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One Porn Star's Political Opinions...

Ok people you can stop reporting this stuff here now. Mariah is a big girl and has been handling the flack very well. This is the politics forum and it's pretty much open game here. Petra and Anders have been made aware of this thread and they agree. As for me, I say clean it all up in here or I'll just close the damn thing and be done with it.

The ad hominem attacks are a little much. Debate the issues and not the person. If the problems persist here, further action will be taken.


Official Checked Star Member
I think that saying the Jews in the Holocaust deserving to be killed is plenty of reason to get rid of this dickhead. that is considered hate speech and insulting to many people who frequent this board.

And Eric, an ad on my signature is hardly me begging for money. You think you're so fucking smart, define the word beg please? And a link at the bottom of my posts is hardly begging.

Im sure you never pay for porn and help yourself to illegally gained copyrighted material all day long.

Every porn company across the board is down tremendously and it is due to the availability of the content for free. Oh I know that you're going to tell us again how you and your "friends" where ever the fuck it is you live were creating some really ground breaking new stuff that would have blown the industry away...

You say your aunt has the same "condition" I have. I don't have a condition. I have a tumor that is being treated with medication that causes weight gain. Surely someone so intelligent as you would know the difference?

and I'm sure you run in very powerful connected circles (I'm laughing soda out of my nose just thinking that!) and I'm sure that you have insider information that is classified.

Fact is Eric you're a fucking irrational dickhead who sees himself as elite and above everyone else intellectually and that everyone is plotting against you because of your superhuman smarts. But I assure you fuck face you are the ONLY fucking person in the world who thinks you're any different than all the other conspiracy whack jobs who recite some gibberish to sound educated and eloquent. In all reality you are a loser.
Fact is Eric you're a fucking irrational dickhead who sees himself as elite and above everyone else intellectually and that everyone is plotting against you because of your superhuman smarts. But I assure you fuck face you are the ONLY fucking person in the world who thinks you're any different than all the other conspiracy whack jobs who recite some gibberish to sound educated and eloquent. In all reality you are a loser.

OK now you've just reduced yourself to just making bold-faced lies, and ridiculous petty nonsense insults...So as much as I am enjoying your sparkling personality and wit, I gotta agree with the mods on this one. This is no longer a constructive discussion, although I tried my best to make it so.

...Anyways, I love to try to reach and teach, but now Kindergarten is over...School is out, and so am I :thumbsup:!


Official Checked Star Member
you said my aunt "has" the same condition. you are beyond full of shit. You say YOU tried to make it a constructive discussion????? I think the mods were aiming that at YOU not at me. you're the anti-Semite filled with angst and paranoia not me. You're the typical racist who bitches about people seeing only your skin color.

and what was the bold-faced lie I told dickhead? Oh wait, you are a conspiracy loony so Im sure you don't have a good grip on any reality including the way the world sees you and your delusions. Hate to tell ya pal, you're a fucking weirdo.
LOL The only problem you have with thyroids is that you eat too many of them...you probably have a whole cooking video on how best to enjoy them with some brown rice, and a nice white wine.... MMMmmm, so goood :) ! ...Relax, and stop being so sensitive, I'm just joking with you, my aunt had the same condition !

Everything is not a conspiracy just because you don't know about them. Two of my best friends from law school are elected political leaders (one former, and one present) of major cities, plus I have countless attorney associates and politcian friends at all levels of the establishment power structure.

I'm not the one constantly begging for money like most of the girls here, including you. The whole "black guy poor victim" crap is totally ridiculous and just shows how clueless you really are. I didn't grow up poor, I'm not poor now, so I have no need to dwell on it... Excuse me if I'm not some Nouveau Riche dunce who spends all my time trying to quench my insatiable insecurities by constantly telling people what I've got and who I know.

Einstein tried to warn the jews of Hitler, but the majority of the brainless sellout mental peasants didn't listen and died the horrible deaths they deserved. But the key to this lesson is that while they were all starving to death grovelling for bread crumbs in their own filth, Einstein had already long departed Germany and was enjoying life elsewhere. http://www.shapell.org/1933-to-1943-einstein-hitler-holocaust.aspx

You believe what you want about Bush, the republicans, the democrats, or politics in general, it makes no difference to me because you are way on the outside looking in and speculating. Everything is not a debate, maybe sometimes you need to just listen and learn. But if you feel you are above and beyond that, then more power to you. It doesn't matter today anyways because right now Obama is in control, so there is not necessarily the threat of imminent immeditae danger as there was when Bush was president, and many of my close friends had already left the country.

Maybe you think I'm paranoid, it doesn't matter...I'm a survivor, that's all I care about...I've survived a bunch of shit already, and I'll survive you and this messageboard as well. I garauntee it.

Yo barrister! I guess when you walk into a court room you think the fringe on the American flag indicates martial law too.

I haven't read enough of your postings here to know if you are still in law school or are a practicing attorney but either way you are obviously young and so fucking full of yourself that it is just a matter of time before a judge works you like a two piece puzzle and makes an example out of you if it hasn't happened already. What was your LSAT score? 120?

Sorry Mariah I just couldn't help myself The crazy is strong in this one.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
"...Two of my best friends from law school are elected political leaders (one former, and one present) of major cities, plus I have countless attorney associates and politcian friends at all levels of the establishment power structure."

So there. How dare anyone question your thought and opinions.

Mariah is begging for money? How did you come up with that? Do you not know anything about her? She is an entrepreneur. How successful is she? You already know. Are the links in her signature any different from any other business advertisement? When she discovered her thyroid tumor and went through the steps to deal with it, she shifted gears in business creating the "Cooking with Mariah" label. TV deals are getting tossed around and her cookbook will become a reality.

If this looks like ass kissing then you don't know anything about me either. I've tried a few times to debate her here but your relentless daily bullshit of hopping from one subject to another has turned this thread into your one on one shit slinging contest. Eric, it's over for you. Get prepared to sit on the sidelines for a while. I reported your fat comments. You got so overwhelmed with yourself that you forgot one thing. You can call me or Mariah anything you want but when you make an attack against an OCSM's looks then the ban hammer comes down. Get your comments in now and maybe we'll see you in a week or two.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Permanently gone would be better, but he will just make a sock puppet account and continue his bullshit.


Official Checked Star Member
I don't want him banned for the fat comments. Sticks n stone boys, I know I gained weight but I have a legit reason and I've explained it. When you have no basis for anything and rational people won't subscribe to your lunacy, you lash out with personal attacks and I'm a big girl and can handle it. The anti-Semitic comments however shouldn't be tolerated. Yes it's free speech but it's also hate speech and this is no place for hate speech.

Thanks Bob. I actually left the industry before discovering the thyroid tumor. It took me 3 doctors to get the diagnosis correct and by the time I found out it had been 5 months since I shot a scene and had already decided I didn't want to ever do it again. but thanks for having my back!
Mariah- Has, had, condition,.disease, whatever....The point is my aunt died last year from a tumor on her thyroid that she had most of her life, I can email you a copy of the program from the funeral if it will shut you up. She was my mothers' third youngest sister (out of 7), she was fat and so are you. I used to joke her about it, just like I joked you. So stop making a fool of yourself and just hope you have better luck with it than she did.

BC- I made junior partner in 3 years at a boutique litigation firm before starting my own entertainment business years ago. I have my linked in profile and if you want to keep up with your ridiculous comments, I have a photo with myself and the attorney of the year for his state and the mayor of one of the largest cities in america, you dare to challenge me on this, then well you are supposedly the cool big money guy with the Blue Countach, so I wager you $100,00 that what I say is true. I will send you a pic and you can look us all up in Martindale-Hubbell.

Bob- Stop trying to be Kindergarten Cop you pathetic ass-kissing dip-shit dunce. This is the politics section anything goes, Maraih likes the petty name calling, often engaging people in that matter whenever someone defeats her in a debate which I do on almost a daily basis. And there is nothing anti-semetic about referring to an article that said that if the jews had listened to Einstein, many of the atrocities of the holocaust could have been avoided. That should be obvious, but then again your reading comprehension skills are about as bad as Mariahs, so I won't be at all suprised if that is yet another point You Missed. But I'm sure you already know that I'm not anti-semetic, but are just saying that to be a dick, which is the type of thing you guys do, and the reason I don't need to be involved in a debate with people of your ilk.

As I said, a constructive debate is one in which parties present theories, provide periodical support, and come to a conclusion based on a synthesis of arguments and the materials provided , which none of you idiots can do anywhere approahing my level. You know it and I know it.

You say I'm in the way of keeping you from enjoying Maraih's thread, then keep my name out of your rmouth, stop making excuses, and you clowns get back to spewing whatever pointless dribble you consider a debate. I said I'm outta here and I meant it, I've said everything I think is important for now which will probably take you years to understand anyways, if you're around that long . You lames are boring and dumb, I have more fun watching paint dry than listenning to anything else you cowardly spineless dense sellout losers have to say. Back to the Ass and Tit-tays :) !


Official Checked Star Member
Eric you said "My aunt HAS the same condition" sounds present tense to me. anyone else? and you can keep calling me fat. I get it. The difference is I'll eventually lose the weight, I've lost nearly 25 pounds so far. But you'll ALWAYS be a crackpot retard who has to concoct theories to justify your own inadequacies. And if your aunt HAS what I HAVE, it wouldn't have killed her because mine is benign and not life threatening so once again you are fucking wrong and not nearly the mental wizard you see yourself as.

I get the feeling that Eric is a slip n fall ambulance chaser. Why don't you post the link to your linkedin profile then Eric? Let's see the face of such genius

Eric you have presented delusional conspiracy theories one after another. You probably believe that Sandy Hook was staged and no one was really shot too right?

And you do realize that in the 1930s there wasn't television so how exactly would the Jews have gotten Einstien's warnings? radio under Hitler was censored as was the press, so please, how did they ignore his warning if most never got them?

You are a fucking blow hard wannabe intellectual who loves the sound of your keyboard. you are the forum equivalent to a DJ at a strip club. Never heard one who didn't love the sound of his own voice.

Yeah, go back to something else, ANYTHING else. I'm sure you're so busy representing your people. Please, let this threat to move on be the first truth you've told so far!


Official Checked Star Member
and why Eric spends all his time looking at pussy instead of getting it was made very clear when he "joked" and called me fat. yeah, girls love it when you joke with them and call them fat. Just like you're a fucking monkey right? a coon, an ape a chimp a spear chucker or let's just say it Eric, You're a big dumb lazy N-Word with a bunch of kids you don't pay for and on disability and food stamps and welfare! oh come on now, I'm just joking with ya! Don't be so sensitive! I have a friend who's black and I call him those names all the time! no big deal right?

*** They censored my joking around calling you the N Word! I guess freeones doesn't get that joke!***
BC- I made junior partner in 3 years at a boutique litigation firm before starting my own entertainment business years ago. I have my linked in profile and if you want to keep up with your ridiculous comments, I have a photo with myself and the attorney of the year for his state and the mayor of one of the largest cities in america, you dare to challenge me on this, then well you are supposedly the cool big money guy with the Blue Countach, so I wager you $100,00 that what I say is true. I will send you a pic and you can look us all up in Martindale-Hubbell.

If you read what I posted you would have understood that it wasn't clear to me whether or not you were a practicing attorney or still in law school. At UNC we used to have a name for law students that would love to challenge the professors and try to prove to the rest of the class that they were just a little smarter than everyone else. "Young, Dumb and Magna Cum"

That's basically what you are doing here. I could care less about your bona fides. And for posting your profile, well that's just stupid, especially considering how you behave on this board.

The only thing I have challenged you on is your sanity.
LOL @ "Big money guy" After 25 years I have made enough money to live comfortably and have a vacation home in Florida but if I really wanted to go for the big bucks I would have limited my practice to PI. As for the car, my father was dying of stomach cancer in 1984 and decided that he wanted to own one to fulfill something on his punch list of life.

I basically keep it garaged and it needs a complete transmission overhaul after every 10,000 miles and a tune up costs 1500 dollars. And my dad borrowed the money to buy it.

Talk about jumping to conclusions.


Mariah- Has, had, condition,.disease, whatever....The point is my aunt died last year from a tumor on her thyroid that she had most of her life, I can email you a copy of the program from the funeral if it will shut you up. She was my mothers' third youngest sister (out of 7), she was fat and so are you. I used to joke her about it, just like I joked you. So stop making a fool of yourself and just hope you have better luck with it than she did.

BC- I made junior partner in 3 years at a boutique litigation firm before starting my own entertainment business years ago. I have my linked in profile and if you want to keep up with your ridiculous comments, I have a photo with myself and the attorney of the year for his state and the mayor of one of the largest cities in america, you dare to challenge me on this, then well you are supposedly the cool big money guy with the Blue Countach, so I wager you $100,00 that what I say is true. I will send you a pic and you can look us all up in Martindale-Hubbell.

Bob- Stop trying to be Kindergarten Cop you pathetic ass-kissing dip-shit dunce. This is the politics section anything goes, Maraih likes the petty name calling, often engaging people in that matter whenever someone defeats her in a debate which I do on almost a daily basis. And there is nothing anti-semetic about referring to an article that said that if the jews had listened to Einstein, many of the atrocities of the holocaust could have been avoided. That should be obvious, but then again your reading comprehension skills are about as bad as Mariahs, so I won't be at all suprised if that is yet another point You Missed. But I'm sure you already know that I'm not anti-semetic, but are just saying that to be a dick, which is the type of thing you guys do, and the reason I don't need to be involved in a debate with people of your ilk.

As I said, a constructive debate is one in which parties present theories, provide periodical support, and come to a conclusion based on a synthesis of arguments and the materials provided , which none of you idiots can do anywhere approahing my level. You know it and I know it.

You say I'm in the way of keeping you from enjoying Maraih's thread, then keep my name out of your rmouth, stop making excuses, and you clowns get back to spewing whatever pointless dribble you consider a debate. I said I'm outta here and I meant it, I've said everything I think is important for now which will probably take you years to understand anyways, if you're around that long . You lames are boring and dumb, I have more fun watching paint dry than listenning to anything else you cowardly spineless dense sellout losers have to say. Back to the Ass and Tit-tays :) !
