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One Porn Star's Political Opinions...

What is your legal opinion of that finding?

I don't give legal opinions. Judges do that. Stick to breaking test tubes and lighting your own farts.

My personal opinion is that the court gave credence to the undeniable fact that corporations represent a lot of individuals. I concur with the opinion.

Aww, temper temper. "fuckstick", getting a wee bit testy there, are you?

Would you prefer that I call you an ass whistle?

I complained about corporate personhood? I don't recall complaining. I merely asked your opinion on a constitutional issue, seeing as how you're a paralegal and all.

"You'll" refers to "You will" not that "you did"

And given your history there is no reason to believe that your belly aching will not ensue.

it doesn't take a paralegal to know that.

You haven't given examples, you're just continuing to push a smear. Roger Ailes would be proud. Way to go with the personal attacks, I don't expect any better from from a "conservative".

Everything coming from the Republicans these days reeks of sour grapes. I'm really disappointed that no one has stepped up to lead the GOP into 2016. I'll probably be even more disappointed with whoever does, though. I can only imagine we'll get someone like Paul Ryan or Ted Cruz, a couple of complete idiots that will try to make the GOP even more backwards than it already is, and people like you will be rooting them on as they march further backwards into oblivion. We need the Republican Party to be a viable opposition, but they're not, they're merely the party that's pissed off because they can't seem to recapture the White House. I'm done with the partisan bickering. I look back on the eight years of Bush and I'm embarrassed to think that I might have acted even a little bit the way these crybaby conservatives are reacting to Obama.

I have given plenty of examples of Obama's move toward socialism, you refuse to acknowledge it, that is your problem.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I don't give legal opinions. Judges do that. Stick to breaking test tubes and lighting your own farts. My personal opinion is that the court gave credence to the undeniable fact that corporations represent a lot of individuals. I concur with the opinion. Would you prefer that I call you an ass whistle? "You'll" refers to "You will" not that "you did" And given your history there is no reason to believe that your belly aching will not ensue. it doesn't take a paralegal to know that. I have given plenty of examples of Obama's move toward socialism, you refuse to acknowledge it, that is your problem.

Enjoy your continued descent into oblivion. Too many hookers and too much blow, apparently.
so you think the borders should be open to anyone who comes over? or that those who came here illegally should just be given a free get out of jail pass? there are entire towns in Texas and Arizona that are literally and entirely bankrupt due to the illegal population that consumes their social programs to the point of decimation.

if you want to live and work here that's fine, apply for a temporary visa and go through the legal channels to become a citizen. learn to speak english and stop fucking send 80% of your paycheck back to mexico tax free.

go to a california prison and look at the 70% mexican population. most of them gang members. furthermore, i'd bet that more than 80% of their parents came here illegally.

I failed to give you the credit for this post that you deserve.

You are 100 percent correct.

I also have a real problem with illegals (undocumented as the left like to refer to them) popping out as many kids as possible (anchor babies) to take advantage of the welfare system.

I think for you to be born a U.S. citizen that one of the parents has to be a citizen or legal resident also.

The NFL should change their terminology in making calls. An illegal receiver should be an undocumented receiver down field.


Official Checked Star Member
A girl I went to school with is married to an executive at LexisNexis and we had a deep discussion about the services they offer, and the actual data that they collect. Even he says it's frightening when you think of the access they are legally issued. They can legally sell EVERY American's past 10 years of residence, medical history, credit card and bank statements, banking information, names and contact information of neighbors, employers, family to ANYONE who pays for their service. That is what they sell, but they never purge their information and it is archived forever. So there is a file compiling on EVERY American citizen that is for sale to ANYONE who pays for their service. The Patriot act wiped out the last shreds of our right to privacy. And by the way, the government is the biggest client of Lexis Nexis. As long as they aren't the ones collecting the information or selling it, they aren't violating our right to privacy under the new laws.

And how about the patriot act allowing people arrested for USING drugs to be detained without rights under the terrism statutes as "contributors to funding terror?"
Have ANY of you liberals in here actually read the more than two thousand pages of regulations that is in the Obama Care Law?
Just as I thought... You haven't.
A girl I went to school with is married to an executive at LexisNexis and we had a deep discussion about the services they offer, and the actual data that they collect. Even he says it's frightening when you think of the access they are legally issued. They can legally sell EVERY American's past 10 years of residence, medical history, credit card and bank statements, banking information, names and contact information of neighbors, employers, family to ANYONE who pays for their service. That is what they sell, but they never purge their information and it is archived forever. So there is a file compiling on EVERY American citizen that is for sale to ANYONE who pays for their service. The Patriot act wiped out the last shreds of our right to privacy. And by the way, the government is the biggest client of Lexis Nexis. As long as they aren't the ones collecting the information or selling it, they aren't violating our right to privacy under the new laws.

And how about the patriot act allowing people arrested for USING drugs to be detained without rights under the terrism statutes as "contributors to funding terror?"

There is already a great deal of info on you that can be uncovered through the Freedom Of Information Act. How do you feel about the Mayor Of New York? Bloomberg Group has their own LexisNexis-esque information reporting service as well called Bloomberg Law. I know of a local attorney that had his law license suspended for abusing Lexis to gather info on his girlfriend. Your next door neighbor cannot gain access to Lexis unless they possess the credentials to qualify for a subscription.

Obama in an act of political expediency signed an extension of The Patriot Act. As well as for the re-authorization as a senator.

I am not a fan of the Patriot Act. It is too far reaching. I am an even less of a fan of the National Defense Authorization Act. It is fairly new. Just wait until you see the abuses that come from that.

The Patriot Act was intended to fight terrorism not drug dealers although I will agree that drug dealers that are not citizens should probably be detained without the courtesy of the rights afforded to American citizens.
Have ANY of you liberals in here actually read the more than two thousand pages of regulations that is in the Obama Care Law?
Just as I thought... You haven't.

Anyone? :dunno:



Was King of the Board for a Day
Have ANY of you liberals in here actually read the more than two thousand pages of regulations that is in the Obama Care Law?
Just as I thought... You haven't.

Anyone? :dunno:


And you have? Why don't you tell us all about it, and make sure not to skip over any single detail. Hearing it from you should be like I was reading all two thousand-plus pages myself.
And you have?

Nope. Never will. Why? Because I was and still am against the fucking program. Socialism at its worst. However, since all you liberal weenies are in favor of it, it seems to me that the majority of you would have been thrilled and orgasmic as you read through all 2000 pages.


Staff member
A girl I went to school with is married to an executive at LexisNexis and we had a deep discussion about the services they offer, and the actual data that they collect. Even he says it's frightening when you think of the access they are legally issued. They can legally sell EVERY American's past 10 years of residence, medical history, credit card and bank statements, banking information, names and contact information of neighbors, employers, family to ANYONE who pays for their service. That is what they sell, but they never purge their information and it is archived forever. So there is a file compiling on EVERY American citizen that is for sale to ANYONE who pays for their service. The Patriot act wiped out the last shreds of our right to privacy. And by the way, the government is the biggest client of Lexis Nexis. As long as they aren't the ones collecting the information or selling it, they aren't violating our right to privacy under the new laws.

And how about the patriot act allowing people arrested for USING drugs to be detained without rights under the terrism statutes as "contributors to funding terror?"
You should remember that Allen Dulles (one of the former director of the cia back in the early's 70's ordered opening mails, phone conversations and drugging innocent citizens for testing new mùedicaments) and also during the cold war some people were even interned in some specific CIA underground cells because they were thought to be commies. With what happened 11/9, unfortunately you will always be more or less on the crosshairs of the CIA, NSA and homeland security even if you are a good and peaceful law abiding citizen. Most of the internet traffic is done by cisco routers in the US in most of the biggest cities and those are connected to Langley (n°1 bulk buyer of cisco ip tracing and dns systems as well of as cisco pix and asa firewalls) who can trace anyone who they think is suspect and who also analyze incoming and outgoing mails. Also with a very sophisticated material, the cia, nsa and homeland security can eavesdrop and put any phone line under listening if they think that the person in question has suspect friends. We had a period in France called "les ecoutes de l'Elysée" where Mitterand ordered the special branch in the 80's to put several phone lines under eavesdropping. The scandal was discovered and the chiefs of branch were fired.


Official Checked Star Member
I agree that Obama has been far too Bush-like in far too many areas. But I think it's funny that you guys bitch about him doing the things that Bush did like they were his ideas. I agree entirely he should not have extended the bush tax cuts. he shouldnt have continued either war and he should have done much more to clean up the Bush mess instead of just keep up the same old same old.

I think that blaming this guy when he inherited one of the worst economies in American history with tremendous debt coming due with the war payments Bush saddled him with. not to mention losing nearly 800k jobs a month and a stock market under 7000 and the auto companies on the brink of being finished. this country was demolished by the previous administration and to deny that is just being a fucking moron. look at where deregulation got us. you can't be too egotistical to at least try a new approach.

You guys need to realize that the Republican ideal is dying. it is no longer the strong ideal it once was. the old folks are dying off and the world has changed.

I love this quote: "in the south we say that sometimes a boy needs to be smacked across the head with a 2 x 4 to wake up to reality. Well on election day the sound you heard was pine on skull" - James Carvelle


Staff member
I agree that Obama has been far too Bush-like in far too many areas. But I think it's funny that you guys bitch about him doing the things that Bush did like they were his ideas. I agree entirely he should not have extended the bush tax cuts. he shouldnt have continued either war and he should have done much more to clean up the Bush mess instead of just keep up the same old same old.

I think that blaming this guy when he inherited one of the worst economies in American history with tremendous debt coming due with the war payments Bush saddled him with. not to mention losing nearly 800k jobs a month and a stock market under 7000 and the auto companies on the brink of being finished. this country was demolished by the previous administration and to deny that is just being a fucking moron. look at where deregulation got us. you can't be too egotistical to at least try a new approach.

You guys need to realize that the Republican ideal is dying. it is no longer the strong ideal it once was. the old folks are dying off and the world has changed.

I love this quote: "in the south we say that sometimes a boy needs to be smacked across the head with a 2 x 4 to wake up to reality. Well on election day the sound you heard was pine on skull" - James Carvelle

I will agree to disagree with you. The main thing is that Obama is more a community divider than an unifier but that is my perception of the man (his allies were and are sharpton, jesse jackson and farrakhan). You seem to forget that the old people who are at retirement and who had a good carreer, have money and they are the ones who contribute financially alongwith those "hated" traders, sales execs, researchers, engineers, financial analysts, bankers or investors that try to give the american auto industry a better reputation and better overall quality than in the last decades. You won't have the same GM, FOMOCo or MOPAR of the 60's-70's but that is because, USA let the Japanese and the German on their own market and Germany and Japan produced in the the late 70's-early 80's better quality and more reliable cars. But people miss good old cars of the 60's-70's which were build to last. In any and in every society there is a law of the fittest, and no unfortunately, none is equal, some are born with talent, intelligence and rich parents, others don't have any this, that is life. Also you should blame Nafta which was implemented during the Clinton Administration which has fucked your industries and your country way back in 1994. There is nothing wrong with being a protectionist when your main industries are endangered. Also closing permanently boarders against illegal aliens is a priority one in this country.
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You guys need to realize that the Republican ideal is dying. it is no longer the strong ideal it once was. the old folks are dying off and the world has changed.


Why did the Republicans keep the house then? Was it a parting gift? lol

Hate to break this to you but there are no Republican or Democrat "ideals" only conservative and liberal ones.

The demographics have certainly changed but immigrants are usually more conservative than they are given credit for. I always chuckle every time conservatism is pronounced dead.

Alll 20 times in my 40 plus years.


Was King of the Board for a Day
Nope. Never will. Why? Because I was and still am against the fucking program. Socialism at its worst. However, since all you liberal weenies are in favor of it, it seems to me that the majority of you would have been thrilled and orgasmic as you read through all 2000 pages.

So, by your logic, if I hear snippets of what a book or log contains but have no actual idea what's inside its pages, I essentially know what it says and can comment on it. Okay.

The Bible is a book of fairy tales put forth by people who needed an explanation for things that can now be proven scientifically, therefore rendering it useless in any setting where actual learning takes place. Any magazine the NRA publishes (American Rifleman, American Hunter, Shooting Illustrated, etc.) stands to prove how they reach so far to alienate people and the power that their lobby shouldn't have in government. Going Rogue is as big a work of fantasy as the Bible and should be classified as Fiction rather than the memoirs of an insane lunatic.

Am I in the ballpark?
I think that blaming this guy when he inherited one of the worst economies in American history with tremendous debt coming due with the war payments Bush saddled him with. not to mention losing nearly 800k jobs a month and a stock market under 7000 and the auto companies on the brink of being finished. this country was demolished by the previous administration and to deny that is just being a fucking moron. look at where deregulation got us. you can't be too egotistical to at least try a new approach.

That statement is so full of shit it is almost not worth responding to. The economic crisis would have happened no matter who was president. Obama has been president for going on 5 years when is it going to be a economy he inherited to a economy he solved?

Mariano Rivera doesn't tell the manager when he walks to the mound with bases loaded and one out "Just remember chief..I inherited this!"

The crisis was a perfect storm of events. The recession started in late 2007. Ok that was on Bush's watch. AND a whole lot of other presidents have experienced recession during their term. Hardly an impeachable offense. Also the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were ongoing but Bush was re-elected so it obviously wasn't a deal breaker for the American people.

A lot of people think the crisis started with Lehman brothers, actually it started a few months earlier when Bear Stearns filed for bankruptcy on it's hedge funds which were based heavily on MBS (mortgage backed securities). The reason this caused a tidal wave in the economy was that once Bear Stearns filed for bankruptcy the assets would have to be liquidated. Everyone in the financial industry knew that the funds were overinflated. A sale would indicate the real value of these funds. It was ass puckering time on Wall Street.

Credit became non existent . These securities aren't traded often so the delinquencies weren't apparent although many knew it, they thought it would be hidden forever.

This had nothing to do with the recession, it had nothing to do with consumer confidence. It happened because the financial system overpriced a major asset class in hopes that their "come to Jesus meeting" would never happen. During this bubble there was easy credit available because of monetary inflation. The solution for the overheating of the dollar? print more.

Then came the domino effect, AIG, the auto industry the great sell off ensues the market drops thousands of points in a week or so. Have you noticed that while Obama hangs his hat on the economy he inherited that he never once blamed it on GWB? he knows very well that this would have happened even if he were president at the time, but he sure has gotten a lot of mileage out of what he inherited. Now it is time for him to man up accept the responsibility for straightening it out. This argument won't fly in 2016.


Official Checked Star Member
I guess the republicans having a blank checkbook they used like drunken sailors had zero to do with it? Again, -780,000 jobs a month in the last month of Bush presidency, + jobs today. a -7000 market then, a 15,000 market today. housing prices down 50%, housing rising today.

I can at least say that I have been able to look at an issue and see the reality. you guys are fucking blind and refuse to see any other color than the one you want to see.

the right is now run by the religious money backing. look at how horrible the last 2 campaigns were. Romney got beat like a red headed step child when he was so confident he would win he didnt write a concession speech. his own "experts" didn't even see it coming. Karl Rove nearly had a break down on live tv. and we won't even get into the Palin fiasco.
I guess the republicans having a blank checkbook they used like drunken sailors had zero to do with it? Again, -780,000 jobs a month in the last month of Bush presidency, + jobs today. a -7000 market then, a 15,000 market today. housing prices down 50%, housing rising today.

I can at least say that I have been able to look at an issue and see the reality. you guys are fucking blind and refuse to see any other color than the one you want to see.

the right is now run by the religious money backing. look at how horrible the last 2 campaigns were. Romney got beat like a red headed step child when he was so confident he would win he didnt write a concession speech. his own "experts" didn't even see it coming. Karl Rove nearly had a break down on live tv. and we won't even get into the Palin fiasco.

Ok all you want to do is blame Bush in spite of cold hard facts that prove that the economic crisis was not caused by him. I just gave you the reasons why and you want to spout off talking points. Everything you have said on this thread is spoon fed left wing drivel.

Tell me what policy has Palin been responsible for that she can assume some blame. loller!


Official Checked Star Member
Bush wasn't to blame for the economy collapsing, the housing market collapsing, the debt going through the roof, the market dropping to a 70 year low

BUT Obama is to blame for everything wrong with the economy?????????????? So if he wasn't to blame then please professor, who was? he had 6 years of republican house giving him blank check after blank check. he spent money like a hill billy who won the lottery. oh wait, he IS a hill billy who won the lottery lol

Palin isn't responsible for any policy. I never said she was. I think she's a MILF and I'd fuck her in a second. But I simply said that the last 2 republican campaigns have been a tremendous disaster. the mere thought of that retard being one old man's heart away from the presidency is unthinkable.

and EVERYTHING You have said on this thread is right wing spin and smoke and mirrors and denial.

Again, "The sound heard on election night was pine hitting skull"

you have continued to side step many of the things I have said and counter with some lame denial or spin or doing what all 8 years old do, excusing one person's bad behavior with someone else's bad behavior "but he did it too!"