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One Porn Star's Political Opinions...

Ciao is an Italian word, and not Spanish you sure she's not illegal? :)
Yeah, I always saw the word spelled like you spell it until she arrived. We have her here because she is fluent in spanish. And that is helpful now. She is a permanent legal resident. Married to a Brit.


Official Checked Star Member
ok wanna be sure you are only hiring like a good republican lol :) have a safe flight I spent some time in Germany last year Cologne is my favorite but I did love Munich and Hamburg amazing cities. but beware, it's a very socialist country! you woudln't want to get exposed to new ideas or ways of thinking lol Petra actually is the one who told me to visit Cologne and she was so right!


Torn & Frayed.
I am sure there will be plenty to catch up on when I get back from my trip. I killed a half a bottle of Glenlivet while posting these two pages and is why my posting is kinda loosey goosey .
lol I am so dreading this trip! I gotta get it together before I get to the airport or they won't let me board.


I'm convinced that is why airports have bars.



the point is this happened 13 times and it went unchallenged. now suddenly embassy attacks are being challenged? there's been ONE in the last 5 years and they are on it like white on rice.

so why don't you comment on the overwhelming PROOF of the Tillman cover up I have provided??? you seem to keep sidestepping this oh that's right, you're an attorney so that's in your genetics to avoid fact and instead swing things in other directions to deflect evidence and guilt lol how does it go? 1000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean...
I see you are one of those people, avoiding a point of discussion you are unable to deal with by trying to show some form of equivalency to some other not the same but still a bad occurrence.
Lawyers are only hated when they are on the other side of a dispute...I hear some sour grapes.

After all, throughout history, at least since the last few hundred years, Mothers have encouraged their children to become someone respected and important, like a Doctor or a Lawyer. I haven't ever heard a parent seriously express a desire for their child to enter the porn industry...although many do find their way into it as a career.
While I do enjoy all jokes no matter their subject, I am not thinking anyone is the least bit ashamed of being in Law.


the point is this happened 13 times and it went unchallenged. now suddenly embassy attacks are being challenged? there's been ONE in the last 5 years and they are on it like white on rice.

so why don't you comment on the overwhelming PROOF of the Tillman cover up I have provided??? you seem to keep sidestepping this oh that's right, you're an attorney so that's in your genetics to avoid fact and instead swing things in other directions to deflect evidence and guilt lol how does it go? 1000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean...

It's What do you call 1000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start...


Official Checked Star Member
people encouraged their kids to become lawyers because it's a profession that earns good money. you cannot believe that those scumbags who represent rapists and child molestors for a living or chase ambulances are respected people????

To be ashamed one must have dignity and or self respect. I find it hard that those types of attorney's have an ounce of either.

I have many friends who are attorney's and I have attorney's who work for me, so you are very wrong. I just get sick of people trained in law zig zagging around topics and answers.

And please, what point of discussion have I avoided???

So the lawyers are a loved group of individuals? I hardly think so. They are a necessary evil in many instances. Some do very noble work and are solid people, without question. But there are many who suck as human beings and would sell their grandma.

You take a shot at me for my FORMER profession like you think I would disagree with you.

A drunk at the bar who just got fucked over at his divorce slammed his shot glass down and screamed "All lawyers are assholes!" a guy at the end of the bar said "Hey, I take offense to that!" and the drunk says, "oh sorry. I didn't know you were a lawyer" and the other guy says, "I'm not, I'm an asshole"


people encouraged their kids to become lawyers because it's a profession that earns good money. you cannot believe that those scumbags who represent rapists and child molestors for a living or chase ambulances are respected people????

To be ashamed one must have dignity and or self respect. I find it hard that those types of attorney's have an ounce of either.

I have many friends who are attorney's and I have attorney's who work for me, so you are very wrong. I just get sick of people trained in law zig zagging around topics and answers.

And please, what point of discussion have I avoided???

So the lawyers are a loved group of individuals? I hardly think so. They are a necessary evil in many instances. Some do very noble work and are solid people, without question. But there are many who suck as human beings and would sell their grandma.

You take a shot at me for my FORMER profession like you think I would disagree with you.

A drunk at the bar who just got fucked over at his divorce slammed his shot glass down and screamed "All lawyers are assholes!" a guy at the end of the bar said "Hey, I take offense to that!" and the drunk says, "oh sorry. I didn't know you were a lawyer" and the other guy says, "I'm not, I'm an asshole"

Thanks, that was funny...
You just had to bring up Obamacare again , didn't you. :)

Speakng of aid and assistance, I wonder if all those genius Romney republicans in Oklahoma City, that brilliantly decided to live in tornado alley, will now beg to Obama for aid and assitance like that fat republican idiot Christie did in New Jersey when Hurricane Sandy blew half the Jersey Shore into the ocean...I'm quite sure they will...LOL Republican hypocrites.... aid is a hand-out untill you need it, THEN it's an entitlement.

Perhaps Obama should handle this like Bush handled Katrina, and just deal with it when he gets around to it.... LOL


Official Checked Star Member
you mean promise to take care of it then never do it? we built dozens of schools and hospitals in Iraq but how many in New Orleans and Mississippi? how many are still closed today? I was just in New Orleans and my cab driver showed me 3 hospitals that are still closed and fenced in today from Katrina, one of them never even touched by water!!!!!


Speakng of aid and assistance, I wonder if all those genius Romney republicans in Oklahoma City, that brilliantly decided to live in tornado alley, will now beg to Obama for aid and assitance like that fat republican idiot Christie did in New Jersey when Hurricane Sandy blew half the Jersey Shore into the ocean...I'm quite sure they will...LOL Republican hypocrites.... aid is a hand-out untill you need it, THEN it's an entitlement.

Perhaps Obama should handle this like Bush handled Katrina, and just deal with it when he gets around to it.... LOL

Congratulations! You have, hands down, won a FOs No Prize for the Dumbest Post In A Thread!

And that's no mean feat in this Thread!


Oklahoma Senators Repeatedly Opposed Disaster Relief Funds


As frantic rescue missions continued Monday in Oklahoma following the catastrophic tornadoes that ripped through the state, it appeared increasingly likely that residents who lost homes and businesses would turn to the federal government for emergency disaster aid. That could put the state's two Republican senators in an awkward position.

Sens. Jim Inhofe and Tom Coburn, both Republicans, are fiscal hawks who have repeatedly voted against funding disaster aid for other parts of the country. They also have opposed increased funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which administers federal disaster relief.

Late last year, Inhofe and Coburn both backed a plan to slash disaster relief to victims of Hurricane Sandy. In a December press release, Coburn complained that the Sandy Relief bill contained "wasteful spending," and identified a series of items he objected to, including "$12.9 billion for future disaster mitigation activities and studies."

Coburn spokesman John Hart on Monday evening confirmed that the senator will seek to ensure that any additional funding for tornado disaster relief in Oklahoma be offset by cuts to federal spending elsewhere in the budget. "That's always been his position [to offset disaster aid]," Hart said. "He supported offsets to the bill funding the OKC bombing recovery effort." Those offsets were achieved in 1995 by tapping federal funds that had not yet been appropriated.

In 2011, both senators opposed legislation that would have granted necessary funding for FEMA when the agency was set to run out of money. Sending the funds to FEMA would have been "unconscionable," Coburn said at the time.

Hart said Coburn had "never made parochial calculations" about Oklahoma's disproportionate share of disaster funds, "as his voting record and campaign against earmarks demonstrates." Hart added that Coburn, "makes no apologies for voting against disaster aid bills that are often poorly conceived and used to finance priorities that have little to do with disasters."

A representative for Inhofe could not immediately be reached for comment. Inhofe earlier tweeted: "The devastation in Oklahoma is heartbreaking. Please join me and #PrayforOklahoma. Spread the word."

Coburn also put out a message on Twitter, writing, "My thoughts and prayers are with those in Oklahoma affected by the tragic tornado outbreak."

Oklahoma currently ranks third in the nation after Texas and California in terms of total federal disaster and fire declarations, which kickstart the federal emergency relief funding process. Just last month, President Barack Obama signed a disaster declaration for the state following severe snowstorms.

And despite their voting record on disaster aid for other states, both Coburn and Inhofe appear to sing a different tune when it comes to such funding for Oklahoma.

In January of 2007, Coburn urged federal officials to speed disaster relief aid after the state faced a major ice storm.

A year later, in 2008, Inhofe lauded the fact that emergency relief from the Department of Housing and Urban Development would be given to 24 Oklahoma counties. "The impact of severe weather has been truly devastating to many Oklahoma communities across the state. I am pleased that the people whose lives have been affected by disastrous weather are getting much-needed federal assistance," he said at the time.

The cost of the recovery effort for this week's tornadoes is likely to be high. After a spate of tornadoes in the state in 1999, Oklahomans requested and received $67.8 million in federal relief funds.
:yesyes: If by "we" you mean Republicans, then I agree with you 100% !

President Obama is doing an exceptional job in immediately issuing a Disaster Declaration (which can normally take weeks or months to be issued) and promptly and efficiently dealing with this terrible tragedy... I commend him for it !

you mean promise to take care of it then never do it? we built dozens of schools and hospitals in Iraq but how many in New Orleans and Mississippi? how many are still closed today? I was just in New Orleans and my cab driver showed me 3 hospitals that are still closed and fenced in today from Katrina, one of them never even touched by water!!!!!


Official Checked Star Member
I think it's hilarious that idiots deny climate change and call tornadoes and hurricanes and floods "acts of God" but then turn around and say shit like "we're praying for you Oklahoma!" if it was an act of God, who the FUCK are you praying to and what the FUCK are you hoping to happen? lol if it was God who did it, do you expect him to suddenly have a change of heart because YOU asked him to??? stupid weak minded fools! religion was INVENTED By MAN back when there was NO SCIENCE to explain things!
atheists are the fastest growing minority in the US so look out kool aid drinkers but dont worry there will always be the weak minded and dumb and those who cannot think for themselves that you can prey upon.


Official Checked Star Member
Congratulations! You have, hands down, won a FOs No Prize for the Dumbest Post In A Thread!

And that's no mean feat in this Thread!

you're right! there have been some fucking stupid things said by the republicans in this thread! amazing the absolute refusal to acknowledge facts and statistics but then again, you guys deny scientific facts and live in denial and base your lives on a myth about a man who lives in the clouds and knows everything that billions of people think and feel and do so I guess denying some simple and meaningless things like ECONOMICS and the plight of poor people is nothing new

so yes, lots of stupid shit being said in this thread

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.

One has to wonder if Bobby Jindal hadn't just watched that clip when he said that the GOP had to stop being the "stupid party".

Now the Democrats and the left have their "geniuses" too. But unlike the Republicans and the far right, they tend not to embrace their idiots to quite the same degree. Let's just be brutally honest here. Sarah P@lin would be/should be cleaning toilets and changing sheets at a Holiday Inn. But the people of Alaska and John McCain (and Faux News) took this village idiot and made her a political pop star. She can barely fucking read & write! What the hell?! Just like with Danica P@trick versus Simona de Silvestro in racing, the more capable plain janes get looked over (Kay Bailey Hutchinson is 50 times more intelligent than Sarah P@lin - whether I agree with all of her views or not), while the half-assed show boats pretend that they deserve any sort of spotlight. And like the sheep they are, the public buys into the hype. How stupid do you have to be to vote for someone who called herself a "physical conservative"???!!! :facepalm: That wasn't like a slip pf the tongue. This was a retard who couldn't spell and didn't/doesn't know what "fiscal" even means! Just like when she was running around calling Obama a socialist and yet, she cobbled together the biggest socialistic give-away that Alaska had seen in decades, if not ever. She also favored a windfall profits tax. Hell, even Dems and lefties weren't pushing for that!


you're right! there have been some fucking stupid things said by the republicans in this thread! amazing the absolute refusal to acknowledge facts and statistics but then again, you guys deny scientific facts and live in denial and base your lives on a myth about a man who lives in the clouds and knows everything that billions of people think and feel and do so I guess denying some simple and meaningless things like ECONOMICS and the plight of poor people is nothing new

so yes, lots of stupid shit being said in this thread

Well...you have posted some well argued and insightful posts, Mariah, and I have enjoyed your give and take a few times.
However...that was the meanest spirited, dumbest post you have ever made, coupled with your pitiful whining about God and your feeling of not being loved by the religious establishment. Boo hoo.
Whether you have a grasp of God or not, people busting their ass pulling dead children out of the rubble in Moore, people handing out water and blankets to survivors, people setting broken legs and pulling splinters are there actually living their belief in man's being a family of beings loved by God and by extension, them.
Too bad you had a rough time when life was bleak and cold, and no one loved you for you, or whatever your damage was...but talking shit about kind and loving people doing ...here it comes...God's work on the site of misery and pain while you go boating and judge others just sucks...shame on you and cold hearted eric the dumb poster who sees the world completely in terms of US and Them. Dead children...meh, they are Republicans and should have lived somewhere else...like California. Wait, Hurricanes and earthquakes and excessive pollution/crime. Hmmm...Maybe New York...no, crime, hurricanes, terrorists and pollution. Hmmm...not the Gulf states, hurricanes and crime...maybe only Eric lives in a perfect place with not enough room for all of us. After all, Katrina was the first Hurricane in what, 35 years, to hit NO. They shoulda known it was coming.
I see where giving Gucci Bags and trips to strip clubs to victims of Katrina made sense...to you and eric. And buying millions of mobile homes and parking them for YEARS was brilliant strategy for FEMA. After all, who didn't see photos of school busses sitting in water after Katrina instead of being used by the Dem Mayor of NO to evacuate...or Fed help being refused till the very moment of Katrina hitting by the Gov of La.
All a plot by G Bush, right?
Discussion is one thing, but you stand revealed as cold hearted, simple minded empty headed vessels of selfishness and low class. Your punishment is having to live with yourself, no getting away from that.


Official Checked Star Member
Philbert, where did I insult the people helping in OK??? see, you guys take EVERYTHING out of context and twist it around so you can play victim.

I simply said that I find it ridiculous that the very same people who claim climate change is not real but rather just acts of God are the very same people who, after those acts of God say "I'm praying for you!" if God did it in the first place, what good is a fucking prayer??????????

You wanna talk about new orleans? fine. check this quote for your genius GWB http://www.nbcnews.com/id/9345270/n...leans-will-rise-again-bush-says/#.UZurw7W85Mg my favorite part is the part when he looked into the camera and promised to rebuild New Orleans then he left and more than 70% of the water lines have not been touched, the power grid is a joke as we saw during the super bowl, 15 hospitals and schools are standing deserted yet we built more than that brand new in Iraq. what about the housing projects that remain closed down by the federal government where more than 2300 people lived that weren't even touched by the water from the storm? just an easy way to get rid of a bunch of poor black people. FUCK BUSH

and there is no one more "Us and Them" than the republicans. Us is the 93% of the country that YOU and your party don't give 2 shits about. you guys are all about the top 7% and saying your prayers (cough cough) that the money they earn will somehow find it's way into your pockets how's that worked out so far? lol not too good huh? I make a good living and although I'm not in that category I am in the top tax bracket. I don't mind paying more at all. I'd pay 50% if asked.

So the REAL cold hearted ones are YOU and your ilk. you believe that people should die who cant afford medicine. you believe that spending infinite funds on wars is just and moral but paying for medicine for a sick person is unfair. and you all claim to be christians but there is NOTHING christian about you bunch of hypocrites.

On top of the taxes I pay I give more than 20% of my income away EVERY year for the last 4 years. I donate my time AND my money to boys and girls club of america and I to food banks. I bought a van for a homeless family when their transmission went out and I did it anonymously. They don't know who bought it for them to this day. I donate food EVERY week to food banks and wrote a 4 figure check at christmas to covenant house in NYC which is a shelter for runaway teens. Last year I fed the homeless at the Hard Rock and donated 50 meals. What have YOU done? what have YOU the wonderful christian done for your fellow man?