I don't even understand how this changed to hitler so much. I'm going to go. I hate talking about hitler and how he fucking ruined a beautiful symbol of peace. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.
Hitler had a deep-seeded hatred for Jews due to the fact he believes Dr. Eduard Bloche led to his mother's death. On Hitler's father side there is rampant psychological problems of every kind running through that heredity.
Once he read from New Age/Occult writers and practitioners is where he came across the Aryan race of all white, blonde, blue eyes, and pure blood; he felt that would purify the world, but at the same time, kill off all the Jews.
It just goes back to a hatred that boiled in his heart and he came about to where he could act on it. Though you see where it got him...
The madame lady was Savitri Devi and she was a new age nut job. People think that new age mysticism bullshit came around in the 60s...but that's not the case at all. I wish people knew how completely bizarre and whacked Nazi religious philosophy was. Everything from UFOs and Atlantis to Hinduism, Thor and the Holy Grail. L Ron Hubbard couldn't hold a candle to that lunacy.
Holy Grail? I know they say he had Spear of Destiny... though, that is silly, considering the spear that stabbed Jesus was only a spear. It holds no power. However, yes, that is actually where Hellboy concept came from when Mike Mignolia came up with the idea. He was thinking, what if they actually did bring something from beyond, but the allies got a hold of it instead.
This is history. Just a sad part. Still history and this is the kind of history we want to remember so we understand if something should arise again in this fashion.