Paying more taxes is Patriotic?

Gotcha... but people like Gates and Buffet are giving back quite a bit and devoting a lot of time to charity. Although I think they are more the exception than the rule. And that is always one of the nice things of being super rich, giving away money is easy to do because you have so much of it! and on top of it you can paint yourself as such as swell person for being so 'generous,' whereas you might have crushed, screwed, and hurt tons of people to attain such wealth in the first place.

Basically, I'd rather have my state government managing and spending taxes. Easier to keep tabs on those local politicians than the ones running amok in Washington. On average, individual states (here in the US) are much more fiscally responsible than our federal government.
Paying more taxes is only good if you are a big fan of a fatter more bloated federal government. I'm not against taxes, I just don't really trust the Washington politicians who handle the money...

What about the astronomical debt the US faces as a result of the Bush administration? How in the world do people think that will be paid off? False promises about printing more money don't work, and that's what they do.

Economics 101
That's exactly part of the problem now! The government has mismanaged it's budget for so long (most especially the Bush administration), at some point we are going to have to pay a heavy price in taxes and have huge cutbacks in government spending. It would've been nice if the Bush administration had kept us out of Iraq, they aren't even including it in their yearly budgets, they do a bunch of financial tricks to make it seem like this war is free.
That's exactly part of the problem now! The government has mismanaged it's budget for so long (most especially the Bush administration), at some point we are going to have to pay a heavy price in taxes and have huge cutbacks in government spending. It would've been nice if the Bush administration had kept us out of Iraq, they aren't even including it in their yearly budgets, they do a bunch of financial tricks to make it seem like this war is free.

Well to make it worse, there is the new 1.6 Trillion for corporate bailouts in the past week. :rolleyes:
Grover Norquist, a prominent neocon, said "My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub." They believe that government spending is so evil that they have to cut government revenue to "starve the beast". This is why Cheney said the deficit does not matter. Neocon want the government to be in position of using funds only for their agenda and have nothing left for anything else, especially social spending. We are in this mess today by design. How else could you explain what's going on? :2 cents:
Grover Norquist, a prominent neocon, said "My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub." They believe that government spending is so evil that they have to cut government revenue to "starve the beast". This is why Cheney said the deficit does not matter. Neocon want the government to be in position of using funds only for their agenda and have nothing left for anything else, especially social spending. We are in this mess today by design. How else could you explain what's going on? :2 cents:

Someone's got to explain that to me that doesn't represent the group that just ran the deficit to $7 Trillion in the last 7 years.

I think in that 25 years, we should be walking on Mars if that matters at all, and getting free sex from vending machines in every crater from Martian women who all look like Playboy models. :love-smi:
Paying more taxes is not a patriotic stuff, it's just governmental robbery. Paying fair taxes is more reasonable.

Actually, paying taxes doesn't really have a relationship with being patriotic, i think. Everybody can pay taxes. The most vital thing is "creating economic value" for the country. Creating an intellectual property is more patriotic, i think. Patents are the real treasures of any country.

Did you know that annual number of acquired patents in Turkey is equal to USA's number for 22 days and Japan's number for 15 days? And everybody in Turkey pay hell a lot taxes.

Innovation for both personal and public use is more patriotic.
Paying more taxes is not a patriotic stuff, it's just governmental robbery. Paying fair taxes is more reasonable.

Actually, paying taxes doesn't really have a relationship with being patriotic, i think. Everybody can pay taxes. The most vital thing is "creating economic value" for the country. Creating an intellectual property is more patriotic, i think. Patents are the real treasures of any country.

Did you know that annual number of acquired patents in Turkey is equal to USA's number for 22 days and Japan's number for 15 days? And everybody in Turkey pay hell a lot taxes.

Innovation for both personal and public use is more patriotic.

I didn't hea Biden say this, but his ticket is to tax those making over $250,000 a year, so just perhaps, those are the people that should be reminded that they need to be patriotic?

Do you think those in that tax bracket that get the big breaks are patriotic or will do and say anything to hold onto their gains while the middle class pays the bill for them to live in high style?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I didn't hea Biden say this, but his ticket is to tax those making over $250,000 a year, so just perhaps, those are the people that should be reminded that they need to be patriotic?

Do you think those in that tax bracket that get the big breaks are patriotic or will do and say anything to hold onto their gains while the middle class pays the bill for them to live in high style?

You want me to rep you more for posts like these, ::sobs:: raise the posting restrictions!

You're holding down the topic all by yourself with excellent arguments against those who believe it should all be free.

:points fingers at the nonbeliever:
Government is government. Corporations are corporations. Each tries to be the other but you should hold the corporations responsible for choking off america directly thru the consumer.. and indirectly by guiding our destiny by manipulating government business with 'campaign contributions'.

In other words, wake up already. Taxes are necessary.
Taxes are compulsory, not voluntarily. When you are volunteer to do something like paying more taxes, that's patriotic. When you apply Congress' decision and pay more taxes, that's just a citizen duty. Patriotism relies on voluntary works.

When an innovation was made, amount collected with "reasonable" taxes increase. Let's go with old tube and new lcd tvs. When lcd tv entered the market, most people wanted to replace their tvs and bought lcd tv. When they are buying those, they pay VAT and others to government.

People love to consume new things. More things on market, more VAT and others can be collected.

If you wanna see patriotism with intense taxes, come to Turkey.
There was a plan called, "The Fair Tax", (which could be a misnomer, like a peacekeeper missile), which was basically a VAT. I haven't heard about it in a while, but there is info on the internet.
I don't understand why people are so excited to pay tithes to churches but when someone mentions a local or federal tax...they get all red in the face. What exactly do they get with their religious tithe? A guilt-free existence? Or is there a sense of "pride" at seeing the minister drive around the community in a Mercedes-Benz?

The Fair Tax was a presidential campaign construction of Steve Forbes back in 2000 and it was trotted back out this election cycle by Mike Huckabee. It basically halves tax revenue in half (since rates are capped at 15%) but this "theoretically" means more tax revenue will actually be collected because "the rich" will no longer pay people to hide their money. They will simply pay up.
There was a plan called, "The Fair Tax", (which could be a misnomer, like a peacekeeper missile), which was basically a VAT. I haven't heard about it in a while, but there is info on the internet.

I am familiar with it. Nice idea but ridiculously impractical.

First off, it IS a 30% tax. Not a 23% tax (which they call it).

If you buy a $100 widget, you then pay $30 in 'Fair' tax. That sounds like 30% to me.
But they call it a 23% inclusive tax to make it sound better.

And that's just for starters.

Under 'Fair' tax, if you own a business, you can't put your new items on sale unless the government approves it.

Fair tax is anti free enterprise.