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One Porn Star's Political Opinions...


Official Checked Star Member
Im as sure he doesn't as the rest are sure that he does. I have far more compelling evidence that he doesn't than you have that he does.

Do you believe that Santa comes once a year and knows if everyone's naughty or nice? well believing that there's a man in the clouds who knows our naughty and nice list and infects kids with disease and allows the rape and murder of innocents is MORE ridiculous than the tooth fairy and Easter Bunny and Santa combined!

I dont pin the problems on being christian. i simply state that in a government that clearly states the separation of church and state, that they are trying to force their myths onto the rest of us. they want a fucking national religion! lol churches get tax exemption status yet they earn millions of dollars a year in profits? The catholic church is the largest holder of commercial real estate in the WORLD. yet they dont pay any taxes??? politicians like Mitt Romney openly say that they would do what "God tells them" rather than what their experience and education and common sense tells them. that's fucking frightening to me. that's what Bush did and look at what we have now. He went into Iraq using that very same logic. he said that he doesn't care if it's popular or not, it's what his faith told him was the right thing to do. fucking stupid and crazy and criminal.

the right has become owned by the evangelicals which is fucking scary.

If you live your life by not doing harm to others. being helpful and considerate and having compassion you don't need to have some fairy tale written by MAN to live by. it's nice that the pope just today says that atheists will be redeemed also and will go to heaven if they do good things lol it's nice that he gets to decide that this change in christian belief gets put into the books as law lol

yes some of the scientists are religious but less than 5% are christian. did you know that? LESS THAN 5% and if you have to believe in something that there is zero proof of to get through your day, then yes, you are weak minded. i can't see air but I see the trees move when there's wind. I can heat it and watch it fill a baloon. i can inhale and feel it in my lungs.

more blood has been spilled in the name of god than all other things combined. it is spilled today all over the world as I write this. Allah, God, Yahweh, Jehova whatever you wanna call him. I am a believer in Buddhism which is a philosophy not a religion. it's common sense and doesn't try to sell you bullshit on that whole nonsense Virgin mother and ascension to heaven from the tomb and burning bushes and Noah and his arc and walking on water and the rest of that. it made for a great book, but come on. you REALLY believe that all happened? you believe that God used to speak to people daily but he never told them the earth was round? or that he hasn't done it since video was invented? come on.
I believe that God is a great white man who is a friend of all people.



Official Checked Star Member
I KNOW FOR SURE!!!! lol you see this is what is so scary to me. people believe things that in every fiber of their being could not be possible. yet, they somehow think it in some magical way that it could be?

so you think it's possible that a man lives on the north pole and knows every thought and action of every human being, then one day a year he hops in a sleigh, pulled by magical flying reindeer and delivers gifts to everyone on the list? you think that is possible????????? please never run for president lol you could probably get the republican nomination lol
so you think it's possible that a man lives on the north pole and knows every thought and action of every human being, then one day a year he hops in a sleigh, pulled by magical flying reindeer and delivers gifts to everyone on the list? you think that is possible????????? please never run for president lol you could probably get the republican nomination lol

Mariah, life is just a dream so if you believe in something then it is there and remember that when you do a good thing you will be rewarded.
]Im as sure he doesn't as the rest are sure that he does. I have far more compelling evidence that he doesn't than you have that he does.

Do you believe that Santa comes once a year and knows if everyone's naughty or nice? well believing that there's a man in the clouds who knows our naughty and nice list and infects kids with disease and allows the rape and murder of innocents is MORE ridiculous than the tooth fairy and Easter Bunny and Santa combined!

LOL Well all jokes aside, what is your "compelling evidence" that there is no supreme being because you have yet to present any. A supreme being is credited with creating all matter and thus all things. A scientist cannot create matter, but can merely transform existing matter into different energy states. Any scientist will tell you that the Physics law of Conservation Created states that matter cannot be created or destroyed, merely changed. https://www.princeton.edu/~achaney/tmve/wiki100k/docs/Conservation_of_mass.html So if a Supreme being did not create it, then where did this existing matter come from, who created it ?

Santa Claus, and other childhood fairytales, are poor analogies because people don't believe Santa Claus is real or those other entities you mentioned, they are merely stories told to children to stimulate their imagination so that they may enjoy their childhood more. Whereas an overwhelming number of the worlds population believe that the God and the Devil exist in different forms, live their lives based on that belief, and have constructed entire civilizations on that belief, including the creation of western civilization that allowed the modern concept of scientists to be originated in the first place
]I dont pin the problems on being christian. i simply state that in a government that clearly states the separation of church and state, that they are trying to force their myths onto the rest of us. they want a fucking national religion! lol churches get tax exemption status yet they earn millions of dollars a year in profits? The catholic church is the largest holder of commercial real estate in the WORLD. yet they dont pay any taxes??? politicians like Mitt Romney openly say that they would do what "God tells them" rather than what their experience and education and common sense tells them. that's fucking frightening to me. that's what Bush did and look at what we have now. He went into Iraq using that very same logic. he said that he doesn't care if it's popular or not, it's what his faith told him was the right thing to do. fucking stupid and crazy and criminal.

the right has become owned by the evangelicals which is fucking scary.
I think we agree regarding the republican theocrats and the such, but being that christian morals and family values are supposedly the basis of republican ideology, how do you think the republicans could ever produce a candidate that wasn't some form of religious christian zealot ? You say the next generation of non-religious republicans will be for progressive change, but certainly you don't think an athiest would have any chance of winning a presidential election.

]If you live your life by not doing harm to others. being helpful and considerate and having compassion you don't need to have some fairy tale written by MAN to live by. it's nice that the pope just today says that atheists will be redeemed also and will go to heaven if they do good things lol it's nice that he gets to decide that this change in christian belief gets put into the books as law lol

Where did you first get these beliefs to be kind, helpful and considerate ? Because some would argue that this is far from the natural perrogative of man, Perhaps these fundamental concepts of morality were ground into you at an early age culturally through our westernized culture, churchs, and school system based in christianity.

]yes some of the scientists are religious but less than 5% are christian. did you know that? LESS THAN 5% and if you have to believe in something that there is zero proof of to get through your day, then yes, you are weak minded. i can't see air but I see the trees move when there's wind. I can heat it and watch it fill a baloon. i can inhale and feel it in my lungs.

I don't beleive that you know that less than 5% of all scientists are christians, if so prove it. And even if that were true, that has no bearing on the amount of scientists in the world that believe in god or some type of supreme being.

]more blood has been spilled in the name of god than all other things combined. it is spilled today all over the world as I write this. Allah, God, Yahweh, Jehova whatever you wanna call him. I am a believer in Buddhism which is a philosophy not a religion. it's common sense and doesn't try to sell you bullshit on that whole nonsense Virgin mother and ascension to heaven from the tomb and burning bushes and Noah and his arc and walking on water and the rest of that. it made for a great book, but come on. you REALLY believe that all happened? you believe that God used to speak to people daily but he never told them the earth was round? or that he hasn't done it since video was invented? come on.

Just as much blood has been shed in the name of science. Scientists created the nuclear bomb, guns, chemical warfare, etc. all things that were created with no other reason than to kill other humans, and with no regards for the humanistic morality of it.

Wars have been fought in the name of Christianity and every other major religion, including Buddhism. http://buddhism.about.com/od/basicbuddhistteachings/a/war.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhist_Uprising There are good and bad people in any religion, including Buddhism. Just because some people have fought and killed in the name of their faith doesn't invalidate their overall religious ideology.

Philosophy was one of my undergrad majors. I have studied the Buddhist I Ching and other texts. Buddhism is considered to be a religion as much as it is a philosophy (Peter Harvey states: "The English term 'Buddhism' correctly indicates that the religion is characterized by devotion to 'the Buddha', 'Buddhas', or 'buddhahood'."
Joseph Goldstein states: "Although there are many differences among the various religions of the world, and among the various schools of Buddhism itself, there is also a great deal in common..." ). Siddhartha Gautama would be the equivalent of Moses. Buddha would be considered the equivalent of Jesus. There is a plethora of buddhist religious texts resembling the bible including the Vinaya Pitaka and the Sutta Pitaka. The scriptures would be equivalent to Buddhist agamas.

While buddhists don't necessarily believe in a supreme being, buddhists do believe in magic and the supernatural, so really what is the difference between this and the stories of Noah and the Virgin Mary ? http://www.abuddhistlibrary.com/Bud...t Perspective on Magic and Supernatural.htm

Science in no way supplants the need for religion. The earth is 4.5 billion years old. Humans have only been on earth about 200,00 years. In contrast, the concept of science is no more that 4 or 5,000 years old. So it is in it's extreme infancy, but no matter how old this diciplince becomes, there are many mysteries that science will never be able to explain.

Take for instance the case of the Dogon people of Mali from Western Africa. Their astronomical lore dates back to at least 3200 B.C., including many details about planets in our solar system, and about the distant invisble Star Sirius B. The Dogon people shared this knowledege with French anthropologists, Marcel Griaule and Germain Dieterlen, who recorded it from four Dogon priests in the 1930's. Eventhough the star wasn't discovered by modern astronomers untill they invented a telescope large enough to see it in 1970.

Accorging to the Dogon, supernatural amphibious beings called the nomo to whom is also linked the Egyptian God Isis, came from space and told them about it. I'm sure that seems ridiculous, especially to an Athiest. The problem is how did a primitive African tribal people gain their astronomical wisdom, and know of the star Sirius B that is 8.6 light years from earth and cannot be seen by the naked eye ?

Some modern scientists have tried their hardest to explain away this mystery, but they cannot, and they never will because the answer is metaphysical.

so if I REALLY believe I have a winning lottery ticket, does that mean I can collect the winnings?

I thought philosophical matters, but yes if the money is most important thing for you then your wish will come true one day.

You can start by lottery, but you also need to dream and hope that you will win.


Official Checked Star Member
first of all have you heard of the big bang theory? most physicists believe in it, and they have been fighting guess who to get funding for a collider to prove it. the right has fought to keep it from funding along with many science programs.

Darwin proved evolution is real.

I said there is AS MUCH proof that it doesn't exist as there is proof that it does. There is absolutely ZERO proof that it does. NONE. other than a book written by men who swear that God put the words in their minds. that can be said also of the Koran and the ramblings of many many cult leaders that we laugh off as just lunatics...what is to say they aren't for real? they have AS MUCH credibility as the bible does. it's one man's word against anothers. David Kuresch (spelling?) said he was Jesus Christ. I'm sure you think that's bs right? What evidence do you have that he isn't?

We have been told to believe it for 2000 years. I choose to be good to people and be charitable and compassionate because it's how I wish to live and believe that it's how I wish to be treated. It has zero to do with religion.

Please tell me a war that has been fought over science? science being used in war yes, but the basis of the conflict being science? bullshit!

I believe in the general philosophy of Buddha. I dont believe in the supernatural crap. and if you believe that Noah put 2 of every species on one wooden boat 2000 years ago then you should be in a rubber room. think of how ridiculous that is. how many millions of species of animal are there? how would you put the predators and the prey in a boat together? come on dude.

To win the lottery you buy a ticket and someone draws the numbers. God has ZERO to do with it.

And so you know devout Christians, Sarah Palin for one, doesn't believe that the earth is 4.5 billion years old. She believes it began with Adam n Eve and that humans were here when dinosaurs were even though science proves that beyond a shred of doubt. So does Mike Huckabee. Mitt Romney believes that the garden of eden was in fucking Missouri lmao and that Jesus lived in the Unites States!!!!!!!!!!! I mean really???

So now we're trying to believe in the Greek Gods??? OMG so zeus and Thor and Neptune are real?????????? And maybe Batman and Ironman are the ones really responsible for the drop in the crime rate in NYC too lmao

you show me ONE proof that there is a God and I'll admit defeat. ONE. just 1
Please tell me a war that has been fought over science? science being used in war yes, but the basis of the conflict being science?

To win the lottery you buy a ticket and someone draws the numbers.

you show me ONE proof that there is a God and I'll admit defeat. ONE. just 1


Money is the thing which is associated with greed and emptines, but if it used to make good things then it is a different matter and suddenly you can get it from a surprising source.

I think you have to go to church if you want to change and feel yourself free.

It is a place where you can get answers to all your questions.

- - - Updated - - -

I believe you're covered in ants.



Official Checked Star Member
so going to church is the answer to all your questions?? you mean the church where priests molest young boys and dont get arrested? or the church with their hands out with pastors wearing custom made suits and living in mansions and owning private jets? or how about Jerry Falwell who says that on your to do list #1 should be the collection plate? wanna see video of him saying it?

HAHAHAHA that is the source of even MORE questions!

you go looking for answers at your church and Ill go out in the real world and talk to scientists and see who comes to conclusive answers and facts.
so going to church is the answer to all your questions?? you mean the church where priests molest young boys and dont get arrested? or the church with their hands out with pastors wearing custom made suits and living in mansions and owning private jets? or how about Jerry Falwell who says that on your to do list #1 should be the collection plate? wanna see video of him saying it?

HAHAHAHA that is the source of even MORE questions!

you go looking for answers at your church and Ill go out in the real world and talk to scientists and see who comes to conclusive answers and facts.

Ok, you choose your way and I wish you good luck.
you show me ONE proof that there is a God and I'll admit defeat. ONE. just 1

I already gave you TWO different proofs with article and video support (which you obviously haven't looked at).

1) Proof of God would be the existence of matter. The Big Bang theory is completely theoretical, but evenstill it, nor any other law of sceince or physics, doesn't propose to explain the origins of matter. It is a basic rule of physics that matter cannot be created or destroyed, so if a Supreme being didn't create it, then where did it come from.

2) The Dogon people of Mali are REAL PEOPLE. They are an ancient tribe that had astronomical knowledge of stars and planets that THEY COULD NOT SEE WITH THE NAKED EYE, and that was not discovered by modern western astronomers with telescopes untill centuries later. They say they got it from supernatural beings. If you disagree then where did a small ancient tribe living in the middle of the jungle get such information before even the invention of modern science.

Perhaps you should look at the video and consider the materials and then admit defeat.