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One Porn Star's Political Opinions...

Obamacare hasn't even been fully implemented and you think the costs are going down? Check back in 5 years once the costs continue to skyrocket. We're out of Iraq now, yet the national debt continues to soar.

This is a link from the Huffington Post. Hardly a bastion of conservatism.


Like I said, we have our problems but more government is not the answer.

The Affordable Care Act
The Ministry of Truth
The Ministry of Peace
The Ministry of Plenty

Very typical, you have totally ignored me every time I've asked you this question so I'll ask it again: you bitch about being required to pay for other people's health care, claiming that those who will benefit will all be people who don't work (even though that it total bullshit!) SO then you also have a problem with nation building in Iraq who now has a more modern power grid than the USA new schools, hospitals and roads?????????? YOu are ok with your tax dollars going for that, but NOT for Americans who can't afford medicine????????????

where did I say spend spend spend? I said cut defense, get out of the wars and then the money will be there. Does that NOT make sense to you? lol

do you think the future generations will love the money owed from the wars which are in the trillions?????? did you mean more fiscal responsibility like the 2 wars we're in and the war in Iran than the republicans want so badly???

Ok here is for you fucking Christian Republicans that are against providing health care to people who can't afford it:

"He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing." Deuteronomy 10:18

"Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly." Leviticus 19:15

"Do not take advantage of a hired man who is poor and needy, whether he is a brother Israelite or an alien living in one of your towns." Deuteronomy 24:14

"There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land." Deuteronomy 15:11

Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise, says the LORD, I will protect them from those who malign them. " Psalm 12:5

"He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God." Proverbs 14:31

"If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered." Proverbs 21:13

"He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses." Proverbs 28:27

you want more? I have MANY more? now please, tell me how I am wrong here and right wingers against health care are not hypocrites? please, just once. tell me. prove to me you are better than the Hannity and Rush mindless retards out there.

I think I love you lol. Let's bring back true republican sensibility


Official Checked Star Member
well all this big government you claim we have from Obama, even though Bush bloated the size of government more than ANY president before....the market is over 15k for the 1rst time in history (it was the lowest under GWB at less than half of today's #) and you say that the market has zero to do with government well technically that is correct but the market is basically investors betting on the business climate and consumer confidence and apparently that seems to be pretty high right now. in 2008 we were losing 780,000 + jobs every month and now we're gaining jobs. Slower than hoped but I think anyone who knows 1rst grade math would agree that +1 job a month beats the shit out of losing 780,000 + monthly. plus money is cheaper than ever and housing is growing again. I just bought a new house a month ago, and I'm betting on it going back up to where it was before the Bush years.

I know you'll say "but it should be better" or something along those lines, but the reality is its getting better, people are investing again and that is a good sign. Detroit is back thanks to who????

I would like to ask since you have thrown the word socialism around freely since the inception of this thread and shit on the "people who don't work getting a hand out" well how about those enormous bloated banks and companies that got a big fat fucking check from the government under a republican president? you okay with corporate welfare I assume? the "too big to fail" position? I think too big to exist is a better term. And the best part is the slap in the face those businesses gave when they handed out enormous bonus checks to their executives while they wiped out pensions for their employees. but hey, government shouldn't interfere because corporations will police themselves right? lol my step father has worked for ATT for 40 years and they took away his health care and switched him over to an HMO that is a joke. his pension shrunk by more than 70% and now they are discussing taking the pensions entirely. yet, they pay tens of millions monthly to have the baseball stadium in San Fransisco named ATT park. Seems like a slap in the face to those people who have built that company and been loyal employees.

the banks don't loan money unless you have a perfect credit score yet they took tax payer money that was given to them to keep them in business.


Official Checked Star Member
excuse me, we're out of Iraq now????????? wtf are you talking about??? there are still more than 25,000 troops in Iraq and more than 7500 US personnel at the embassies as well as more than 7500 contractors. I have members of my site still stationed there who email me often. Afghanistan is still booming and there are billions of dollars being spent, and billions more being misplaced in that fucked up war.

Well you say more government isn't the answer and I agree big government isnt a good thing. but how about using government to actually represent the people like the constitution states? Or Using tax dollars for the people that are here instead of spreading our imperialist agenda to places where the people don't even want us? Spending ridiculously unnecessary amounts of money on the defense budget for things like tanks and planes that the military says they don't even need? Subsidizing military contracts doesn't seem to insult or upset you guys much does it?
You know you're doing something right when they are attacking you. :)



Official Checked Star Member
no one is attacking me :) I started this thread and welcomed the debate. I just think that when you refuse to answer a question that is relevant to the issues its annoying :)

carry on
I take it you aren't in favor of women in the workplace? Well in all fairness when the cost of living began to skyrocket in comparison to wages, women had no choice but to go back to work. And women were given rights like driving and voting, God forbid so we were empowered a bit and not every woman wants to be some man's servant all of her life. Some of us choose not to get married and push out kids.

Nobody forced any woman to stay home and take care of her family. Just as no one forced any woman to work outside the home.

Believe it or not, the rise in the cost of living was brought on by the Women's Lib Movement. Guess what? A family now needed two cars. One for him, and one for her so she too could drop HER kids off at some shit-ass daycare center, while she "fulfilled" her inner self by becoming employed.

Then, after the kids were old enough to stay home by themselves and not need a daycare or a babysitter, they pretty much fended for themselves while "mom" was out fulfilling her inner self at a job. What happened next? The divorce rate sky-rocketed. Good-bye to the traditional family life in America. "Mom" decided she didn't want to stay home and be a mother and a home maker... no, she felt it was her duty to work out of the home and let the kids eat what and when they wanted until she got home from work.

Meanwhile, the role of the traditional "father" immediately changed as well. No longer was he the "provider" and the person his children could look up to and see a steady lifestyle. Nope... the divorce rate went up, mothers were forced to raise their children without a father figure, and guess what? The cost of living NEVER returned to what it was before the NAGS (women's lib) decided they wanted to NOT bear the responsibility of being a REAL mother.

And now after 40 years of the Women's Lib Movement:

- The divorce rate is higher than ever.

- More children come home from school to an empty home, versus coming home and having their mother greet them at the door and ask them how school was today. And, giving them a snack and encouraging them to run outside and play.

- Abortions are higher than ever.

- More people are on food stamps than at any other time in history.

- More people are on welfare than ever before

In my opinion, wives need to stay home and clean the house, do the laundry, do the shopping, fix the meals, see to it that their children are eating and especially make sure her husband's needs are taken care of. Because the husband has the same responsibility to his wife and children. To put his wife and children before himself. Just as the wife should put her husband and children ahead of her.

Unfortunately, that isn't the way it is anymore.

And, whenever there is a school shooting, or a violent crime, you and all the other "liberated" females can sit back and ponder what became of the family lifestyle? Why are today's children so violent and so eager to kill others.

I was born in 1956. My mother stayed home and took care of the chores mentioned above. My father trudged off to work every day and came home, mowed the lawn, fixed what needed fixing, took me to my little league ball games, we all stopped and got an ice cream cone afterwards, and when we got home, I went out and PLAYED. We didn't even have a television until I was around 7 years old. We never had a phone until I was 9 years old. It was a rotary dial phone, and it was a two-party system. Meaning... we shared the line with some unknown person. (party line)

I really feel badly for the kids today. They are missing out on so much love and attention.

Look at the juvenile crime rate today versus back when I was a kid in the early 1960s. There were NEVER any school shootings. Kids respected their parents and other elders. I never called any of my dad's friends by their first name. It was always - "Hi Mr. Branson", etc. Fucking kids today call adults by their first name.

And now, a 15 year old girls can go to a pharmacy and get the "morning after pill". WTF??????????


Was King of the Board for a Day
Nobody forced any woman to stay home and take care of her family. Just as no one forced any woman to work outside the home.

Believe it or not, the rise in the cost of living was brought on by the Women's Lib Movement. Guess what? A family now needed two cars. One for him, and one for her so she too could drop HER kids off at some shit-ass daycare center, while she "fulfilled" her inner self by becoming employed.

Then, after the kids were old enough to stay home by themselves and not need a daycare or a babysitter, they pretty much fended for themselves while "mom" was out fulfilling her inner self at a job. What happened next? The divorce rate sky-rocketed. Good-bye to the traditional family life in America. "Mom" decided she didn't want to stay home and be a mother and a home maker... no, she felt it was her duty to work out of the home and let the kids eat what and when they wanted until she got home from work.

Meanwhile, the role of the traditional "father" immediately changed as well. No longer was he the "provider" and the person his children could look up to and see a steady lifestyle. Nope... the divorce rate went up, mothers were forced to raise their children without a father figure, and guess what? The cost of living NEVER returned to what it was before the NAGS (women's lib) decided they wanted to NOT bear the responsibility of being a REAL mother.

And now after 40 years of the Women's Lib Movement:

- The divorce rate is higher than ever.

- More children come home from school to an empty home, versus coming home and having their mother greet them at the door and ask them how school was today. And, giving them a snack and encouraging them to run outside and play.

- Abortions are higher than ever.

- More people are on food stamps than at any other time in history.

- More people are on welfare than ever before

In my opinion, wives need to stay home and clean the house, do the laundry, do the shopping, fix the meals, see to it that their children are eating and especially make sure her husband's needs are taken care of. Because the husband has the same responsibility to his wife and children. To put his wife and children before himself. Just as the wife should put her husband and children ahead of her.

Unfortunately, that isn't the way it is anymore.

And, whenever there is a school shooting, or a violent crime, you and all the other "liberated" females can sit back and ponder what became of the family lifestyle? Why are today's children so violent and so eager to kill others.

I was born in 1956. My mother stayed home and took care of the chores mentioned above. My father trudged off to work every day and came home, mowed the lawn, fixed what needed fixing, took me to my little league ball games, we all stopped and got an ice cream cone afterwards, and when we got home, I went out and PLAYED. We didn't even have a television until I was around 7 years old. We never had a phone until I was 9 years old. It was a rotary dial phone, and it was a two-party system. Meaning... we shared the line with some unknown person. (party line)

I really feel badly for the kids today. They are missing out on so much love and attention.

Look at the juvenile crime rate today versus back when I was a kid in the early 1960s. There were NEVER any school shootings. Kids respected their parents and other elders. I never called any of my dad's friends by their first name. It was always - "Hi Mr. Branson", etc. Fucking kids today call adults by their first name.

And now, a 15 year old girls can go to a pharmacy and get the "morning after pill". WTF??????????

There's a lot that's wrong with this post (and you by association), but I'll let Mariah tear you a new one before I get involved.
well all this big government you claim we have from Obama, even though Bush bloated the size of government more than ANY president before....the market is over 15k for the 1rst time in history (it was the lowest under GWB at less than half of today's #) and you say that the market has zero to do with government well technically that is correct but the market is basically investors betting on the business climate and consumer confidence and apparently that seems to be pretty high right now. in 2008 we were losing 780,000 + jobs every month and now we're gaining jobs. Slower than hoped but I think anyone who knows 1rst grade math would agree that +1 job a month beats the shit out of losing 780,000 + monthly. plus money is cheaper than ever and housing is growing again. I just bought a new house a month ago, and I'm betting on it going back up to where it was before the Bush years.

I know you'll say "but it should be better" or something along those lines, but the reality is its getting better, people are investing again and that is a good sign. Detroit is back thanks to who????

I would like to ask since you have thrown the word socialism around freely since the inception of this thread and shit on the "people who don't work getting a hand out" well how about those enormous bloated banks and companies that got a big fat fucking check from the government under a republican president? you okay with corporate welfare I assume? the "too big to fail" position? I think too big to exist is a better term. And the best part is the slap in the face those businesses gave when they handed out enormous bonus checks to their executives while they wiped out pensions for their employees. but hey, government shouldn't interfere because corporations will police themselves right? lol my step father has worked for ATT for 40 years and they took away his health care and switched him over to an HMO that is a joke. his pension shrunk by more than 70% and now they are discussing taking the pensions entirely. yet, they pay tens of millions monthly to have the baseball stadium in San Fransisco named ATT park. Seems like a slap in the face to those people who have built that company and been loyal employees.

the banks don't loan money unless you have a perfect credit score yet they took tax payer money that was given to them to keep them in business.

We aren't creating the type of jobs to put the middle class in a position of prosperity. Most of the jobs are low end wage jobs and at this pace will take years to even skim the surface of a real recovery. Tell Obama we aren't out of Iraq, that is all he has been bragging about for the past year. Here's news flash for you, once the United States ends military conflict we ALWAYS stick around to help rebuild or keep a presence for a while. . We did it in World War II and we are doing it now. You keep harping on GWB like he was the best man at my wedding or something. I could give a good cotdam about GWB but I am damn certain that this fucker occupying the White House right now isn't do anything to speed the economy along either. The GDP figures now includes R&D spending, art, music, film royalties, books, theatre. This change in GDP statistics has not been implemented elsewhere in the world. So the U.S. is the first to accomplish this rewriting of the GDP number. Those tactics automatically increase GDP statistics by 3% way to go Mr. Smoke and mirrors Obama!

And why? So the Obama administration can hang it's hat on some positive numbers because he has been the steward of the most abysmal GDP numbers of any president in recent history.

If 911 hadn't happened the market would probably been over 20,000 before the economic downturn of 2008. You have a hard time separating the cold hard reality that with all it's flaws capitalism is the American way, at least for a little while longer until Chairman Maobama finishes us off.

Corporate welfare is a buzzword for anti-capitalists such as yourself that doesn't take into account that it really boils down to tax cuts and incentives because business likes lower taxes, in fact it feeds off of it. You hate de-regulation because business flourishes when government stays out of the way.

Everything you have posted here is just regurgitated Daily Kos drivel. I am surprised you haven't gone the 911 was an inside job route yet. You are blaming the housing bubble burst on GWB too. Do your fucking research it was just as much democrat policies with the whole fannie mae freddie mac debacle than anything else that caused it.

And I don't give a rat's ass if you agree with it, , don't like me, whatever.

Basically you have established that you are now anti republican (if you really ever were a republican in the first place) because you were hoodwinked. I like the the capitalist system and hate government interference. I spent many years before I ever posted here bitching about George Bush's spending and republican's as a whole.

The answer for you is more government. I hope you live to see the perfect utopian society that you dream of but if it does happen it's not going to happen next week next year or 10 years from now. This past election proved that you can build your voting base by letting the government give more and more to the masses. Once the people decide they can vote their selves things from the government there is no turning back. Congratulations it's all coming true right before our eyes.
I was born in 1956. My mother stayed home and took care of the chores mentioned above. My father trudged off to work every day and came home, mowed the lawn, fixed what needed fixing, took me to my little league ball games, we all stopped and got an ice cream cone afterwards, and when we got home, I went out and PLAYED. We didn't even have a television until I was around 7 years old. We never had a phone until I was 9 years old. It was a rotary dial phone, and it was a two-party system. Meaning... we shared the line with some unknown person. (party line)

I really feel badly for the kids today. They are missing out on so much love and attention.

And look how you turned out Sam!
WW2 started many women into the work place and they never went back.


I'm watching some specialist videos
it doesn't have anything to do with you being atheist. You quoted scripture to make a point. There are also scripture passages that say:"For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat."

Interesting that you would throw scripture bombs when they hold absolutely no meaning to you except in the case of making a political or religious point.

I would like to just pull you up on this quote.

Note that it says "that if any would not work". i.e. They choose not to work, not that they are unable to work or unable to find work.
There is a huge difference.
I would like to just pull you up on this quote.

Note that it says "that if any would not work". i.e. They choose not to work, not that they are unable to work or unable to find work.
There is a huge difference.

I have no qualms with people that cannot work through no fault of their own. And these people already have a lot of government resources at their disposal.


Official Checked Star Member
sounds like someone has some SERIOUS mommy issues lol

how am I anti-capitalist??????? i own my own business and have since 2004. I pay my taxes and I live a pretty nice life. I am far from struggling and enjoy nice things and if anyone told me I had to give my money up or live in a more basic home because someone making less deserves the same lifestyle that I do I'd tell them to go fuck themselves. I just see NOTHINg wrong with lessening the defense budget and some other shit to pay for medicine. I also think that putting companies interests before those of the people is fucked up and unconstitutional. I simply dont like the concept that business should be free to fuck over anyone and everyone to make a profit at the expense of anyone and everyone they please. I think there needs to be regulations on things like companies in bankruptcy or getting government money paying CEOs millions of dollars in bonuses for doing nothing more than running the company into the ground.

You are speaking based on things you read that have an agenda i.e. Fox news, Sean Hannity, Rush, etc I am at least coming from a place of actual experience rather than what someone says I should believe because they say so. I KNOW Michael Kest, and I KNOW what type of person he is and I KNOW he isn't hoodwinked. He was disgusted by the way that Bain did business and therefore discontinued to fund projects.

I think it's funny but at the same time insulting how you say I've been hoodwinked when I speaking from actual people I KNOW and who KNOW and have PERSONAL history with Mitt Romney. I had an 11 year old girl on my street die from asthma because she had no medicine because of money, and not a lot of money either.


and you continue to ignore my question.
sounds like someone has some SERIOUS mommy issues lol

how am I anti-capitalist??????? i own my own business and have since 2004. I pay my taxes and I live a pretty nice life. I am far from struggling and enjoy nice things and if anyone told me I had to give my money up or live in a more basic home because someone making less deserves the same lifestyle that I do I'd tell them to go fuck themselves. I just see NOTHINg wrong with lessening the defense budget and some other shit to pay for medicine. I also think that putting companies interests before those of the people is fucked up and unconstitutional. I simply dont like the concept that business should be free to fuck over anyone and everyone to make a profit at the expense of anyone and everyone they please. I think there needs to be regulations on things like companies in bankruptcy or getting government money paying CEOs millions of dollars in bonuses for doing nothing more than running the company into the ground.

You are speaking based on things you read that have an agenda i.e. Fox news, Sean Hannity, Rush, etc I am at least coming from a place of actual experience rather than what someone says I should believe because they say so. I KNOW Michael Kest, and I KNOW what type of person he is and I KNOW he isn't hoodwinked. He was disgusted by the way that Bain did business and therefore discontinued to fund projects.

I think it's funny but at the same time insulting how you say I've been hoodwinked when I speaking from actual people I KNOW and who KNOW and have PERSONAL history with Mitt Romney. I had an 11 year old girl on my street die from asthma because she had no medicine because of money, and not a lot of money either.


and you continue to ignore my question.

Companies can pay their CEOs whatever the hell the board of directors think they are worth. You obviously don't know shit about the Constitution because nowhere in the document does it say to provide health care. It does however say that the government shall provide for the national defense so kindly quit referring to a document that you know nothing about to make your case for cutting defense spending to provide health care. Article One, Section Eight specifically deals with seventeen powers granted to the congress. Do you know how many of those powers deal with national defense? Six of them . In fact it is more than any other specific area of governance. So yeah the framers thought that it was kind of a big fucking deal.

I think I know a little about bankruptcy, bankruptcy is not automatic. Some companies file under Chapter 11 and are allowed to operate under a reorganization plan, major decisions must be approved by the court.. Chapter 7 they must cease operations, a trustee is appointed and the remaining assets are liquidated. It is not some great escape hatch like you try and paint it and it shows your ignorance in the matter. Judges have to approve pay plans for the CEOs and the government has been doing a good job lately of blocking CEO compensation and bonuses of companies in bankruptcy. Just because you hear a report on the news that company X CEO is getting a 17 million bonus when he/she leaves the bankrupt company doesn't mean a judge will approve it..

Funny you mention companies getting government money. How many green companies that received taxpayer money since Obama took office have gone bankrupt and all the while taking money directly from us? it has been a bunch and the money lost is in the billions. This is money that the Obama administration approved directly.

If Haliburton had lost that kind of money you would vapor lock.

Which leads to examples of socialism by the Obama administration.

You cannot change a capitalistic society in one fell swoop. It takes time and the implementation of policies that slowly gain control of industry. What do you think the green energy policy is all about? it is about replacing one form of industry with another that is more controlled by the government. When the government lends money directly to green initiatives they are beholding to the government. And it is a way to rid the market of certain types of light bulbs.

The same thing goes for the auto bail outs. You make these companies beholding to the government and they can in turn dictate the type of cars you make and pave the way for more electric cars. That is why Ford resisted the bailouts and are the best american car company now through all of this.

Ever heard of the New Party? They are a Socialist party and back in the 90's Obama became a member and asked for their support and endorsement for his state senate seat. it is not a fabrication, the New Party has it on record in their minutes.

And of all things you have the nerve to mention Romney's religion when Barack Obama sat in a church for 20 years that taught a religious philosophy called Black Liberation Theology that is based in Marxism.

And BTW I never said you were hoodwinked by your wealthy friends I said you are bitchin that you were hoodwinked by GWB. Well join the fucking club! And you can stop telling me who I listen to in regards to pundits. Actually I listen Jerry Doyle more than anyone else. I kinda make my own mind up about what i think. You however have done nothing here but spout off the same radical nonsense we have been listening to from the leftwing nutjobs for the past 12 years.


Official Checked Star Member
I said that the constitution states that the US government is to represent the people not companies. so when laws are written by companies that benefit from them it is a direct violation. Laws that allow companies to collect and access private information on citizens that can be traded and sold. Companies like Lexus Nexus that maintain databases on every American citizen including medical records and credit history and who your neighbors were and then sell that information. Laws that permit those same private companies to access government databases like your driving records. Those red light cameras that issue tickets here in Tampa is a private company in Arizona, that has full access to your driving record and complete personal information. You don't think that is unconstitutional?

I didn't say that it does say we are to be granted health care. But also nowhere does it state that defense should be at the ridiculous amount of our budget that it has become. Nor does it state that we are NOT to be given health care either.

Does the constitution permit the government access to all of our emails and phone conversations?
What constitutional rights do corporations have

Actually the courts have decided that they hold limited constitutional rights since they represent actual living human beings. But I never said the constitution addressed corporations...fuckstick

Kinda like the interpretation that allowed Obamacare to go forward as the individual mandate was ruled a tax.

You'll complain about corporate personhood rulings because you disagree with it but probably fapped to the SCOTUS ruling on the ACA.

You're still playing this tune? You need to find something else to harp on about.

Oh that's rife with irony considering that is all she has complained about on this thread. That no examples were given. I have given them.

You need to slow down and read more and crotch sniff less. That Evelyn Wood method didn't work out well for you.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Actually the courts have decided that they hold limited constitutional rights since they represent actual living human beings.

What is your legal opinion of that finding?

But I never said the constitution addressed corporations...

And I didn't say that you said that.


Aww, temper temper. "fuckstick", getting a wee bit testy there, are you?

Kinda like the interpretation that allowed Obamacare to go forward as the individual mandate was ruled a tax. You'll complain about corporate personhood rulings because you disagree with it but probably fapped to the SCOTUS ruling on the ACA.

I complained about corporate personhood? I don't recall complaining. I merely asked your opinion on a constitutional issue, seeing as how you're a paralegal and all.

Oh that's rife with irony considering that is all she has complained about on this thread. That no examples were given. I have given them. You need to slow down and read more and crotch sniff less. That Evelyn Wood method didn't work out well for you.

You haven't given examples, you're just continuing to push a smear. Roger Ailes would be proud. Way to go with the personal attacks, I don't expect any better from from a "conservative".

Everything coming from the Republicans these days reeks of sour grapes. I'm really disappointed that no one has stepped up to lead the GOP into 2016. I'll probably be even more disappointed with whoever does, though. I can only imagine we'll get someone like Paul Ryan or Ted Cruz, a couple of complete idiots that will try to make the GOP even more backwards than it already is, and people like you will be rooting them on as they march further backwards into oblivion. We need the Republican Party to be a viable opposition, but they're not, they're merely the party that's pissed off because they can't seem to recapture the White House. I'm done with the partisan bickering. I look back on the eight years of Bush and I'm embarrassed to think that I might have acted even a little bit the way these crybaby conservatives are reacting to Obama.
I said that the constitution states that the US government is to represent the people not companies. so when laws are written by companies that benefit from them it is a direct violation. Laws that allow companies to collect and access private information on citizens that can be traded and sold. Companies like Lexus Nexus that maintain databases on every American citizen including medical records and credit history and who your neighbors were and then sell that information. Laws that permit those same private companies to access government databases like your driving records. Those red light cameras that issue tickets here in Tampa is a private company in Arizona, that has full access to your driving record and complete personal information. You don't think that is unconstitutional?

I didn't say that it does say we are to be granted health care. But also nowhere does it state that defense should be at the ridiculous amount of our budget that it has become. Nor does it state that we are NOT to be given health care either.

Does the constitution permit the government access to all of our emails and phone conversations?

You mean LexisNexis. And yes we use it quite often. It is a subscription service and not accessible to everyone. We also use WestLaw You don't even consider the fact that medical records are accessed to investigate suspicious health care claims. It does happen you know.

Insurers have the right to see if you have filed an exorbitant amount of claims in the past. Mortgage companies may request a Lexis file before they grant you a mortgage. An homeowner's policy underwriter has a right to see if you have made claims in the past and that effects your rates. Why should someone that has not filed a claim and isn't as much a risk have to pay the same premium as someone that has filed many claims?

Also Lexis files are very useful in litigation and is why we can access the information.

This information helps to curb fraud. You think that corporations have no right to protect their interests, well they do. Not every private citizen is as upstanding as you are and would never abuse the system.