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Rush Limbaugh calls Georgetown student a 'slut'


The First Amendment goes both ways. Rush has the right to say whatever he wants but others have just as much right to respond to it. Fuck Rush. Hopefully this time he'll lose enough sponsors and revenue to put his clown show out of business.

Prediction: The departed sponsorships will return after most everybody has forgotten about the incident ... give it 4, 5 or 6 months.

My thoughts on the rush limbaugh show... it's boring and repetitious. :sleep:
To each their own.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Although Rush Limbaugh may be a right wing conservative and I don't agree with his ideologies. He does have the right to voice his opinion even if someone doesn't like it. But, apparently the First Amendment doesn't apply here because now his job is threatened and he was forced with a "gun to his head" to apologize. But, this isn't the case here. First of all, the last I checked the US Constitution does not protect someone's feelings. And I am still talking about his right to voice his opinion and apparently he cannot. What is wrong with these people. They did the same thing to Imus, and let me repeat whether it's right or wrong. The fact is if the right to free speech is being violated by forcing an apology and threatening someone's livelihood over WORDS. Carlin was right its the pussification of America. And if we don't fight back on issues like this, the the rights will be lost.

The First Amendment prohibits the government (Federal and state) from making laws which abridge the freedom of speech. It doesn't prohibit private citizens or businesses from speaking in opposition to speech which they find objectionable.
Yup. He has his rights, no question.

However, he's not on the same scope as everyone else. He has a national podium. If he's going to accept a job as a spokesperson, gain air time, and be a pundit, he will be held to a higher standard. What he said on this topic is simply stupid. Does he have the right to say it? Absolutely. If he goes on national airwaves and says it, do we have the right to call him out on it? You better fucking believe it.

This gaff was so bad, even douche Limbaugh issued an apology. That's pretty bad.

However should his livelihood be threatened by voicing his opinion...ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Just because someone on the radio says something you may not like does not mean that they should be fired, suspended or whathaveyou. Because if they are, it is just another way to slowly take away the rights that are fully protected by the First Amendment. And I don't think he should have to apologize either....its his OPINION...and he can be called out on it...ABSOLUTELY. However, forcing an fake apology or better year our commander in chief putting his 2 cents in where its none of his business. And even if that his the case, the the Prez should be defending his freedom of speech rights.

This is the same type of BULLSHIT that got Imus fired...should Imus had been fired..NO!!! But because a SMALL group bitched and threatened and etc, he was canned for it.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Latest count per MSNBC is 29 sponsors his show has lost, didn't catch how many stations have dropped him.

33 advertisers and 2 stations, the last I heard.
Inb4 Sandra Fluke was a trap set up by the left to bring about the downfall of Limbaugh. :stir:

This whole debate about contraception is in my opinion a trap set up by the Democrats and the Obama admin. Even though the economy is getting better it's still not great and Obama wanted to change the conversation. So what did he do? he knows shit like contraception and all these social issues are red meat for the conservatives so he put it out there and of the conservatives couldn't resist, grabbed it and ran with it. Instead of us talking about what most people really care about like the economy we, actually the Republicans, are talking about social issues. It's actually a pretty smart move by Obama.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
However should his livelihood be threatened by voicing his opinion...ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Just because someone on the radio says something you may not like does not mean that they should be fired, suspended or whathaveyou. Because if they are, it is just another way to slowly take away the rights that are fully protected by the First Amendment. And I don't think he should have to apologize either....its his OPINION...and he can be called out on it...ABSOLUTELY. However, forcing an fake apology or better year our commander in chief putting his 2 cents in where its none of his business. And even if that his the case, the the Prez should be defending his freedom of speech rights.

This is the same type of BULLSHIT that got Imus fired...should Imus had been fired..NO!!! But because a SMALL group bitched and threatened and etc, he was canned for it.

Actually, yeah, his livelihood should be threatened. Rush would be the first to tell you that no one is entitled to a job. Here's a nice tidbit about the first amendment; everyone gets to use it, not just people on the radio, and if the people voicing their opinions causes Rush Limbaugh, or anyone else on the radio to lose sponsors and revenue and ultimately their job, well, that's just the first amendment working the way it's supposed to and the free market dictating winners and losers, capitalism at it's finest.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Wanting other people, specifically your insurance company, to pay for your blood pressure meds, insulin, antibiotics, and other prescription drugs makes you what?

Will E Worm

Rush got exactly what he wanted... everyone talking about this.

And I have to admit, it was kinda funny... :1orglaugh

Liberals are easily angered. :D

From my perspective, Rush Limbaugh is like Howard Stern. They were amusing and entertaining at one point. That time has long since come and gone.
I don't really understand people who still find either one of them relevant.

Stern is just a shock jock, people shouldn't be taking him seriously on anything.

He even said he didn't think his fans were smart enough to understand what Carlin had to say.

That's why he didn't have him on much.

Although Rush Limbaugh may be a right wing conservative and I don't agree with his ideologies. He does have the right to voice his opinion even if someone doesn't like it. But, apparently the First Amendment doesn't apply here because now his job is threatened and he was forced with a "gun to his head" to apologize. But, this isn't the case here. First of all, the last I checked the US Constitution does not protect someone's feelings. And I am still talking about his right to voice his opinion and apparently he cannot. What is wrong with these people. They did the same thing to Imus, and let me repeat whether it's right or wrong. The fact is if the right to free speech is being violated by forcing an apology and threatening someone's livelihood over WORDS. Carlin was right its the pussification of America. And if we don't fight back on issues like this, the the rights will be lost.

He does have a right to free speech. Liberals would like people to think they have a right to protection of feelings. :facepalm:

If a person thinks they are mature enough to have sex, then they should be responsible enough to buy their own birth control. As a society people need to learn to take care of their responsibilites. So many people these days expect everyone else to take care of them and they don't know what hard work is. There are already places where men and women can get low priced birth control.

They should be buying their own. :clap: People don't like to hear the word responsibility.

50% of new first-time users discontinue the birth control pill before the end of the first year because of the annoyance of side effects. That comes from medical professionals. Birth controls pills can cause
Amenorrhoea, blood clots and a pulmonary embolism. Not to mention nasty side effects as bleeding, headaches, nausea, weight gain, mood changes, etc. There are always pros and cons to any medication.


Wanting other people, specifically your insurance company, to pay for your blood pressure meds, insulin, antibiotics, and other prescription drugs makes you what?

That is completely different. :facepalm:

Will E Worm

Clearing Up Misinformation on Our Sponsors

RUSH: I want to ask if you will indulge me for just a brief few minutes for some inside baseball stuff before we move on to our review of the issues of the day, politics and so forth, Super Tuesday, the results, and where we are. The reason for this is, once again, so much misinformation about this program and advertisers is in the mainstream media. People are reporting things that, A, are not true, and B, I don't even think the people reporting it have the slightest idea what they're talking about, nor do they have the ability to understand it.

But I know that many of you are spending a lot of time -- God bless you -- on the Web doing what you can to express your support for the program. And judging from the reaction of my own brother, who sends me a note last night, "You really lost 28 sponsors?" No, we have not lost 28 sponsors. "Well, how can they say it?" Because they lie and because they don't understand how it works, and that's what I want to try and explain. In fact, folks, we have three brand-new sponsors that will be starting in the next two weeks. Now, obviously, I'm not gonna tell you who they are today, but we've got three brand-new, full-fledged sponsors starting in the next two weeks.

Two of the sponsors who have canceled have asked to return. We are being very careful about that. Not gonna give you any names here. One of them is practically begging to come back. Everything is fine on the business side. Everything's cool. There is not a thing to worry about. What you're seeing on television about this program and sponsors and advertisers is just incorrect. And let me try to explain how this works. Let's take the claim that we've lost 28 sponsors. Sponsors on this program are both local and national. We deal with the national sponsors on this program. We have 600-plus stations. They sell their own commercials. We don't have anything to do with those sponsors. We don't get paid by those sponsors. We have no idea who those sponsors are.


Investors flee Cabonite after Limbaugh announcement.

On Saturday, Carbonite CEO David Friend released a statement on his company’s website declaring that Carbonite had decided to “withdraw” advertising from Rush Limbaugh’s radio show in the wake of his controversial remarks involving Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke because it will “ultimately contribute to a more civilized public discourse”:

Even though Mr. Limbaugh has now issued an apology, we have nonetheless decided to withdraw our advertising from his show. We hope that our action, along with the other advertisers who have already withdrawn their ads, will ultimately contribute to a more civilized public discourse.

However, it hasn’t done much to contribute to his company’s stock price. Since the market opened on Monday through its close today, Carbonite stock (NASDAQ:CARB) has plummeted nearly 12 percent, outpacing the drop of the NASDAQ index in that same time period by nine-and-a-half points. It was also one of the biggest decliners on the NASDAQ on Tuesday.


Backfire :tongue:

Will E Worm

Really? How?

For one thing you need the other items, not birth control. Also, they are covered by the plan you choose.

Birth control has never been on their plans, nor should it be.

Jane Burgess
If a person thinks they are mature enough to have sex, then they should be responsible enough to buy their own birth control. As a society people need to learn to take care of their responsibilites.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
For one thing you need the other items, not birth control. Also, they are covered by the plan you choose.

Birth control has never been on their plans, nor should it be.

Are you a doctor? If not, how can you determine what someone needs or doesn't need? Further, it depends on the insurance plan whether birth control is covered or not. The two blanket statements you made are incorrect. You fail at demonstrating how those are different scenarios.

Will E Worm

Are you a doctor? If not, how can you determine what someone needs or doesn't need? Further, it depends on the insurance plan whether birth control is covered or not. The two blanket statements you made are incorrect. You fail at demonstrating how those are different scenarios.

Nothing I said could be considered a blanket statement.
I am not a doctor. But, I know more than you. :tongue: How many have died without birth control? Not counting the numerous children murdered.

How many have died from not having the items you mentioned? No one has died from not having birth control. Because you do not need to have sex. :tongue:

Studies are constantly conducted to determine the benefits and drawbacks of contraceptive pills, and each usually yields a different outcome. What everyone can agree on, though, is that birth control pills can be used for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with pregnancy prevention.

Doctors prescribe birth control pills for conditions from acne to endometriosis, and the following list does not include all of its alternative uses:

• Alleviation of menstrual cramps
• Reduction of amount and duration of menstrual bleeding
• Regulation of periods
• Clearing up some types of acne
• Lowering the risk of endometrial and ovarian cancers
• Treatment of endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Nothing I said could be considered a blanket statement.
I am not a doctor. But, I know more than you. :tongue: How many have died without birth control? Not counting the numerous children murdered.

How many have died from not having the items you mentioned? No one has died from not having birth control. Because you do not need to have sex.

Blanket statement #1- "For one thing you need the other items, not birth control." Blanket statement #2- Birth Control has never been on their plans." "Not" and "never" make those blanket statements.

There are medical conditions that are treated with oral contraceptives. Sex has nothing to do with it. And now, birth control = murder?

Why must you prove how much you deserved Asshat Of The Year so damn often?

Will E Worm

Blanket statement #1- "For one thing you need the other items, not birth control." Blanket statement #2- Birth Control has never been on their plans." "Not" and "never" make those blanket statements.

There are medical conditions that are treated with oral contraceptives. Sex has nothing to do with it. And now, birth control = murder?

Those are facts not blanket statements.

Why must you prove how much you deserved Asshat Of The Year so damn often?

No one won. Alex stopped it and the threads were closed.