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One Porn Star's Political Opinions...

I don't blame W for 911.

I don't know why not, esp. with the plethora of evidence suggesting otherwise. It's common knowledge that Prescott Bush was a racist fascist Nazi sympathizer, and helped attempt a coup of the US Government in the 1930's. GW, along with the fascist Republican Party, tried to do the same thing in 1993 as president utilizing a fairly common Hegelian Dialectical strategey used to institute fascist dictatorships. We are still recovering from his coup attempt as a nation. But if you don't admit it happened and root out the fascists once and for all, then history is likely to repeat itself even again.

Republicans: A Party of extreme racists = a party of fascists.

Hegelian Dialectic

THESIS, ANTITHESIS, and SYNTHESIS: THESIS: Create a problem. ANTITHESIS: Generate opposition to the problem (fear, panic, hysteria). SYNTHESIS: Offer the solution to the problem created in step one; which would invariably be a societal "change" or "shift" which would have been impossible to impose upon the people without the proper psychological conditioning achieved in stages one and two.

"...We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." David Rockefeller


Official Checked Star Member
you are way over-thinking things here Eric.

W didn't plan 911 that is crazy thinking and just plain wrong. He didn't react properly. he didn't handle it properly. he should have known and didn't and he perpetuated that event into a huge lie that he fed an agenda with. I think those things and they have been proven beyond a doubt. He admitted he was wrong and there was no connection between Saddam and 911. he admitted there were no WMDs in Iraq. He admitted he had "bad intelligence" which for GWB that's obvious. but did he plan it or know about it? certainly not I think he's a stupid hick but he isn't that guy to do that.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
you are way over-thinking things here Eric.

W didn't plan 911 that is crazy thinking and just plain wrong. He didn't react properly. he didn't handle it properly. he should have known and didn't and he perpetuated that event into a huge lie that he fed an agenda with. I think those things and they have been proven beyond a doubt. He admitted he was wrong and there was no connection between Saddam and 911. he admitted there were no WMDs in Iraq. He admitted he had "bad intelligence" which for GWB that's obvious. but did he plan it or know about it? certainly not I think he's a stupid hick but he isn't that guy to do that.
Who blamed me for 9/11?!
you are way over-thinking things here Eric.

W didn't plan 911 that is crazy thinking and just plain wrong. He didn't react properly. he didn't handle it properly. he should have known and didn't and he perpetuated that event into a huge lie that he fed an agenda with. I think those things and they have been proven beyond a doubt. He admitted he was wrong and there was no connection between Saddam and 911. he admitted there were no WMDs in Iraq. He admitted he had "bad intelligence" which for GWB that's obvious. but did he plan it or know about it? certainly not I think he's a stupid hick but he isn't that guy to do that.

So wait a minute, are you denying that Prescott Bush was part of a failed fascist coup attempt, against the American government, in 1934 with Major General Smedley Butler. Because Smedley's testimony to Congress is a matter of historical record. I don't think anyone in their right mind would deny it. http://warisacrime.org/node/36409


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I'm gonna go with the bad intelligence thing. It was a bad war to get into and I hope sets the bar for future situations. Then again we should remember that USA has been the strongest military force in the world and many nations look to us as their protectorate. In recent decades we got sucked into other situations we didn't belong in. Korea, Viet Nam, The Balkens, etc. We did not march into these things all of our own doing.

Obama promised that he would pull all forces out in a certain time during his original campaign. Then he got elected and found out it ain't so easy. Can't blame him for this because a President gets all of the information not accessible to Senators.

So what should USA do? Stand and protect ourselves and those that we are committed to. Outside of these areas just sell the gear. If another country has a bitch about boarders or change of government then we should stay the fuck out. I am the first one to protect the rights of people but don't ask us to put boots on the ground as the solution. Put your own boots there first.


Official Checked Star Member
I would go along with bad intelligence if it weren't proven after that the white house had the correct intelligence and ignored it. Bush asked the generals for their advice and their opinion of strategy and ignored it. we had almost no backing on the Iraq war and did it anyway. The Iraqi people didn't want us there then and really don't want us there now. That war demolished our standing within the Middle East and created more terrorist martyrs than ever. Plus we had inspectors who had been saying there were no WMD in Iraq but we ignored that. The CIA told the Pentagon that AQ wasn't operating in Iraq yet that was a reason sold to the US people. Incorrect intelligence isn't the right term. It's ignored intelligence. He was determined to invade Iraq and he did, at any cost. It's been proven and yet people seem to find it too hard to swallow that truth.

We need to worry more about our own country and stop being the world police.


Official Checked Star Member
I don't know what Prescott Bush did and I don't care to be honest. A lot of things parents did have nothing to do with their kids as adults. The 1920s were a very different era with very different mind sets on race and gender. Joe Kennedy was a horrible man and a criminal, yet his son turned out to be a pretty noble guy, even though he was an ass hound. Those allegations were NEVER proven Eric. it was something that was suspected and talked about but nothing more. I've seen the story on the History channel but it was also said that was all created by his political enemies.

You never know. Maybe there's a tribe in the jungles of Africa who knows what REALLY happen because God told them! :)
I don't know what Prescott Bush did and I don't care to be honest. A lot of things parents did have nothing to do with their kids as adults. The 1920s were a very different era with very different mind sets on race and gender. Joe Kennedy was a horrible man and a criminal, yet his son turned out to be a pretty noble guy, even though he was an ass hound. Those allegations were NEVER proven Eric. it was something that was suspected and talked about but nothing more. I've seen the story on the History channel but it was also said that was all created by his political enemies.

You never know. Maybe there's a tribe in the jungles of Africa who knows what REALLY happen because God told them! :)

WTF !?!?...No one said anything about the 1920's. Secondly, the McCormack-Dickstein Committee hearings (1934-1935) investigated the fascist plot to seize the White House and in, its final report on Feb. 15, 1935, did substantiate the truth of the fascist plot. http://www.archives.gov/legislative/guide/house/chapter-22-select-propaganda.html

"...According to retired Representative John W. McCormack, former Speaker of the House, if the late Major General Smedley Butler of the U.S. Marine Corps had not been a stubborn devotee of democracy, Americans today could conceivably be living under an American Mussolini, Hitler, or Franco..." http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article13907.htm

This is common knowledge. If you are going to deny the Bush families' obvious grabs for power during the course of history, but instead naively think GW Bush was some kind of "good ole' boy ", and then make some type of ridiculous comparison to him and JFK. Then I guess you have told me all I need to know about you and your political position.

I look forward to watching you continue to try and "reform" the fascist agenda of your republican party with your spirited porn-board debate techniques...should be quite entertaining :) .
I'm gonna go with the bad intelligence thing. It was a bad war to get into and I hope sets the bar for future situations. Then again we should remember that USA has been the strongest military force in the world and many nations look to us as their protectorate. In recent decades we got sucked into other situations we didn't belong in. Korea, Viet Nam, The Balkens, etc. We did not march into these things all of our own doing.

Obama promised that he would pull all forces out in a certain time during his original campaign. Then he got elected and found out it ain't so easy. Can't blame him for this because a President gets all of the information not accessible to Senators.

So what should USA do? Stand and protect ourselves and those that we are committed to. Outside of these areas just sell the gear. If another country has a bitch about boarders or change of government then we should stay the fuck out. I am the first one to protect the rights of people but don't ask us to put boots on the ground as the solution. Put your own boots there first.

South Korea is an ally who pays for its own defense. The U. S. military would provide most of the airpower in another Korean conflict. South Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world during the Korean War. Now, South Korea is a democracy, and one of the richest countries in the world. American and other Korean War veterans should be proud of their service to the South Korean people. The Balkans operations were a complete success since most of the countries from the former Yugoslavia are stable and prosperous.

The Vietnam War was mismanaged, but we should not have gotten involved in that conflict. We also promised to help the Cambodian government against the Khmer Rouge. The Nixon administration's intervention did not go far enough. A sustained full scale intervention in Cambodia in the early 1970s; would cripple the Khmer Rouge and North Vietnamese forces operating in Cambodia. The U. S. did not introduce American ground forces in the conflict; the U. S. lowly cut aid to Lon Nol government in 1975. The Khmer Rouge took power in Cambodia. No one knew at that time Khmer Rouge would become one of the most ruthless organizations in human history. Governments should not engage in half-assed foreign conflict interventions.

Obama's plans changed when U. S. military showed him the civilian death projections of a fast American military pullout of Iraqi.

The United States and the West have only been involved in a select number of interventions over the past decades.


Official Checked Star Member
Eric. Are you everything YOUR father was / is? What someone's family did during the great depression is hardly relevant to the grandson 80 years later. Well unless you are no different than the republican talking heads you bitch about who have tunnel vision and see nothing but party. Yes, the Bush family doesn't exactly have an honorable legacy. I concede. Never argued it. I'm simply saying that you are off base here. I have been clear about my feelings and opinions of GWB. I think I have been MORE than clear. Jeb Bush did a good job as governor in Florida. I lived here, so I know first hand. I don't know him personally but heard him speak many times and he is far superior to GWB in every way. I don't want another Bush and we won't be having one. But I think it's fucked up to say that whatever your grandparents were is what you are.

Eric, your way of debate is not enjoyable. I got my decade wrong and your response is "WTF??????" it's like you're a far too sensitive girl who got called fat at school. Man up dude. grow a pair and stop being such a fucking baby about shit. and you clearly aren't reading anything written because I am no longer a republican. I have also made that more than clear. you've just got it in your head that after reading the first sentence of every post that you need to try and rebut with something sounding intellectually superior and throwing shit around blaming grandkids for grandpa's days wanting to take over the government. don't be such a bitch about it.
I am no longer a republican.

Well that is a step in the right direction, I think we are in general agreement, but ALL the Bushs' are fascists. That is including Jeb, but especially George Bush. Prescott Bush plotted to overthrow the government in 1933, and George Bush attempted to create a fascist dictatorship in 1993.


The Problem Reaction Solution Paradigm (The Hegelian Dialectic)

1) The government creates, facilitates, or exploits a problem blaming it on others
2) The people react by asking the government for help willing to give up their rights
3) The government offers the solution that was planned long before the crisis

Bush family-related Fascist Coups

(1933) Prescott Bush/Republican industrialists-attempts failed fascist coup

(1933) Hitler suceeds with Reichstag fire fascist coup

"...The 1933 Reichstag Fire was a key event in Adolf Hitler's ascendancy to power. During the night of February 27th, the Reichstag Building, which housed the German Parliament, was gutted by a massive fire. Adolf Hitler, who had become President Paul von Hindenburg's chancellor less than a month earlier, pressured von Hindenburg to give him essentially dictatorial powers. Hitler used the attack to roll back constitutional protection of political, personal, and property rights.


(1993) Bush/Republicans attempt 9/11 fascist coup.

To refresh your recollection, here are a a few examples of Bush's fascist Republican agenda:

Billionaire Democratic contributor George Soros. He said the George W. Bush White House displayed the "supremacist ideology of Nazi Germany" and that Bush's administration used rhetoric that echoed his childhood in occupied Hungary. "When I hear Bush say, 'You're either with us or against us,'" Soros said, "it reminds me of the Germans." Soros later said: "The Bush administration and the Nazi and communist regimes all engaged in the politics of fear. ... Indeed, the Bush administration has been able to improve on the techniques used by the Nazi and communist propaganda machines."

Former Vice President Al Gore. He said: "(George W. Bush's) executive branch has made it a practice to try and control and intimidate news organizations, from PBS to CBS to Newsweek. ... And every day, they unleash squadrons of digital brown shirts to harass and hector any journalist who is critical of the President."

Former two-time Democratic presidential candidate and civil rights leader the Rev. Jesse Jackson. After Congress passed new anti-terrorism laws following 9/11, he said: "We are in danger. The extreme right wing has seized the government. Tonight, (John) Ashcroft and the CIA and the FBI and Homeland Security and the IRS can work together. So look out, because without a definition of who is a terrorist, anyone can be. ... Martin Luther King could have been. ... The right-wing media, the FBI -- they are targeting our leadership."

Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash., senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee. He said: "What we are dealing with right now in this country is whether we are having a kind of bloodless, silent coup or not. ... (President Bush) is trying to bring to himself all the power to become an emperor -- to create Empire America." An Iraq War opponent, McDermott said, "The President of the United States will lie to the American people in order to get us into this war."

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, former presidential candidate. He characterized the contest between Democrats and Republicans as "a struggle of good and evil. And we're the good." Shortly after the 9/11 terror attacks, Dean actually mused about an "interesting theory" he'd heard -- that G.W. Bush had prior knowledge of 9/11 yet took no action to stop it!

Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., sitting member of all six subcommittees of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. He compared the newly conservative-controlled Republican House of Representatives to "the Duma and the Reichstag" -- referring to the legislature set up by Czar Nicholas II of Russia and the parliament of the German Weimar Republic that brought Hitler to power.


Motto of the fascist republican party: We Do Not Care

"The Party seeks power entirely for its for its own sake.
We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power
. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness; only power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from all oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and just round the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that, We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship..." 1984 - George Orwell.

The Bush Family: Skull and Bones /The Bohemian Grove Cremation of Care Ceremony

(pics of George Bush Jr. and Sr.) http://www.infowars.com/exclusive_new_bg.htm
http://www.prisonplanet.com/world_leaders_engage_in_symbolic_pagan_worship.htm l

*go to 7:21 mark of video

*go to 5.55 mark of video


Official Checked Star Member
well first of all nothing that you quote from Soros gives ANY credibility with me. He's a loony with just as much of a power thirst as EVERYONE on the right. You don't wonder why ANYONE would go so far and spend so much to get THEIR OWN agenda put into place? please.

secondly, Rev Jackson is the biggest hypocrite racist that there is. He says a lot of things but trust n believe he needs black folks to feel oppressed or he's out of a job. Same goes for Sharpton and the rest of the "leadership" of the American people of color. So please, don't use them as examples of anything other than problems in the democratic party. they are the heart of the problem.

And on to Howard Dean. Howard Dean is another "I'll say anything to try and remain relevant" talking head. For one he's from Vermont which is the softest state on crime in the nation. Howard Dean is the champion of a bill that keeps sex offenders addresses from being listed in Vermont.

And if you want to talk about presidents being selective to news organization you can add Obama to the list as the WORST of all time. He has denied Fox news and many journalists from the right access to campaign flights and interviews for years. So please, the left has ALWAYS been in control of the news and been able to get their agenda out in huge comparison to the right. Fox news and right wing radio are the only sources to hear a right wing news broadcast. MSNBC, CNN, CNBC and ABC CBS NBC are all left or left leaning. CNN was far more left until recent years. They have steered it back to the middle and ever since Fox news rating have dropped.

so you can cite all the loony quotes you want. Bush didn't have knowledge of 911. to think or say that makes you look like an idiot.
Bush didn't have knowledge of 911. to think or say that makes you look like an idiot.

Wow...and I thought fat people were supposed to be jolly LOL, but you just seem angry and irrational all the time....You definitely have a Dr. Jekyl /Ms. Hyde on PMS thing going on.

You change political postures the way most people change shoes...once again you show you have skipped over the majority of information presented just basically to hold firm to your own ridiculous totally unsupported opinion based on nothing. You would have to be some kind of imbecile, or just a straight up liar, not to acknowledge that Bush tried to use 9/11 in the same way as Hitler used Reichstag , and likewise to achieve the same goals of Hitler and his grandfather in attempting to create fascist regimes. I'm not even going to get into the evidence regarding the whole truth about 9/11, because it's obvious you can't handle the truth.

You seriously think that all the Bush family men together attend the same secret occult ceremonies with the most influential people in the whole world, where they discuss and plan all matters of societal power and control, but it's just a coincidence that both grandfather and grandson try a fascist coup of the government. Boy you really ARE stupid.


Official Checked Star Member
ok Eric, so you have to call me fat for what reason exactly? Did you read the reason I gained weight? because I had a fucking tumor on my thyroid.

I wasn't going to say it but you leave me no choice so here goes: You're a typical "conspiracy brother" black guy who spends his entire life playing the poor victim and thinking up new racist conspiracies against you. You are a plague to your people because with your frame of mind, no matter how well read or smart, you will always be the under dog in your mind which means you will ALWAYS be the under dog. Yeah I know, now I'm the racist right? Oh well, I know I'm not so you can go fuck yourself and read some more Malcolm X or Farrakhan bullshit propaganda.

So let me get this right, because I don't think Bush was part of planning 911 that means I'm a political flip flop? I have said all along I started out a republican when I had not read much or educated myself much on the issues and now lean more left on many issues. I still have many disagreements with the left and it's people like you who remind me how so many left wing lunatics poison a party that is based on doing good for people and being compassionate human beings. I have never claimed I am all in favor of one side or another and many times said I find common ground with things on both sides.

I happen to believe that opinions on the actual topics and issues far overpower being affiliated with some stupid party, which BOTH are corrupt to their cores. I agree with some things right, and some things left. Maybe you should stop playing poor black guy for a day and maybe the world will be a little different for ya. Yeah I gained weight because I have to take a medication that causes weight gain. Not much I can do about that, though. What's your excuse? Oh right, there were slaves a few hundred years ago and even though you're as free as I am, you want some justice yet right?

I think it's hilarious that I've been called paranoid in this thread when nothing I've said is even close to the shit you are spewing.


ok Eric, so you have to call me fat for what reason exactly? Did you read the reason I gained weight? because I had a fucking tumor on my thyroid.

I wasn't going to say it but you leave me no choice so here goes: You're a typical "conspiracy brother" black guy who spends his entire life playing the poor victim and thinking up new racist conspiracies against you. You are a plague to your people because with your frame of mind, no matter how well read or smart, you will always be the under dog in your mind which means you will ALWAYS be the under dog. Yeah I know, now I'm the racist right? Oh well, I know I'm not so you can go fuck yourself and read some more Malcolm X or Farrakhan bullshit propaganda.

So let me get this right, because I don't think Bush was part of planning 911 that means I'm a political flip flop? I have said all along I started out a republican when I had not read much or educated myself much on the issues and now lean more left on many issues. I still have many disagreements with the left and it's people like you who remind me how so many left wing lunatics poison a party that is based on doing good for people and being compassionate human beings. I have never claimed I am all in favor of one side or another and many times said I find common ground with things on both sides.

I happen to believe that opinions on the actual topics and issues far overpower being affiliated with some stupid party, which BOTH are corrupt to their cores. I agree with some things right, and some things left. Maybe you should stop playing poor black guy for a day and maybe the world will be a little different for ya. Yeah I gained weight because I have to take a medication that causes weight gain. Not much I can do about that, though. What's your excuse? Oh right, there were slaves a few hundred years ago and even though you're as free as I am, you want some justice yet right?

I think it's hilarious that I've been called paranoid in this thread when nothing I've said is even close to the shit you are spewing.

So very telling, Mariah...you are trying to hold back, but it's hard. I know...:D

I am sometimes hard on you, but I respect your attempt to say what you feel...honesty is rare in expression. Even though you are wrong...:)

Eric is closer to one of Chris Rock's old movie characters who learn BIG smart person words, memorize them, and then use them to puzzle smart people (as in, why take all that time to say "no"?) and to confuse the ghetto rats who are dumber than dirt or don't speak much English, or both.

Not you...you have him sussed.

Here are some classic Eric000 rants and fictional theories all in the same thread...there are many others out there just as delusional with (!gasp!) quotes from smart people who actually knew what they meant to say




"Keep on... the Briiiight Side... of Life!" do_do ... do_do do_do do_do do_do ______from the final scene of ("the LIFE OF BRIAN")

ok Eric, so you have to call me fat for what reason exactly? Did you read the reason I gained weight? because I had a fucking tumor on my thyroid.

I wasn't going to say it but you leave me no choice so here goes: You're a typical "conspiracy brother" black guy who spends his entire life playing the poor victim and thinking up new racist conspiracies against you. You are a plague to your people because with your frame of mind, no matter how well read or smart, you will always be the under dog in your mind which means you will ALWAYS be the under dog. Yeah I know, now I'm the racist right? Oh well, I know I'm not so you can go fuck yourself and read some more Malcolm X or Farrakhan bullshit propaganda.

So let me get this right, because I don't think Bush was part of planning 911 that means I'm a political flip flop? I have said all along I started out a republican when I had not read much or educated myself much on the issues and now lean more left on many issues. I still have many disagreements with the left and it's people like you who remind me how so many left wing lunatics poison a party that is based on doing good for people and being compassionate human beings. I have never claimed I am all in favor of one side or another and many times said I find common ground with things on both sides.

I happen to believe that opinions on the actual topics and issues far overpower being affiliated with some stupid party, which BOTH are corrupt to their cores. I agree with some things right, and some things left. Maybe you should stop playing poor black guy for a day and maybe the world will be a little different for ya. Yeah I gained weight because I have to take a medication that causes weight gain. Not much I can do about that, though. What's your excuse? Oh right, there were slaves a few hundred years ago and even though you're as free as I am, you want some justice yet right?

I think it's hilarious that I've been called paranoid in this thread when nothing I've said is even close to the shit you are spewing.

LOL The only problem you have with thyroids is that you eat too many of them...you probably have a whole cooking video on how best to enjoy them with some brown rice, and a nice white wine.... MMMmmm, so goood :) ! ...Relax, and stop being so sensitive, I'm just joking with you, my aunt had the same condition !

Everything is not a conspiracy just because you don't know about them. Two of my best friends from law school are elected political leaders (one former, and one present) of major cities, plus I have countless attorney associates and politcian friends at all levels of the establishment power structure.

I'm not the one constantly begging for money like most of the girls here, including you. The whole "black guy poor victim" crap is totally ridiculous and just shows how clueless you really are. I didn't grow up poor, I'm not poor now, so I have no need to dwell on it... Excuse me if I'm not some Nouveau Riche dunce who spends all my time trying to quench my insatiable insecurities by constantly telling people what I've got and who I know.

Einstein tried to warn the jews of Hitler, but the majority of the brainless sellout mental peasants didn't listen and died the horrible deaths they deserved. But the key to this lesson is that while they were all starving to death grovelling for bread crumbs in their own filth, Einstein had already long departed Germany and was enjoying life elsewhere. http://www.shapell.org/1933-to-1943-einstein-hitler-holocaust.aspx

You believe what you want about Bush, the republicans, the democrats, or politics in general, it makes no difference to me because you are way on the outside looking in and speculating. Everything is not a debate, maybe sometimes you need to just listen and learn. But if you feel you are above and beyond that, then more power to you. It doesn't matter today anyways because right now Obama is in control, so there is not necessarily the threat of imminent immeditae danger as there was when Bush was president, and many of my close friends had already left the country.

Maybe you think I'm paranoid, it doesn't matter...I'm a survivor, that's all I care about...I've survived a bunch of shit already, and I'll survive you and this messageboard as well. I garauntee it.


Official Checked Star Member
show me where I "beg for money" here or anywhere else. Show me please, just ONE time where I'm begging for money. I challenge you oh brilliant one.

and you just wrote that the jews who died in the Holocaust deserved to die the way they did?????? Wow that's some pretty harsh shit to say. So then the slaves deserved to be treated the way they were and bought and sold like animals right?

and yes you are the definition of paranoid. you dont have to have been born poor to have the conspiracy brother paranoia, which you clearly have.


show me where I "beg for money" here or anywhere else. Show me please, just ONE time where I'm begging for money. I challenge you oh brilliant one.

and you just wrote that the jews who died in the Holocaust deserved to die the way they did?????? Wow that's some pretty harsh shit to say. So then the slaves deserved to be treated the way they were and bought and sold like animals right?

and yes you are the definition of paranoid. you dont have to have been born poor to have the conspiracy brother paranoia, which you clearly have.

show me where I "beg for money" here or anywhere else. Show me please, just ONE time where I'm begging for money. I challenge you oh brilliant one.

Your signature is one big begging ad. Or don't you remember the last time we had this discussion and you told me that porn girls don't come to FO to make friends or meet new people. They post on FO because they have a profit-sharing arrangement between their sites and FO that helps pay the bills. So based on what you said yourself, EVERYTHING you do on FO is technically an attempt to make more money off the FO family as you wouldn't be here otherwise.

and you just wrote that the jews who died in the Holocaust deserved to die the way they did?????? Wow that's some pretty harsh shit to say. So then the slaves deserved to be treated the way they were and bought and sold like animals right?

If a recognized genius warns you of impending doom, but you ignore the truth for selfish and cowardly reasons, and as a result, end up in a death camp, then I think you have to accept at least some responsibility for such a dumb decision, don't you think so ? I don't think this applies to the slave trade in Africa, and many other parts of the world, because the circumstances were completely different.

and yes you are the definition of paranoid. you dont have to have been born poor to have the conspiracy brother paranoia, which you clearly have.

Again, everything that you don't have knowledge of is not a conspiracy. I run in the same circles as some of the same people you merely wildly speculate about. Perhaps I am privy to information that you aren't. Everything I've said is old news, perhaps I am merely re-telling it to you yet even again, so that you have the opportunity to make the decisions necessary to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

And if anyone is paranoid, it would seem to be you in blaming "douche drinkers like me" for stealing all your content as the reason for your declining site subscriptions.

*The true purpose of a debate is to arrive at the tuth, not to lie or ignore the truth just to win or defend your position. Woman especially are built to tell the truth, not lie, to ignore this natural predisposition will cause you sickness. Your hair will fall out, your hair-line will recede, and your breasts will droop flacidly due to your weak chest and corrupted heart-chakra. Here is yet another warning that you would be wise to heed.


Your signature is one big begging ad. Or don't you remember the last time we had this discussion and you told me that porn girls don't come to FO to make friends or meet new people. They post on FO because they have a profit-sharing arrangement between their sites and FO that helps pay the bills. So based on what you said yourself, EVERYTHING you do on FO is technically an attempt to make more money off the FO family as you wouldn't be here otherwise.

If a recognized genius warns you of impending doom, but you ignore the truth for selfish and cowardly reasons, and as a result, end up in a death camp, then I think you have to accept at least some responsibility for such a dumb decision, don't you think so ? I don't think this applies to the slave trade in Africa, and many other parts of the world, because the circumstances were completely different.

Again, everything that you don't have knowledge of is not a conspiracy. I run in the same circles as some of the same people you merely wildly speculate about. Perhaps I am privy to information that you aren't. Everything I've said is old news, perhaps I am merely re-telling it to you yet even again, so that you have the opportunity to make the decisions necessary to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

And if anyone is paranoid, it would seem to be you in blaming "douche drinkers like me" for stealing all your content as the reason for your declining site subscriptions.

*The true purpose of a debate is to arrive at the tuth, not to lie or ignore the truth just to win or defend your position. Woman especially are built to tell the truth, not lie, to ignore this natural predisposition will cause you sickness. Your hair will fall out, your hair-line will recede, and your breasts will droop flacidly due to your weak chest and corrupted heart-chakra. Here is yet another warning that you would be wise to heed.

:confusedcow: You've become downright embarrassing to the very concept of rational.:tinhat: