Paying more taxes is Patriotic?

The Rupublicans just try to use scare tactics to appeal to their demographic. They know that all the rednecks in the bible belt will hear someone on Fox News say "The Democrats want to raise taxes!" and then they'll be all "fyuck day sheeat! Bettie, git muh shotgun!"

I mean, you have to realize that the majority of America is both uninformed and middle-class, at best. So anything that makes people think, true or not, that they'll be "losing" more money and they'll be up-in-arms. "Tax" is just an easy word to throw around in politics to scare voters. Same reason why you never hear the word "draft."

Patriotism has nothing to do with it. Bottom line is Biden is the Vice Presidential nominee, not the presidential nominee. Just like Sarah Palin has seemingly "stolen" the reigns from Sen. McCain with people forgetting that she's not actually running for the presidency. Although with McCain's age and health, her taking over while in office is a lot more real (and scary).

Ok both parties use fuking scare we all agree on that?? Is a fact I saw the interview and Biden did use the word "taxes" and said that it was "patriotic for people making over $250,000.00 to jump in and help out by paying more of their share" (close quote)

Patriotism?? that word was used by him. I agree 100% vps are not what people should be focussed on them, they are voting for the next president. It was because of Dick that the vp has been so much in the spotlight and yes that fucking action figure doll of Palin turned the attention away from Barry and McCain and now Biden's getting a lot of attention.

Everyone, even people not voting for McCain are so concerned about his health and him kicking the buckett. Guess what no one knows this for sure, shit no one knows if Barry bites a bullet the moment he becomes the president, because there are people out there to get him (sadly but it's reality). Now think about how much experience "W" had a look how much of a good work he did...yeah right experience was thrown out of the debate the moment Barry became the how come now it becomes a a big deal the moment Palin was thrown in...I though she was just a vp?
You should listen to the candidates as individuals and research their stances, not base your decision on parties and which stories the media decides to follow up on (Lohan, Garofalo, etc.)

Your vote is no better or worse than anyone elses vote. Just because celebrities have a platform to preach from doesn't mean that their opinion is more or less valid. You have to make the decision based on your beliefs and not let television dictate your life. Voting Republican because celebrities preach Democratic is one of the most idiotic things I think I have ever read.
You should listen to the candidates as individuals and research their stances, not base your decision on parties and which stories the media decides to follow up on (Lohan, Garofalo, etc.)

Your vote is no better or worse than anyone elses vote. Just because celebrities have a platform to preach from doesn't mean that their opinion is more or less valid. You have to make the decision based on your beliefs and not let television dictate your life. Voting Republican because celebrities preach Democratic is one of the most idiotic things I think I have ever read.

What are you talking about?? Who said anything about voting Republican?? The fact is he did say that on an interview, it does not matter what channel or if you watch ti on youtube, he said what he said!! I don't pay attention to celebrities don't even watch their shit, but sadly they have a big huge influence on most americans these days, the fact that they like to back some folks makes me distrust those individuals that are running...and yes I like to do research on their bullshit, people who put their faith and hope on single individuals are destined to be dissapointed. We are the real change, we neede to unconfused this country and stop the bullshit promises by any of these candidates. Biden should have put his foot on his mouth for what he said but like I said before I don't make even close to that amount so I don't care.
You should listen to the candidates as individuals and research their stances, not base your decision on parties and which stories the media decides to follow up on (Lohan, Garofalo, etc.)

Your vote is no better or worse than anyone elses vote. Just because celebrities have a platform to preach from doesn't mean that their opinion is more or less valid. You have to make the decision based on your beliefs and not let television dictate your life. Voting Republican because celebrities preach Democratic is one of the most idiotic things I think I have ever read.

Great post!!:thumbsup: I must say That the republicans also try to use the government as a scare tactic. They say that democrats want to much government. The pubs try to run against the gov. when the essentiall their running against the people who make up the gov.
What are you talking about?? Who said anything about voting Republican?? The fact is he did say that on an interview, it does not matter what channel or if you watch ti on youtube, he said what he said!! I don't pay attention to celebrities don't even watch their shit, but sadly they have a big huge influence on most americans these days, the fact that they like to back some folks makes me distrust those individuals that are running...and yes I like to do research on their bullshit, people who put their faith and hope on single individuals are destined to be dissapointed. We are the real change, we neede to unconfused this country and stop the bullshit promises by any of these candidates. Biden should have put his foot on his mouth for what he said but like I said before I don't make even close to that amount so I don't care.

You continually make straw-man arguments. You yourself said that celebrities were pushing you away from the Democratic party and now you're saying that you don't pay attention the celebrities?

Stop posting.
Haha...and you keep making a typical Obama lover arguments...I'll stop posting because it's useless to keep having an intelligent argument with your cult and love for your so dear celebrities..just pay more taxes if you make more than $250,000.00 that's what your vp said after all it's patriotic.
Well thankfully most of America doesn't make more than $250k/yr. In fact, I make around $35k/yr, so I'm not even close. I live in a rural city, like a lot of registered voters. The cost of living is low, I live alone, and have very few bills. Plus I'm not frivolous with my money, so...

I could've tried to pick your posts apart and have a debate with you but since you managed to contradict yourself within the span of twenty-two minutes, it didn't seem like a wise decision.

An "intelligent" argument. Right. In which you've already expressed distain towards celebrities ("fucking hate" I believe was the quote), stated that you're "independant," spouted the "250k!" rhetoric, given Sen. Barrack Obama a "witty" nickname (BARRY!), made a Star Wars reference, misspelled "Pegasus" and are now apparently trying to align me with celebrities in another desperate attempt at a strawman. Because, you know, I "have love" for my "dear" celebrities.

Right. So, please, do follow through on your "threat" to "stop posting."
To me, you cant tax your way to prosperity and I dont think for a minute that Obama will somehow exlude the under 250k crowd.

Why punish those with a desire to do well?

If you make that much money you probably employ people who do not. Think about that. Lowering taxes has worked before and raising it hasnt. I assume we all agree its revenue that should be the marker here?
Well thankfully most of America doesn't make more than $250k/yr. In fact, I make around $35k/yr, so I'm not even close. I live in a rural city, like a lot of registered voters. The cost of living is low, I live alone, and have very few bills. Plus I'm not frivolous with my money, so...

I could've tried to pick your posts apart and have a debate with you but since you managed to contradict yourself within the span of twenty-two minutes, it didn't seem like a wise decision.

An "intelligent" argument. Right. In which you've already expressed distain towards celebrities ("fucking hate" I believe was the quote), stated that you're "independant," spouted the "250k!" rhetoric, given Sen. Barrack Obama a "witty" nickname (BARRY!), made a Star Wars reference, misspelled "Pegasus" and are now apparently trying to align me with celebrities in another desperate attempt at a strawman. Because, you know, I "have love" for my "dear" celebrities.

Right. So, please, do follow through on your "threat" to "stop posting."

Feel free to pick them apart my dear friend for your love for Barry, yes I did say that, so what? and your dear celebrities, I still fucking hate them...I did mean "pigasus" as in flying pigs..check the sentence, but of course like your celebrities and the Obama cult you look down on people. The Republicans are no different, but at least they don't act like high and mighty Barry that doesn't do no wrong or you mindless followers that is clear won't let anyone stand in their way or talk shit about their pet project of having the "first african american" in the White House. Yeah be patriotic your gods Barry and Joe ask you to! Nah I don't think I'll stop posting...
Not true at all. Right now we are paying the lowest taxes since the 1930's.. You must raise the taxes. Just as the republicans God Ronald Reagan did. He said he was going to cut taxes and he saw how bad of a deficit there was and he eventually had to raise taxes. How the fuck do you say raising taxes hasn't worked when Bill Clinton was the president Our economy was doing great and He gave us a Surplus which Bush has managed to destroy that. Dont know where your facts are?
Man the Clinton years...those were some good eight years, I jad mad money in my pockets..where the fuck did W come from that fucking big much for fiscal conservativism. Obama/Biden not even cose to Slick Willy Bill
Man the Clinton years...those were some good eight years, I jad mad money in my pockets..where the fuck did W come from that fucking big much for fiscal conservativism. Obama/Biden not even cose to Slick Willy Bill

I have always said that I rather have a president who is fucking around with other girls rather than a president who is fucking the country. What makes you so sure that Barack isn't up there with Bill?
Ahh Bill was all like bussiness type, he ran this country like a good CEO, he was all about money and women! Barry seems too uptight, too ffar to the left, willing to kiss the world's ass, making shit up in other words to much bullshit...McCain seems like he wants to start World War III, has a good looking pitbull with "lipstick" and boy they want to drill!! drill here drill there and drill everywhere.. I bet you anything Bill would be like I know who to drill...anyways Bill never said "it's patriotic to pay taxes"
Ahh Bill was all like bussiness type, he ran this country like a good CEO, he was all about money and women! Barry seems too uptight, too ffar to the left, willing to kiss the world's ass, making shit up in other words to much bullshit...McCain seems like he wants to start World War III, has a good looking pitbull with "lipstick" and boy they want to drill!! drill here drill there and drill everywhere.. I bet you anything Bill would be like I know who to drill...anyways Bill never said "it's patriotic to pay taxes"

Who do you think you will vote for when it's all said and done?
Well last time I did vote for Kerry, just to get W out of office, that was a waste, least I can say about that is that I did not help W get his first (missed the 2000) or his second term. Not decided yet, Barrack's not convincing enough, McCain's not really selling me his story that his different than W. Perhaps no one, but that is not the theme of this thread...
Obama seems too uptight; too far to the left. Willing to kiss the world's ass. Making shit up, in other words. Too much bullshit. McCain seems like he wants to start World War III, has a good looking pitbull with "lipstick" and boy they want to drill! Drill here, drill there and drill everywhere! I bet you anything Bill [Clinton] would be like "I know who to drill." Anyway, Bill [Clinton] never said "it's patriotic to pay taxes."

Maybe I was too hard on you earlier and for that I should apologize, but for me, politics isn't about finding the perfect candidate. If I sit around and wait for someone to run that has 100% my views, I am never going to vote. For me, it's about voting for the candidate that is closest to my views.

For me, Sen. Obama is closer to my ideas and beliefs than Sen. McCain. Biden, although not my ideal VP candidate, is leaps and bounds better than evangical Christian Sarah Palin...because I'm an atheist, so she downright scares me.

It's not just a single issue thing for me though. In fact, there's very little worse than single-issue voters. I'm pro-choice, I'm for equal gay rights, etc. I also don't want to stay in Iraq forever and go to war with both Iran and Russia. Drilling doesn't matter to me as it will have no effect on this next presidential run. In fact, we probably wouldn't see any change for around a decade and then it would be minimal at best. So I don't really see why it's such a hammering point.

It's just frustrating to see our economy in such a state of disarray. 6.1% unemployment rate. 600k+ jobs lost in the last 9 months. Lehman, Merrill Lynch, etc. problems. All that mess. What do they talk about in the media? Sarah Palin having a tanning bed...


What country has the highest tax rate?

Denmark has the highest income tax rate, with its top-taxed citizens paying 68% of their hard-earned crowns. The basic tax rate begins at 42%.

Source: Guiness World Records

What a deal ! Paying premiums for patriotism ? :rolleyes:

I'll always be cynical about tax hikes.
I hate the pork ! Citizens Against Govt. Waste
So someone shouldn't be punished for being skilled at making money unless their skills earn them an (arbitrary) amount that you see as profligate, and then they should get reamed? That seems very contradictory :confused:
Yes, it does. My thought is that after 1 mil. you are purely making money you want, not need. And I am not for tax breaks for people who have WAY more money then they need. I believe too much encouragement of greed brings situations like the mortgage bailout going on now. Also, the rich usually benefit FAR more then the non-rich from very cheap capital gains taxes.
But I could live with eliminating the $1 million tax rate change and just have everyone over a certain amount pay the same income taxes.
hey, it's about time the Dems took a hold of that ole Patriotism card, and tried it on for size. :wave: