how'd he get that through his shorts?
i disagree on every point.
serving a warrant is one thing.
law enforcement opening fire first is another.
and its obvious they did at waco.
at that point you have the right to defend yourself.
thats law.
but again, forgetting everything else.
knowing there are children inside and other innocent people its law enforcements, in this case reno and her boss bill, obligation to do everything they can to prevent harming those innocent people, especially children.
in a bank hostage situation does the law just kill everyone inside including the hostages?
have you seen the video tape of the tanks shooting flamethrowers into the house?
they burned alive kids!
then said the davidians lit the place up.
c'mon mega....try to watch the hearing.
and mcveigh did snap.
after waco he planned oklahoma city.
waco was the snapping point.
The search warrant was justified not on the basis there was proof that the Davidians had purchased anything illegal, but on the basis that they could be modifying legal arms to illegal arms.
ATF obtained training for the raid from Special Forces at Fort Hood, Texas, February 25 though 27, by making a false claim that David Koresh was operating a methamphetamine lab. This provided the drug nexus necessary to obtain military assets under the "War on Drugs".
so many lies from the atf , fbi, and clintons people,.
im done.
whoopi is an asshole.
The fact remains, Muslims planned and perpetrated the 9/11 attacks upon those they deemed as enemies of Islam. That fact cannot be changed by liberal revisionist history.
yeah youre right.
there is no way any law enforcement, politician or government agent would have lied about it.
theres no way the atf who one year earlier shot and killed unarmed boy and his mother at ruby ridge would have lied about a meth lab in order to get access to a military base and military helicopters.
no way they would have opened fire first.
no way they would have shot unarmed people on the property after the shootout.
no way they would have beat the shit out of a reporter with a camera on the day of the shootout.
and theres no way the fbi would have lost all 3 or 4 of the videotapes filming the original confrontation and lost the atf log reports of the day of the shootout.
no way they would have lied to the media during the siege about a religious jim jones type lunatic cult.
no way they would have shot indiscriminantly at the house for the following 50 days.
no way they would have given the finger and mooned the people inside everyday ( yeah , i'll surrender to those guys alright)
no way they would have cs gas then torched the place with tank mounted flamethrowers which they knew created cyanide gas.
no way they would have known exactly where the women and children were hiding and intentionally filled that enclosed area with cs gas.
imagine a baby or small child, 22 of them, breathing that stuff, not a pretty site, unless youre a sadist.
a lot of stuff just to serve a warrant not for illegal weapons but for " they may have the equipment to create illegal automatic weapons"
like koresh said and i agree.
if the atf or anybody has the right to go to your house and start shooting at you then this isn't america anymore.
and thats exactly what happened.
no way janet reno would have lied about it and no way she would have then blackmailed bill clinton in order to keep her post.
see i have no predisposition, i just watched the hearings about it and researched it.
unlike you who only feels the way you do because clinton was president at the time.
hopefully for all this is my final post.
i don't care who was pres at the time.
to me its an example of THE GOVERNMENT screwing up big time from the outset then covering it up.
And to me it doesn't matter so much who was wrong or right as it does that the government right up to the president knew there were many innocent people in there and they did what they did.
These 19 men did not represent the religion of Islam as a whole,
This isn't about "representing a religion". They were Muslim and murdered for their religion Islam, get that through your thick liberal skull. No amount of liberal spin will change that fact.
Most people get that simplistic, 1-dimensional point you and others keep driveling about.
But can you get that neither Islam nor Muslims can't stop what some extremist group or individual does in co-opting them as causes?
And just to correct you..they didn't do it for their religion. By no way would their actions further Islam. The did what they did to further their militaristic agenda for effecting/affecting American policy toward Arab nations.
If it were about Islam...Muslims wouldn't be helping us in their lands and risk to their life and limb.
Not exactly true. Read the Turner Diaries.
An Accurate Look at Timothy McVeigh's Beliefs
By: Bruce Prescott
Posted: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 9:08 pm
Section: Columns on Church and Theology Email
Several right-wing bloggers have contended inaccurately that Timothy McVeigh, convicted of bombing the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, distanced himself from Christianity, Prescott says.
Since Joseph Farah at WorldNetDaily maligned me for saying there are "extremists" within the Christian faith, a number of right-wing bloggers have echoed his statements over the internet.
In addition to denying Christian extremism, Farah and his blogging buddies are distorting the record regarding the beliefs of Timothy McVeigh. They contend that McVeigh distanced himself from Christianity in an interview he gave to Time magazine in 2001.
Did he? Here's what he said:
Time: Are you religious?
McVeigh: I was raised Catholic. I was confirmed Catholic (received the sacrament of confirmation). Through my military years, I sort of lost touch with the religion. I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs.
Time: Do you believe in God?
McVeigh: I do believe in a God, yes. But that's as far as I want to discuss. If I get too detailed on some things that are personal like that, it gives people an easier way [to] alienate themselves from me and that's all they are looking for now.
All this text discloses is that McVeigh distanced himself from Catholicism, not Christianity. It also reveals that he did not want to discuss his faith further because he knew most people would find it repulsive. What was repulsive about his faith? Was he an atheist? No. Was he a secular humanist? No. What do we know about his beliefs at the time he was bombing the federal building in Oklahoma City?
There is no doubt that Timothy McVeigh was deeply influenced by the Christian Identity movement. Christian Identity is a profoundly racist and theocratic form of faith that developed in the late 1970s and spread like wildfire through rural communities throughout the U.S. in the 1980s.