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How fucking blind can you be :facepalm:

They are protesting against a system that's rotten to the core. Most of the USA is owned by big corporations and politicians are bought and paid for by them. There's only one thing that rules the USA, the almighty dollar. That's what they're protesting against. Apparently you think there's nothing wrong with living in a supposedly civilized country where people die on a daily basis because they can't afford health care.

At least try to think about what your saying before just spewing anything that pops up in your obviously ignorant brain.

These people aren't heroes. They are a bunch of whiners with no self worth or ability to achieve within the current structure so they choose to blame the system instead of taking an honest appraisal of themselves and realizing they lack self determination and personal responsibility.

Blaming others for one's own shortcomings is such a cop out. Of course, it doesn't surprise me that someone from the Netherlands is sticking up for cries of socialism at gunpoint.

Are these people even listening to themselves? Demands such as:
-$20/hr. minimum wage?
-Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment?
-Free college education?
-Across the board debt forgiveness? (Except for Wall Street. Poor judgement at the individual level should be subsidized, of course.)
-Open borders?
-And on and on and on...

None of these things, neither individually nor collectively, would solve any of the problems Americans are facing as a country. We need to stop all the hand-holding and communicate to these people that its time to grow up and accept a bit of personal accountability.

Also, if these people believe that capitalism is so completely evil, why then are we seeing them participating in perpetuating "the evil beast?"

There are currently close to 200 items for sale on eBay that support the Occupy Wall Street movement. What a bunch of hypocritical assholes.

"We hate capitalism completely... but buy our Occupy Wall Street: Ready, Set, Go! Kit for only $100. Or how about a really keen "We are the 99%" bedazzled t-shirt for just $35 + shipping. Or maybe you might like a real statement maker to remind you what you were doing all those weeks instead of looking for a job, with this Occupy Wall Street 8X10 for a mere $9."

These people are lazy idiots, assholes and hypocrites.

Also, if these people believe that capitalism is so completely evil, why then are we seeing them participating in perpetuating "the evil beast?"

There are currently close to 200 items for sale on eBay that support the Occupy Wall Street movement. What a bunch of hypocritical assholes.

Excuse me, there are actually more than 1,200 OWS items currently for sale on eBay. So, yeah. Input error on my part.
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Will E Worm

Quoting: Margaret Sanger and Aldous Huxley? :facepalm:

So what! Who are you to decide who and how much money someone should have?

Are you going to leave anything to your children or siblings when you die?

Obama “I do think at a certain point you've made enough money” :rolleyes:

His net worth as of 2010 was $10.5 million. I bet it's more than that. ;)

These people aren't heroes. They are a bunch of whiners with no self worth or ability to achieve within the current structure so they choose to blame the system instead of taking an honest appraisal of themselves and realizing they lack self determination and personal responsibility.

Blaming others for one's own shortcomings is such a cop out. Of course, it doesn't surprise me that someone from the Netherlands is sticking up for cries of socialism at gunpoint.


Are these people even listening to themselves? Demands such as:
-$20/hr. minimum wage?
-Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment?
-Free college education?
-Across the board debt forgiveness? (Except for Wall Street. Poor judgement at the individual level should be subsidized, of course.)
-Open borders?
-And on and on and on...

Their demands are...:rolleyes:

Also, if these people believe that capitalism is so completely evil, why then are we seeing them participating in perpetuating "the evil beast?"

There are currently close to 200 items for sale on eBay that support the Occupy Wall Street movement. What a bunch of hypocritical assholes.

I started a thread about this. :D Link


Works for panties
How fucking blind can you be :facepalm:

They are protesting against a system that's rotten to the core. Most of the USA is owned by big corporations and politicians are bought and paid for by them. There's only one thing that rules the USA, the almighty dollar. That's what they're protesting against. Apparently you think there's nothing wrong with living in a supposedly civilized country where people die on a daily basis because they can't afford health care.

At least try to think about what your saying before just spewing anything that pops up in your obviously ignorant brain.

Actually, the protesters themselves have no idea what they're protesting. Ask 50 of them, and you'll get 50 different answers all over the place, including ten versions of "I don't know." Even assuming a central theme of the banks are bad and the protestors don't have things, they're all on their expensive laptops and phones surfing the web, texting, and calling. It's just a big party to get drunk, laid, and stoned for the hippies they are. And use police cars for toilets, call for the deaths and cannibal communion of bankers' bodies, put effigies of people's heads on pikes, and get arrested by the hundreds. It's the 1960s all over again. Some of them were even there in the '60s, wanting now what they wanted then. Free stuff. They're just spoiled kids (the older ones never grew up) who never had to work for anything, they just asked mommy or daddy for something and they got it, and now they expect the same as an adult from the rest of us. And the premise about the banks causing the problem is incorrect. This all started way back in the 1990s when the government forced banks to lend money to people that had no business getting loans or loans at such a low rate. Then, to no one but the politicians that forced the banks' surprise, the loans weren't paid back and the banks got into trouble. In rides the government to help fix a problem it caused, and cause another one by printing so much money to cause inflation (that's the real reason gas is over $3 a gallon and everything's gone up in price), and not only give to the banks that needed the bailout, but forced on the ones that didn't so they'd hafta pay it back with interest. The government made money off all this. If someone needs to go to jail, its Barney Frank and Chris Dodd that came up with all this.

Now you look beyond the people in the streets, as either Lenin or Stalin (I can't remember which, one of the two) called them 'useful idiots,' some of which are bused in and paid $200-$300 a week (which I believe you'll find to be about $1000 below minimum wage, not even counting overtime and 'working' on a holiday, which is real funny considering how many are union people and how much union backing there is), they're being stirred up by people with very bad intentions of the revolutionary communist persuasion. And those of us who know and were taught history, know how that turns out. For those of you who don't, it's tens of millions of people dead, starting with those not hard-line enough within their own ranks, and the survivors screwed. Also, you think there's a gap between the people at the top and the rest now, you just have a look at what communism brings. Peasants and aristocracy. Atleast now you've got a chance to move up the ladder. These people get what they want, and you can forget that, or even what you have now.

I, and most everyone, will agree that things have gotten screwed up. However, it's the cause and solution that is where the sticking point lies. We haven't been a truly capitalist country in about a century, and it's the little drips and drabs of socialism that's screwed us up, and what's the solution the protesters and their backers want? More of the socialism that messed things up.

Oh, and who's dying because they can't afford healthcare? You walk into any emergency room, penniless, and they'll treat you right then. I know that's because the government makes them, but even without that, people still get treated in clinics run solely on charitable donations, and even some hospitals before being forced still did it. If you guys are getting news stories about Americans dying because we don't have your socialized medicine, we get all kinds of news stories about people being denied treatment or put on a waiting list so long they die because of your socialized medicine, and the rich and your leaders flying over here to get treated.

As for who owns most of what, are we talking land here? 'Cause if we are, the biggest owner of land in the US is the US government. As for politicians being bought and paid for, it goes both ways, and you're telling me this doesn't happen where you are?


My Penis Is Dancing!
These people aren't heroes. They are a bunch of whiners with no self worth or ability to achieve within the current structure so they choose to blame the system instead of taking an honest appraisal of themselves and realizing they lack self determination and personal responsibility.

Blaming others for one's own shortcomings is such a cop out. Of course, it doesn't surprise me that someone from the Netherlands is sticking up for cries of socialism at gunpoint.

Are these people even listening to themselves? Demands such as:
-$20/hr. minimum wage?
-Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment?
-Free college education?
-Across the board debt forgiveness? (Except for Wall Street. Poor judgement at the individual level should be subsidized, of course.)
-Open borders?
-And on and on and on...

None of these things, neither individually nor collectively, would solve any of the problems Americans are facing as a country. We need to stop all the hand-holding and communicate to these people that its time to grow up and accept a bit of personal accountability.

Man. That is a pretty fucked up list! I mean...that proves that OccupyWallStreet is totally fucked up! How could an organization put out a list like that! Are they insane? I mean, it almost sounds like a forum post submitted by a single user and hyped by irresponsible news/commentary agencies. I am glad I read your list and did not look at the link.
Oh. Wait.

Admin note: This is not an official list of demands. This is a forum post submitted by a single user and hyped by irresponsible news/commentary agencies like Fox News and Mises.org. This content was not published by the OccupyWallSt.org collective, nor was it ever proposed or agreed to on a consensus basis with the NYC General Assembly. There is NO official list of demands.

That's right at the top! Those are the first words on the link of the page you linked us to...it wasn't buried on the bottom. Not only is it a laughable list, most of the comments below that post say it is laughable, and the only ones with few enough brain cells to take it seriously are places like Fox News.
So, gee, nice "gotcha" moment there, Walter Cronkite.
Man. That is a pretty fucked up list! I mean...that proves that OccupyWallStreet is totally fucked up! How could an organization put out a list like that! Are they insane? I mean, it almost sounds like a forum post submitted by a single user and hyped by irresponsible news/commentary agencies. I am glad I read your list and did not look at the link.
Oh. Wait.

That's right at the top! Those are the first words on the link of the page you linked us to...it wasn't buried on the bottom. Not only is it a laughable list, most of the comments below that post say it is laughable, and the only ones with few enough brain cells to take it seriously are places like Fox News.
So, gee, nice "gotcha" moment there, Walter Cronkite.

Well a lack of stated goals makes them an even bigger bunch of douches.


They only seem to have a vague idea of what their protesting and have no united cause. At least the right wing machine feeds the poor people they send out to protest for them some clear and concise lies to get them riled up. The left doesn't even bother manipulating the poor properly anymore, let alone educating them! What a shame.:facepalm:
I think people are protesting about different things, many rightly about the immoral behaviour of the banks but the media often brands them all as being anti-capitalist or communists etc (probably because their owners are cosy with the bank owners). Because of the way many banks conducted their affairs the economy is now in a complete mess and many hard working people have lost their savings, jobs and homes whilst the bankers or banks are rarely punished instead just getting a few harsh words from the govt.

Protesters have camped out in Zuccotti Park near Wall Street, rallying against billions of dollars in bailouts banks received during the financial crisis, which pushed the U.S. economy into recession.

They claim that after the taxpayer-funded bailouts, banks recovered quickly to earn huge profits - while average Americans suffer high unemployment and job insecurity with little help.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...le-police-march-Chase-bank.html#ixzz1ac7wd1pe


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
They claim that after the taxpayer-funded bailouts, banks recovered quickly to earn huge profits - while average Americans suffer high unemployment and job insecurity with little help.

Why anyone other than the Wall Street financiers and perhaps the government hacks who protect them would have an issue with people being upset about this is incomprehensible.


Works for panties
To say, "the rich" should pay the same duties as everyone else, doesn't imply I hate them. They profit the most of being part of a complex modern social system. They should be able to carry their part.

Um, you do know that the rich people are paying an unfair proportion of things, that people who pay little or nothing still get, right? Like roads, schools, fire, police, etc. And you said something about someone profiting the most from being part of a complex modern social system and should be carrying their part?

I am not talking about income, rich, poor, middle or anything. This is about disproportion.

Well, then you are talking income and classes, aren't you?

About amounts one can't spend in a lifetime, but you say one can earn and accumulate in a decade, or two or three, without the help of others.

Yep, still talking about income.

And so what if they make more than they could spend in a lifetime? (I bet even the richest person could spend every penny they have in six months. I mean, our government does that and then some in a shorter amount of time.) If they can make it, they can make it. more power to them. Who doesn't wanna be rich? And by the way, the help of others are their employees the wealth allows them to hire.

Without exploitation of any kind, without benefit from the fact other countries and other people have less money and are poor. Without profiting from living in a rich country and being rich.

Who or what exactly is being exploited here? If it's a who, then they don't hafta work for them. If it's a what, then odds are pretty good they own it or they would be unable to 'exploit' it. Also, there's always been, and always will be, people and countries richer and poorer than others. Why do you think so many left the hellholes that were their home countries to come here? They had a shot a something greater here that they didn't have there for numbers of reasons, namely an overbearing government and corruption. Which we now have.

If you don't like people fighting for their rights.. if a wealthy person don't want to live in a free country, where everyone has the right to protest and demand justice and fairness, then you are free to leave and go to another country. Maybe you find one where rich people don't need to act responsible and to justify their actions to the public, but still benefit from infrastructure and social peace.

Firstly, what 'rights' are we talking about here? 'Cause the only 'rights' I've heard wanted from these loonies are rights from Soviet Russia's Constitution and FDR's similar "Second Bill of 'Rights.'" Things like guaranteed wages, housing, education, healthcare, rest and leisure (in Soviet Russia? HA! "You vurk or you die."), maintenance in old age and also in case of sickness or loss of capacity to work (AKA, social security, workers' comp, unemployment insurance), and other things that are not rights. It's amazing how similar FDR's 'rights' were to Soviet Russia's, huh? I mean, he even gave a speech listing his "Second Bill of 'Rights,'" that could've just been him reading the Soviet Constitution. It's also amazing how much of what FDR wanted and the Soviets had got implemented here, huh? I mean, you've got 'guaranteed wages' in the form of a minimum wage, housing thanks to Frank and Dodd, education's gov provided, and college loans are now solely from the gov, healthcare being taken care of by Obamacare, there's mandated time off for workers, and like I said, already got social security, workers' comp, and unemployment insurance... Wait a minute...

Ah, crap. We're the United Socialist States of America aren't we? Not quite as hard-core as the Soviets or the red Chinese, not cracking down on freedoms and real rights just yet, but too damn close. Hell, we're even in Afghanistan and our politicians live as royalty, while the rest of us are all equally screwed. (See? For all the talk of 'equality' and 'fairness' under socialism and communism, doesn't really work that way, now does it?) All we need now are the fur hats and the red flag, and to go around calling everyone 'Comrade.' Glenn Beck was right. One Monday you'll think your country is still what it was, and then on the following Friday, you'll wake up and realize it's not. Except this is Wednesday, but oh well. This is very depressing. Good news is, sorta like what happened to the USSR, running outta money, I won't hafta wait decades for the USSA to run out. We're nearly there already. Bad news is we owe most of it to the red Chinese. Good news is, they like supporting fellow socialist countries. Or is that bad news, 'cause they'll just delay our coming implosion?

Second, the only justice and fairness anyone in our country is supposed to get is from the government. It's supposed to treat us all justly and fairly. Life's unfair, but it's not the government's job to make it fair.

Oh, and the only reason rich people feel the need to justify anything is because of the leftist politicians and the liberal news saying they're evil, screwing over the little guy, and not paying their fair share.


Works for panties
They only seem to have a vague idea of what their protesting and have no united cause. At least the right wing machine feeds the poor people they send out to protest for them some clear and concise lies to get them riled up. The left doesn't even bother manipulating the poor properly anymore, let alone educating them! What a shame.:facepalm:

Um, you do know that the establishment Republicans (the right wing machine as you called it) hate the Tea Party, right? They're also under the misconception that they'll get a fair shake by the media, and don't need to fight the Dems. Hell, they agree on half the stuff. The rest is more of degrees and how fast. So why would they feed us anything or send us out? They just come around looking for money and support, and lots of the time don't get it because they're not real conservatives, and we give to and support others to run against them. If we're getting our marching orders from the establishment, they're not giving them right then, or we're insubordinate as hell.

As for the left, they never stopped manipulating and they've never educated, only indoctrinated.
Why anyone other than the Wall Street financiers and perhaps the government hacks who protect them would have an issue with people being upset about this is incomprehensible.

EXACTLY! But you have to take into account the zombies whose brains are hardwired to repeat exactly what they have heard from their favorite muppet on Fox News.

Everyone in this country should be up in arms against the Bankers, this is not a partisan issue, it is a moral issue, people on the side of Wall street and international bankers have no morals, we already know that!


Um, you do know that the establishment Republicans (the right wing machine as you called it) hate the Tea Party, right? .

Um, no they don't, they invented it and pay for it. From the Koch brothers to Dick Armey, from Roger Ailes to Ron Paul to Michelle Bachman. They invented, supported and nurtured it from the start. So um, either you fell for the old bait and switch or you're using the same techniques they use to obfuscate the reality of the situation. In the case of the latter, um, when the Great Old One's come you'll be rewarded.:cthulhu:
However, it's the cause and solution that is where the sticking point lies. We haven't been a truly capitalist country in about a century, and it's the little drips and drabs of socialism that's screwed us up, and what's the solution the protesters and their backers want? More of the socialism that messed things up.

Yes, what a shame we don't have more true capitalism like the 600 trillion dollar over the counter derivatives market that went unregulated because mega powerful big money didn't want it regulated; because the money lobby assured us that like all "free markets" it would "self regulate".

But oh wait, as it turns out it didn't - and who got stuck holding the bag when it came unglued? John Q Public, that's who. No wonder so many people are mad as hell.
If the figures can speak:

<debt clock USA> <United States public debt> <2011 United States federal budget> < US National Debt > <US Federal Deficit>

Though I'm not from USA, World-space took a chunk of my savings when they went bankrupt and the letter from the court reached me after the due date of my application.

And now I'm selling away my US company shares at a loss.

If, I'm aggrieved, what about the persons who are directly affected by US economy? I know, I'm an idiot to invest in a sinking economy. I can recoup. What about the generation of youth, who wants to survive and when the Govt. is spending huge amount of public money in the name of "Freedom"?
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Works for panties
Um, no they don't, they invented it and pay for it. From the Koch brothers to Dick Armey, from Roger Ailes to Ron Paul to Michelle Bachman. They invented, supported and nurtured it from the start. So um, either you fell for the old bait and switch or you're using the same techniques they use to obfuscate the reality of the situation. In the case of the latter, um, when the Great Old One's come you'll be rewarded.:cthulhu:

First off, the Koch brothers, Roger Ailes, Ron Paul, and Michele Bachman aren't establishment as too many powerful 'Republicans' (The blue blood crowd that have way too much in common with the left and think we can all get along with the Progressive idea of 'elections shouldn't matter so much.') don't like them, Dick Armey's sort of a grey area, and they didn't invent anything. Unlike the left, the Tea Party is a true grassroots uprising of people (from the right, left, and center) who have never done this sort of thing before (but have homemade signs and the American flag) and don't like the sorry state of our country that is the fault of politicians on the left and the right alike. And like I said, if the Tea Party is under the control of establishment Republicans, why are we trying to throw so many of them out and so many of them getting opposition in primaries they never used to get? Bad leadership, or insubordinate followers? Or, option three, the Tea Party is independent and the view from the left is wrong.

Second, if we're gonna talk bait and switch or using techniques to obfuscate the reality of the situation, let's talk about the left. They accuse us of the very things they actually do. They claim grassroots support of things, call us 'astroturf,' and what do they do? They bus people in and pay them, and have all kinds of people and organizations organizing people. People whose whole lives seem to be protesting one thing or another, and have professionally made signs, wave any flag but the American, and burn ours. If it was so 'grassroots,' why do they need to bus them in and pay them, or have people and organizations organize them? Not to mention they'll blame everyone and anything for anything wrong, when it's usually their fault, and accuse people of racism, bigotry, violence, and other things to distract from the real point of the debate, because they can't have it known they screwed things up and what they really believe. And as for 'bait and switch,' guess how Dems get elected? They run to the right because no one in their right mind would vote for anyone who really believes and wants what they really want, and then when they get in, they move to the left and get money for their district to keep them in.


Works for panties
Yes, what a shame we don't have more true capitalism like the 600 trillion dollar over the counter derivatives market that went unregulated because mega powerful big money didn't want it regulated; because the money lobby assured us that like all "free markets" it would "self regulate".

But oh wait, as it turns out it didn't - and who got stuck holding the bag when it came unglued? John Q Public, that's who. No wonder so many people are mad as hell.

You sure about that 600 trillion? 'Cause, the US government owes about a sixth of that, all told, and that's more worth than all the world combined. Kinda hard to have a 600 trillion dollar market, when there's only about 100 trillion in worth in all the world.

Also, I'm pretty sure the over-the-counter drugs are regulated like all the rest of them.

Even beyond that, so what if the drug companies made money selling drugs? They're in business to make money, and along with paying their employees, alotta that money goes into R&D to make new drugs and advancing medical science. Why do you think people are living longer and healthier lives? Sure as hell isn't the government. You can thank the drug companies for that, while complaining about them making money to fund research.

As for who gets stuck holding the bag when it all comes unglued, in a true capitalist system, those who caused the problem are left with the bag. The government doesn't step in to help, putting all of us on the hook. Unlike what the government is doing now.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
And as for 'bait and switch,' guess how Dems get elected? They run to the right because no one in their right mind would vote for anyone who really believes and wants what they really want, and then when they get in, they move to the left and get money for their district to keep them in.

To be fair, both sides are guilty of stuff like this. One can't really call out one side for using such tactics without applying the same criticism to the other.

To further expound on your observation, however....in actuality, on a national level at least, Obama did quite the opposite. The platform on which he ran was much more liberal than the policies he has instituted since being elected. From health care reform to foreign policy, he has moved to the right on almost every issue. In fact, so much so that he has drawn serious criticism from many liberal groups who feel he has been far too conservative.

Let's face it....neither democrat nor republican has a clue how to fix this nation. Worse yet, even if they did, the current gridlock system we have in place virtually guarantees that nothing of any real substance will be accomplished regardless of legitimate ideas or efforts to foster such change.
stan you have made some well thought outposts. The comments you have made could not be more dead on. Problem is that there are too many people like love who view the situation as he does. It just sucks that people wont wake up.