's what you call being moderate, I wonder what would you consider being tough on these issues.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
The next president WILL be a Republican.

Not if the republican nominee is Ted Cruz. Judging from your comments, you obviously love him so I really hope you get your wish. Talk about unelectable! All the guy is going to do is force the other republican candidates to gravitate toward the evangelical teabag side of the base during the debates....the Achilles heel of the party. After the real nominee is decided, they will once again gravitate back to the center but it might fall on deaf ears....unless somehow Cruz ends up being that guy which would be the fondest wish of every democrat. I agree with you....."Run, Ted, run" indeed. Run right off the cliff cuz that's the only direction he's headed and if the party follows him they will suffer the same fate. No way does Ted Cruz become president of the United States. He's the very epitome of what Barry Goldwater warned us against back in the 1960s.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
If Cruz is whom Goldwater was warning us about in the 60's then President Stompy Foot is who McCarthy was warning us about in the 50's.


Closed Account
Not if the republican nominee is Ted Cruz. Judging from your comments, you obviously love him so I really hope you get your wish. Talk about unelectable! All the guy is going to do is force the other republican candidates to gravitate toward the evangelical teabag side of the base during the debates....the Achilles heel of the party. After the real nominee is decided, they will once again gravitate back to the center but it might fall on deaf ears....unless somehow Cruz ends up being that guy which would be the fondest wish of every democrat. I agree with you....."Run, Ted, run" indeed. Run right off the cliff cuz that's the only direction he's headed and if the party follows him they will suffer the same fate. No way does Ted Cruz become president of the United States. He's the very epitome of what Barry Goldwater warned us against back in the 1960s.
I can see someone putting him on their ticket as VP to court the far right. Of course a Cruz/Palin or Palin/Cruz would be "interesting".


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I was in the car for a while this morning and tuned into 860 KSFA just to hear Rush Limbaugh lighting what's left of his hair on fire over how the "establishment wing" of the republican party are already sandbagging Ted Cruz. I was in tears by the time I hit loop 287 and what would have been an otherwise dull and boring 45 minute drive seemed like it only took ten minutes. Thank you Rush and Ted for providing some hilarious unintentional humor this morning. :D


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
It is fascinating to see people who show high levels of intelligence and insight in many issues stomp heir foot for this candidate. I have the impression they are either uaware of having changed into a partial troll, enjoying the little fires they lay by arguing for Ted Cruz, in this case, or any other random thing, as long as it offends the hated liberal or open-minded crowd. Or you guys just are very effectively brainwashed. I have the impression it is the second.

Back to Mr. Cruz.


The 10 best things about Ted Cruz running for president

1. Cruz announced his candidacy at Liberty University, ranked by Forbes as the 636th best university in the nation (out of 650), and by U.S. News as No. 80 among “Regional Universities (South)”. It apparently has the 141st best online bachelor’s program in the country. Liberty was founded by the late, greatly repellant charlatan, homophobe and vicious ogre of religion, Jerry Falwell, about whom the late, great Chris Hitchens one quipped, via savage obituary, “there is no vileness that cannot be freely uttered by a man whose name is prefaced with the word Reverend.” Hitch’s scathing post-mortem on the “disgusting” Falwell bears a delightful re-read, if for no other reason than to acknowledge what sort of racist, anti-Semitic, misogynist horse of abject villainy Cruz is willing to hitch his dumbwagon to.

2. The only reason Cruz, a notoriously pretentious Harvard law jerk, was willing to hang out with such non-Ivy dimwits? Because Liberty made attendance to Cruz’ speech mandatory for all students, so it would appear to TV viewers that Cruz can actually draw a crowd (he can’t). Quoteth the National Journal: “‘They make you come. If you don’t come, you get punished,’ said Ana Delgado, a [Liberty] sophomore, who said students face a $10 fine for not showing up at convocation. Delgado… is undecided about who she’ll support in 2016, but she didn’t like being forced to be part of Cruz’s announcement.” Let us all enjoy the savage irony of a presidential candidate talking up the virtues of freedom and liberty to an audience that enjoyed neither.

3. Cruz’ vehement refusal to accept the science of climate change – which was enough to make Jerry Brown call him “absolutely unfit” for the presidency – will bring out the worst in his own party’s already fractured, combative extremism; his opponents will either have to sigh heavily and agree with Cruz’ radicalism, or play the moderate card and risk alienating the wrath of the dumbed-down base to which Cruz, like Sarah Palin before him, is shamelessly appealing. Either way, the debates should be a clown car of lowest common-denominator, anti-intellectual delight.

Um Obama's policies were on the ballot and they were so great that his supporters didn't show up at the polls.
Hillary is toast, Warren is an angry old woman and totally unelectable. I am pretty decent at making these calls. The next president WILL be a Republican.

Hillary is toast? She's going to have money and some serious backing. I don't like her but she is a much better alternative to your side.

Of course you don't like Warren. She is for regulation on business and actually holding businesses accountable for fucking over employees and investors. She wants to take away the banks ability to gamble with our money. She wants to fight the "too big to fail" bullshit corporate welfare that the REPUBLICANS handed out. She is HUGELY popular with the average american who is getting a raw deal. She could bring people to the polls the way Obama did. Then what? Who do YOU have to get people excited? Rubio? Fuck no. Jeb Bush HAHAHA his name is fucking poison. Ted Cruz Fucking Hell Fucking No. Your side will vote against the left more than they will for the right.

This country is moving in a direction away from the GOP. They want the 1950s back so badly but don't remember the actual way things were then. Super high tax rates for the wealthy, tremendous regulation on business, 1 in 3 workers were in a union, socialism was rampant in our government in the 1950s disguised in the GI bill. The government provided college, housing, jobs and social services to millions of people. Yet with all of this stuff the right says is guaranteed to destroy the USA our country was never more stable and our economy never more thriving. It was Nixon who handed out tax breaks to companies to take manufacturing overseas and Reagan who encouraged it. That was the beginning of the death of the middle class.

It will never be republicans version of 1950 again.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
If Cruz is whom Goldwater was warning us about in the 60's then President Stompy Foot is who McCarthy was warning us about in the 50's.


Besides, AuH20 is WAY > than Tailgunner Joe. Comparing the two is preposterous and irrelevant. Of course, you're still longing for a return to 1950s America so the analogy on your behalf is not surprising. ;)
If Cruz is whom Goldwater was warning us about in the 60's then President Stompy Foot is who McCarthy was warning us about in the 50's.
And what the Republican party has become is what Eisenhower warned americans about in 1961
Ted Cruz admits he’ll be getting insurance through Obamacare

Here’s some interesting accountability journalism: CNN’s Dana Bash asked Sen. Ted Cruz, a freshly announced 2016 presidential candidate, how his family would get health insurance now that his wife has taken an unpaid leave from her job at Goldman Sachs. “We’ll be getting new health insurance and we’ll presumably do it through my job with the Senate, and so we’ll be on the federal exchange with millions of others on the federal exchange,” the Texas Republican told her.

Yes, there’s irony there, as Bash noted in her interview. Cruz’s statement means that he’ll be getting insurance through the Affordable Care Act, the same law he has committed himself to repealing. As CNN’s MJ Lee reported yesterday, Cruz has previously received insurance through the plan of his wife, Heidi Cruz, via Goldman Sachs, and the family will receive no benefits from the company during her leave.

In his chat with Bash, Ted Cruz noted that, even before Obamacare, federal employees “could get health insurance through their jobs.”

Next issue: Will he take the federal “subsidy” that others on Capitol Hill accept to defray their costs? asked Bash. “We will follow the text of the law,” Cruz said. “I strongly oppose the exemption that President Obama illegally put in place for members of Congress because Harry Reid and Senate Democrats didn’t want to be under the same rules as the American people.” So Bash wanted to know if Cruz would accept the “subsidy.” “I believe we should follow the text of the law,” said Cruz, repeating himself.

At that point, the CNN video cuts off. Yet Cruz exposed himself to fresh lines of inquiry with his talk of an “exemption” for Congress vis-a-vis Obamacare. The whole idea of the congressional “exemption” emerged in a Politico story from April 2013; the term suggested that lawmakers were trying to get around Obamacare’s requirement that they grab their insurance on the act’s exchanges. That wasn’t the case — lawmakers and their staffs were getting kicked off the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program and onto Obamacare, period. The “exemption,” such as it was, merely sought to preserve the contribution that the federal government has historically made to employee health plans — just as private employers have done.

What an hypocrite !
Peter King is my congressman. I love it when I hear people outside of his district rip him apart. I smile and go with the 70-sumthin'% of my neighbors who vote for him.
He is far from perfect and quite frankly is an ass. It takes all kinds to make a good stew. Here is Peter on Imus - he made some very much on-target Cruz comments.
Cruz is not taking any subsidies and is following a law he wants to see changed because you may not like a law but that doesn't mean that you don't have to obey it. He has no alternative at this time. I am loving the attacks on Cruz by the left. Brilliant, articulate and he can't be Sarah Palin'd. He also seems to thrive when he is attacked. He may not be the nominee but I am loving that he has entered the race.

Suck it, libs.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Suck it, libs.

I think you're seriously overplaying your recent penchant for the "suck it, (fill in the liberal target of choice)" comment on this one, BC. Liberals don't do anything but shake their collective heads and laugh at a joke of a candidate like Ted Cruz. As a republican, you should realize that all he is going to do is force his competitors to answer to the most extreme factions of your party....the ones that won't get you elected no matter what. You Might as well say, "suck it, mainstream republicans" because the majority of them also believe that Cruz is too far "out there" to be taken seriously and can only serve as an annoying and non-constructive distraction to them. If that's what you want, more power to you. Libs don't mind a bit, believe me.