How many fucking times have I typed BOTH SIDES SUCK!?!? Now, do you finally get it? There will never be any further gun control, because both sides need that conflict. How in the fuck do you think democrats get elected? What platform do they use? Jesus H Christ man, I know you're smart enough to see it, it's right in front of you for God's sake. You know, some of you are just exasperating.One side demonizes the inanimate object while the other side has a fetish about it. Both seem a bit off to me personally.
NOT EXCEPTABLE. Clear violation of the Constitution, PERIOD!limits on the number of guns a person can own, and restrictions on high-capacity magazines.
Any undefined period of time, needs a through definition before implementationmandatory waiting periods
Back to a point I made LONG ago. many if not most criminals do not walk into a store and buy a gun. Therefore, the whiney bleeding hearts who scream for bail, and prison reform, should shut there fucking sewer holes, and demand, as most common sense people do, that ANYONE committing a crime with a firearm, or any weapon for that matter, should not be released on bail, and anyone committing a crime with a gun, should sit in a prison yard, making gravel out of boulders for a minimum of 25 years. I don't give a fuck if they're 13 or 30, you fucked up, welcome to maximum security. NOT ONE SINGLE law abiding citizen should suffer an infringement on their Constitutional rights, until ALL gun violence is curbed.Improved background checks can help prevent the sale of firearms to those with a criminal history or a history of domestic violence.
I know the feeling. Yes, you say both sides suck, but on guns you are definitely one sided (as an advocate I would expect nothing less). I’ve gotten the both sides argument for decades - let’s go with three and a half.How many fucking times have I typed BOTH SIDES SUCK!?!? Now, do you finally get it? There will never be any further gun control, because both sides need that conflict. How in the fuck do you think democrats get elected? What platform do they use? Jesus H Christ man, I know you're smart enough to see it, it's right in front of you for God's sake. You know, some of you are just exasperating.
Fair enough. Now would you explain it to Lux. I think he's in the trump thread masturbating furiously to the indictment articles.I know the feeling. Yes, you say both sides suck, but on guns you are definitely one sided (as an advocate I would expect nothing less). I’ve gotten the both sides argument for decades - let’s go with three and a half.
Democrats get elected the same way Republicans do: They appeal to a constituency and then make you afraid of the other guy. When people stop being afraid, they can think for themselves. I have voted for more Republicans in my life than Democrats. (Fun fact: Biden was the first Democrat Presidential candidate I ever voted for - after going Libertarian for the prior 3 cycles.)
Your argument about the sources of guns used in crimes is true for most gun crimes (homicide, robbery, etc.). The dynamic does not hold true for mass shootings. About three-quarters of mass shooters used legally-obtained firearms. They are citizens, rarely out on bail, and not well-acquainted with the prison system.Back to a point I made LONG ago. many if not most criminals do not walk into a store and buy a gun. Therefore, the whiney bleeding hearts who scream for bail, and prison reform, should shut there fucking sewer holes, and demand, as most common sense people do, that ANYONE committing a crime with a firearm, or any weapon for that matter, should not be released on bail, and anyone committing a crime with a gun, should sit in a prison yard, making gravel out of boulders for a minimum of 25 years. I don't give a fuck if they're 13 or 30, you fucked up, welcome to maximum security. NOT ONE SINGLE law abiding citizen should suffer an infringement on their Constitutional rights, until ALL gun violence is curbed.
The typical average john q public. The guy that has to work 60 hours a week, or a second job, just to make ends meet. He's tired. He's sick and tired, and our leaders are whipping away at him, demanding more, and he's just about fucking had it.Another thing that drives people crazy is the divisive nature of politicians and the media. They tell us who the victims and victimizers are as they pit us against each other either for support or click-bait headlines. Both parties are guilty of this and there's nothing to be proud of of being someone else's livestock.
As much as I hate to say it, I'm beginning to wonder if some of these video games, and movies are putting ideas into peoples heads.
That's a fucking shame. Your a good man Dino. Now that's what you should have to get a permit for, and pass a test for........having kids.
It's so cool you're taking an interest in him.That might be on a case by case basis. I know this one 18 year old Filipino kid who is very introverted and still tethered to his mommy. He was bullied pretty bad by Hispanic kids before his mom changed schools. He has a lot of rage bottled up inside of him but no outlet or ability to process it out other than playing hour after hour of GTA. He comes to my house then sits in the living room doing nothing but playing GTA. I like the kid and think that he's smart but worry about him. I have expressed my concerns to both my wife and the kid's mom. You'd have to see how cut off he is to people but so in touch with gadgets. I try to talk to him and steer his interests in a more constructive manner. I've mentioned that he could fix people's computers and they would treat him like a hero. He has every reason to buy a gun when he's old enough to defend himself but personally I hope he does not as I don't trust his judgement with that much power in his hands for the first time in his young life.
It's so cool you're taking an interest in him.
A good question to ask is whether the GTA is legitimately cooling his rage, or it's just keeping barely him from going off the deep end.
How is in school? Many "techies" tend to be academically inclined - maybe there's an outlet there?
He's lucky to have someone that's not his parent care like that. Sounds like his mother is enabling him, but if he's doing well in school, no longer being teased, and keeping his rage in check, I guess that's fine. If he goes on to university/college, there's a good chance he'll meet more people he can connect with. Not to mention take classes about the tech he seems interested about.