IMO a good number of celebrities and entertainers are using the "Illuminati" mystique in their product because it sells and the bottom line is profit, always follow the money, and as far as satanism goes, this man made idea is just that, man made, just like every religion that has ever been practiced on this planet IMO, good vs evil, yin yang, Jesus vs Lucifer, Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader, Light vs Darkness, Optimus Prime vs Megatron, love vs hate and the list goes on and on, all man made words and ideas, I am an agnostic but I do believe in freedom of religion, if someone wants to worship aliens, then who am I to tell them not to, and as far as the new world order is concerned, these shills like Alex Jones and the late Ted Gunderson who screamed about it are a little late, it already happened, the money powers and the military industrial complex have pretty much locked up most of the world's resources and already have control of most of it, yes its true, you don't get to A-list status nowadays without selling out at some level, no matter how much talent you have, because its like Chris Rock said "Shaquille O'Neal makes money but the man who pays him is rich", anyways, my advice is just follow the money eric and forget about all this other "man made" nonsense and with that I leave you with the words of the late great George Carlin
IMO a good number of celebrities and entertainers are using the "Illuminati" mystique in their product because it sells and the bottom line is profit, always follow the money, and as far as satanism goes, this man made idea is just that, man made, just like every religion that has ever been practiced on this planet IMO, good vs evil, yin yang, Jesus vs Lucifer, Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader, Light vs Darkness, Optimus Prime vs Megatron, love vs hate and the list goes on and on, all man made words and ideas, I am an agnostic but I do believe in freedom of religion, if someone wants to worship aliens, then who am I to tell them not to, and as far as the new world order is concerned, these shills like Alex Jones and the late Ted Gunderson who screamed about it are a little late, it already happened, the money powers and the military industrial complex have pretty much locked up most of the world's resources and already have control of most of it, yes its true, you don't get to A-list status nowadays without selling out at some level, no matter how much talent you have, because its like Chris Rock said "Shaquille O'Neal makes money but the man who pays him is rich", anyways, my advice is just follow the money eric and forget about all this other "man made" nonsense and with that I leave you with the words of the late great George Carlin
I don't know if the remedy is to just focus on money, money is the root of all evil, although, in this world, I agree that it is a very necessary evil nonetheless. But it can never be the sole motivation for persons of principles and righteousness.
It really doesn't matter what illuminati celebrities actually believe, they are only mouthpiece puppets who willingly, or are coerced, into advocating the interests of their illuminati masters. As you said, those who compensate the celebrities are really rich. Those who pull the strings have the real power, in Hollywood, and elsewhere.
As a man of God, it is merely my responsibility to expose the snares of the Devil, or for someone who is agnostic or atheist, to expose the snares of "those who claim to worship the Devil and seek to convince others to do the same."
As a man of God, the study of ancient religious scriptures pertaining to Satan, much of which has been brought forth in this thread, is alarmingly accurate in describing the mental state, behavior, and metohodolgy of current Sataninsts. Wether said satanists claim to actually believe in Satan or not. So much so that it is hard to think it is merely a coincidence.
Carlin is merely spewing the same disingenous satanic atheistic rhetoric that all illuminati entertainers are paid to regurgitate.
First and foremeost, it is not God who demands money, but rather the church, which is an appenditure of the illuminati power structure. Something which he undoubtedly knows, but he is paid to mis-inform, dis-inform, and deflect criticism and attention away from his true masters.
Additionally, I do not dare call any whistelblower, such as Ted Gunderson, or investigative reporters such as Alex Jones "schills". In a media climate where 85% of all media, print, radio and television, is owned by 5 collusive corporations, it is only people like Gunderson, Snowden or Jones who have the courage to speak the truth, and they do so with enormous risk to their life and liberty. Gunderson is dead, and Jones and Snowden don't live in this country. It is the type of risk that the average person would not take.
Lastly, it is certainly never too late for people to hear more about the illuminati power structure and agenda, nor is it too late to do anything about it. If this were the case, and they had all the power they desired, then their actions would no longer be done in secret, behind closed doors. Hidden away from the light of truth. They would merely rule openly and outright. They hide as they plot because they are vulnerable and scared of detection.
I do not prescribe to any defeatist type of philosophies. No matter how much money the "Illuminati" power elite has, at the core you are still talking about no more than a handful of scared soft cowards. Men driven to the brink of insanity by their own greed and corruption. Willingly to kill anybody and everybody to keep their ill-gotten wealth, and willing to do anything to get more. They are men just like every other man, nothing to fear or be intimidated by. They are outnumbered a billion to one.
It is true that there are elements of a NWO that are in place, but it is far from absolute control. Truth is their greatest adversary. For the more people that wake up to who they are and their agenda, their power, based as it is on secrecy and covertness, continues to weaken.
The greatest weapon against these individuals is the human tendency towards self-preservation. The satanist illuminati elite worship the seven deadly sins, especially greed. They also worship strength over weakenss, but most importantly they aggresively advocate de-population.
The global elite repreasent far less than 1% of the worlds population. It means that the overwhelming majority of minions who serve the illuminati casue are not planned to be part of a NWO. They are to be exploited and terminated.
Although the satanic elite are definately trying in earnest to accomplish their goals. It will be hard to finalize such plans for global domination, as it inevitably becomes clearer to the minions that they rely on that they are in essence digging their own graves by in any way by knowingly helping or working for their satanic masters.
On the contrary, it is you who are excessively judgmental and irrationally hostile towards all people of God, of every faith on earth, especially Christianity. While apparently condoning Demon worship.
I'm not condoning devil/demon worship so I guess what you're hearing, is your ego telling you that you have a valid point. I should be judgmental. Religion insists on spreading lies and bigotry. Until it stops, I'm not gonna stop being judgmental and hostile towards insanity. Why should I?
Still waiting for you to not only prove the character of Satan is evil or even more evil than god aswell as showing how slapping on satanic and illuminati on everything you don't like, is a valid argument. Wouldn't you say as a man of god, it's your job to stop judging others and let god's will run it's course? The more Christians judge, the more they show that they don't have faith in their gods will. Shit, prayer alone says that.
As I have said. If certain persons, in this case certain celebrities, decide to worship a Demon, or certain person such as yourself, decide to sympathize and proselytize for Demon worshippers, than that is your business. I am in no position to judge you for that.
However, as a man of God, it is my responsibility to make sure that unaware people know what these celebrities are doing, and why, to the best of my ability. It is further my responsibility to educate the unaware as to the Demonic system that these celebrities, knowingly or unknowingly, advocate. And the myriad of extreme threats and dangers which this system poses to all mankind.
As I have said. If certain persons, in this case certain celebrities, decide to worship a Demon, or certain person such as yourself, decide to sympathize and proselytize for Demon worshippers, than that is your business.
You say stuff like that, but your evidence for it is all conjecture, and kinda shit. ZOMG someone threw up the metal horns! DEMONS! That's asinine. I mean, EVERYONE knows that the horns is a metal sign, even YOU must since you have a thread on metal elsewhere. And obviously anyone can take inane bits of nothing and coincidence out of context and do exactly what you're doing. Watch I'll show that YOU are a satanist...
Anyone who cares to notice, and look at the details will readily realize that the word "satanic" ends in "ic". If you look closely, you'll also see that erIC ends in "ic". Coincidence...?
Also, his name is erIC2136. Let's break that down: ER IC 213 6. Numerically "I" equals 9, and "C" equals 3. 9โ3=6. So IC could represent 6. 2+1+3 = 6. So 213 could represent 6. And of course 6... well, 6 represents 6. So... 666. The Number of the Beast. Coincidence...?
So that leaves the "ER". Now, is anyone really surprised that LucifER ends in ER? Huh? Now does this ALSO seem like a coincidence...? That would be a LOT of coincidences, no? I think it's only logical to assume that the username actually means, "Lucifer 666".
And of course lucifer666... sorry, I mean "eric2136" is posting all of this stuff about Satan, getting the word out about Satan's religion and how it's taking over the world, suggesting pretty much that it's the winning team. Seems pretty pro-Satan, huh? Like SatanIC propoganda maybe?
I think I've proved my point. "eric2136" obviously stands for "Lucifer666" and he's here to spread propaganda for the great dragon, Satan. It's so obvious. I mean, at least as obvious as most of the stuff posted in this thread which is supposed to suggest that people are "Satanists", like certain celebs that throw up the exact same metal horns that any number of dumbass 15 year olds do in their Facebook photos... wait, let me guess, Facebook is just a meeting place for 15 year old Satanists, right? It's like their online clubhouse...
You say stuff like that, but your evidence for it is all conjecture, and kinda shit. ZOMG someone threw up the metal horns! DEMONS! That's asinine. I mean, EVERYONE knows that the horns is a metal sign, even YOU must since you have a thread on metal elsewhere. And obviously anyone can take inane bits of nothing and coincidence out of context and do exactly what you're doing. Watch I'll show that YOU are a satanist...
Anyone who cares to notice, and look at the details will readily realize that the word "satanic" ends in "ic". If you look closely, you'll also see that erIC ends in "ic". Coincidence...?
Also, his name is erIC2136. Let's break that down: ER IC 213 6. Numerically "I" equals 9, and "C" equals 3. 9โ3=6. So IC could represent 6. 2+1+3 = 6. So 213 could represent 6. And of course 6... well, 6 represents 6. So... 666. The Number of the Beast. Coincidence...?
So that leaves the "ER". Now, is anyone really surprised that LucifER ends in ER? Huh? Now does this ALSO seem like a coincidence...? That would be a LOT of coincidences, no? I think it's only logical to assume that the username actually means, "Lucifer 666".
And of course lucifer666... sorry, I mean "eric2136" is posting all of this stuff about Satan, getting the word out about Satan's religion and how it's taking over the world, suggesting pretty much that it's the winning team. Seems pretty pro-Satan, huh? Like SatanIC propoganda maybe?
I think I've proved my point. "eric2136" obviously stands for "Lucifer666" and he's here to spread propaganda for the great dragon, Satan. It's so obvious. I mean, at least as obvious as most of the stuff posted in this thread which is supposed to suggest that people are "Satanists", like certain celebs that throw up the exact same metal horns that any number of dumbass 15 year olds do in their Facebook photos... wait, let me guess, Facebook is just a meeting place for 15 year old Satanists, right? It's like their online clubhouse...
lol You have no idea whatsoever what the extent of their relationship is, friend or otherwise. Your comments are repetitive unsupported Ad Hominem fallacious arguments. These interviews are snippets from much longer serious interviews done about a decade apart and covering several different topics, the fact that you would even imply anything otherwise is ridiculous.
lol You have no idea whatsoever what the extent of their relationship is, friend or otherwise. Your comments are repetitive unsupported Ad Hominem fallacious arguments. These interviews are snippets from much longer serious interviews done about a decade apart and covering several different topics, the fact that you would even imply anything otherwise is ridiculous.
Sure thing, bud. I'm sure they don't know each other at all. It's not like Kat Williams (such an incredibly stable guy btw) and Paul Mooney aren't known to be good old friends. And I'm sure Satanists are totally taking over the world. You know, Satanists like You Mister Lucifer666. Just sayin' is all... but then maybe I'm a dirty Satanist (you know, like you).
As I have said. If certain persons, in this case certain celebrities, decide to worship a Demon, or certain person such as yourself, decide to sympathize and proselytize for Demon worshippers, than that is your business. I am in no position to judge you for that.
However, as a man of God, it is my responsibility to make sure that unaware people know what these celebrities are doing, and why, to the best of my ability. It is further my responsibility to educate the unaware as to the Demonic system that these celebrities, knowingly or unknowingly, advocate. And the myriad of extreme threats and dangers which this system poses to all mankind.
Why don't you just pray that god will talk to these people? The fuck does "he" need you for? You're not educating anybody on anything. All you're doing is spreading myths and showing you have no faith in your god's will. That will contradicts you warning people about a form of worship that has yet to be proven worse than your sexist, racist, genocidal and homophobic religion. Amazing how much the real threats to morality, are the ones saying everyone else (including people that have done more good than you) is evil and worships the devil as if their god isn't in charge.
The illuminati is another myth that cowards use to blame for their ridiculous choices. With a Christian majority, the only people that could be in the illuminati, are the judeo/Christian groups. They're the ones that have and still do rule the world. They were the NWO during the bronze age and now with the decrease of religious influence that was used to enslaved Paul and Katt's ancestors, the religious are freaking out at the possible loss of their control over the world. They fear Sharia law because they want old testament law. Same thing but under a different name.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not going to debate wether the Illuminati exists or wether these people worship Demons, because that has already been established in the previous 18 pages for anybody who was so slow as to need to see this thread to know this to be true in the first place.
Your ridiculous ramblings regarding the religious history of the world would need some kind of credible support to be considered by me.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not going to debate wether the Illuminati exists or wether these people worship Demons, because that has already been established in the previous 18 pages for anybody who was so slow as to need to see this thread to know this to be true in the first place.
Your ridiculous ramblings regarding the religious history of the world would need some kind of credible support to be considered by me.
Here you are with judgmental fire. The epitome of hypercriticism. Holding yourself above others. Throwing the cross up. Follow you to the promised land. Judge yourself before you judge others. He who is without sin throw the first stone. Are we to believe that you came here to only spread the word and not look at titties? The next time you masturbate, have a mirror set in front of you and watch the shame in your face if there is any.
Here you are with judgmental fire. The epitome of hypercriticism. Holding yourself above others. Throwing the cross up. Follow you to the promised land. Judge yourself before you judge others. He who is without sin throw the first stone. Are we to believe that you came here to only spread the word and not look at titties? The next time you masturbate, have a mirror set in front of you and watch the shame in your face if there is any.
โฆ10try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. 11Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; 12for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret.โฆ
John 3:20
Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.
Acts 26:18
to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.'
If you review this thread carefully, you will see that I have judged no one. If you feel that you are being negatively judged by me, than it is more likely your own guilt that you are projecting outward onto others.
More than anything, this thread, and all other threads I have made in the politics/ religion section, are meant to be helpful, inspirational, and thought-provoking.
In this particular environment as it relates to porn, the message is a positive one. That message being that just because you enjoy being a sexual person in different ways, that doesn't mean that you have to worship the Devil, nor does it mean that God has forsaken you. I think that is also the message of some Adult performers such as Monica Foster as well.
The message is a warning of the reality of the world, and the adult industry that some may not be aware of before they get involved. A warning that certain people will use sexual freedom, and Atheism, as a disguise to lure you into a secret satanic trap that they themselves are already ensnared in, a trap that may be difficult, if not possible, to escape one you are caught up in it.
I think the positive nature of that type of message is particularly relevant in a place like this. It is not about be me judging anybody or holding myself as morally superior in any way, it is just about telling the truth and exposing the snares of the Devil, as is Gods will. I don't need to judge anybody, those who worship Demons already know what fate is in store for them. It is part of the deal they knowingly make.
i havent read back any of the pages but im going to guess that eric has been highlighting one tiny section of a quote that someone relates to his bullshit theory and claiming that this somehow validates his point of view yet when questioned on it just skirts around the issue and doesnt answer any direct questions and just posts more out of context bollocks
i havent read back any of the pages but im going to guess that eric has been highlighting one tiny section of a quote that someone relates to his bullshit theory and claiming that this somehow validates his point of view yet when questioned on it just skirts around the issue and doesnt answer any direct questions and just posts more out of context bollocks