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It just sucks that people wont wake up.
Oh they will wake up.. but not until they finally realize that life is like a board game.. In other words, once they take that leap and remain at their current job, or get a better education and purchase something of value and feel like they have something, then and only then will they switch costumes from Anti-Establishment Asswipe, to Capitalist Investment Person.

When they buy a nice car or a house, and the very people who they were protesting with before, will not be welcome in their new home or car because those people will still be whining and telling Mr. Capitalist Investor Person that it is unfair that he has more than they do. at wich point he will pop open a micro-beer, prop his feet up on his coffee table and turn on his 54 inch flat screen television, to watch the whiners, miscreants, and losers protesting once again because they "don't have shit" and others do.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
My guess is, people are taking part in these protests for different reasons. Like the TEA party movement, some have an idea of what they're talking about and some do not. And just like the TEA party, whether they know what they're talking about or not, they're just mad as hell and want to vent... sick & tired of being sick & tired.

Also I find it interesting that Jim Chanos, Warren Buffett and Bill Gross understand the motivation of these protestors, whether they agree or not.

Oct. 12 (Bloomberg) -- Jim Chanos, founder of $6 billion hedge fund Kynikos Associates, and Bill Gross, who runs the world's biggest bond fund, joined top asset managers in voicing understanding for anti-Wall Street protests as they spread to Manhattan's Upper East Side, home to the city's financiers.

Chanos said New Yorkers don't appreciate the impact government bank bailouts have had on other U.S. citizens. Gross, who works at Pacific Investment Management Co., said that wage earners are fighting back after three decades of class warfare against them.

"New York is so finance-centric that people here underappreciate the reaction of the rest of the country," Chanos, who was born in Milwaukee, said yesterday in an interview in New York. "People are angry, they feel the game is rigged, that they didn't get their fair shake."

"Class warfare by the 99%? Of course, they're fighting back after 30 years of being shot at," Gross said on a Twitter post.

Joe Dear, 60, chief investment officer of the $218 billion California Public Employees' Retirement System, said yesterday in a CNBC interview that people are "waking up" to the fact that "the game appears to be rigged."

"The financial system gets bailed out, executives' salaries stay high and the incomes of people who work for a living, paycheck to paycheck, continue to decline," he said.

Buffett, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., said in August that the nation's richest people have been "coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress" and called for higher taxes for the "mega-rich" in the U.S.

Buffett, the world's third-richest man, according to Forbes Magazine, told Charlie Rose in New York during a Sept. 30 interview on PBS that class warfare is going on, "and my class isn't just winning, I mean we're killing them."
Oh they will wake up.. but not until they finally realize that life is like a board game.. In other words, once they take that leap and remain at their current job, or get a better education and purchase something of value and feel like they have something, then and only then will they switch costumes from Anti-Establishment Asswipe, to Capitalist Investment Person.

What happens if a country goes bankrupt?

What happens when a nation goes bankrupt

It’s a testament to the absurdity of our failed financial system when the highly indebted rich countries of the world have to go to China, a nation of peasants, for a bailout.

Speaking at the World Economic Forum this morning, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao delivered a stern message: there is a limit to Chinese generosity, and it will come at a price.

The Chinese will undoubtedly use any further investment in European bonds as leverage to influence western politicians. They already bought Tim Geithner. The US government refuses to label China a ‘currency manipulator’. Similarly, European politicians will now be forced to acknowledge China as a ‘market economy’.

Leading Foreign Holders of US Treasury Securities are mainly
China - 26.1%
Japan - 19.9%

10 Governments That Went Bankrupt

Do not talk about Capitalism vs Socialism or Communism. Think economics.


First off, the Koch brothers, Roger Ailes, Ron Paul, and Michele Bachman aren't establishment as too many powerful 'Republicans' (The blue blood crowd that have way too much in common with the left and think we can all get along with the Progressive idea of 'elections shouldn't matter so much.') don't like them, Dick Armey's sort of a grey area, and they didn't invent anything. Unlike the left, the Tea Party is a true grassroots uprising of people (from the right, left, and center) who have never done this sort of thing before (but have homemade signs and the American flag) and don't like the sorry state of our country that is the fault of politicians on the left and the right alike. And like I said, if the Tea Party is under the control of establishment Republicans, why are we trying to throw so many of them out and so many of them getting opposition in primaries they never used to get? Bad leadership, or insubordinate followers? Or, option three, the Tea Party is independent and the view from the left is wrong.

Second, if we're gonna talk bait and switch or using techniques to obfuscate the reality of the situation, let's talk about the left. They accuse us of the very things they actually do. They claim grassroots support of things, call us 'astroturf,' and what do they do? They bus people in and pay them, and have all kinds of people and organizations organizing people. People whose whole lives seem to be protesting one thing or another, and have professionally made signs, wave any flag but the American, and burn ours. If it was so 'grassroots,' why do they need to bus them in and pay them, or have people and organizations organize them? Not to mention they'll blame everyone and anything for anything wrong, when it's usually their fault, and accuse people of racism, bigotry, violence, and other things to distract from the real point of the debate, because they can't have it known they screwed things up and what they really believe. And as for 'bait and switch,' guess how Dems get elected? They run to the right because no one in their right mind would vote for anyone who really believes and wants what they really want, and then when they get in, they move to the left and get money for their district to keep them in.

Your first sentence is a lie. That starts the process of obfuscation. As the word count grows the closer you think you're coming to burying the truth in a barrage of misdirections. Your technique is apparent. The only question left is "Are you trying to convince yourself or others?" Either you got tricked or you're trying to trick people... Overuse of a technique breed familiarity, then boredom, like cookie cutter porn movies and any other mass produced banality. Yawn.


Having money is not a fault. Hording money, is.

Using that excess money to get more money is evil as it shows that the person is not providing a social necessity by providing employment to general populace. He is now have become a psychopath whose only need is to get more money at which ever way possible.

Hording money is called saving. It's not evil, it's smart. Living beyond one's means is evil, and stupid.

Using excess money to get more money is called investing. Again, not evil.
Hording money is called saving. It's not evil, it's smart. Living beyond one's means is evil, and stupid.

Using excess money to get more money is called investing. Again, not evil.

You are speaking at a micro level but we were basically speaking at Macro level.
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You sure about that 600 trillion? 'Cause, the US government owes about a sixth of that, all told, and that's more worth than all the world combined. Kinda hard to have a 600 trillion dollar market, when there's only about 100 trillion in worth in all the world.

Also, I'm pretty sure the over-the-counter drugs are regulated like all the rest of them.

Even beyond that, so what if the drug companies made money selling drugs?

Holy crap, you don't even know what an over the counter derivative is :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

Here's your first clue: It has nothing to do with pharmaceuticals :rolleyes:

and yes, I'm reasonably sure about that 600 trillion figure


for many more sources search google: over the counter derivatvies 600 trillion
Holy crap, you don't even know what an over the counter derivative is :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

Here's your first clue: It has nothing to do with pharmaceuticals :rolleyes:

and yes, I'm reasonably sure about that 600 trillion figure


for many more sources search google: over the counter derivatvies 600 trillion

This program should be mandatory viewing for all americans http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/warning/
Hording money is called saving. It's not evil, it's smart. Living beyond one's means is evil, and stupid.

Using excess money to get more money is called investing. Again, not evil.

It depends on how one gets money, the system they do it under, and what there handling of money does to other people. Nobody gets money or wealth in a vacuum. It all has consequences for themselves and others. Nobody should get exempted if they don't consider what happens with their actions with what they do with their money.

In the real world very very few things can be invested in without exploiting others to do it in one way or another. Our whole economic system is now based on it, more than in a long time, if not ever before. Financial engineering is one of the worst and most corrupt concepts humanity has ever come up with. It reminds me of the old Ambrose Bierce quote about corporations. It all becomes "an ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility", or blame for that matter. Lets also get real here; pretty much the vast majority of people that are wealthy did in a way or in a system that wasn't completely fair and ethical.

Considering that the world's resources are pretty much tied up in what amounts to a zero sum game, and a lot of those people pretty much treat it like a game, every time one wrenches money, resources, and wealth out of something that means there is less money for everybody else to have. In a lot of ways it's as simple as that. Every time money get obtained by using others that means somebody gets more at somebody else's expense. I don't see any ethical way some people can have money than they need or even can ever dream of spending in their life, some of them wanting even more money than that, acting like they want to be richer than God, when there are so many people out there that not only go without but often even directly suffer for by that person having so much money.

Oh, sure there will always be flimsy justifications for it, or rationalizing people like to tell themselves. People always like telling themselves they deserve it or worked for it as if nobody else had any hand in doing in it, and as if all they have ever done has never hurt anybody else.

Pretty much nobody does it themselves. When added in almost everybody position in life depends almost entirely on luck, and much less on their skill or talent it's even worse.

The only way I would consider somebody deserves to have much less than anybody else would be for that person to be so lazy and so unwilling to be productive member of society when they easily could be that they give society no other choice. Despite what people want to believe out that that applies to very small portion of that have nots out there. Most of them are where they are because they have been screwed in life one way or another.

The only way I would fault somebody that lives beyond their means is if they purposely do it, and no other factors that could be reasonably accounted for to cause that and nothing happened that changed what they eared that wasn't out of their control. Despite what a lot of people like to spout there are fewer people than is thought of by a lot of the elite out there were it's purely the person's fault that it happens to.
Gotta hand it to you Americans, your riots are a lot better than the ones we had here in the UK which were simply blatant criminality

The battle of Wall Street: Violence erupts as police clash with protesters after they force Bloomberg to back down over 'eviction'

* Brookfield Office Properties puts off planned clean-up of Zuccotti Park today
* Protesters jubilant after trying to confront NYC Mayor Bloomberg last night
* Attempted to deliver a petition while he was at Manhattan restaurant Cipriani
* Bloomberg today insists it was Brookfield, not him, that postponed clean-up

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ts-police-clash-protesters.html#ixzz1amvfXq3H


The demand that protesters clear out had set up a potential turning point in a movement that began on September 17 with a small group of activists and has swelled to include several thousand people.

Occupy Wall Street has inspired similar demonstrations across the U.S. and become an issue in the Republican presidential race.

The protesters' demands are wide-ranging, but they are united in blaming Wall Street and corporate interests for the economic pain they say all but the wealthiest Americans have endured since the financial meltdown.

Protesters have had some run-ins with police, but mass arrests on the Brooklyn Bridge and an incident in which protesters were pepper-sprayed seemed to energise their movement.

The protest has led sympathetic groups in other cities to stage their own local rallies and demonstrations such as Occupy Boston, Occupy Los Angeles and Occupy Seattle.
Greed? Inequality? Fuck those fucking fuckers! If they want something, go earn it. Why begrudge someone who has worked for everything they have.

It's no different than the kid at school who has very little, and owns a hand-me-down bicycle, yet he hates the kid that has a nice bike.

Those protesting need to grow the fuck up. For example... walk up to any one of those punks and ask them to give you their ipod, money, or whatever, and watch them tell you no.

See what I'm saying here? They want something for nothing, but when it comes to something they own, they will be selling it on ebay or craigslist... and more than likely for a profit. So again, I say.....


fuck you man, no one asking for handouts, you fuck. They're sick of the corruption. Go back to jerking off fag. This is what they want http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28PSnCwCMp4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTndU_kjenk

Will E Worm

fuck you man, no one asking for handouts, you fuck. They're sick of the corruption. Go back to jerking off fag. This is what they want http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28PSnCwCMp4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTndU_kjenk

That is out of line. :nono:

They are asking for handouts.
I have read the articles and heard them out of their own mouths on video.
They are whiny children looking for big daddy government.

While selling things on eBay and making merchandise to capitalize on the "occupation."
Posted within minutes. Merged.

That is out of line. :nono:

They are asking for handouts.
I have read the articles and heard them out of their own mouths on video.
They are whiny children looking for big daddy government.

While selling things on eBay and making merchandise to capitalize on the "occupation."

You heard a few people say that good for you! too bad that's not what 98% of the people protesting wants sucka! why don't you watch at 6:05 of that first video. Of course they will interview the few morons and act like that's what everybody protesting wants. And the New is bought too.

Oh they will wake up.. but not until they finally realize that life is like a board game.. In other words, once they take that leap and remain at their current job, or get a better education and purchase something of value and feel like they have something, then and only then will they switch costumes from Anti-Establishment Asswipe, to Capitalist Investment Person.

When they buy a nice car or a house, and the very people who they were protesting with before, will not be welcome in their new home or car because those people will still be whining and telling Mr. Capitalist Investor Person that it is unfair that he has more than they do. at wich point he will pop open a micro-beer, prop his feet up on his coffee table and turn on his 54 inch flat screen television, to watch the whiners, miscreants, and losers protesting once again because they "don't have shit" and others do.

Wtf is this kind talking about? Man are you slow or something? do you realize that these people are against a bought system that is corporatism and not capitalism? It's really not that hard to see.
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Will E Worm

You heard a few people say that good for you! too bad that's not what 98% of the people protesting wants sucka! why don't you watch at 6:05 of that first video. Of course they will interview the few morons and act like that's what everybody protesting wants. And the New is bought too.

Let's go up to their mansions and whine because deep inside we're jealous.

If you asked five of them what the "occupation" is about there would be five different answers. They do not know. Most do not even know Soros is behind this. :1orglaugh

George Soros behind "Occupy." Link


Using that excess money to get more money is evil as it shows that the person is not providing a social necessity by providing employment to general populace. He is now have become a psychopath whose only need is to get more money at which ever way possible.

You are speaking at a micro level but we were basically speaking at Macro level.

the person and he = micro.

In any case,

You guys are making too much of what essentially amounts to nonsense. There is nothing behind these protests other than immature (drug fuelled) angst.

Is this supposed to be legit? How many of these protesters still live with their parents? :facepalm:

The Occupiers should be removed from private property. I'm sure there's a park they can ruin with their "protest".
The Occupiers should be removed from private property. I'm sure there's a park they can ruin with their "protest".

the person and he = micro.

In any case,

You guys are making too much of what essentially amounts to nonsense. There is nothing behind these protests other than immature (drug fuelled) angst.

Is this supposed to be legit? How many of these protesters still live with their parents? :facepalm:

It's unfortunate that my friends here did never understand, that I'm not supporting something, I'm opposing in-equality of wealth distribution.

Blame the wealthy for everything. That's so easy to do.

Bill Gates worked hard, Warren Buffet worked hard, Steve Jobs worked hard, Sam Walton worked hard, etc. Most wealthy people did not come from money, they had an idea and worked hard to become successful. Blaming them for becoming successful and wealthy is ridiculous.

In her own right Paris Hilton has to work hard to keep her name out there. She is smart, she turned her name into a brand. Just because you don't like that doesn't mean she did anything wrong.

Jane you know I respect you.

Now tell me, why the lumberjack, the oil-riggers are not so rich? They must be working very hard to earn the minimum wage.

Working hard is not the part of the equation. The problem is not of the rich or the poor.

The basic problem is the distribution system of wealth in "Free" world. Otherwise US of A wouldn't have been a pauper (almost) nation with so much natural resource in their hand.

US should mind their own country. Instead of feeding the arms cartel by demolishing countries after countries, Iraq, Afghanistan and not to forget Vietnam, they should start building infrastructure like new roads, canals, etc, so that the wealth remains with their own people and distributed at all layers of the society. Not evenly, sure, but within the territory they have. But that too is difficult now because of the interest burden the country has. But no amount of oil is going to solve that problem. There has to be buyers.

What the hell matters, to general populace of US when they are jobless and homeless, what happens in a country thousand of miles away? Let them go to hell in a hand-basket.

Instead US is going to China with a beggars bowl to fight a war which is not their own.

There is another thread on the same issue. http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?p=6151522#post6151522

Police herd Wall Street protesters away from Colorado state Capitol, arrest 2 dozen;

AP Interview: Walesa backs Wall Street protesters :

Activist Who Reagan Called ‘One Of The World’s Greatest Labor Leaders’ Coming To Support Occupy Wall Street:

Occupy Wall Street protesters raising the right questions

Rememeber: Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
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