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One Porn Star's Political Opinions...


Official Checked Star Member
troops came home. whatya beating the horse for Sam? THEY ARE HOME! lol and the logistics of removing everyone and equipment was a HUGE task.

you guys are amazing. you're like a drunk who cheats and beats on his wife and then finds some way to blame her for it! we were there based on LIES, not bad information. there was an agenda for war with Iraq. Bush knew Saddam had nothing to do with 911 but they sold that shit to the American people because you could have sold shit sandwiches in 2002 if they were red white & blue.

well first of all oil prices are dictated by private corporations and investors who predict or "speculate" prices. that is influenced by turmoil in regions as well which the Iraq war has created in a BIG way. the Iraqi people dont want us there and if you recall, we had almost zero support from anyone when we went into Iraq and W said "if you aren't with us then you're against us" Profits for the oil companies have been record high year after year for 11 years straight. not just dollars but percentage increases. what business was GWB and his friends in? OIL!!!

whatya think THAT did to relationships with us in that region? Bush also LIED when he told us the oil we would get from Iraq would pay for the war! Remember that Sam? Where's that money?

and again you side step the questions and points with "Well he's doing it!" like a 3rd grader. Who got us in the shit? Who DIDN'T want to get us out and stay "indefinitely"???? we rebuilt Iraq with new schools and hospitals and roads and a power grid far superior to our own while we neglected our own country. we poured BILLIONS into Iraq to private contractors like Haliburton who btw got more than SEVENTY no-bid government contracts. that is criminal in itself. you bitch about paying for a sick person's medicine but not about this?????????? you are as fucking retarded as Sarah Palin.


Staff member
Because Obama didn't lie? Let's see what kind of screw up there will be after his presidency


Official Checked Star Member
wait....you cannot seriously be downplaying the deaths of more than 4400 American soldiers and a collapsed economy to ANYTHING that Obama has done...can you????? please, cite ONE lie that he told that resulted in ONE American death. Just ONE.
wait....you cannot seriously be downplaying the deaths of more than 4400 American soldiers

You're right. Every military death is a heart-breaking reality. But, consider the loss of American lives on just one day during the D-Day Invasion. Close to 5,000 Americans died that day.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
without question. but they were sent on a very clear and knowing mission. there was no agenda or bullshit being concocted that sent them there.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you to say that the election of Bush was a concoction of he and Chaney for the benefit of Halliburtan? If so then get on the same train with those that Bush arranged for plains to fly into WTC.


Official Checked Star Member
never said that is why they were elected or why they ran or why they cheated the election in 2000. Im saying that the war was most certainly sold to the American people based on a lie and turned into a huge windfall to Halliburton. GWB had a hard on for saddam from day one and when he saw how his number jumped when he went into afghanistan it was a no brainer for the guy with no brain! :) When you award more than 70 no-bid contracts worth $50 BILLION dollars to a company your VP was a top executive of just a few years prior, at the expense of the American tax payer, someone needs to call bullshit.
If so then get on the same train with those that Bush arranged for plains to fly into WTC.

They could have video footage of Bush flying the plane, and jumping out with a parachute right before the WTC went down, and Republicans would STILL blame President Obama. "Party before People" is the Republican motto, If you can't blame Obama, A Democrat, or a minority, then it didn't happen. The Republican party is nothing more than a group of pathetic racist liars, that's why they have so litte credibility with the majority of the American population.

* play close attention to the 5:25 mark of the video*




Official Checked Star Member
God forbid anyone actually recognizes giving credit to Obama for the improvement of our economy.

Sam your little comment says your country died yesterday. Can you cite ONE thing in your life today that Obama has changed since he took president? one freedom he took from you?

The housing market took a huge shit around 2007 and today's it's on the rise. I bought my previous house in early 2010 after it had been sitting on the market for nearly 10 months. I just sold it in April for a healthy profit after it was on the market for 16 days. My neighbors sold their house in 9 days. The house I just bought was on the market for less than 2 months.

I can't stand it when people on both sides get pissed if someone chooses an issue over the party. You gotta give it to Powell for standing up and speaking out. He knew better than ANYONE about Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Rice, and what did he do? He fucking resigned and chose someone who had opposite views that they did. That takes guts.
Powell should be the choice to run for PREZ but he won't. He is all integrity


Official Checked Star Member
By the way, I can't stand the Ed Show. He's a liberal version of Hannity. So is Lawrence O'Donnell. They are just loud mouthed people pandering to the left in no different fashion that Rush and Hannity do to the right. I like to watch Rachel Maddow, even though I don't agree with everything she says at least she makes a compelling argument and is intelligent. Chris Mathews is fucking annoying as well as is Oberman. He should return to ESPN.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
You're right. Every military death is a heart-breaking reality. But, consider the loss of American lives on just one day during the D-Day Invasion. Close to 5,000 Americans died that day.

So... we're going to compare the deaths that resulted from a legitimate war against a country that was (actually) trying to take over the world with the deaths that resulted from a cartoon war against a country that had invisible weapons of mass destruction?

IMO, neoconnery is the most dangerous and harmful disease to strike the United States since the Spanish Flu. That "we gotta fight 'em over thar before we have to fight 'em over hyar" bullshit that was chanted by Bush and his neocon lemming army is what got those boys and girls killed. If the Democrats weren't so fucking spineless and gutless, Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rice and Rumsfeld would be on trial for treason today!


Official Checked Star Member
Amen Rey but none of these guys will acknowledge the wrong-doing and just side step this with a big finger pointing at some other stupid thing. hell they don't even say "yeah, Sarah Palin being vide-president would have been horrible" they don't have it in them to concede even that. that dumb bitch shouldn't even be a vice principle of a elementary school lol


They could have video footage of Bush flying the plane, and jumping out with a parachute right before the WTC went down, and Republicans would STILL blame President Obama. "Party before People" is the Republican motto, If you can't blame Obama, A Democrat, or a minority, then it didn't happen. The Republican party is nothing more than a group of pathetic racist liars, that's why they have so litte credibility with the majority of the American population.

They could have video footage of Saudis flying the plane, and jumping out with a parachute right before the WTC went down, and Dems would STILL blame President Bush. "Party before People" is the Demotard motto, If you can't blame Bush, A Republican, or "Old White Men", then it didn't happen. The Demotard party is still nothing more than a group of pathetic racist liars, that's why they have so little credibility with the majority of the American population.

If the Foo shits, wear it! *

* ancient proverb

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Well, based on her record as gubernor of Alaska, she'd only serve about six months as vice principle - and that would probably include the summer months when school was out. Once the kids starting filing back in, she'd be on the phone trying to get her gig with Faux News back.

Here's what kills me. We have a bunch of neocons in Congress, many of whom (along with some cowardly Dems) helped Bush/Cheney prosecute that fake war, and the thing they want to talk about now is Benghazi. Seriously? Really? Sure, let's talk about what really happened in Benghazi. Many legitimate questions should be asked. But before we do that, first we need to have a little chat about how we found ourselves sending men, machines and money to Iraq!

And something else that pisses me off (there are lots of things that piss me off, in case you hadn't noticed :)), every right winger and his dog wants to talk about Solyndra. There we're talking about roughly $535 million in government loans to a shaky business. Sure, let's talk about Solyndra. But before we do that, first we need to have a little chat about the $18 billion that the New York Fed sent to Iraq that no one seems to know what happened to. Now you tell me, how in the fuck does one lose $18 billion???!!! That's something that Fox News, Bloomberg, CNBC and every other network should still be asking about!!! But what do we have from the media and from the politicians? Crickets chirping. What the fuck?! Seriously! Nation builders. I'd hang them all.


Official Checked Star Member
Sorry Philbert but in the last 4 elections, state and national, democrats have gotten 4 times as many votes as republicans. The only reason the right kept seats is because of the seats kept were in in places where there are red necks and toothless bible beaters (all on welfare and assistance) who kept them in office. That is purely due to the electoral system being about 37 states outdated from the time it was written. Imagine if there were no electoral college how irrelevant the republican party would be in this country.

And I gotta say, I find it fucking hilarious that you are calling the democrats the party of racists lol

I don't blame W for 911. I think that Rice dismissing Al Qaeda as a non-threat and saying more focus should be on Russia prior to 911 is something to shake our heads at and chalk up as simply naive governing. She isn't a dumb woman, she just spent zero effort educating herself on the actual threats. W didn't have anything to do with 911. but he did have EVERYTHING to do with what happened to our country after. same goes for Hurricane Katrina. Not a Bush event, but a huge Bush failure afterwards.

And I assume that when you put AMERICAN in caps the way you did you were really saying WHITE Americans right? well guess what pal, there were more brown people born in the US in 2012 than white people for the first time. So guess what that means? That your white delusional America is on it's last legs.


Official Checked Star Member
I just saw the Solyndra comment. God forbid anyone try and find better resources for energy. The Koch brothers spent a BILLION dollars trying to discredit science on climate change. They have lobbied against scientific research on every fossil fuel program public and private and have literally bought the minds of about 90% of republicans who disregard all scientific facts and a huge majority of the world's scientists...well, those who aren't for sale.