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One Porn Star's Political Opinions...


Staff member
Here is my point of view Mariah. Well in my country all I can say is that the good doctors left public hospitals and now only work in private ones. When I was back in the USA for the last time in 1999, I remember my uncle telling me how the public hospitals have gone downhill since two decades. Also it is impossible to provide the same level of healthcare for everyone. Some people eat at Mc Donalds all the time, drink booze, smoke, have unportected sex or shoot themselves with drugs. I think that before healthcare, education and being a foodie is important. Also in my country, honest hardworking and law abiding citizens pay free healthcare and social security for lazy and unwilling work to people. This doesn't date from yesterday but from 1981, I think this has to change. Social security and healthcare should be privatized. The private research and healthcare sectors as well as private hopsitals have been far more efficient than the public ones in my country. A lot of public hospitals in my country are either bankrupt, lackin qualified personnel, sometimes get bought by a private firm and become another private hospital.
I read this expecting to rip it apart. Not sure why. I smiled throughout. It is not only written with passion and compassion, it is an opinion that has not sold out to anyone else's view, including the political parties.
I don't agree with every single word, but I found the opinion to be balanced and well through out.


I know that being in the industry I have been in for over 14 years I should certainly be a liberal, but I'm not. I also know that if it were up to the right, this site and all others like it wouldn't exist, which to me is insanity.

I am a registered Republican and have been for over 10 years. As I have gotten older I have evolved my thinking in several ways. One is about health care. Here's why:

A few years ago I got a knock on my door, and when I opened it there was an older woman with her 3 daughters. They were my neighbors and I recognized them. They told me they were raising money for another neighbor girl who was 11 years old and who's father had lost him job, therefore his insurance and could no longer afford her asthma medication. I also have asthma but not on the level this girl had, which was severe and she had to have a breathing machine every day etc. 6 months later I found out that little girl had died which was heartbreaking. I have had asthma attacks and the terror you have when you cannot breath and it feels like there is 1,000 pounds on your chest is something only someone who has experienced it could understand. To think that this little girl died going through this is unimaginable. Florida has very strict and harsh social service programs that her father didn't qualify for because he was being paid unemployment, (a whopping $252 a week!)

To hear Republicans say that their tax dollars shouldn't be used for poor people's medicine but building hospitals in Iraq with those same dollars is fine, makes me fucking SICK to say it mildly.

The same people who proclaim to be Christians and want America to return to it's moral values of the 1950's yet think that providing medicine for the poor are the biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet.

Another issue I have with the right, (I'll get to the left in a minute!) that business is the answer and that government should allow business to police itself. That is a fucking joke. Look at the Enron's of the world. Look at the banks and then look at the credit card companies. Bush 2 signed the bankruptcy reform act which was written by guess who? The lobby firm that represents MBNA bank, one of the largest holders of credit card dead in the WORLD! you would think that would be a conflict of interest wouldn't ya? Bush 2 also de-funded the department of justice financial crimes division by 92% what does that mean you ask? Well, it means that there is no money to prosecute companies who break the law, and those companies with gigantic teams of high price firms representing them are up against a broke public defender's office and can lawyer the government to death for decades. In other words, they have free reign to rape and pillage 401k plans, retirements, pensions etc with zero ramifications.

Here is another delightful Bush 2 moment where the lying sack of shit laughs off the idea of nation building (Hannity and Rush fans don't watch because it might burn your ears to see this actually being said!)

Here are some FACTS that are overlooked by the talking heads on the right who proclaim the 1950s America to be where we need to return:

1952 tax rates were in the 70 percentile for top earners - today it's 35%. I pay my taxes and will pay more if asked. I agree we need to verify where it's being spent, but that again is another role for government.
in 1952 the government regulated far more things than they do today. Such as:
business. if you were to have shipped jobs overseas or outsourced manufacturing in 1952 you wouldnt stay in business because you would be taxed to death for it.
the price of milk. the price of travel. the price of utilities. the price of health care. the price of gasoline. the price of groceries. the price of housing. the price of automobiles.

let's not forget the rights of women, blacks, gays, the handicapped.

With all of this government in our lives in the 1950s, it was a thriving economic time in American history. The middle class was strong and was a consuming machine. People with every day jobs like teachers and bus drivers could pay their bills, save for their kids college and their daughter's weddings and their wives could stay at home and raise their children AND they took a vacation every year. All with such a big government oversight which the right claims is killing us today, even though when you compare government's reach today to 1952 it is minuscule to say the least.

My issues with the left:
Soft on crime. How could anyone EVER stand up for the rights of pedophiles and rapists and be concerned for their rights and civil liberties is beyond me. How could anyone fight for prisoner's rights to use the internet and have cable TV and give them conjugal visits? The left loses me over this issue alone. I also think that allowing illegal immigrants to have a driver's license is insane. That would be like me stealing a car, and then being permitted to register it in my name. "Hey, it's already stolen so might as well just let her keep it right?" if you sneak into this country that is breaking a federal law, and therefore you should be arrested, and taken back to wherever it was you came from ILLEGALLY!! not be given rights and protections and privileges!!!!!! But immigration is a double edge sword that cannot be blamed on the left entirely. Who hires the majority of the illegals? Corporations do and they are without question right based entities.

I also don't care for the imbalance of the minority privilege in this country. I dont think that because you are of a certain color you should be given additional rights and privileges that others are not. That is racist and unfair.

I also HATE the Jesse Jackson's and Sharpton's of the world, which are very left, yet fly in private planes and live off of the plight of the poor. That is very republican in nature!

So go ahead, rebuttal me on this stuff but if you read this there are VERY few opinions here. I have presented FACTS that are proven FACTS so you can be in denial but then you are just another part of the problem. People see party over reality which is what I HATE the most about politics. It's like we are too egotistical to admit the other side is relevant. Some of us are sick of it and cannot believe the disservice that the right is doing by misleading and misinforming its people simply to gain ground in a losing fight. That is another FACT people. if the right doesn't wake the fuck up it's going to continue to become less and less relevant.

I agree with smaller government but not at the expense of more than 90% of the people who would suffer from it. It is not a government of the people for the people as it claims, it has gotten further and further from the average citizen, which is why the tides are turning and the right is losing its place election after election.


Official Checked Star Member
First of all, medicare is socialism plain and simple! Everyone gets it when they get, no matter how much they paid in or not.

well the insurance companies are out of control with the way that they operate. I pay nearly $400 a month for coverage because I'm 33 and have breast implants. I had a tumor on my thyroid last year and they immediately denied my claim to pay because they said that one of the treatments I had was "experimental" even though it's been done for more than a decade by every major medical facility in the country. If it weren't for Obamacare I wouldn't be able to buy insurance because of that preexisting condition.

I think they have their place, but they need to be regulated the way they were up until Richard Nixon opened the flood gates in the early 70s. I find it hard to believe you think that insurance companies are a fair and respectable lot, when they have policies by their claims adjusters to automatically deny initial claims that are high dollar. That is no "theory" that has been proven repeatedly in court.

As far as Romney goes, he gave his money to his fucking cult which should NOT be a write off. No religion should hold tax exempt status in my opinion, unless they give 100% of the donations to charity which NONE of them do. And especially ones invested in using their money to fight laws such as gay marriage as the Mormons are.

Well take away the wars we are in and all of the high cost emergency room visits we get currently and you would be able to afford health care, and future generations would be healthier and would thank us for this. You are a backing voice for a very small minority of people. Remember, that 1% you refer to owns 93% of the wealth. So the other 93% should do what? They are the ones who fund the economy and purchase the goods.

And i FUCKING HATE when people say "giving health care to those who don't work" why is it that you continue to assume that the only ones who can't afford health care are those who don't work? I know many people who work who cannot afford to pay premiums that are more than their car payment for insurance. Any idea what it costs to insure children? a handicapped child? My friend has an autistic son with epilepsy and her premium for herself her husband and her son was over $1100 a month until she was finally able to get approved for social security and medicare for him, which took 4 years by the way. She couldn't even buy coverage for him until 2 years ago because of the preexisting condition issue.

Your admiration for Mr Romney's charitable side is wonderful, but have you seen how he made his money in the private sector? Ever met anyone who lost their job from one of his takeovers? I personally know Michael Kest who handles my investments and has also dealt with Bain capital and Mitt Romney for more than 20 years. Michael Kest manages the Kest Fund and is worth 10 times more than Mr Romney. Do some research on who Michael Kest is and his father Sol Kest. They are an Orthodox Jewish family who live in LA and are billionaires who made their money in real estate development, mostly in Bel Air and Benedict Canyon in Beverly Hills. They have helped me with investing my money as a favor, and taken not a penny from me for doing it. They give $50 MILLION a year away to charities and if you were to tell them your opinions of Mitt, they would tell you about the REAL Mitt Romney with whom they have dealt with since the opening of Bain capital in 1984. They worked with them on many of their buyouts as financial backing and then when they saw how they took established companies and stripped them and ripped all of the equity they no longer did business with them. They said that "Honor is something in which Romney owns not an ounce" and refused to fund their projects because of their lack of scruples and their reckless disregard for the employees or family legacy of some of those companies.

You should read David Stockman's analysis of the tactics to which Bain made their money. David Stockman was Reagan's budget director and a long-time republican so this is no left bias report. I read his book.

And of course those little heart felt stories come out about candidates during elections. Dont you feel the least bit silly buying into that shit? Like when Robert Reicsh sat on Jay Leno and told how he met Bill Clintion on a boat when they were both headed to school at Oxford, when Reisch was sea sick and he heard a knock on his door and there was this tall dark haired southern guy standing with a bowl of soup and crackers who said he heard he was sea sick. Come on dude. That shit is orchestrated to make them seem like great guys with hearts of gold looking to help whomever they can with their kindness and genuine generosity. cry me a river. And perhaps he is a great guy. they say Bush is a great guy too. that guy is as out of touch with the american people as you could possibly be.

PLUS HE FUCKING BELIEVES THAT GOD IS A 6 FOOT TALL FLASH AND BLOOD MAN LIVING ON THE PLANET KOLOB AND A RELIGION THAT WAS WRITTEN BY A 14 YEAR OLD KID IN THE EARLY 1800s!!!!!!! even though there isn't an astronomer alive who has ever heard of or discovered any such planet?????? you know any 14 year old kids? I have a 16 year old son and the LAST thing I would want to do is devote my life to something he cooked up in the 8th grade! He believes Jesus is returning to Jackson Missouri to live for 1000 years LMAO!!!!!!!! Billy Graham had Mormonism listed as a cult until, wouldn't ya know just before the election lol

I mean really, you would trust the US to someone who believes this ridiculous shit??? He said "there are times in my life when all of my experiences in life and common sense tell me to do one thing, but then God tells me otherwise and that's what I do" WHAT THE FUCK would you want someone running our country, in control of our military who listens to a voice in his head instead of rational thought common sense and experience??????????????????????????


Official Checked Star Member
fuck no prisoners dont pay for health care. they get full dental and medical care, they have cable television and get to fuck their girlfriends and eat hot food and earn money.
First of all, medicare is socialism plain and simple! Everyone gets it when they get, no matter how much they paid in or not.

Medicare Without Working

If you never paid Medicare tax because you never worked, you do not qualify for Medicare Part A free coverage as most citizens do. However, the Social Security Administration has given you the option of purchasing Medicare coverage if you meet Medicare's requirements. If this is your case, you can purchase Part A and all Medicare coverage, which includes Part B, Part C and Part D.

Read more: Can You Get Medicare If You've Never Been Employed? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/info_7854199_can-medicare-youve-never-employed.html#ixzz2SQgU2WU5


Official Checked Star Member
hahaha who in this country NEVER worked? what % would that be?

you tell me how someone who works at walmart, or a grocery store or a clothing store in a mall could ever afford to buy health care. again, minimum wage is $7.25 an hour which a 40 hour week after taxes gets you what? $250 so $1000 a month to pay for rent, food, gas, utilities AND health care? lol hilarious

And by the way, I moved to Florida because I like the ocean and the lifestyle here. I don't pay state income but for every scene I did in California I paid state income tax there. And I pay a shitload for insurance and property tax. I live right on the gulf of mexico and my annual insurance is plenty, trust me. 5 figures when you add insurance and property taxes.
hahaha who in this country NEVER worked? what % would that be?
Plenty of women never worked outside the home, prior to the fucking Women's Lib Movement.

you tell me how someone who works at walmart, or a grocery store or a clothing store in a mall could ever afford to buy health care. again, minimum wage is $7.25 an hour which a 40 hour week after taxes gets you what? $250 so $1000 a month to pay for rent, food, gas, utilities AND health care? lol hilarious
No, you tell me how ANYONE is going to be able to afford Obama's (so-called) free health care?

And by the way, I moved to Florida because I like the ocean and the lifestyle here. I don't pay state income but I pay a shitload for insurance and property tax. I live right on the gulf of mexico and my annual insurance is plenty, trust me. 5 figures when you add insurance and property taxes.
That was your choice to move there. Enjoy it.


Official Checked Star Member
I take it you aren't in favor of women in the workplace? Well in all fairness when the cost of living began to skyrocket in comparison to wages, women had no choice but to go back to work. And women were given rights like driving and voting, God forbid so we were empowered a bit and not every woman wants to be some man's servant all of her life. Some of us choose not to get married and push out kids.

I do enjoy it. I was asked if I moved to Florida because of the no state income and I answered.

Well there are plenty of businesses who could afford to pay for their employees health care, like in the Golden days of America that the tea party touts so often, but they choose not to. Requiring them to pay for it is fine with me. I'm self-employed and I can buy my own coverage, but many cannot.

You guys are just stuck on people getting health care if they can't afford it. So answer this... are you against a single mother of 3 getting health care for she and her kids? If she gets sick who raises them?

another question for you Sam... how can ANYONE continue to pay for these wars we are in? or the defense budget? seems like we find the money for those! Even though GWB put the wars on a credit card that the payments are now due...talk about future generations hating us!


Official Checked Star Member
I was having a discussion with my friends father who is very wealthy and owned a large company that they sold to Pitney Bowes back in 1980. We were talking about big business and the whoring of American jobs etc he is a staunch Republican and has never voted Democrat in his life. But he said that this breed of Republican today is not what the party is about. he said the takeover of the religious groups firightens him. He was a Goldwater Republican he says. Many like Bush II are not conservative and spend like liberals. He also said that big business today isn't anything like it was 30 years ago. He said that companies used to pay for health care because it was just the right thing to do. His company was non-union by the way with 2700 employees. they paid well, offered insurance, college funds, retirements etc. He said not every company did this but back in his day companies were more aware of the American way of life and being a part of it. Now they are paying CEOs $20 million bonuses even if the company is losing money and laying people off. He also said that the gap in income between the worker and the executive was not nearly as enormous as it is today.

I just thought I'd share that with you. He and I always talk politics and have some good discussions. he's nearly 80 now and this last election was the first he didn't vote in his entire life. He said he just couldn't vote for Romney. he felt he was too out of touch with America to be president. Of course he wouldn't vote for Obama either. So he sat it out. He was behind Ron Paul until his remarks on Iran having nuclear weapons and then he lost all interest.
I know that being in the industry I have been in for over 14 years I should certainly be a liberal, but I'm not. I also know that if it were up to the right, this site and all others like it wouldn't exist, [but]...I am a registered Republican.

First of all, medicare is socialism plain and simple! Everyone gets it when they get, no matter how much they paid in or not.

well the insurance companies are out of control with the way that they operate. I pay nearly $400 a month for coverage because I'm 33 and have breast implants. I had a tumor on my thyroid last year and they immediately denied my claim to pay because they said that one of the treatments I had was "experimental" even though it's been done for more than a decade by every major medical facility in the country. If it weren't for Obamacare I wouldn't be able to buy insurance because of that preexisting condition.

I think they have their place, but they need to be regulated the way they were up until Richard Nixon opened the flood gates in the early 70s. I find it hard to believe you think that insurance companies are a fair and respectable lot, when they have policies by their claims adjusters to automatically deny initial claims that are high dollar. That is no "theory" that has been proven repeatedly in court.

As far as Romney goes, he gave his money to his fucking cult which should NOT be a write off. No religion should hold tax exempt status in my opinion, unless they give 100% of the donations to charity which NONE of them do. And especially ones invested in using their money to fight laws such as gay marriage as the Mormons are.

Well take away the wars we are in and all of the high cost emergency room visits we get currently and you would be able to afford health care, and future generations would be healthier and would thank us for this. You are a backing voice for a very small minority of people. Remember, that 1% you refer to owns 93% of the wealth. So the other 93% should do what? They are the ones who fund the economy and purchase the goods.

And i FUCKING HATE when people say "giving health care to those who don't work" why is it that you continue to assume that the only ones who can't afford health care are those who don't work? I know many people who work who cannot afford to pay premiums that are more than their car payment for insurance. Any idea what it costs to insure children? a handicapped child? My friend has an autistic son with epilepsy and her premium for herself her husband and her son was over $1100 a month until she was finally able to get approved for social security and medicare for him, which took 4 years by the way. She couldn't even buy coverage for him until 2 years ago because of the preexisting condition issue.

Your admiration for Mr Romney's charitable side is wonderful, but have you seen how he made his money in the private sector? Ever met anyone who lost their job from one of his takeovers? I personally know Michael Kest who handles my investments and has also dealt with Bain capital and Mitt Romney for more than 20 years. Michael Kest manages the Kest Fund and is worth 10 times more than Mr Romney. Do some research on who Michael Kest is and his father Sol Kest. They are an Orthodox Jewish family who live in LA and are billionaires who made their money in real estate development, mostly in Bel Air and Benedict Canyon in Beverly Hills. They have helped me with investing my money as a favor, and taken not a penny from me for doing it. They give $50 MILLION a year away to charities and if you were to tell them your opinions of Mitt, they would tell you about the REAL Mitt Romney with whom they have dealt with since the opening of Bain capital in 1984. They worked with them on many of their buyouts as financial backing and then when they saw how they took established companies and stripped them and ripped all of the equity they no longer did business with them. They said that "Honor is something in which Romney owns not an ounce" and refused to fund their projects because of their lack of scruples and their reckless disregard for the employees or family legacy of some of those companies.

You should read David Stockman's analysis of the tactics to which Bain made their money. David Stockman was Reagan's budget director and a long-time republican so this is no left bias report. I read his book.

And of course those little heart felt stories come out about candidates during elections. Dont you feel the least bit silly buying into that shit? Like when Robert Reicsh sat on Jay Leno and told how he met Bill Clintion on a boat when they were both headed to school at Oxford, when Reisch was sea sick and he heard a knock on his door and there was this tall dark haired southern guy standing with a bowl of soup and crackers who said he heard he was sea sick. Come on dude. That shit is orchestrated to make them seem like great guys with hearts of gold looking to help whomever they can with their kindness and genuine generosity. cry me a river. And perhaps he is a great guy. they say Bush is a great guy too. that guy is as out of touch with the american people as you could possibly be.

PLUS HE FUCKING BELIEVES THAT GOD IS A 6 FOOT TALL FLASH AND BLOOD MAN LIVING ON THE PLANET KOLOB AND A RELIGION THAT WAS WRITTEN BY A 14 YEAR OLD KID IN THE EARLY 1800s!!!!!!! even though there isn't an astronomer alive who has ever heard of or discovered any such planet?????? you know any 14 year old kids? I have a 16 year old son and the LAST thing I would want to do is devote my life to something he cooked up in the 8th grade! He believes Jesus is returning to Jackson Missouri to live for 1000 years LMAO!!!!!!!! Billy Graham had Mormonism listed as a cult until, wouldn't ya know just before the election lol

I mean really, you would trust the US to someone who believes this ridiculous shit??? He said "there are times in my life when all of my experiences in life and common sense tell me to do one thing, but then God tells me otherwise and that's what I do" WHAT THE FUCK would you want someone running our country, in control of our military who listens to a voice in his head instead of rational thought common sense and experience??????????????????????????

It was very charitable of your billionaire friends to aide you with your investment portfolio. Their expertise is real estate and I don't know many developers that aren't loaded. It would be interesting to have a discussion with them about how many times they trampled over the 'regular guy" to achieve some of their lucrative deals. So while they are out bashing Romney and Bain Capital, their way to the top was paved with legal wrangling to force people out of their property using any means necessary. Real estate developers are some of the most unscrupulous people you will ever deal with. Their body count if compared to Romney's would look like the Jonestown massacre compared to a drive by in Ybor City.

You obviously do not have a grasp as to how private equity firms work and that is unfortunate. Private equity firms are not in the business of keeping failing companies afloat. Their job is to manage the money entrusted to them by many people and to turn a profit. If that means that people lose their jobs then so be it. You have the same attitude about equity firms as you do about government spending. Keep throwing good money after bad because the intent is to help people. Well that is not the way the world works.

Let's take your former industry for example. Nobody wants to see an unattractive woman making porn movies. You could have 4 kids to feed, a mortgage and a car payment but if something unfortunate happens to you that causes you to suffer disfigurement or you have a medical condition that causes you to gain 100 pounds you become dispensable because you are simply not worth the investment to the production companies because you are not going to bring a return to them on their investment.

It doesn't matter that you have a good heart, go to PTA meetings and never make a left turn at a red light. You're on your own.

The managing partner of a private equity firm has a responsibility to himself and his employees of his firm and mostly to his investors to make wise and sound judgements as to which companies meet their investment portfolio. Mr. Romney was successful at his job or he wouldn't have kept it long. When you manage other people's money you basically wake up every day unemployed. There is no greater example of "what have you done for me lately" than capital management. For every example of Bain Capital's heartless business practices there is another example of Bain Capital making decisions that created jobs and enriched those that entrusted their money with them. You watched Wall Street too many times. Romney didn't approach his time at Bain with a Gordon Gekko mentality. Although it seemed that way at the democrat convention. Even Michelle Obama praised one of the companies that Bain invested in Bright Horizons.

You're real problem is injustice, when you figure out to make everything fair in life get back to us. It will make you a wealthier woman than all the financial advisers in the world could do put together.

Sounds like a lot of sour grapes from your wealthy friends on the West Coast.

You keep mentioning Nixon and deregulation. Do you know the president responsible for the most deregulation in the past 50 years is? Bill Clinton. Not only did he feel a need to tamper with the insurance industry but the financial industry as well. Think what you will of him, but give him credit for a keen sense of political expediency and being one hell of a pragmatist.

I have my share of problems with the Mormon religion but I cannot question their sincerity in their beliefs and the utter dedication they give to the church.

I am quite aware of David Stockman the same David Stockman that was indicted for fraud. Fortunately for him the Bush DOJ decided not to prosecute in early 2009 because they knew that the Obama DOJ would not do so. He had made too may friends within the democrat party. Most people realize that Stockman has an axe to grind and accept that, although in his day he was a capable public servant.


Official Checked Star Member
you are speaking as if you KNOW these people and lumping them together with all others in their field. You are assuming, whereas they are speaking from PERSONAL inter-actions with Romney and Bain for more than 20 years. Big difference there wouldn't ya say? How can you call someone who refuses to work with a company and person based on their LACK OF scruples and integrity sour grapes? lol They refused to financially invest in Bain based on their business practices. And they are hardly "out bashing Romney and Bain capital" as you say. Michael told me these things during a conversation he and I had last October during the election. You are being a little too aggressive with your accusatory comments in regards to people you do NOT know.

By your complete disregard for certain things and then taking things I say out of context you are proving to be nothing more than a typical partisan republican who refuses to cry foul or admit to fraud, criminal activity and flat out destruction of the constitution. I am telling you that I PERSONALLY (there's that ugly word again!) know someone who PERSONALLY dealt with Romney & Bain capital, so their facts hold much more merit than yours or Fox news or anyone else with your agenda. By the way, The Kest family are republicans who wanted Newt to win, so this has ZERO to do with them being democrats.

They bought undeveloped land and built million dollar housing in the hills in Bel Air and Beverly Hills in the canyons. not too many "little guys" who had home up there for the taking.

The Bush DOJ was gutted lol and perhaps he wasn't prosecuted for his knowledge of certain facts?????? I am assuming as you take the liberty of doing. Only fair.

But don't you have to question the mindset of someone who believes such fucking ridiculous rubbish and says flat out publicly that he listens to God's voice rather than logic and reason?????????????????????
you are speaking as if you KNOW these people and lumping them together with all others in their field. You are assuming, whereas they are speaking from PERSONAL inter-actions with Romney and Bain for more than 20 years. Big difference there wouldn't ya say? How can you call someone who refuses to work with a company and person based on their LACK OF scruples and integrity sour grapes? lol They refused to financially invest in Bain based on their business practices. And they are hardly "out bashing Romney and Bain capital" as you say. Michael told me these things during a conversation he and I had last October during the election. You are being a little too aggressive with your accusatory comments in regards to people you do NOT know.

By your complete disregard for certain things and then taking things I say out of context you are proving to be nothing more than a typical partisan republican who refuses to cry foul or admit to fraud, criminal activity and flat out destruction of the constitution. I am telling you that I PERSONALLY (there's that ugly word again!) know someone who PERSONALLY dealt with Romney & Bain capital, so their facts hold much more merit than yours or Fox news or anyone else with your agenda. By the way, The Kest family are republicans who wanted Newt to win, so this has ZERO to do with them being democrats.

They bought undeveloped land and built million dollar housing in the hills in Bel Air and Beverly Hills in the canyons. not too many "little guys" who had home up there for the taking.

The Bush DOJ was gutted lol and perhaps he wasn't prosecuted for his knowledge of certain facts?????? I am assuming as you take the liberty of doing. Only fair.

But don't you have to question the mindset of someone who believes such fucking ridiculous rubbish and says flat out publicly that he listens to God's voice rather than logic and reason?????????????????????

My opinions of these people are just as valid as your anecdotal evidence based upon a personal friendship with them. And I have a real problem with you wanting me and others to pay for every social program de jour. I was raised that if you didn't work, you didn't eat. "And life is not fair. And it is not the job of the government to make it fair or to create more entitlements. There are probably far more people that dealt with Romney and Bain that have favorable opinions of them. Everything you have posted on these 5 pages are rants about republicans their heartlessness and why we should spend spend spend with no regard for the costs involved. You say that future generations will be grateful that we offer a heath care system that we can't pay for or shouldn't pay for because they will be healthy. No they will wish that we used more fiscal responsibility that created an economy that enabled them to provide for things on their own.


Official Checked Star Member

Very typical, you have totally ignored me every time I've asked you this question so I'll ask it again: you bitch about being required to pay for other people's health care, claiming that those who will benefit will all be people who don't work (even though that it total bullshit!) SO then you also have a problem with nation building in Iraq who now has a more modern power grid than the USA new schools, hospitals and roads?????????? YOu are ok with your tax dollars going for that, but NOT for Americans who can't afford medicine????????????

where did I say spend spend spend? I said cut defense, get out of the wars and then the money will be there. Does that NOT make sense to you? lol

do you think the future generations will love the money owed from the wars which are in the trillions?????? did you mean more fiscal responsibility like the 2 wars we're in and the war in Iran than the republicans want so badly???

Ok here is for you fucking Christian Republicans that are against providing health care to people who can't afford it:

"He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing." Deuteronomy 10:18

"Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly." Leviticus 19:15

"Do not take advantage of a hired man who is poor and needy, whether he is a brother Israelite or an alien living in one of your towns." Deuteronomy 24:14

"There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land." Deuteronomy 15:11

Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise, says the LORD, I will protect them from those who malign them. " Psalm 12:5

"He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God." Proverbs 14:31

"If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered." Proverbs 21:13

"He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses." Proverbs 28:27

you want more? I have MANY more? now please, tell me how I am wrong here and right wingers against health care are not hypocrites? please, just once. tell me. prove to me you are better than the Hannity and Rush mindless retards out there.
Even the devil can quote scripture when it suits his purpose. But I will respond to your questions in more detail after a while.

Then after a couple more days of this I will probably take one of my 6 month sabbaticals from this board like I do from time to time, lol


Official Checked Star Member
The devil lol Did you know Mike Huckabee said that Joseph Smith and the devil are brothers? lol until of course Romney became the nominee lol

I am quoting scripture to backup a very valid point.

I am an atheist so there is no purpose I am supporting here. Its a very simple question. how can people claim to be religious christians and demand that our government be based on moral christian ethics when an overwhelming majority outright disregard the absolute basis of the teachings of the person they worship?????????
it doesn't have anything to do with you being atheist. You quoted scripture to make a point. There are also scripture passages that say:"For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat."

Interesting that you would throw scripture bombs when they hold absolutely no meaning to you except in the case of making a political or religious point.


Official Checked Star Member
again with the "he who doesn't work" bullshit.

unemployment is roughly 10% of the population yet more than 50% of americans live at or near the poverty line. that means THOSE WHO WORK CANNOT AFFORD TO LIVE!!!!!!!!!!! INCLUDING BUYING OUTRAGEOUSLY PRICED HEALTH CARE.

I quoted scripture because the same people who claim to be devout followers of Christ are the very ones saying that their taxes shouldnt pay for the health care of people who cannot pay for it.

and yet he continues to ignore the question.

ok Im done with this thread its pointless to try and discuss with people who ignore the topics and take everything out of context. i might as well go watch Fox news at least the blondes on there are usually hot
Obamacare hasn't even been fully implemented and you think the costs are going down? Check back in 5 years once the costs continue to skyrocket. We're out of Iraq now, yet the national debt continues to soar.

This is a link from the Huffington Post. Hardly a bastion of conservatism.


Like I said, we have our problems but more government is not the answer.