President Obama - Profiles in Leadership

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
graduated magna cum laude from Harvard- Prove it. He hasn't allowed his school records to be opened and nobody remembers him as a stellar student.
president of the Harvard Law Revue- Nobody who was on the law review (nice spelling) remembers him.
12 years teaching Constitutional law at the university level- Part time, as a visiting lecturer.
3 years as a legal associate followed by 8 of counsel
8 years as an Illinois State Senator- Where he voted "Present" most of the time and was known to support late term abortions.
4 years as a U.S. Senator- Senatorial terms are six years. For two of those four years you mentioned he focused on campaigning, so how was he effective?

Makes me wonder what some of these folks would have said about Abraham Lincoln's (our greatest president imo) qualifications/experience as a presidential candidate:
practiced attorney
One 2 year term in U.S. House Of Representatives. - Honest Abe was a terrible president except for that whole keeping the country together thing. But it is apples and oranges. Education qualifications to even graduate grade school back then would make cum laude students today blanch. And I don't think he even did that. But when he believed in something he fought for it and actually represented his people and wasn't in lock-step with party platforms..

You drank the kool-aid.
Wow, you're a fucking idiot boobtoucher. Are you really claiming to be an expert on the president's history? Do you still believe he is a Kenyan born Muslim???
Not as much as you do with your food stamps, welfare, illegal neighbors and all others costing this nation billions!

So, the rich are sucking up wealth at an unprecedented rate and paying their employees less, and you want to blame the people who can't afford to eat, even though many of them work full time jobs where they can get them, for all of this country's problems? There's republican logic at work.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Wow, you're a fucking idiot boobtoucher. Are you really claiming to be an expert on the president's history? Do you still believe he is a Kenyan born Muslim???

Fuck you. Prove me wrong on any of the statements. I dare you. Do it. I've never claimed to be an expert because he hasn't been vetted. Try to find his college records. I'll wait, you stupid ass. So much for the most transparent administration.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
HTTP Status 500 -

That link leads nowhere. From that I'll extrapolate that you're being a twunt.

It works fine on my computer, you're probably lying to be the real twunt. At any rate it's a photo of the Board of Editors of Volume 104 of The Harvard Law Review, clearly pictured is B. Obama. Lie about one thing, you'll lie about all of them.
Fuck you. Prove me wrong on any of the statements. I dare you. Do it. I've never claimed to be an expert because he hasn't been vetted. Try to find his college records. I'll wait, you stupid ass. So much for the most transparent administration.

No, fuck you. Name one other president who has had to produce his college transcript or birth certificate because a bunch of treasonous cock suckers are all pussy hurt that a black man won election. You can't. You're an asshole.
No, fuck you. Name one other president who has had to produce his college transcript or birth certificate because a bunch of treasonous cock suckers are all pussy hurt that a black man won election. You can't. You're an asshole.

Oh stfu. A white guy from australia talking about "the black man". Again, STFU. He didn't have to produce shit. It actually served him better when he didn't. And it's irrelevant to the topic. Who cares what Obama did in college? He's being judged on what he's done in the last 6 years.

He's quick to take credit for any successes but diverts blame to his underlings for any failures.

That's not leadership.

There's one, I'll merely extrapolate that you're wrong about the rest of them, too.

It works fine on my computer, you're probably lying to be the real twunt. At any rate it's a photo of the Board of Editors of Volume 104 of The Harvard Law Review, clearly pictured is B. Obama. Lie about one thing, you'll lie about all of them.

No, fuck you. Name one other president who has had to produce his college transcript or birth certificate because a bunch of treasonous cock suckers are all pussy hurt that a black man won election. You can't. You're an asshole.

Guys, quit responding to Ace Redneck.

Straight up, let him state his piece and don't respond. Matter of fact, don't read it.


Closed Account
It works fine on my computer, you're probably lying to be the real twunt. At any rate it's a photo of the Board of Editors of Volume 104 of The Harvard Law Review, clearly pictured is B. Obama. Lie about one thing, you'll lie about all of them.

Actually you are both correct, Harvard's site seems to set a cookie that lets you follow the link that xfire posted. If you don't have that cookie you cannot follow the link.

Go here; search for something in their search box ex. "Obama" Click on a result, one of the results is a photo of him as the first black Harvard Law Review President. Cookie will be set, than you can return here, and follow xfire's link to the picture he describes.

Janky ass coding.
Oh stfu. A white guy from australia talking about "the black man". Again, STFU. He didn't have to produce shit. It actually served him better when he didn't. And it's irrelevant to the topic. Who cares what Obama did in college? He's being judged on what he's done in the last 6 years.

He's quick to take credit for any successes but diverts blame to his underlings for any failures.

That's not leadership.

Weak. I don't have the right to call you on your bullshit because I'm Australian? I was living here in 2008 when republicans collectively lost their fucking minds, and I've been witnessing the damage they've been doing to the country and the people in it ever since. I have children who are US citizens, so I have at least as much interest in the success of this country as anyone else.

None of you are judging him on what he's done in the last 6 years, you all judged him before he was even sworn in.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Oh stfu. A white guy from australia talking about "the black man". Again, STFU. He didn't have to produce shit. It actually served him better when he didn't. And it's irrelevant to the topic. Who cares what Obama did in college? He's being judged on what he's done in the last 6 years.

He's quick to take credit for any successes but diverts blame to his underlings for any failures.

That's not leadership.

Oh, you mean like Reagan, right? Oliver North wholeheartedly endorses your post. I don't know how old you are, but I grew up in the Reagan era. I remember his presidency well and if you think he was a great leader you need to forget everything you've been told and actually read the history. A B-List actor faking his way through the governorship of California sure as hell wasn't qualified to be President of the local PTA, let alone lead the free world, but again, experience is something you get major wood from hammering Obama about. If you want to judge Obama on the last six years, juxtapose them against Reagan's first six years in office and you'll see that Obama is far and away the better president, despite the bullshit and lies being disseminated here via Fox News. Of course trying to argue politics with right wingers is tantamount to arguing religion, facts don't matter to you fuckers, you believe your own bullshit with no footing in reality, you make moderate Democrats go on the defensive over stupid shit then get butthurt when you get it thrown back at you. I know MBG is right, I should just ignore the trolling bullshit, none of the "conservatives" on the board have any intention of backing up their shit, hit and run like pussy ass bitches, and for the most part I don't respond to most of the bait, but sometimes you fuckers just need to be told what fucking clown shoes you are.
Oh, you mean like Reagan, right? Oliver North wholeheartedly endorses your post. I don't know how old you are, but I grew up in the Reagan era.

I'm 29. So I was like 4 when Reagan left office so no, I have no personal recollections of his presidency. I also grew up in a military family overseas but they were pretty much apolitical. So everything I've learned about Reagan and what I like about him has been after the fact.

It wasn't the point of the thread, but sure, let's compare the Obama presidency to Reagan's. They both came into office facing severe recessions. The recovery under Reagan was more robust and helped him win 49 out of 50 states in his reelection bid in 1984. The unemployment rates were roughly the same with the exception that there are fewer people in the workforce under Obama while the workforce expanded under Reagan. Also net jobs gained were higher under Reagan. Alot is made of the income gap. That has actually has worsened under Obama. The median household income continues to fall every year.

Then look at what's happening on the world stage. It's hard to argue that things aren't pretty much going to hell in a hand basket right now. The administration bumbles through one crisis after the next while the CIC hits the links. The world was a more dangerous place when Reagan took office than when he left it. He (and yes, along with Gorbachev) brought the Cold War to an end. It was a combination of his military buildup and his reaching out to his Soviet counterpart which allowed that to happen. And as far as Iran/Contra. None of the investigations determined or could prove that Regan knew of the scope of all that was going on, otherwise, he would've been impeached. And Reagan got on national TV and took responsibility for the Iran Contra affair.

Obama goes on TV and says "My intelligence director, James Clapper, screwed up."

I know MBG is right, I should just ignore the trolling bullshit, none of the "conservatives" on the board have any intention of backing up their shit, hit and run like pussy ass bitches, and for the most part I don't respond to most of the bait, but sometimes you fuckers just need to be told what fucking clown shoes you are.

I don't know where to go with this but, I don't think I've run like a pussy ass bitch in my interactions with you on here. We've gone back and forth a few times and for the most part respectfully. I admit that the refrain of "the american taliban" or "tea-baggers" or "the lies of Fox News" whenever any criticism is made of Obama gets tiresome, predictable and boring so I just let it go.

But please, feel free to put us "conservatives" in our place whenever you feel the need to. Don't keep that stuff in.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Comparing Reagan's administration to Obama's is literally like comparing apples and oranges. The world is a much different place than it was when Ronnie was in the Oval Office so the point is entirely moot.

Regressing. the tenor of this thread is a microcosm of the root problem with America today. Anyone who thinks Obama's administration has been anything but an abject failure is just plain wrong. That said, the republicans have been nothing but obstructionists and whiners in the interim and, in a very significant manner, more of a contributor to the problem than representing any solution. It's the system that's fucked up, my friends, and anyone who thinks a republican president would be able to "fix" everything that's wrong and make it all better again any more than our present POTUS has been able to do has got their heads implanted firmly up their asses. The polarization of American society that is in place now is worse than I can ever remember and I am 60 years old so that's a lot of remembering. I despise all the finger-pointing and unwillingness to accept responsibility on both side of the spectrum. I don't see it getting any better no matter who takes over in the White House or in Congress.

I fear greatly for my kids and grandkids because America's best days are quite likely behind her and things are bound to get really ugly as we move forward into a very scary and unpredictable future. I really, really hope I am wrong about all this and I will be most pleasantly amazed and surprised if I am. At this point, I see nothing to indicate otherwise so my advice is to fasten your seat belts no matter who is the majority party in power because neither one of them have a clue as to how to lead us out of the mess we are in. Conservative, liberal, somewhere in just doesn't matter. If you think otherwise you are simply kidding yourself.


Closed Account
Comparing Reagan's administration to Obama's is literally like comparing apples and oranges. The world is a much different place than it was when Ronnie was in the Oval Office so the point is entirely moot.

Regressing. the tenor of this thread is a microcosm of the root problem with America today. Anyone who thinks Obama's administration has been anything but an abject failure is just plain wrong. That said, the republicans have been nothing but obstructionists and whiners in the interim and, in a very significant manner, more of a contributor to the problem than representing any solution. It's the system that's fucked up, my friends, and anyone who thinks a republican president would be able to "fix" everything that's wrong and make it all better again any more than our present POTUS has been able to do has got their heads implanted firmly up their asses. The polarization of American society that is in place now is worse than I can ever remember and I am 60 years old so that's a lot of remembering. I despise all the finger-pointing and unwillingness to accept responsibility on both side of the spectrum. I don't see it getting any better no matter who takes over in the White House or in Congress.

I fear greatly for my kids and grandkids because America's best days are quite likely behind her and things are bound to get really ugly as we move forward into a very scary and unpredictable future. I really, really hope I am wrong about all this and I will be most pleasantly amazed and surprised if I am. At this point, I see nothing to indicate otherwise so my advice is to fasten your seat belts no matter who is the majority party in power because neither one of them have a clue as to how to lead us out of the mess we are in. Conservative, liberal, somewhere in just doesn't matter. If you think otherwise you are simply kidding yourself.

This is on the mark, the system at this point is very broken, and no one seems to have any idea how ot repair it. I second the comment on polarization of the American People, and parties. We haven't been this divided since the 60's.
This is on the mark, the system at this point is very broken, and no one seems to have any idea how ot repair it. I second the comment on polarization of the American People, and parties. We haven't been this divided since the 60's.

True. At least Reagan had the Democrat Congress work with him.

Today with have cry babies from the Tea Party fucking the whole system up bitching with their bitching supporters.

but it was Newt who started this my way or the highway bullshit with the Contract to America.
It wasn't the point of the thread, but sure, let's compare the Obama presidency to Reagan's. They both came into office facing severe recessions. The recovery under Reagan was more robust and helped him win 49 out of 50 states in his reelection bid in 1984. The unemployment rates were roughly the same with the exception that there are fewer people in the workforce under Obama while the workforce expanded under Reagan. Also net jobs gained were higher under Reagan. Alot is made of the income gap. That has actually has worsened under Obama. The median household income continues to fall every year.

Then look at what's happening on the world stage. It's hard to argue that things aren't pretty much going to hell in a hand basket right now. The administration bumbles through one crisis after the next while the CIC hits the links. The world was a more dangerous place when Reagan took office than when he left it. He (and yes, along with Gorbachev) brought the Cold War to an end. It was a combination of his military buildup and his reaching out to his Soviet counterpart which allowed that to happen. And as far as Iran/Contra. None of the investigations determined or could prove that Regan knew of the scope of all that was going on, otherwise, he would've been impeached. And Reagan got on national TV and took responsibility for the Iran Contra affair.

Obama goes on TV and says "My intelligence director, James Clapper, screwed up."

1. Don't even compare the 1981 recession to the 2008 financial crisis. It's not even close. The 1981 recession was a blip. The 2008 financial crisis saw the near collapse of the global financial system and is without a doubt the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Any attempt to compare the two recoveries is just absurd

2. No, things are not "going to hell in a hand basket" right now. Actually the new millennium remains the most peaceful period in terms of the number of armed conflicts since the 1960s. You only think that the world is going to hell in a hand basket right now because you are inundated with 24 hour news, the internet and social media. Had 24 hour news and social media been around in the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s, you would've thought things were going to hell in a hand basket then too. If you watch 24 hour news all day and are on the web and social media 24/7, you're going to be led to believe that the world is basically on fire right now when if you look at it statistically it's really not.