David Beckham
Nice pics. Meanwhile, some of these people are living very comfortable lives and going to church more than you while your petty god watches millions of children suffer and die. If you believe that your god is all powerful, the more talented and happy people you continue to demonize, are clearly favored. The more you throw stones like Jesus told you not to, the more you admit that your god is not all knowing nor all powerful. Theists can't make their gods too powerful because that wouldn't leave room to blame lesser beings for things a supposedly perfect god would've already predicted. Nice job you pathetic loser who's clearly as jealous as your imaginary friend you call "god".
Certain celebrities worship the Demon Baphomet and a variety of other Demons, and they make no secret of it. In the particular case of these certain celebrities, which I find interesting, it is a deal they have made. Their soul in exchange for worldy riches and fame. Some believe in the realness of the deal they are making, and some don't , but they make the deal nonetheless, and they seem to have no problem advocating the decision they made.
As a person of God, it is not my place to pass judgement on others for the decisions they make, but it is my responsibility to expose the snares of the Devil, and speak the name of God in a positive, way,,,which is what I'm doing.