About paying taxes. Why do people have so much trouble with this?
It's like paying your bills. When you get a credit card bill, you have to pay it, and that takes a portion of your income. The higher the balance, the more you pay.
When you run up about $7 Trillion in debt during your administration because of selfish motives and extremely bad judgement, you can only run off more Monopoly money for so long on your copier before people get tired of that and want real value, not bits of green paper and promises to repay anymore.
Any politician who says they won't raise taxes is either ignoring this basic fact of paying back what is owed or is crazy.
China and Japan are owed about $1 Trillion each, and so far are allowing minimum payments in dollars which lose value every time there is another investment bank bailout or week spent in this fiasco called Iraq.
Who pays a greater share of that tax is the question. Because of trickle down economics the claim has been, when big business makes more profit, they expand and employ more people at higher pay putting the money back into the economy. But that doesn't happen. Big business owners typically keep more for themselves while shipping jobs overseas, and laying off workers at home that used to fund the economy.
The only other scenario to not pay and get away with it is build a bigger military and telll the rest of the world to go screw when they come to collect. That seems to have been the promise of people running for President like Mitt Romney and Rudy Giulani, and up until about last week, both George Bush told us that people didn't get it, the economy was in great shape and McCain promised the fundamentals of the economy are sound. Now they say it's not! After maybe everyone else knows how bad it is!
Is this good judgement? Insight? Or, public relations people trying to create a new image for this guy, so he gets his own interest groups back into the money? :dunno: