Just thought I'd dust off this old thread to just give a little update. I'll try to get in everything that's been going on in the past few months here so bear with me!
First of all, the tour ended about two weeks after my last post, as the World Tour finished up in London. The Tour was absolutely awesome, and was exactly what my wife and I needed. I appreciate all the advice from all who have posted here, and I may decide to go on another mini-tour this fall or winter, depending on when I can get the time off.
That's the other thing, I've finally gotten back to work. To summarize a long story, I've finally gotten back into "the Biz". No not Hollywood, but my own field of computers. I am back working with a few different companies, and I'm absolutely loving it.
My wife and I also moved houses back in March, and although it was a small move to San Francisco, it was still a bit of a hassle. We're all set now though and loving how things are going.
Well, just wanted to give those who care an update, and let you guys and gals know how things are going!
Hope you are all doing well,