The Rupublicans just try to use scare tactics to appeal to their demographic. They know that all the rednecks in the bible belt will hear someone on Fox News say "The Democrats want to raise taxes!" and then they'll be all "fyuck day sheeat! Bettie, git muh shotgun!"
I mean, you have to realize that the majority of America is both uninformed and middle-class, at best. So anything that makes people think, true or not, that they'll be "losing" more money and they'll be up-in-arms. "Tax" is just an easy word to throw around in politics to scare voters. Same reason why you never hear the word "draft."
Patriotism has nothing to do with it. Bottom line is Biden is the Vice Presidential nominee, not the presidential nominee. Just like Sarah Palin has seemingly "stolen" the reigns from Sen. McCain with people forgetting that she's not actually running for the presidency. Although with McCain's age and health, her taking over while in office is a lot more real (and scary).
Ok both parties use fuking scare we all agree on that?? Is a fact I saw the interview and Biden did use the word "taxes" and said that it was "patriotic for people making over $250,000.00 to jump in and help out by paying more of their share" (close quote)
Patriotism?? that word was used by him. I agree 100% vps are not what people should be focussed on them, they are voting for the next president. It was because of Dick that the vp has been so much in the spotlight and yes that fucking action figure doll of Palin turned the attention away from Barry and McCain and now Biden's getting a lot of attention.
Everyone, even people not voting for McCain are so concerned about his health and him kicking the buckett. Guess what no one knows this for sure, shit no one knows if Barry bites a bullet the moment he becomes the president, because there are people out there to get him (sadly but it's reality). Now think about how much experience "W" had a look how much of a good work he did...yeah right experience was thrown out of the debate the moment Barry became the how come now it becomes a a big deal the moment Palin was thrown in...I though she was just a vp?