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Poll: Did you serve in the military?

Which Branch?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I insult your "bravado", because you have none. Washed up, alcoholic losers who think they are in the loop because they subscribe to Soldier of Fortune and Janes Defence Weekly have no "bravado" to insult.

I subscribe to neither of those. I prefer to talk to soldiers on the internet and face to face and ask them what works and what doesn't. Since you dissaprove of that method, maybe you can just live with shit weapons. If you ever want to talk to me, you're welcome to fly over here in a V22 - assuming you can get off the ground with 2 columns of vertical thrust.
As for washed up alcoholic loser, guess again, I studied in 2 universities and frankly, the daughter of pond scum like you should count herself lucky to wipe my potential future children out of her eyes. You're so far beneath me that I'd have to wipe twice before I got you off my boot. Why do I say this? Because you judge without any investigation into who I am, whereas I am curious to discover the truth.l
Now be a good US soldier and go along to get along :thefinger:

It's amazing to me, the lengths that chickenshits go to, to justify their own cowardice. Of course, one's a pissant Limey drunk, one's a mommy-whipped Aussie and I don't give a flying fuck what the third is. It's nice to have someone else to the fighting, defending, guarding and peacekeeping, isn't it?

And to all the, "I'm too intelligent, smart, intellectual to serve my country" types, look where you're posting. Your massive cranial capacities brought you.....here. Keep telling me how wonderful you are. I'm sure the next time I see a bright light in the darkness, it will be the power of your brains.

Yeah, not a drunk, shit for brains, and as for the Aussies, I think you'll find them way tougher than you lot. Perhaps you should hear what the Afghans have to say aout the bravery of US soldiers, crying when they suffer casualties. Nobody has ever questioned the Ausssies' bravado (yeah, go ahead and quote my bravado, as though what to you is an archaic spelling is evidence of some deficiency on my part)
I never said I'm too smart to serve my country, I just said I'm not commmitting myself to a phoney defense of my country, which as a quote further down elaborates is actually placing our collective countries at risk.

"You sleep safely at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence on those who would harm us."

Don't paraphrase Oscar Wilde.

"Pissy little platitudes prove nothing"

The soldiers who are charged with protecting the country I live in have recently been involved in conflicts which, as our intelligence chiefs publicly acknowledged, increased the prospect of our country being attacked, not to mention killing a whole heap of people and fucking their countries up for no good reason. So how in fuck is your quote anything other than totally inappropriate?

Once again it's truly amusing to see someone who believes himself to be a conservative and never misses the opportunity to express his desire to see 'small government', to not only suspend all skepticism of state power but also regurgitate the propaganda which maintains it.

^^The quote I referred to earlier.

Again, a pseudo-intellectual argument used to justify being a chicken-shit punk. Do you think this is anything new? Everything you type is straight from the Cowards Handbook. And don't worry about someone attacking your lower-intestine of a country. No one wants it. No one cares about it. Hell, I'd support it if the incoming regime promised to get those ridiculous Fosters commercials of the air. And. like that sign on the gun thread, if it ever happens, don't come to us for help. Go ahead and count on your own military to bail you out, even though you seem to despise them just as much.

You wouldn't know intellectualism pseudo or otherwise, from what I've seen so far, so kindly refrain from passing judgement.
As for your assaults on Australia, need I remind you that without Australia you'd suffer a loss of sales of the F18. And of course, by your logic, if they purchase F18, they can't be a lower intestine of a country. Right?
Further comparisons between your countries could be made, but I don't have the data off hand. If you want to get into this, let me know, Because I'm 100% confident that Australia's economy is more promising than that of the US, that their military is in better stead, that their people are healther in general and that their education system is healther in general. That's pretty much full spectrum dominance. Just try for that in a Stryker :tongue:

Your entire posting history is one of insults and petulance. 95% of everything you have ever said here classifies as a turd in a punch-bowl. Now, to top it all, you act like a whiny little bitch when the tables are turned on you.

A very serious trend that I have long since noticed is that you like to accuse the other posters of what you are doing, yourself. Your response to Plump is as ridiculous and puerile as anything I've ever seen. Your own bias needs to be examined before you bleat about others. And, as has been stated, you need to learn how to be a man. Between your words and your self-admitted (lack of) actions, you are just a petulant little coward who likes to comment on what others do, without doing a damn thing yourself.

Since you hate America so much, I guess coming here to be Sarah Palins towel boy is out of the question. Instead, you should go to England. You and Vodkazvictim can give each other handjobs and read passages from the Wannabe Handbook to each other.

Yeah... Not really a wannabe, more a "Why the fuck are we paying so much money for this shit that doesn't work as advertised". As for reacharounds, I'm married. To a woman. How about you? Did she run off with somebody with a reasonable sized penis while you were considering shooting brown people to make up for your deficiency? Do your kids look like you? If they act like you then.... Well, we see what's going wrong with america....


Approved Content Owner
Give me your address and I'll be sure they send you some slow-moving infants, some gasoline soaked, third world civilians and some very rapeable livestock ASAP.

Send them to "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500"

They'll know what to do with them.



The UN itself is intrinsically rotten, not just the farce of their so-called "peacekeeping" missions.

Just like every other predictable UN hater from the right-wing American borg collective, you have absolutely no clue as to what it is that you are actually criticizing or how it functions.

The UN is not a sovereign decision making body. It's a forum full of member nations who decide what happens and what doesn't. For example the oil-for-food program you are so indignant about- guess who initiated that genocidal policy and worked to keep it in place? that's right, your own president at the time, Clinton. The UN's humanitarian coordinator for Iraq resigned over the deaths it was causing yet America insisted the policy remain. :facepalm:

But of course, it's easy to blame the rest of the world for your own fuck-ups rather than actually bothering to get your facts straight isn't it? Again, if you were actually concerned about rape, murder, extortion, abuse of power etc you'd spend more time criticizing your own country rather than the UN, who's abuses pale in comparison to America's.

The UN has eradicated disease, provided food, shelter, clothing, clean drinking water to billions of people, provided immunization, promoted woman's rights, cleared land mines, cleaned up pollution, intervened in conflicts to protect people, regulated air traffic control, improved literacy etc etc etc


You won't hear about any of that stuff in the hysterical anti-UN bubble you live in.

And wait, aren't you from Australia? If I'm wrong, forgive me, but if its true that you can do without "American liberation," it sure seems that you can't do without US trade and capital infusion:

what has that got to do with anything we were talking about?

And as far as your criticism of "America's interventions around the world" doing significant damage, again, if you're from Australia, you really have no place to talk, as Australia has been at the hip of the US military in pretty much every single major US military operation since WWII. Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, both Iraq Wars, the invasion of Afghanistan... Australia was right there with us.

on what reasonable grounds do you contend that a nation would contributes what is only a token military commitment for the sake of alliances should receive as much criticism as the country which:

a) initiates the conflict and;

b) makes up most of the military force and therefore carries out most of the killing and destruction

We aren't talking about WWII and Korea here. Lumping them together with America's dirty wars is something neocons do to make their crimes sound more honorable.

Not to mention the existence of ANZUS,
which basically states that Australia and the United States are to cooperate on defense matters that relate to attacks worldwide that either country has even a minor investment in.

ANZUS only obliges parties to consult with each other and nothing else.


Hey emceeemee...

You hate the United States.
You hate the United States Military.
You hate the private health care system that the United States has.
You hate.

I get it!

Au contraire many aspects of American life provide endless amusement for a lot of us, particularly the ultra-right wing freakshow you appear to be member of!
Come on everyone, emceee served. It's just a different kind of service that's all.


Come on everyone, emceee served. It's just a different kind of service that's all.

I'm sure your country is endlessly proud of your countless tours on the cyber battlefield. I know that not everybody comes back from those things with their operating systems intact.


p.s it's always so cute to see how *desperately* you want to be accepted into the military vet's little circle. Surely all that paintball experience must count for something?
Just like every other predictable UN hater from the right-wing American borg collective, you have absolutely no clue as to what it is that you are actually criticizing or how it functions.

The UN is not a sovereign decision making body. It's a forum full of member nations who decide what happens and what doesn't. For example the oil-for-food program you are so indignant about- guess who initiated that genocidal policy and worked to keep it in place? that's right, your own president at the time, Clinton. The UN's humanitarian coordinator for Iraq resigned over the deaths it was causing yet America insisted the policy remain. :facepalm:

Which is it then? A sovereign decision making body that decides as a collective, or an organization that allows 1 person/country to make unilateral decisions? In the span of 2 contiguous sentences you've contradicted yourself. What were you saying again about having no clue about what you're criticizing?

But of course, it's easy to blame the rest of the world for your own fuck-ups rather than actually bothering to get your facts straight isn't it? Again, if you were actually concerned about rape, murder, extortion, abuse of power etc you'd spend more time criticizing your own country rather than the UN, who's abuses pale in comparison to America's.

Who's blaming the rest of the world for anything? I'm just saying the UN is a joke, and I've given no opinion about the US whatsoever. I just think you're a contrarian that isn't happy unless he's criticizing beliefs held by the majority. You're just a lame hipster that thrives on being part of the out-crowd.

The UN has eradicated disease, provided food, shelter, clothing, clean drinking water to billions of people, provided immunization, promoted woman's rights, cleared land mines, cleaned up pollution, intervened in conflicts to protect people, regulated air traffic control, improved literacy etc etc etc


You won't hear about any of that stuff in the hysterical anti-UN bubble you live in.

To live in an "Anti-UN bubble," I would actually have to care about the UN. Its a pretty much universally accepted fact that the UN is a total farce, a useless, corrupt husk of a machine that is nothing but a shell of its stated goals. For example, if the UN is so fantastic, as you claim, why then when one does a Google search and types in "The UN is..." does it offer such predictive searches as "The UN is a joke, the UN is useless, the UN is corrupt, the UN is evil," instead of "The UN is wonderful, the UN saves lives, the UN eradicates disease?" Seems that more people's thinking is closer to mine than yours.

Also, are you seriously referencing the UN's own achievements webpage to justify UN "accomplishments?" That's like referencing the Koran to prove that beating your wife is justified.

on what reasonable grounds do you contend that a nation would contributes what is only a token military commitment for the sake of alliances should receive as much criticism as the country which:

a) initiates the conflict and;

b) makes up most of the military force and therefore carries out most of the killing and destruction

We aren't talking about WWII and Korea here. Lumping them together with America's dirty wars is something neocons do to make their crimes sound more honorable.

If America is so horrible, why then are you not outraged at your own country's participation alongside us? Some times, complacency is just as powerful as action itself. If America is such a vile nation, then Australia is the Joe Paterno to our Jerry Sandusky. "Yeah, they're a terrible country. They've committed atrocities all over the world. I mean, we knew about it, we were there with them, but we weren't the ones actually perpetuating the misdeeds."

ANZUS only obliges parties to consult with each other and nothing else.

Under ANZUS,
Australia and the United States conduct a variety of joint activities. These include military exercises ranging from naval and landing exercises at the task-group level to battalion-level special forces training, assigning officers to each other's armed services, and standardising equipment and operational doctrine. The two countries also operate several joint defense facilities in Australia.

Sounds like more than consultation to me.


I just think you're a contrarian that isn't happy unless he's criticizing beliefs held by the majority. You're just a lame hipster that thrives on being part of the out-crowd.

This. This and only this. This, to the total exclusivity of all things, known and yet to be discovered in the cosmos. 5000 years from now, when some archaeologist digs up Freeones, THIS needs to be the first thing he finds.
I'm sure your country is endlessly proud of your countless tours on the cyber battlefield. I know that not everybody comes back from those things with their operating systems intact.


p.s it's always so cute to see how *desperately* you want to be accepted into the military vet's little circle. Surely all that paintball experience must count for something?

I don't paintball, pretend or pose. I honor true veterans. Shouldn't you be doing the same for your Diggers?
I'm sure your country is endlessly proud of your countless tours on the cyber battlefield. I know that not everybody comes back from those things with their operating systems intact.


p.s it's always so cute to see how *desperately* you want to be accepted into the military vet's little circle. Surely all that paintball experience must count for something?

If all you are going to do in this thread is insult other members with crap like this I highly suggest you stop posting in it.


Closed Account
As I've said in other posts 6 yrs in USAF. To those who said Thank You, You're Welcome:hatsoff:. For those who are able to complain and gripe about those who did serve, you're welcome as well.


To live in an "Anti-UN bubble," I would actually have to care about the UN. Its a pretty much universally accepted fact that the UN is a total farce, a useless, corrupt husk of a machine that is nothing but a shell of its stated goals. For example, if the UN is so fantastic, as you claim, why then when one does a Google search and types in "The UN is..." does it offer such predictive searches as "The UN is a joke, the UN is useless, the UN is corrupt, the UN is evil," instead of "The UN is wonderful, the UN saves lives, the UN eradicates disease?" Seems that more people's thinking is closer to mine than yours.

Also, are you seriously referencing the UN's own achievements webpage to justify UN "accomplishments?" That's like referencing the Koran to prove that beating your wife is justified.

So everything on that list is all made-up then is it? :1orglaugh

Even when the evidence is right before you you still can't/won't accept it, which demonstrates how irrational your contempt is.

Under ANZUS,
Sounds like more than consultation to me.

It's not even clear from the wiki page that training exercises have anything to do with ANZUS.

There are no commitments to go to war under ANZUS.


Which is it then? A sovereign decision making body that decides as a collective....

Your question makes no sense because of the strawman it contains. I never said it was a sovereign decision making body, I said it was an organization made up of member states who vote on policy. The fact that SC members can veto resolutions (or strongarm member states in either assembly by threatening economic vandalism) and effectively make or break things doesn't contradict what I said.

I just think you're a contrarian that isn't happy unless he's criticizing beliefs held by the majority

it's pretty clear which one of us is arguing against majority opinion:

An overwhelming majority of voters support U.S. involvement in the United Nations, according to a bipartisan poll released on Thursday. The poll results come as the House Foreign Affairs Committee prepares to mark up comprehensive anti-U.N. legislation that could cut off 50 percent of America’s contribution to the organization's budget, including funding to affiliates like the World Health Organization, UNICEF and the U.N. Development Programme.

Eighty-six percent of voters believe the U.S. should take an active role within the international body, according to a poll conducted by Public Opinion Strategies and Hart Research Associates on behalf of the United Nations Foundation. The poll found that more than two-thirds of voters believe the U.N. still plays an important role in the world today, and that 64 percent support the United States paying its U.N. dues on time and in full.
