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One Porn Star's Political Opinions...


Official Checked Star Member
First of all Obama meant 47 states that was clear. he's 10 times smarter than that 4 eyed retard. when she says stupid shit she is just dumb. he mispoke and how can you say he really thought there are 59 states? He's smarter than that and you fucking know it.

my friend has to nearly whisper. He has to take breaks and drinks this stuff that helps to coat his throat which is like drinking razor blades. the only thing he can eat is egg beaters crushed into a paste.

cry you a river? perfect example of the give a fuck attitude you fucking people have. this guy is under 30, been busting his ass roofing since he was in the 7th grade. all the guys on his crew that Ive seen have been black and a few white guys.

So you think it's ok that a guy who's paid a lot in taxes and been an entrepreneur his entire life, providing good paying jobs along with health care for those employees should be losing his entire life because he can't buy insurance and can't get treated? His bills are over $75000 at this point and again today he's seeing another specialist which will be $475

I'm gonna be honest with you here Blue Countach. We've had some lively debate and it's all been in fun, but what you said today would get you busted in the face if you said it to me. You think I'm all talk? Let's meet somewhere and you can find out. But being an attorney you would take the pussy route and sue me right? You just lost any respect I had for you and I am now done with this thread and with you. I tell you my friend's situation which is fucked up and all you can do is accuse him of hiring illegals? Guess what douche drinker? he's a fucking REPUBLICAN!

So you and the rest of your bible beating hypocrites can all suck a dick. I hope that something happens to you so that you are in a position where you need some help and can't get it. How is that for heartless?

Fuck you. End of thread for me.
First of all Obama meant 47 states that was clear. he's 10 times smarter than that 4 eyed retard. when she says stupid shit she is just dumb. he mispoke and how can you say he really thought there are 59 states? He's smarter than that and you fucking know it.

my friend has to nearly whisper. He has to take breaks and drinks this stuff that helps to coat his throat which is like drinking razor blades. the only thing he can eat is egg beaters crushed into a paste.

cry you a river? perfect example of the give a fuck attitude you fucking people have. this guy is under 30, been busting his ass roofing since he was in the 7th grade. all the guys on his crew that Ive seen have been black and a few white guys.

So you think it's ok that a guy who's paid a lot in taxes and been an entrepreneur his entire life, providing good paying jobs along with health care for those employees should be losing his entire life because he can't buy insurance and can't get treated? His bills are over $75000 at this point and again today he's seeing another specialist which will be $475

I'm gonna be honest with you here Blue Countach. We've had some lively debate and it's all been in fun, but what you said today would get you busted in the face if you said it to me. You think I'm all talk? Let's meet somewhere and you can find out. But being an attorney you would take the pussy route and sue me right? You just lost any respect I had for you and I am now done with this thread and with you. I tell you my friend's situation which is fucked up and all you can do is accuse him of hiring illegals? Guess what douche drinker? he's a fucking REPUBLICAN!

So you and the rest of your bible beating hypocrites can all suck a dick. I hope that something happens to you so that you are in a position where you need some help and can't get it. How is that for heartless?

Fuck you. End of thread for me.

First of all I don't care if you respect me or not.

Secondly, I don't know of too many roofing contractors that are in the business of hiring anyone but illegals because they can pay them a lot less. Not to mention the whole issue of health insurance for illegals. Most bail bondsmen will not post bail for painters or roofers because they can bolt before a court date and get hired in just about any city they go to.

You are constantly posting personal stories about the downtrodden and while that may tug at your heartstrings it in no way makes a case for wholesale changes in our healthcare system just because you feel it.

As far as meeting up with you for a pornstar ass whooping , I'll pass. Mainly because I don't make it a habit to engage in altercations with women and also because I don't want to have to explain to the NC Bar why I got into a physical altercation with someone from a porn board.
And it's your thread. I will gladly leave it and allow you to engage in discussion with others and avoid any discussion with you anywhere on this forum from here on out.

I should have stuck with my earlier pledge to bow out of this thread as my prediction as to how it would turn out was correct.


Official Checked Star Member
I said I'd stay away and I guess Im breaking a pledge of my own. First of all, if you got your ass whipped why would there be an explanation needed to anyone other than yourself for getting an ass beating from a girl? I wouldn't tell anyone. Typical pussy cop out.

I think that your assumptions and accusations and your flat out dick head comments targeting someone who is a friend of mine are out of line and uncalled for. What if it were your child or your family member who's going through what he's going through? He didn't fuck up. he didn't use drugs and blow his savings. He didn't fuck someone over or cheat the system and he has worked every day of his life. Try roofing in florida for one day and I think you'll admit that isn't a fucking brutally difficult job. And by the way, the Mexican labor population in Tampa is minimal. I text him and asked him how many Mexicans work for him and he said "zero" he said he had hired a few a few years ago but he hasn't had any hired since. So that theory of yours has been shit on counselor.

Your cry me a river comment is the perfect example of why your party is dying. yes you kept your seats other than a few but that's because of how fucked up the election process is where states with 400,000 people get the same representation as states like California with 30 million people. Democrats were out voted 4 to 1 nationally in the last congressional and senate elections in the number of votes. but in hick shit kicker states where Jesus and hunting rule the day they vote republican (even though they collect welfare and food stamps and disability and medicare and social security and unemployment) because they don't know any better.

You proved yourself to be a dick and to be another person who could care less about the state of our country. As much as I disa gree with Al Franken on many issues, he is absolutely correct. of all the countries with social medicine not a single one has a medical bankruptcy while our country is approaching 1 million filings a year and is killing buying power of the average American, which fuels the economy. But who cares right? cry you a river right? there isn't a need for the middle class right?

You have side stepped more than half of every question I have posed you, and then you are insulting to me and to someone who is my friend and questioned that conversation. You wanna know the reason I stopped agreeing with the right? it's dick heads like YOU. people without a soul or a heart who is all for spending with blank checks on wars and military but not investing in people and being concerned about the human condition.

I am hoping the elizabeth warren runs for president in 2016. She says she isn't interested but if she does, you bloated fucks are going to have a hard time of it.



Creepy Liz for President? :picardfacepalm:

Wow...that would create the one situation that would blow your vision of the right and correct Universe out of the water...Ms Palin could actually get elected to the office of President of the United States.
Sarah would be guaranteed the Native American vote at least...!


Official Checked Star Member
You seriously think Palin could get elected? That's a fucking sad condition of the republican party. she's a fucking moron.

and whats so creepy about Senator Warren? and so you know Senator Warren is part Cherokee so wrong again. Palin couldn't win the nomination let alone the election.

Elizabeth Warren beat the shit out of Scott Brown who was heavily favored to win. she is 10 times smarter than dipshit Palin. she's educated and knows the economy and the law and has taken on Wall Street and gone against Obama as well. She made the Bank reps look dumber than Sarah Palin

talk about pine hitting skull


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Meh .. they all make mistakes...

I still find this to be about as disturbing as any gaffe any candidate has ever made.

This is true. But there is a big difference between making a gaffe and consistently saying stupid things and making false claims, which Palin has been doing since McCain gave her a national stage to show off on. She's the D@nica Patrick of politics: all sizzle... no steak.

What if Sarah had said this?

Well, it wouldn't have been the dumbest thing she's ever said. It would just go on the long (and growing) list of Silly Sarah Sayings.

I had an interesting discussion with a friend of mine tonight. He's a 28 year old business owner and has been since he was 13 when he started his own roofing company. He pays for blue cross medical insurance for all 27 of his employees and himself. in 2010 he had emergency gall bladder surgery and during the surgery his lung was punctured and became infected. He has lost 90% of the use of that lung and due to this he was dropped by Blue Cross. He has a law suit pending of course, but now due to the infection in his body that went on undetected for 4 months he now has an ulcer on his trachea and cannot eat or swallow. He has no insurance and cannot purchase a plan because he has the pending lawsuit and outstanding bills that Blue Cross has denied his claim. He paid premiums for 11 years and never made a single claim until this, and now they have dropped him and he is stuck with more than $50,000 in medical bills. He is on the verge of losing his business because he cannot swallow, he can barely speak and his medicine costs him $180 every 2 days!!!!! He has had to pay a specialist over $5,000 so far on top of the medications and after 45 days he is not any better than he was. Blue cross has continued to deny his claims and he cannot buy insurance to this day.

He has applied for medicare and disability and social security and been denied each time.

This is a guy who has paid into the system since he was a kid and never taken anything out and yet he can't get medicine that he needs. He's sold his condo and now has to sell his business just to keep going to specialists to try and find the cure for his illness. He's lost 80 pounds and can barely speak. Since his policy was dropped prior to the affordable care act and the preexisting conditions provision, he's shit outta luck.

If we had a health care system in place he could have had this handled and been back to work, paying taxes and hiring more people.

I was in the same boat as your friend, and so I empathize. Several years ago, I had to hire an attorney to deal with an insurance company (Wells Fargo) after they refused to pay a bill when I fell ill and thought I might have cancer. According to them, I didn't divulge some relevant information, which they said was related to my condition. The "relevant information" was a hospitalization when I was about 5 years old. Like most things from when I was 5 years old, I didn't remember it and had never listed that hospital stay with any other carrier, so what was different then?! But in order to try to fuck me, that's what they hung their hat on. It didn't work. I won. But without the Affordable Care Act, I would be unable to purchase any sort of (non-group based) health insurance going forward. Why? Because now I have a documented pre-existing condition.

It's fine if some people want to dismiss your story as nothing more than an anecdotal. And if they also want to claim that your friend somehow deserves what he's getting because he and other contractors hire illegals, that's just a convenient turning of a blind eye. What about all of the people who aren't hiring illegals? And even if he has hired illegals, what does that have to do with his medical and insurance situation? Some attorneys are paid by clients who use ill-gotten gains or illicit funds to settle their accounts. Should that affect whether or not ALL attorneys can get health insurance? What sense would that make? That's an irrational, illogical argument. The truth of the matter is, insurance companies have been using weasel clauses and other unethical tactics to drop people who have developed chronic and/or terminal illnesses. Here's what the insurance companies know: if you're dealing with a serious illness, you probably won't have the time, resources or energy to fight them. And even if you snap back to life and win, they're still not out anything. The only thing I got for all of my trouble in "winning" was payment of bills that they should have paid anyway. I wish your friend the best of luck. But it will be an uphill fight.


Official Checked Star Member
the largest employers of illegals are large corporations, and whose side do they choose 99.9% of the time? hmmmm.....

well said Rey and his attorney has told him that it will more than likely be held up for years and a helpful resolution is unlikely. Fortunately his suit against the hospital who punctured his lung is in the settlement phase and that will afford him the funds to pay for treatment. Now the issue is will that happen in time for him to get the help he needs? he literally has an open sore similar to an ulcer running from the back of his throat for 3 inches down his trachea


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
The truth of the matter is, insurance companies have been using weasel clauses and other unethical tactics

That applies to nearly anything incorporated, banks and everything to do with financial instruments, insurance companies, hospital conglomerates, utility companies, internet services, phone companies, anything to to with the legal profession, the list is unending, and republicans scream for less regulation. We need more severe regulation, a real crackdown on unethical business practices. I would hate to guess the dollar amount tied to the corporate screwing of the average citizen.


Official Checked Star Member
Well the dream era for the tea party they always reference is the 1950s. Ive said it before, we had a LOT more regulation then. the government regulated the price of milk, sugar, travel, automobiles, gasoline, health care and taxes were in the 80% for the wealthiest people. It was also one of the most prosperous periods in American history. We had a thriving middle class and our GDP was near 100%.

they say that business will police itself which to me is one of the most amazingly blatant lies that has ever been told!
Well the dream era for the tea party they always reference is the 1950s. Ive said it before, we had a LOT more regulation then...

AND... black people had a lot less rights.

I have NEVER had a conversation with a Tea Party member where some form of racism didn't raise its head. Never.


Official Checked Star Member
let's not forget the rights or lack thereof for women, gays, the handicapped.

the tea party clearly is willing to trade massive regulations for a return to a white culture. I just think none of them have done their homework to know about all of the regulations and lack of rights. they watched happy days and just thought wow, that looks like such a wholesome time in Americana! Little Jewish guys were the bad asses like "The Fonze" and the cool kids were dorks like Ralph Malph and Postie and Richie. Nastalgia is often warped and sugar coated.


Official Checked Star Member
I had meant to mention this a few pages ago when the God debate was raging...

When I was in Bimini I went diving to "The Bimini Road" which is a series of enormous perfectly shaped rocks that form almost a roadway underwater. It's been dated to be around 3500 years old and when you see it you cannot imagine it to be anything other than man made. When it was discovered they claimed it was proof of the existence of the underwater world of Atlantis. They were 100% positive that this was the final piece of evidence that had been needed for so long to finally prove it.

Well until they dated it, and then had geologists research it and 12 years later they discovered that when these were formed the water level at the time was about 90 meters BELOW the current level meaning that this was entirely ABOVE water.

So after being so sure of it, and then science proving otherwise, there are morons who still cling to the belief that this is the "road to Atlantis" and refuse to believe otherwise.

Same is true for belief in God. Science continues to prove the things God was invented to explain, yet humans who had God pounded into their brains since birth refuse to believe otherwise.



  • tripatlas_bimini-road.jpg
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Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
That can be a compelling argument and is used all the time. The problem is that people are still not receiving care in a timely manner under the alternative socialized method. In the UK and Canada waiting lists are long and Canadians especially are coming to the US for health care.
These are favored arguments, yet when you look into them a little more, they aren't so strong; Canada intentionally puts elective surgeries far down waiting lists to keep costs down. It also inflates their 'waiting line' statistics. I'd also wager it's a large part of the Canadian custom coming to the States. On the flipside, the US's 'waiting line' statistic is artificially deflated: when one can't afford to go to the hospital, they don't go. So they don't wait, do they?

But here's the kicker: try some other countries for a change, like Germany or Sweden and compare those waiting times.

So if the argument is that people are dying from a lack of health care under a free market system why should they drop the system that works for a great percentage of them and lose the ability to receive health care as they need it instead of when the government decides they should get it?
A 'great percentage' is a bold claim. One that everything I've looked at leads me to doubt. It works for the people who have work-provided healthcare and those with lots of money. And no preexisting conditions...and lawyers to fight the insurance companies over claim denials...and so on. I suppose 'great' has no concrete definition, so maybe your statement can be technically true.

In any case, the free-market-only or government-only option is a false dilemma. In Germany, health insurance is government-mandated and regulated, yet is all done by private companies. Companies that a customer can switch between in a market fashion.

With this graph you'll notice that, of the six countries' healthcare compared, the US is last or only ahead of Canada in every category but one. With double the per capita expenditure.
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Official Checked Star Member
Another point that these party line hypocrites avoid is that with "socialized medicine" in the US, they would still be free to buy their own policies and keep their current policies just as Canadians do. It just helps out those that can't afford it and in no way requires everyone use the system. There are no death panels in ANY of the other mentioned countries so that is another big pile of steaming shit conjured up to scare people who are stupid, which is a huge portion of the republican base.

Rattrap, are you really trying to use logic and fact with these guys? they don't subscribe to such things unless Fox news tells them to lol They don't care it costs more than the rest or that with all that spending on it that it's nearly 40th in the world and the top 10 are all countries with universal health care programs. Once again, we need some pine on skull like Romney's. It's coming soon, I am sure of it!

In further great news, Ding Dong idiot Michelle Bachman has announced she isn't running for another term! Woo hoo! maybe God told her she should step down the same way she said he personally visited her to tell her to run for president lmao!!!!!!!! maybe God just has a great sense of humor? She's a hot chick for her age though. If she doesn't speak with that accent then I'd do her. But that's a big plus for our country to have minus Bachman.


I'm watching some specialist videos
I had meant to mention this a few pages ago when the God debate was raging...

When I was in Bimini I went diving to "The Bimini Road" which is a series of enormous perfectly shaped rocks that form almost a roadway underwater. It's been dated to be around 3500 years old and when you see it you cannot imagine it to be anything other than man made. When it was discovered they claimed it was proof of the existence of the underwater world of Atlantis. They were 100% positive that this was the final piece of evidence that had been needed for so long to finally prove it.

Well until they dated it, and then had geologists research it and 12 years later they discovered that when these were formed the water level at the time was about 90 meters BELOW the current level meaning that this was entirely ABOVE water.

So after being so sure of it, and then science proving otherwise, there are morons who still cling to the belief that this is the "road to Atlantis" and refuse to believe otherwise.

Same is true for belief in God. Science continues to prove the things God was invented to explain, yet humans who had God pounded into their brains since birth refuse to believe otherwise.

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I'm pretty sure that Atlantis was never supposed to be underwater. It was, mythologically a continent or island that sunk and was lost, which could mean that it was indeed a road to, or even part of, Atlantis before a natural disaster wiped it off the face of the Earth. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantis


Official Checked Star Member
yes but you do realize that most people believe it was an underwater city right?

there's a theory that the Chinese discovered America in the early 1400's before Columbus did and they ran aground and built these so that they could unload their goods form their ships. that's a myth, but I know how some of you on this thread love myths :)


Official Checked Star Member
In his controversial book 1421: The Year China Discovered America[47] and its accompanying documentary, 1421: The Year China Discovered America?[48] amateur historian Gavin Menzies claimed that when Chinese admiral Zheng He's fleet was in the process of circumnavigating the globe in 1421-3, it stopped at Bimini - see 1421 hypothesis. According to Menzies, half of the fleet, under the command of admiral Zhou Wen, was caught in a hurricane near Bimini and built the Bimini Road from beach rock and the ships' ballast as a slipway to haul damaged junks ashore for refitting and repairs of damage caused by the hurricane.