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Obama and Sarkozy overheard badmouthing Israeli PM Netanyahu


Hiliary 2020
There is no conspiracy, They have a very powerful lobbying force and serious footholds in the financial sector and in the media. They could crush any political leader, make or break their career. Instead of freaking out or going on about conspiracy crap, the other groups should get the fingers out of their assholes. Damn the white man is getting complacent.

I didn't label it a conspiracy and i don't understand that last part too well.
What other groups and what should they do?


Is somewhere outhere.
Watch this space...But I think Obama will cop it off the Mossad in time :elaugh:

I'm sure the rich Jewish communites across the US will be sharpening their blades ;)

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
Regardless of member country in this thread we seem to agree that Israel is a huge pain in the ass. I pray my American brothers and sisters will take a stand. The Europeans seem to know what's up. We're all connected through blood so let's stick together. America must cut the chord even if the baby is eaten.


Hiliary 2020
Regardless of member country in this thread we seem to agree that Israel is a huge pain in the ass. I pray my American brothers and sisters will take a stand. The Europeans seem to know what's up. We're all connected through blood so let's stick together. America must cut the chord even if the baby is eaten.

Yeah but I doubt Ron Paul will ever get elected so ......
Has anyone considered the context? Certainly there is more to it than these comments that were overheard.
Netanyahu IS a real bastard himself, now he wants to buildup another 2000 appartments + houses in an area his fuckin army has occupied.

But Palestines are the same bastards like Israelians are. ( I´m talkin about the govnmts. of both , NOT about the normal citizens )

As someone already said, there´s only ONE question left : WHY ?

Both of em cancelled freedom - agreements 100 times, both of em bombed civil ppls. who aint got NOTHING to do with the political problems, both are full of HATE of eachother. So I myself advice them a veeeerryyy effective company : HECKLER + KOCH ! They produce excellent weapons, from lil pistols over machine-guns to mines + bombs. So let everyone of them fuck - politicians of both get the money the can carry and bring it to our company. It will help our bomb + machinegun - industry and safe lots of jobs. They will deliver fast + discrete ! But before delivery make a 50 ft . high steel - wall round the area and if only one bullet leaves the wall ... we should bomb them down to single pieces ! I just dont want to know how expensive this deal was + still will be for the US , Europe, Arabia, North-africa , Palestine + Israel itself.

What a FUCKIN MESS this is !!
Israel is one of our allies, right? The issue right now isn't them. It's Iran. If not Iran then China.

I think you´re wrong. The Israel / Palestine - problem is in my eyes the *MOTHER* of all troubles down there . Imagine there would be PEACE ...?!
China ? They got the A-bomb since YEARS . And they dont need to use it because in some 15 years the name of the US-pres. will be YANG CHING PEI or something like this... cause they just bought the whitehouse with their financial power.
The problem is clearly IRAN , the fucking EXTREMISTS down there and there looovely pres. called Ahmadinebullshit or whatever who cant even afford a razor-blade. :D


Hiliary 2020
Yeah, so why exactly did france and britain declare war on germany, followed by the usa?
Even after Hitler tried to make peace with them.
France and England, who had spent the last 500 or so years attacking and slaughtering and taking over areas that werent theirs, including palestine.
Was it because germany attacked poland, an area that was theirs originally?
You think that was really the reason?
Maybe France, England and the USA were like, "Wait a minute Germany, you can't take a region by force......that's our job. Wev'e got a monopoly on that".

It was all a plan to create the state of Israel and plop it right in the middle of the middle east and gain world support for it.
AS to what influence could cause that I really don't know.
Almost everything they taught us as to why in school was bullshit.
Yeah, so why exactly did france and britain declare war on germany, followed by the usa?
Even after Hitler tried to make peace with them.
France and England, who had spent the last 500 or so years attacking and slaughtering and taking over areas that werent theirs, including palestine.
Was it because germany attacked poland, an area that was theirs originally?
You think that was really the reason?
Maybe France, England and the USA were like, "Wait a minute Germany, you can't take a region by force......that's our job. Wev'e got a monopoly on that".

It was all a plan to create the state of Israel and plop it right in the middle of the middle east and gain world support for it.
AS to what influence could cause that I really don't know.
Almost everything they taught us as to why in school was bullshit.
where'd u hear this? the protocols of the elders of zion?
This @meesterperfect , was the only war of the US I´m able to accept . Hitler was a motherfucking bastard , nothing else.
I really would not be interested to stand beside the Wolga-river to stand nightwatch or throw innocent ppls. into the oven .


Hiliary 2020
where'd u hear this? the protocols of the elders of zion?
What did I say that was historically incorrect Mr Furley?

This @meesterperfect , was the only war of the US I´m able to accept . Hitler was a motherfucking bastard , nothing else.
I really would not be interested to stand beside the Wolga-river to stand nightwatch or throw innocent ppls. into the oven .
I used to accept it, now I realize just why we fought i, and it pisses me off...all that death and misery. It wasn't just to create Israel but that was a big part of it.
As far as putting people in ovens? I don't know how true that is.....but I do know that a lot of what is taught about "the holocaust" and WWII is pure bullshit, and if I'm lied to once about it, why should I believe anything else I hear about it? And the innocent Jews that did die were thrown under the bus by their own leaders in order to get that piece of land, that's just fact.


Yeah, so why exactly did france and britain declare war on germany, followed by the usa?
Even after Hitler tried to make peace with them.
France and England, who had spent the last 500 or so years attacking and slaughtering and taking over areas that werent theirs, including palestine.
Was it because germany attacked poland, an area that was theirs originally?
You think that was really the reason?
Maybe France, England and the USA were like, "Wait a minute Germany, you can't take a region by force......that's our job. Wev'e got a monopoly on that".

It was all a plan to create the state of Israel and plop it right in the middle of the middle east and gain world support for it.
AS to what influence could cause that I really don't know.
Almost everything they taught us as to why in school was bullshit.

I used to accept it, now I realize just why we fought i, and it pisses me off...all that death and misery. It wasn't just to create Israel but that was a big part of it.
As far as putting people in ovens? I don't know how true that is.....but I do know that a lot of what is taught about "the holocaust" and WWII is pure bullshit, and if I'm lied to once about it, why should I believe anything else I hear about it? And the innocent Jews that did die were thrown under the bus by their own leaders in order to get that piece of land, that's just fact.

Now hold on there skippy. The rope has a breaking point, and we're nearing it. I've been a lifelong scholar of WWII and your assertions aren't bearing up. And as a scholar, I mean not just what I was "taught", but what I investigated and learned. Whatever your proof is, it's escaped my scrutiny and everyone elses.
I used to accept it, now I realize just why we fought i, and it pisses me off...all that death and misery. It wasn't just to create Israel but that was a big part of it.
As far as putting people in ovens? I don't know how true that is.....but I do know that a lot of what is taught about "the holocaust" and WWII is pure bullshit, and if I'm lied to once about it, why should I believe anything else I hear about it? And the innocent Jews that did die were thrown under the bus by their own leaders in order to get that piece of land, that's just fact.

Sorry man, but this is ALL RIGHT . I´ve been in Auschwitz + Bergen Belsen PERSONALLY and I KNOW it´s RIGHT + more but this . I live in Germany and I just HAD TO KNOW the truth . ( I´m almost 58 years old ) . Not the Jews nor the Palestines nor the USA or we Germans are innocent, we ALL should clean in front of our own house. That´s FACT .

Otherwise I think the US was moving into WW2 cause of Pearl Harbour, and Japan was allied to Germany, right ? And Hitler declared war against the USA ... right ? When I´m wrong, so someone correct me please.
So this means at the end that we had our tootbrush into someone elses mouth .... shit happens . ! :facepalm::dunno:
But this STILL doesn´t allow OVENS for CIVILIANS . bingo.
And if anyone believes the Israel / Palestine - Fight is for a STATE , ..for PROPERTY ..he maybe right.
But he forgot something important : WATER.
The Israeits took OFF the water OFF the Palestines . They need to buy ( expensive ) water from trucks, water is absolutely LIMITED in Palestine . They cannot even take a wash themselves everyday respectively take a shower, almost impossible.

So WHAT would someone think ( if someone would be a Palestine farmer ) who lives at the border close to an Israelian hotel, if this
farmer is watching every day the tourists of the Israelian hotel jump into fresh water in the pool and on the farmer´s ground absolutely NOTHING will grow ,...no beans no oranges no potatoe no nothing. And the kid´s are thirsty + dirty + himself too and the motor of his car is worn off cause no water for cooling-system ??

I think if I would be the farmer I´d got REALLY PISSED ...!
Hi my American/Israel sweethearts , I dont see any question over here, but no problem, I´ll give you some answers :

YES , you would be REALLY pissed too, if you were a Palestine farmer watchin everyday the tourists jump into the hotel-pool.
..it´s not very popular to make this statement because you sweethearts are * allies * to them Israelites ...RIGHT ?

It´s one of the BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS to have water to drink, food , a roof above your head . ...hopefully I´m not wrong, am I ?

I just hear some American whiney say : ...yooouuu German Killer just got the right to tell + talk about this, dont you remember 70 years ago ???

YES , I remember . And made some statements about it above + in other threads .

BUT OTHERWISE I´m sure the USA neeeever ...

were bombing Viet-Nam with NAPALM ( and lost the war ) .
had a Pres. who wasnt even able to use his native language and was looking in IRAQ for WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION , ... never found some , maybe he still should carry some down there to find em , .. was a liar to his citizens and only interested in the interest of Halliburton + Exxon .
...bombed HIROSHIMA with an A - Bomb killing at least 150 K ppls. in less then 5 minutes .
...bombed NAGASAKI with another A - Bomb , killing another about 70 K ppls. in less then 5 minutes ..
... killed your very own HISTORY , ... named Indiens, ( nope, not the ppl. from India ) .. but those who owned the country you LIVE IN . The rest of them are just lil arseholes totally drunk living in reservations ...

Just about your *nice* ideas in Japan : Your surely wanted to tell us German Killers, how to be more effective ...?? Thanks for the info, .. to kill 150 K ppl. within 5 min. was new to us, but maybe we will learn ? That would make some like 4>5 hrs. of bombing and we are finished ...huuuhh ? MERCI USA , but we hopefully never will use these infos .

I was talkin about BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS , which are water , food , a roof . Just give this ppl. WATER to live .

And if you got personal probs. with my statement : ..see my signature. :D