http://**********/Patty_Cake/Pattycake/Naughty_Leprechaun :nanner:
Well now that's ironic: just when there were loads of complaints about Patty's lack of "exposure," she reveals more all at once than I think we've ever seen. Go figure.
http://**********/Patty_Cake/Pattycake/Naughty_Leprechaun :nanner:
http://**********/Patty_Cake/Pattycake/Naughty_Leprechaun :nanner:
Well now that's ironic: just when there were loads of complaints about Patty's lack of "exposure," she reveals more all at once than I think we've ever seen. Go figure.
on more than one (more like 50) occasions i have complained about patty,here and on another forum (that is peach flavored)
i have basically stopped complaining cause i know the outcome will ever change, if i was to get 1 single topless shot from her i would go away permanantly. i just need her hands on hips,completely topless smiling at me.
it would be perfect!! and a finalization.
that's all.
No it's not!! it's been 7 years and this girl hasnt gotten better or shown more. she is probably gonna be 30 soon,the allure is gone, has been gone a long time ago.:horse:
because she is (say it in a roboty voice) a Ro-Bot and cannot stray away for the easy plan of doing the same thing over and over and over again... i cannot do things off the cuff and be "in the monent"... i'm boring...malfunction...boring...malfunction ...boring...malfunc....
I'm closing it right now following this post!!
you can email her all you want,she is going to do what she wants at her own pace if she ever shows anything. its a waste of time thinking you can email her and she will just be like "yeah i should start showing my pussy!"
she hasn't shown explicit stuff and this thread has been going since 2004! 7 years!
OMG! time to take a razor to that 70's hairy muff.... :eeew:
Go away, White Knight.
Plenty of non-nude models have gone nude as a result of going to the teasing well one too many times. But White Knights like you defend it to no end and empower these cockteases to keep charging $25-$30 a month for shit you can get in a frickin' Maxim magazine. In fact, if you love non-nude so much, that's what you should do. Just a buy a Maxim and stop paying for teasing bullshit.
So, as I understand your posts, you complain about her not showing anything, and then when she does, you complain that there's hair on it?
I'm just looking for clarification here. You do complain a lot in non-nude models' threads about how they never show anything new. They are non-nude models. If you check in, expecting them to be showing nudity (again, remember the phrase non-nude), you're going to be disappointed. Some people are quite happy with the non-nude (remember, if you look for nudes in non-nude model threads, you'll be disappointed) genre. If you're not, stop checking.
Here's a summary: non-nude models don't get nude. Keep checking back. They'll still be non-nude. Get pissed about them not showing the nude bits, they'll still be non-nude. Bitch to the members who like the non-nude models about how the models committed to non-nude sites don't get nude, you'll get mocked.
The non-nude models are not changing their routine. They're making money, and they don't care at all about you being pissed because they're non-nude and non-shaved.
That is all. Please let me know if any of that is unclear.
Go away, White Knight.
Plenty of non-nude models have gone nude as a result of going to the teasing well one too many times. But White Knights like you defend it to no end and empower these cockteases to keep charging $25-$30 a month for shit you can get in a frickin' Maxim magazine. In fact, if you love non-nude so much, that's what you should do. Just a buy a Maxim and stop paying for teasing bullshit.
you knowing all my posts and that i post in non-nude models threads is FUCKING CREEPY! :wtf:
Thanks for not answering anything I asked.
Do I know all your posts in non-nude threads? No. I simply have seen you post a lot in threads that I follow, and you always say the same thing. It makes you mundanely memorable. Like your mom's stuffing at Thanksgiving. Mundanely the same, yet memorable.
And I'm not trying, in any way, to be a White Knight. I'm just wondering what the FUCK can be gained by getting into non-nude threads and bitching that they're non-nude? Sure, plenty have gone nude. So what? They're non-nude models until they go nude. Don't like it, don't check.
Also, stop posting shit about wanting them to go nude. A lot of us would like to see more. Having to read shitty posts from other frustrated people doesn't make life better.
:2 cents:
And I'm not trying, in any way, to be a White Knight. I'm just wondering what the FUCK can be gained by getting into non-nude threads and bitching that they're non-nude? Sure, plenty have gone nude. So what? They're non-nude models until they go nude. Don't like it, don't check.
you're a CREEP i dont need to answer anything for you,i got bored 1 sentence into your "statement"
people .. pls .. cut the crap ..!!!!!!
talking talking talking .....
You're entirely right, of course.
Here's an oldie for us all to enjoy.
thanks budddy .. updates - link - share what u found - I guess that is what this forum is for - not to bitching what u link or dont like about her site or how much fan u were doring all this years