Rey C.
Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Honestly I would too, I mean 100 million in relief aid? Do you think if a horrible natural disaster struck America, Haiti would be handing over 100 million dollars in 'relief aid'?? Uhh I think not. You know why? Because Haiti doesn't HAVE 100 million to hand over, AND NEITHER DOES THE US, but does that stop Obama from wanting to play superman? No. He needs to put HIS country first and then worry about the other countries. He is President of The United States of America, NOT the whole world. That's like those people (Angelina Jolie, etc.) who adopt kids from China and Africa when we have starving kids on the streets in America in almost every city, why not adopt a kid that needs your help here? I mean seriously.
Don't be offended by this question, Hissy, but the first thing that struck me when I read your post was that you're posting from South Korea. Your husband is in the military and stationed there, correct? Why? Why is the U.S. military still maintaining a presence there? How is that in the direct interests of the U.S.? Is the South Korean government paying any portion of the cost for us being there? Let's say we weren't there and Kim Jong Il got a wild hair up his butt and invaded the South. So what? How would that affect the average American, other than our supply of electronics and video games? I'm just using the logic that I've seen in several posts here. I also don't believe in nation building in general terms. But let's run with this for a bit. Because our tax dollars are keeping South Korea safe, they have the funds (like Japan and other places) to devote to building their economies. So let's say the lil guy from the North took over. He couldn't effectively run a lemonade stand on a hot summer day. So Kia, Samsung and most of the other SK companies would either have to relocate or be nationalized and fail. Where could they relocate to? Here maybe???
So again, using the logic that I've seen in this thread (some of which has some merit), why are you there... and do you agree with you being there? Wouldn't we be better off if the military was either fighting for/protecting our direct interests, or made smaller and thereby reducing our military budget? Why should I care about how some dictator treats his people or whether or not they have democracy? As long as the dictator can be kept under control, so what??? He's not peeing in my Wheaties, so why should I care? :dunno:
We can talk about the $91 billion+ in aid that we have given to Israel too. We can talk about the Cranston Amendment, which gurantees by law that Israel will ALWAYS receive at least enough aid to ALWAYS make its loan payments. A law endorsed by Republicans and Democrats alike. Last I checked, the average Israeli Zionist was prospering pretty well - they're certainly not poor. Why the hell are we supporting them?! And why is it a U.S. law that we HAVE to???!!! We can talk about the tens of thousands of troops that are in far flung places around the world... all supported by U.S. taxpayers. When I hear Mr. Limbaugh complain about the costs of that, and the war for mom, apple pie and democracy in Iraq, maybe I'll take him seriously. But I'm not holding my breath for that to happen.
As a friend of mine used to say, this is nothing more than jumping over dollars to pick up a dime.