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One Porn Star's Political Opinions...

Good video ! Simple and to the point ! This video illustrates why I put Republicans in 3 categories:

1) Republican Progressives like you that see the pathetic state of the Republican party, and want to make real reform based on an honest debate of the issues. (Although you might as well be a democrat because the republicans don't want you.)

2) Republican Minions that are the intellectually dull followers. They have no new or orignal progressive ideas, but rather just parrot Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, O'Reily Factor, and other such republican party propaganda.

3) Republican Facists that know the truth, but lie about it because they have an anti-American agenda . These are the selfish retarded children running the Party now that have no problem destroying America just to line their pockets.

That's why I very seldom debate republican extremist right-wing rhetoric. Because you will never change the minds of those in categories 2 and 3, which represent the majoritiy of republican individuals. And republicans in category 3 can sometimes try to act tough, which is irritating, because everybody knows that behind every wannabe bully is just another coward.
...shame on you and cold hearted eric the dumb poster who sees the world completely in terms of US and Them

I'm not even going to bother debating you because as far I'm concerned you're just some lame punk who showed up replying to me in this thread trying to say something cute and insulting in front of Mariah, and then got your feelings hurt and started crying like a bitch when nobody laughed or agreed with you.... so you and your fake morality can go fuck yourself.


Official Checked Star Member
btw I wasn't trying to brag, I was rebutting your accusation of me as a cold hearted miserable person, which I am far from. I would have never told anyone about buying the minivan but the guy who sold me a car a few years prior who became a fan saw me at the car lot buying it and emailed the story to luke is back


Official Checked Star Member
I disagree. I think there are a lot of republicans who are moderate and sensible. this batch of republicans is on their way out. once this generation dies off there will never be a debate over gay marriage or adoptions or many of the uptight social battles that are being waged today. the younger people see nothing wrong with gay marriage at nearly 8 to 1. same goes for legalizing weed, which is only blocked by old farts who think it's no different than heroine. same goes for abortion. no one wants it used as birth control, but in no way should a woman's right be ruled by a bunch of rich white people in Washington dc. I know you guys call abortion murder, but the law doesn't.

once they die off this world is going to be a much different and much better place.

the right bellows that government needs to stay out of our lives yet they think it's fine for government to dictate everyone's morals and require vaginal probes of pregnant women and decide who marries whom and what people do and watch in their bedrooms. once again ridiculous hypocritical stands that they take. they call me heartless and cold when I want to treat sick people who don't have enough money.

once upon a time big business used to pay their employees and treat them fairly. not in this world of business today. Henry Ford paid his employees enough money so that they could afford to buy the cars they were building. look at the state of business now. they skimp on health care which up until Nixon became president was standard with every career. he handed the HMO Kaiser Permanente the free pass to provide health care for profit. you guys say "insurance and health care can charge whatever they want" well we all are born with sex drive but does that mean we have to fuck everything we see?

the republican party is a dinosaur. once the old republicans die off and the young people who are less religious than any generation in history take over, we're going to see a different world. bitch if you will, but you know it's true
the republican party is a dinosaur. once the old republicans die off and the young people who are less religious than any generation in history take over, we're going to see a different world. bitch if you will, but you know it's true

I'll believe it when I see it...the sensible moderates such as yourself I would put in the category of progressive republicans, but you aren't the face of the republican party in the media on TV and Radio, and your fellow progressive republicans aren't the republicans that you have been debating in this thread.

The facist republicans run the party now, and their minions do their bidding. They run on a platform of less government, but their actual agenda is the total opposite: Total control and exploitation of the individual by the military/corporate complex elite. Their facist dominance didn't just start this generation, but the orgins can be traced back to at least as far as Prescott Bush, the grandfather of George Bush. http://truthandshadows.wordpress.co...d-to-strategy-change-for-u-s-corporate-elite/ http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/july2007/240707fascistcoup.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmQ-aSIVNiw As a republican you may not want to believe that, but as the progressive republican that you are you can research it yourself, and you need only be honest with yourself in your findings because your goal is the truth.

I would like to think that the next generation of republicans will be different, in terms of drug laws and the such, but the drug laws are purposely designed to have ALOT of people, especially black people, do hard time for victimless crimes. The Prison System is a huge money making enterprise that facist republicans would like to expand, especially in terms of the detention and exploitation of illegal immigrants. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyvXp7FApPk http://my.firedoglake.com/tobywolli...ison-company-investment-indictment-an-update/ http://narcosphere.narconews.com/no.../11/cheney-indicted-prison-profiteering-texas

I would like to think that the younger generation of progressive republicans may intend to bring change. But what you are talking about is money and power and who is going to have it. That type of control is never conceeded without a struggle. Do you really think that a bunch of young idealistic rich kids are ready for a real power struggle ? Like I said, I'll believe it when I see it.


Like I said...eric you are dumb as rock, and Mariah has your back.
Hey Mariah...you keep shooting out shit and keep missing the mark.
All your generalizations are rarely close to the central issue you seem to have already decided on, nothing open in your dogmatic view of things.
I have given you facts like you are so proud of claiming to state (rarely) but you DO assume a lot of wrong stuff.
As for Republicans you don't have a clue...

2 items you just made up your facts about...

A.) I'm a registered Democrat

B.) Never been a Christian in my entire long life.

There's plenty more, but you wear those hot pink fuzzy blinders of yours and don't have to see true stuff.
Better for you...


Official Checked Star Member
I wasn't speaking to you about being a christian. i was speaking in general terms of the republican party being in the control of the religious crazies.

you said I am cold hearted and I think I more than proved otherwise.

and until this page Eric and I disagreed on most everything. we butted heads for 3 or 4 pages prior so not sure how I have his back. We agree on something, so I admit it. At least I have the courage to think along issue lines instead of being afraid to see the other side of an issue like many of the people posting here and who vote right.

you say you're a democrat but you argued every thing I said that were democratic ideals??? what gives?

- - - Updated - - -

I wasn't speaking to you about being a christian. i was speaking in general terms of the republican party being in the control of the religious crazies.

you said I am cold hearted and I think I more than proved otherwise.

and until this page Eric and I disagreed on most everything. we butted heads for 3 or 4 pages prior so not sure how I have his back. We agree on something, so I admit it. At least I have the courage to think along issue lines instead of being afraid to see the other side of an issue like many of the people posting here and who vote right.

you say you're a democrat but you argued every thing I said that were democratic ideals??? what gives?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
A.) I'm a registered Democrat

B.) Never been a Christian in my entire long life.

Texas is an open primary state, no such thing as a registered democrat in this state. You claim you're not a christian but you rush to defend republicans and christians, attack Obama calling him Otrama, and call democrats zombies. You sound pretty fucking auténtico tea party republican. I'm a moderate democrat, but get called a far-leftie by conservatives, I've seen your pattern of behavior countless times and merely the fact that others don't join in with the Obama hate puts them on the far left to ideologues like you. I don't like you because the first post you made when came back was the "Otrama" shit. That told me you're either a Fox News junkie, a Bush Bot, or even worse, an Alex Jones flunkie. What you certainly aren't is a moderate of any stripe or a democrat. Keep pushing that far right tea flake rhetoric, you'll feel right at home with conservative trolls like Fisher and Worm.


Official Checked Star Member
I think it's a bit hasty to say "I don't like you" in regards to political discussions. I think that these people are lunatics when it comes to their political beliefs and religious beliefs but I'd have a drink with many of them. I have many friends I disagree with, so we just dont discuss such things. I know someone who defends the results of that old story about the burglar who fell through the roof of a house he was robbing and sued the homeowners for his broken leg and WON! I have a great friendship with him, but cannot discuss politics. he also believes that it's wrong to post addresses of registered sex offenders.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I think it's a bit hasty to say "I don't like you" in regards to political discussions. I think that these people are lunatics when it comes to their political beliefs and religious beliefs but I'd have a drink with many of them. I have many friends I disagree with, so we just dont discuss such things. I know someone who defends the results of that old story about the burglar who fell through the roof of a house he was robbing and sued the homeowners for his broken leg and WON! I have a great friendship with him, but cannot discuss politics. he also believes that it's wrong to post addresses of registered sex offenders.

Political disagreements don't have to lead to ill will. I get along with most of the republicans I know, both online and in person. It's the caustic ones, the flamers and trolls that are quick to label and marginalize that I have to pull a full-stop with. Differing opinions are what make this country great, being an asshole about it like this guy does is out of bounds.


Political disagreements don't have to lead to ill will. I get along with most of the republicans I know, both online and in person. It's the caustic ones, the flamers and trolls that are quick to label and marginalize that I have to pull a full-stop with. Differing opinions are what make this country great, being an asshole about it like this guy does is out of bounds.

Political disagreements don't have to lead to ill will. I get along with most of the republicans and Dems I know, both online and in person. It's the homophobic ones, the flamers and trolls that are quick to label and marginalize that I have to pull a full-stop with. Differing opinions are what make this country great, being a flaming asshole about it like Misfire does is out of bounds.


Texas is an open primary state, no such thing as a registered democrat in this state. You claim you're not a christian but you rush to defend republicans and christians, attack Obama calling him Otrama, and call democrats zombies. You sound pretty fucking auténtico tea party republican. I'm a moderate democrat, but get called a far-leftie by conservatives, I've seen your pattern of behavior countless times and merely the fact that others don't join in with the Obama hate puts them on the far left to ideologues like you. I don't like you because the first post you made when came back was the "Otrama" shit. That told me you're either a Fox News junkie, a Bush Bot, or even worse, an Alex Jones flunkie. What you certainly aren't is a moderate of any stripe or a democrat. Keep pushing that far right tea flake rhetoric, you'll feel right at home with conservative trolls like Fisher and Worm.

Boy are you stupid!

Nowhere did I say I registered in Texas...and I guess you have appointed yourself the judge of the FOs board members political freedom. Which according to you is only what you decide it is. Asshole...
You actually sound more like Sam than anyone (well, maybe Eric 000).I have no idea where to find Alex Jones, although you seem to follow him pretty closely.

But no, I have distanced myself far away from Demotards such as yourself, the tyranny of the majority is so very unappealing.

You have no real clue what the political discourse is in the USA; everything right of UberLib is Far Right, to you anyway.
"Smart" is a hope you have, maybe someday you'll rise to that level of mental acumen...improbable perhaps, but it COULD happen.

I didn't claim not be a Christian, it's that most hated of things to you...a fact.

Such a whiner...while I don't defend Repubs and Christians, I do defend the truth from your, and others, fabrications and outright lies and distortions. That I will always do...most people I meet with a good heart, the loyalty to family and country I admire, the courage to deal with adversity and the decency to help others less fortunate seem to be Republicans or more right leaning than left leaning Libs.
You always seem to think of Dems as white, almost every position you describe or defend is not a Black Democrat's position...that tells me you are indeed a one sided fool.
No hope for your kind.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I like how you keep trying to drag me down to your level of intellect, keep calling me "stupid", it only illustrates how insecure you are with your inferiority. You don't get along with anyone on these forums. I could easily pull out of your posting history how you're in a constant state of conflict with other members. You should do everyone a favor and just stop posting.
I like how you keep trying to drag me down to your level of intellect, keep calling me "stupid", it only illustrates how insecure you are with your inferiority. You don't get along with anyone on these forums. I could easily pull out of your posting history how you're in a constant state of conflict with other members. You should do everyone a favor and just stop posting.


This is what the politicians want.

Politics divides people into camps, and make us enemies of each other.


Official Checked Star Member
well there are 2 americas nowdays for sure. politicians only represent a small portion of us these days unfortunately. I just prefer to back the side that gives a go to represent more of us rather than just those with a lot of money and security to rely on. if you see that number stays the same but they keep getting richer. if that demographic was growing then Id be all for it, but it isnt. the poor are getting poorer and the gap between the classes is getting bigger. look at all of the countries with severe wealth gaps and you're looking at the US in a few years if we dont end the cycle.


I'm watching some specialist videos
Just to let you know, incase you were interested and wanted to stick a vote in for her, for her contribution in this and her foodie thread, I have nominated MM for OCSM of the Week this week.


Official Checked Star Member
thanks Larss :) appreciate it but that isn't why I did this thread. I enjoy the debate and hearing other points of view. I know I wont change anyone's thinking, but my mind is always open to new ideas.
Ok Mariah, I noticed that you seemed to be pinning alot of the republicans' problems on religion and Christians. I do agree that the republican theocracy nuts are an embarassment to the republican party, but why do you think being an atheist is an answer to the problem ? I've seen you call people who believe in God "weak-minded", and say that such archaic beliefs are out-dated because of the development of science in the evolution of man, but some of the world's greatest scientists, past and preasent, were/ are very religious. So what makes you so sure God doesn't exist ?