Israel caugh spying on Trump but he seems OK with it...


Hiliary 2020
I meant that if a black Jew who living in the Middle-East had a child the child would be jet black.

Middle Eastern history is so confused that such Arab / Jewish vs. Christian enmity is very possible.

Yes, and this topic has been talked about frequently:

Why the State of Israel was founded in the middle of the Arab States in 1948?

It wasn't the best solution, but since many Jews live in that area, it was probably the most logical place. :dunno:

"The Third (1919–23) and Fourth Aliyahs (1924–29) brought an additional 100,000 Jews to Palestine"

(Wikipedia, Zionism and British Mandate)


This type of population transfer has certainly caused hostility between Arabs and Jews.

You know I don't think it did very much. From what I've read and seen in interviews they got along pretty well.
I think in general Palestinians are easy going people. And not fanatics.
They all lived together in the same neighborhoods. They got along with each other.

Then after WWII Israeli police and military went door to door pointing guns in people faces and ordering them out of their homes.
Stealing their homes and property and creating 10's of thousands of displaced people.
I mean they took everything they owned.
Jews claim that those evil Germans did that to them in just a few years earlier. Then they turned around and did that to the Palestinians.
To this day Palestinians are treated probably worse than any people on the planet and by the Israelis.

Like I said how could anyone expect "peace" after all that.

And btw way the israelis claim they are always the victims of those evil palestinians (are you seeing a pattern?).
But the Palestinians don't even have a military. Nothing. They can't own guns.
But yet they are victimizing the israelis who are armed to the teeth with the highest tech weaponry and have heavily armed police and military all over Palestine.?
Does anybody actually buy that bullshit?

See that seems to be a pattern going back at least a thousand years. A country lets them in, gives them rights, treats them well, then they get stabbed in the back. (How did all those jews wind up in Germany? Because those Evil Germans gave them sanctuary when all those Good countries like England and France told them to go fuck themselves).
Then they get exiled and cry anti-fuckyouism.
Always the victim.
Germans gave them sanctuary when all those Good countries like England and France told them to go fuck themselves).
Then they get exiled and cry anti-fuckyouism.
Always the victim.

When did Germany allegedly give Jews sanctuary from England and France?
Thanks in great measure to Martin Luther, anti semitism had been rampant in Germany for 400 years prior to the holocaust.


Hiliary 2020
in the late 1800's. They didn't like the czar and Germany took them in. Lots of them.
I know in the history books jews are always the poor victims but they didn't just magically appear in germany.
A large percentage were from Russia and Germany gave them sanctuary. And they never had it so good as they did in germany in those years.
Then the great betrayal happened.
Throughout the centuries jews were expelled from many places, and it had very little to do with race and/or religion.
But I know I know anti semitism and all that.
A thousand years of history can be summed up in just 1 compound word.
And they never had it so good as they did in germany in those years.

That's simply not true.

Not only was Martin Luther's influence still enormous among Germans...
"Let the magistrates burn their synagogues and let whatever escapes be covered with sand and mud. Let them be forced to work, and if this avails nothing, we will be compelled to expel them like dogs . . ."
Martin Luther, "Concerning the Jews and Their Lies", 1543.

But also in 1871Germany became a unified nation. A new nationalist fever, coupled with additional strains as the young nation struggled to balance rapid industrial growth, social change and traditional ways, led to an increase in social stress and class division. Several respectable German leaders exacerbated traditional anti-Semitism by pointing to the Jews as a principal cause of the upheavals. Historian Heinrich Treitschke wrote a long essay in 1879 in which he claimed that the fundamental differences between German Jews and Christians could not be reconciled, and that the Jews had "usurped too large a place in our life."

Soon, readers of Treitschke's essay and other anti-Semitic tracts were advocating legal measures against Germany's Jewish population. By the mid-1890s several laws had been proposed in the German Reichstag to limit Jewish education, participation in the professions, and other rights of German citizens. Although none of these measures had yet been enacted, prejudice against Judaism in Germany was growing.


Hiliary 2020
Ok so you pick out one thing I said and roll with it.
I think better we disagree to agree on this because if not we'll be here forever going back and forth. I'll give you the last word.
Martin Luther?
At the time of Luther all kinds of religious persecution was going on.
It wasn't all about the Jews.
The Tudors over there in England were killing Protestants, Then catholics, Then Protestants, Then Catholic again.
France and Spain were killing Protestants as well.
In other words a lot of people were being killed ll over Europe over how they worshiped the same god.
But it did inspire some beautiful artwork.

No doubt Luthor hated the Jewish faith and wanted to convert them. And maybe even some of his criticisms were real. Probably had many killed too.
Either way it was a time when a lot of stupid stuff was happening.

Now now now you can throw that compound word around as much as you like. Its kind of losing its mojo by now.
If Germans were always so bad to Jewish since at least the 1500's then why did so many Jews go to Germany?
How did so many Jews become bankers and business owners in Germany?
How did so many become wealthy and prosperous and have big families in Germany if the Germans were so terrible to them?
How did they join the German military and even become high ranking officers?
All this happened because your compound word was such a big part of German culture for hundreds of years prior to WWI?
No, it doesn't even make sense.

See what you believe is fact is revisionist history. Its when people in power re-write history to suit their agendas.
Lies. To justify their actions.

Prior to WWI the American people were completely on the side of Germany. They liked Germany. Germany and its people were considered good to the Americans.
Germany and Austria were like beautiful fairy tale lands filled with beautiful people in the minds of Americans.
Then they got too rich and too strong and they became a threat to English businesses and banks, jewish owned banks.
So these rich fucks who own the politicians decided they needed a war against Germany so they got their war with the help of a news media which began to villianize the Germans. You know propaganda.

But Germany wouldnt go down. England, France, Russia couldn't beat them.
So instead of a Peace agreement they got the US involved. But the American people still backed Germany.
But the same fucks who owned the newly created Federal Reserve were also the owners of the Bank of England.
The same JEWS who financed the war and got filthy richer off of it. They like war, its a huge money maker for them.
They don't care about humanity, they care about money.
So the US newspapers started to villianize Germans. Killing babies ect.
Propaganda. Lies. And they got their war.
Luckily the USA had plenty of Shiny New European Immigrants to send off to war and be killed.
And when the death and destruction on a scale never seen before in the history of the human race was over and the German threat to the businesses and banks was neutralized, they chopped up Germany in pieces and divided among their selves.
Oh, and they gave Palestine to the Rothschild family in appreciation of financing England France and the US a little more than they did Germany to be a National Home For Jewish People.
And then they gave Germany the bill for the entire thing.

I know I know none of that happened.
IT all happened because those Evil Germans were anti semetic. They just hated jews . Thats all.

Now lets talk about how those innocent sweet peace loving Israelis are always the victim of those mean old Palestinians since after WWII.
And how horribly those Evil Palestinians treat those innocent Israelis in current times.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
President Trump is caucasian and Jews are half black people.

Why this thing needs to be mentioned is because God created caucasians as leaders.

Uh... wut? Yeah, er... you might want to give the Old Testament another read there, bro. ;)

As for this "revelation", it's been said for decades that between the divided loyalty ZOG types in the State Dept. and the various telecommunications devices that have been inserted in our networks, the Mossad is more up on what's current news in U.S. intelligence than the average member of Congress.