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One Porn Star's Political Opinions...


I'm watching some specialist videos
yes but you do realize that most people believe it was an underwater city right?

Only because most people are rather stupid. It did become an underwater city - unpopulated (unless you count sealife) - but underwater nevertheless. ;)

On the subject of stupidity, did you know that in 2012 a Gallup poll found that 46% of American adults agreed that 'God created human beings pretty much in their present for at one time in within the last 10,000 years or so'. It was agreed by 32% that 'Human beings developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided this process'. And 15% believed that 'Human beings developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God had no part in this process'
The scientific figures, based on a variety of evidence, placed the first members of genus Homo at about 2.5 million years ago and Homo sapiens - anatomically modern humans - at about 200,000 years ago, with archaic forms dating back perhaps twice as far.

That's nearly half of all American adults believe that Homo Sapiens was created by God around 10,000 years ago.


AND... black people had a lot less rights.

I have NEVER had a conversation with a Tea Party member where some form of racism didn't raise its head. Never.

Then you musta been speaking to Black Democrats or just any minority who were lying to you, and weren't Tea Party members at all.
You seem easily fooled...
Then you musta been speaking to Black Democrats or just any minority who were lying to you, and weren't Tea Party members at all.
You seem easily fooled...

No, I was talking about the Tea Party members I know and work with. Let them talk long enough and race will always come up.


Official Checked Star Member
Watch anything with the tea party on the news and you see all you need to see. great grass roots movement in the beginning, but sure enough it was whored out in no time to big business and special interests.

when your mantra is "return to the 1950s" then clearly that rings a racist bell.


Watch anything with the tea party on the news and you see all you need to see. great grass roots movement in the beginning, but sure enough it was whored out in no time to big business and special interests.

when your mantra is "return to the 1950s" then clearly that rings a racist bell.

Yeah, but you make so much of your "facts" up from thin air and a serious paranoia, it isn't even a chore discounting your claims of racism and returning to the 1950s...when the Dem party was the largest collection of racist anti-minority buttheads in the USA.
How much was that "reward" offered for any evidence of overt or specific racism from the Tea Party? $100,000? Still unclaimed, huh?
Maybe you have a convenient conspiracy theory to explain that?


No, I was talking about the Tea Party members I know and work with. Let them talk long enough and race will always come up.

Sounds like a description of any 2013 Demotard to me.

When all else fails, like facts and logic, Dems always start screaming RACISM! " You don't like the lying, freedom stealing, dogmatic, repressive, failing President just 'cause he's BLACK! "

And it NEVER fails to get to that in ANY discussion, in spite of endless red flags and hands caught in cookie jars.
Remember...for the last nearly 6 years, and in Congress for 2 years before that, the easily dazzled have given control of the country's direction to the Democrat party...
so it's due to their having the power I fault them for fucking it all up, grabbing more power and stealing more wealth than any other admin in modern history. Declaring "We won" in the sense of just fuck off and die to half or more of the country showed me right away a President and admin ready to fuck us all, just cause they can.
This is my home, and not a cash cow for ANY politician to squeeze the life outa for their own agenda.
I hated the Repubs grabbing for power when Newt was Speaker, and I hate Creepy Harry and Nasty Nancy even more.
Barak did not earn his position, it was a scam and millions fell for it. And now it's Amateur Hour in the White House. (Isn't that racist, Demotards? Why stop here ... make it the Peoples House, or the Black House, or whatever...)


Official Checked Star Member
what have I made up? paranoia? lol what have I been paranoid about? please, cite an example. Why don't you take a poll of the members of the KKK and ask what party they are members of? Oh wait! That was done in 2008 and the answer was 96% republican! Who ended segregation in the military? Democrat Harry Truman! Yes there were several Democrat racists like Senator Byrd. the Democrats supported civil rights and voting rights for blacks. But again, today's republicans are far far different from the republicans of that era.

Certainly you know who David Frum is, right? The guy who is a life long republican and was a strategist and speech writer for GWB and a huge Reagan supporter. In his blog, Frum describes the Tea Party as “a movement of relatively older and relatively affluent Americans whose expectations have been disrupted by the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. They are looking for an explanation of the catastrophe – and a villain to blame. They are finding it in the same place that Michele Bachmann and her co-religionists located it 30 years ago: a deeply hostile national government controlled by alien and suspect forces, with Barack Obama as their leader and symbol.” And he explains Bachman's political views, some of which he calls “paranoid”: “It emerges from a religious philosophy that rejects the federal government as an alien instrument of destruction, ripping apart a Christian society. Bachmann’s religiously grounded rejection of the American state finds a hearing with many more conventional conservatives radicalized by today’s hard economic times.”

he wrote a book that chronicled the comparisons of today to the 1950s and 1960s. In his book he confronts the accusations that Obama is a socialist. Here's what David Frum wrote: "In 1962, the government regulated the price and route of every airplane, every freight train, every truck and every merchant ship in the United States. The government regulated the price of natural gas. It regulated the interest on every checking account and the commission on every purchase or sale of stock. Owning a gold bar was a serious crime that could be prosecuted under the Trading with the Enemy Act. The top rate of income tax was 91%..."

It was illegal to own a telephone. Phones had to be rented from the giant government-regulated monopoly that controlled all telecommunications in the United States. All young men were subject to the military draft and could escape only if they entered a government-approved graduate course of study. The great concern of students of American society -- of liberals such as David Riesman, of conservatives such as Russell Kirk and of radicals such as Dwight Macdonald -- was the country's stultifying, crushing conformity.
Even if you look only at the experiences of white heterosexual men, the United States of 2012 is a freer country in almost every way than the United States of 1962.

Are you suggesting that I made this up? Are you suggesting that David Frum made this up? here's the piece http://www.cnn.com/2012/11/12/opinion/frum-conservatives-despair


Official Checked Star Member
War criminal. just watch this and realize what a steaming pile of lying shit this guy is. the smuggness of it when he says "maybe I'm missing something here..." is really sickening. $2 trillion dollars and how many thousands of lost lives later and he still has you idiots out there defending him. There wasn't ONE comment made on the shit he said in this video. it has been ignored which is not surprising, but very typical.



Official Checked Star Member
Im hearing a lot of talk about a Ryan run for president. I certainly hope so because that extremist will get his ass handed to him. he's yet another Bush clone. please, bring it on
Holy shit... dredging up a video of GWB from almost 14 years ago? Weak! Very weak.


Official Checked Star Member
hmmm, very weak you say? lol

SO let's see how weak this is and how irrelevant it is in today's world. Let's first ask how weak the 4,487 lives lost of American soldiers is. Why don't you tell their parents and families how weak you think it is? Especially after that retarded hick sat and smirked at the very thought of nation building in that video!

Spent & Approved War-Spending - About $2 trillion of US taxpayers' funds spent or approved for spending as of 2012

Lost & Unaccounted for in Iraq - $9 billion of US taxpayers' money and $549.7 milion in spare parts shipped in 2004 to US contractors. Also, per ABC News, 190,000 guns, including 110,000 AK-47 rifles.

Lost and Reported Stolen - $6.6 billion of U.S. taxpayers' money earmarked for Iraq reconstruction, reported on June 14, 2011 by Special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction Stuart Bowen who called it "the largest theft of funds in national history." (Source - CBS News) Last known holder of the $6.6 billion lost: the U.S. government.

Missing - $1 billion in tractor trailers, tank recovery vehicles, machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and other equipment and services provided to the Iraqi security forces.

Mismanaged & Wasted in Iraq - $10 billion, per Feb 2007 Congressional hearings (that was 6 years ago!! Imagine the total now!)

Halliburton Overcharges Classified by the Pentagon as Unreasonable and Unsupported - $1.9 billion

Amount paid to KBR, a former Halliburton division, to supply U.S. military in Iraq with food, fuel, housing and other items - $21 billion

Portion of the $20 billion paid to KBR that Pentagon auditors deem "questionable or supportable" - $3.2 billion

U.S. Annual Air-Conditioning Cost in Iraq and Afghanistan - $20.2 billion

U.S. 2009 Monthly Spending in Iraq - $7.3 billion as of Oct 2009

U.S. 2008 Monthly Spending in Iraq - $12 billion

Cost of deploying one U.S. soldier for one year in Iraq - $390,000
hmmm, very weak you say? lol

SO let's see how weak this is and how irrelevant it is in today's world. Let's first ask how weak the 4,487 lives lost of American soldiers is. Why don't you tell their parents and families how weak you think it is? Especially after that retarded hick sat and smirked at the very thought of nation building in that video!

Spent & Approved War-Spending - About $2 trillion of US taxpayers' funds spent or approved for spending as of 2012

Lost & Unaccounted for in Iraq - $9 billion of US taxpayers' money and $549.7 milion in spare parts shipped in 2004 to US contractors. Also, per ABC News, 190,000 guns, including 110,000 AK-47 rifles.

Lost and Reported Stolen - $6.6 billion of U.S. taxpayers' money earmarked for Iraq reconstruction, reported on June 14, 2011 by Special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction Stuart Bowen who called it "the largest theft of funds in national history." (Source - CBS News) Last known holder of the $6.6 billion lost: the U.S. government.

Missing - $1 billion in tractor trailers, tank recovery vehicles, machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and other equipment and services provided to the Iraqi security forces.

Mismanaged & Wasted in Iraq - $10 billion, per Feb 2007 Congressional hearings (that was 6 years ago!! Imagine the total now!)

Halliburton Overcharges Classified by the Pentagon as Unreasonable and Unsupported - $1.9 billion

Amount paid to KBR, a former Halliburton division, to supply U.S. military in Iraq with food, fuel, housing and other items - $21 billion

Portion of the $20 billion paid to KBR that Pentagon auditors deem "questionable or supportable" - $3.2 billion

U.S. Annual Air-Conditioning Cost in Iraq and Afghanistan - $20.2 billion

U.S. 2009 Monthly Spending in Iraq - $7.3 billion as of Oct 2009

U.S. 2008 Monthly Spending in Iraq - $12 billion

Cost of deploying one U.S. soldier for one year in Iraq - $390,000

Hell, why not keep pedaling backwards and go all the way back to World War One and total up the cost of all of the wars, not just "Bush's War". Oh wait, I forgot... EVERYTHING is Bush's fault.

Try to think straight when you start spouting off about wars. And please place blame equally, huh? Congress authorized going to war in Iraq.


Official Checked Star Member
you sare the one who said that the video of bush was "weak" I simply proved that the results of that idiot werent weak to the people it affected. and the war was authorized based on LIES sold to them. Well I wouldn't go backwards if our economy wasn't so fucked and you guys seem to forget who did that! please tell me, if it wasn't GWB to blame, then who????? his administration lied about WMD which they later said they were misinformed

9/11 happened Rice said bin laden and al quada weren't a big deal and that it was russia who was the real threat.

and by the way Sam, Iraq and Afghanistan are the longest running wars in US history if mccain and moron had won we'd be in 2 more wars and still in iraq so lets give thanks that shit didnt happen
and by the way Sam, Iraq and Afghanistan are the longest running wars in US history if mccain and moron had won we'd be in 2 more wars and still in iraq so lets give thanks that shit didnt happen

Yeah, and Obama said he would have ALL of the troops home within 6 months after his first election. But, the wars are still going, right?

As far as the WMD, there were many in congress on both sides of the aisle who believed the info they were given concerning WMD's. So, don't ya think it's about time to drop the "It's Bush's Fault" mantra? I mean, Obama is in his second term, fer krise sake. Time for him to man the fuck up.


Official Checked Star Member
no, all troops have been pulled from iraq since december of 2011.

and where did congress get their information? from the pentagon who is headed by whom? rumsfeld, bush, cheney, rice are all criminals.

and yes I agree, he should have pulled troops sooner but mccain wanted troops in iraq "indefinitely" and so did romney.

when will YOU guys OWN the fuck up to what the republicans did to the economy and to the bullshit wars? you cant seem to swallow that blame for some reason?


I'm watching some specialist videos
Sorry, Sam, but I'm pretty sure that the target has always been 2014 for getting US troops out of Afghanistan.
He also said that he would shut down Guantanamo, but we all know who is to blame for that not happening, and it isn't Obama.
Guantanamo is an embarrassment and the whole of the US population should be behind getting it closed down.

As to who is to blame for the economy! It is a worldwide problem, not a US one. Europe is fucked and getting worse. UK is fucked and slowly improving. USA is fucked but also improving. Even China is being hit by recession now, and you can't blame that one on a US president past or present.
The UK and USA are trying differing economic remedies, and both appear to be working at the moment. I doubt very much whether it would have made a blind bit if difference who was in charge 6 years ago when the shit hit the economic fan. It has been a build up of economic policies and the lack of policing the investment banking world for the past 20 years or more that put us where we are. What gets the economy back on track will be debated for years, even after there is recovery and then the arguments will be about why it was so slow. It is all political rhetoric. Some say spend out of the recession, others say stop spending and save. I think that both will work, but which will be better and quicker, I would not even begin to hazard a guess, and neither, I suspect, would any economist worth his salt.


Official Checked Star Member
when did the middle class begin to erode? when regulations on business began to be removed. when those heavily regulated days we had a booming GDP and a thriving middle class that was a consuming machine. when the regulations on business were lifted companies chose to fuck the consumer in favor for more profits. tax exemption was given to companies who manufactured overseas and shipped items back to the US for sale. Labor jobs that would have been done by Americans were now being done by kids and people for pennies on the dollar leaving a giant growing hole in the middle class. look at the incomes over the last 4 years compared to costs of living. it's growth is 37% behind inflation.

just think of the price of a car today. I just bought a new car last week and spent 2 weeks car shopping. the prices are ridiculous. A fucking Buick is now $50,000!!!! a basic toyota 4runner is $35000 the new mustang is almost $40,000 for fuck's sake! that piece of plastic was under $20,000 just 10 years ago! the richest few % are the only growing economic group and they are up nearly 300% when the rest of the country is way down.

when regulation ended, so did the thriving middle class.

when Bush spent money like a drunken sailor on 2 wars and handed a blank check to anyone who asked, he crippled the economy. he took away the revenue with tax cuts and then handed corporations billions of dollars in stimulus bailouts. corporate welfare isn't socialism though right? lol

when you take office with a surplus and in 8 years leave with the worst economy in 70 years, you gotta lay blame on the guy who was there for 8 years. how much did we spend on those wars? oh yeah, he put those on a credit card and never paid for them! that fell into Obama's lap!
when you take office with a surplus and in 8 years leave with the worst economy in 70 years, you gotta lay blame on the guy who was there for 8 years. how much did we spend on those wars? oh yeah, he put those on a credit card and never paid for them! that fell into Obama's lap!

But what would be the price of oil now if you hadn't start the war?

(USA-Iraq war 1990-1991, USA-Iraq war 2003-?)

I hope that the answer is not this; Now it is more expensive.
Regardless of war, George W. is worse...

Adjusting for inflation, prices rose to $2.52 (Bush) and $2.53 (Obama) seven months into their terms, $2.76 and $2.71, respectively, nearly two years in and $3.27 each three years in. This month, gas is $3.85, more than a dime cheaper than at this point during Bush's second term when adjusted for inflation.

:2 cents: