Relax. Our firearms are still safe from being seized.

The right wing's paranoia never ceases to amaze me.

I would say “neo con” but we know that there aren’t any neo cons that actually think the government is out to take their guns; they just use it as propaganda tool for the lunatic fringe.
I had a guy at a gun show try and sell me a county sheriff single barrel shotgun from the 50s or 60s............the thing looked like it had been dredged up from a local swamp.

Listening on a scanner is really eye opening..........what police have to go through every day is beyond depressing.
^^ Funny you should say that on the same day (depending on your time zone) the case was broken when one of New Orleans finest admitted to the cover up of police picking off unarmed civilians in the days after hurricane Katrina.
^^ Funny you should say that on the same day (depending on your time zone) the case was broken when one of New Orleans finest admitted to the cover up of police picking off unarmed civilians in the days after hurricane Katrina.

And? There were New O'rleans "finest" stealing plasma TVs out of WalMart down there too if you'll remember. Another reason that you shouldn't trust the government. They're not above the law. The government answers to the citizens (and they don't half the time), so you want to give them the right to take our families' guns?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Why ban guns? They are not the problem.

Sell the ammo for a extremely high price so people can have some rounds in their gun for the emergency, but need to really think about pulling every shot.

A semi- or fully automatic gun would cripple a person financially if that person goes out of control. Say, 10 dollars per shot, a minute of firing, you just ripped your self off 600 dollars.

That would make people think about the use of guns vs. the calling of police or the walking away etc.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I am NOT worried about THEM taking our FIREARMS. its way beyond that point in this countries past and too far gone for its future. Not only would you have a CIVIL WAR you'd have lawless chaos everywhere. so forget about them trying to take our guns, it ain't happenin!

I Myself did go and obtained the proper credentials for myself to CARRY a Concealed Gun last year, why cuz I wanted to get it before I was a certain age, but also, I didn't know the intentions of the NEW administrations agenda, I know, that in my lifetime, I WILL NEVER have to surrender my weapons to this government, but just as well, I didn't want them to be able to dictate when I could carry my guns, I wasn't sure if (THEY) were gonna try and change all the laws regarding all the states gun laws concerning CONCEALED CARRY, So yeah, I covered my arse in that way, but, I, don't, never have, and never will, trust the police to save my life, when some fool is trying to carjack me in DETROIT @ 4am when its 17 degree's outside my car, and this dude wants transportation, My $, warmth, drugs?? :dunno: but I am NOT gonna let him use me as his victim, I KNOW THAT!

And I am NOT gonna trust the police to come save me when somebody breaks into my home in the middle of the night, I would be dead, robbed, victimised by the time the police show up, yeah the police may be quick sometimes, but sometimes not quick enough. I am just saying, Police come INVESTIGATE after the fact, RARELY are they there to PREVENT crimes. THATS WHY I want and EXERCISE my rights to have, own, carry, and use my guns when I deem my life is in eminent danger. I will rage against the Machine and all those that try to offend thee.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
And that's why you're not American.

I must correct you, sir, as my blue passport and twenty-one years there versus my five months here has left me still very much American.

Why ban guns? They are not the problem.

Sell the ammo for a extremely high price so people can have some rounds in their gun for the emergency, but need to really think about pulling every shot.

A semi- or fully automatic gun would cripple a person financially if that person goes out of control. Say, 10 dollars per shot, a minute of firing, you just ripped your self off 600 dollars.

That would make people think about the use of guns vs. the calling of police or the walking away etc.

What I found disturbing about the thread is the sense of anxiety so many posters seem to have about their own safety.If you live in a land where gun ownership is common you are at risk from them just as living in a land full of cars places you at risk from traffic.As with cars of course, however careful you might be you still have to account for the other drivers.You want to keep guns for self defence.Against what?Are your lives so blighted that this is really an issue?
We have very strict control here , some but not most of the criminal community have guns and occasionally they use them on each other.But we're talking about fewer than 60 gun deaths a year in the whole country compared with 30 000 in the US.We aren't as law abiding as we were but our police force chooses to go about its business unarmed and only where absolutely necessary are a select few issued arms.In other words most criminals can be dealt with without the threat or use of deadly force.The Second Amendment in the US has created a set of conditions quite unlike in the rest of the civilised world and yet there are those who see it as a good thing.


Why ban guns? They are not the problem.

Sell the ammo for a extremely high price so people can have some rounds in their gun for the emergency, but need to really think about pulling every shot.
You'll only create a black market for ammunition if we go down that road. Also, if you hinder the people's ability to obtain ammo at reasonable prices, how do you expect people to practice the discipline of shooting ? and please don't tell me ''air soft'' ! :p
A semi- or fully automatic gun would cripple a person financially if that person goes out of control. Say, 10 dollars per shot, a minute of firing, you just ripped your self off 600 dollars.

That would make people think about the use of guns vs. the calling of police or the walking away etc.

Statistically speaking, people generally aren't murdered with full auto guns, they're murdered with 1 - 5 shots.
Again, when does the general public ever hear about a law abiding armed citizen stopping a crime ? It happens all of the time and it does so because of A) the defender feels that there is no need for police involvement once the perpetrators flee the scene of their would be crime.
B) The largely anti Second Amendment minded media / press are very much reluctant to offer such a ''good gun story'', unless of course it's one of those cute ''85 year old granny shoots burglar in self defense'' types of stories. :scream:


EDIT :o Should have read ...
Again, when does the general public ever hear about a law abiding armed citizen stopping a crime ? Law abiding citizens defend themselves quite frequently and the reasons why the general public isn't in tune with this side of the argument is because :

A) the defender feels that there is no need for police involvement once the perpetrators flee the scene of their would be crime.
B) The largely anti Second Amendment minded media / press are very much reluctant to offer such a ''good gun story'', unless of course it's one of those cute ''85 year old granny shoots burglar in self defense'' types of stories. :scream:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
You'll only create a black market for ammunition if we go down that road. Also, if you hinder the people's ability to obtain ammo at reasonable prices, how do you expect people to practice the discipline of shooting ? and please don't tell me ''air soft'' ! :p

Practising on police-shooting ranges. Simple as that. There you got the safe environment and gun and ammo control needed.


Recently, here in Houston I heard a local news story that tickled me...
Usual perps doing their steal your stuff thing one morning...knocking on doors to see if someone answered or not...they picked one non-responsive house and broke in.
However...homeowner was home, and they entered an armed citizen's was shot dead, 't other was hurt and got caught later.
2 less home invaders able to steal, rape, and terrorize/kill families.

Odd...neither Facial-King or Hellraisin posted that story as one of their "Town Crier" look what I found stories...:confused:...oh, I know why! No malfeasant Police or drunk country folk acting stupid!;)

Yay firearms!:D


Police-shooting ranges? I'm sure they'd love that. 100 million armed Americans waiting in line to shoot at "police-shooting ranges."

That's what he said..."Police-shooting" Target shooting ranges, only you shoot at Police...!
I don't see this ever coming about...:D
Recently, here in Houston I heard a local news story that tickled me...
Usual perps doing their steal your stuff thing one morning...knocking on doors to see if someone answered or not...they picked one non-responsive house and broke in.
However...homeowner was home, and they entered an armed citizen's was shot dead, 't other was hurt and got caught later.
2 less home invaders able to steal, rape, and terrorize/kill families.


Can you honestly see nothing wrong with this appalling set of relative values?Can you really in your wildest dreams imagine that shooting someone in this way is somehow OK?You claim to live in a civilised country and you applaud this disgusting act as somehow justified?


Can you honestly see nothing wrong with this appalling set of relative values?Can you really in your wildest dreams imagine that shooting someone in this way is somehow OK?You claim to live in a civilised country and you applaud this disgusting act as somehow justified?

Put down the remote, quit watching so much Mens Singles Figure skating...

Damn straight, Skippy!
And every hardcore wanna-be gang banger coming into people's homes to steal or have fun with any females found inside, etc... you are absolutely given an instant sentence of the Death Penalty.

Any man or woman who won't defend their home and family to the death isn't worthy of having same...
Firearms make it easier for the average citizen to carry out this home defense...those with the will to do so.
The next day they're alive and the bad guys aren't...that's a good thing.:thumbsup: