I can name dozens more ,but I was talking PRES/VP or high level Party leaders.
Republican Ron Paul is one of the few in the GOP to dismiss this 'good v evil 'hate our way of life crap' & he is shouted down , accused of being unpatriotic & blaming America for the 911 attacksThey do it to ayone who questions American foreign policy & have gotten away with this crap.
I have a feeling an Obama/Biden administration will level with us. Even the Russian/Georgian conflict was a little more nuanced than McCain & GOP would have us believe ,but blasted Obama when he called for restraint from BOTH parties. It isn't a simple case of good or bad , right or wrong or good or evil all the time.
Since my childhood I opposed that us vs. them garbage and just assumed that older / wiser people knew more about those issues than I did. Now I realize my mistake was trusting any one's judgement other than my own!