Hiliary 2020
I meant that if a black Jew who living in the Middle-East had a child the child would be jet black.
Middle Eastern history is so confused that such Arab / Jewish vs. Christian enmity is very possible.
Yes, and this topic has been talked about frequently:
Why the State of Israel was founded in the middle of the Arab States in 1948?
It wasn't the best solution, but since many Jews live in that area, it was probably the most logical place. :dunno:
"The Third (1919–23) and Fourth Aliyahs (1924–29) brought an additional 100,000 Jews to Palestine"
(Wikipedia, Zionism and British Mandate)
This type of population transfer has certainly caused hostility between Arabs and Jews.
You know I don't think it did very much. From what I've read and seen in interviews they got along pretty well.
I think in general Palestinians are easy going people. And not fanatics.
They all lived together in the same neighborhoods. They got along with each other.
Then after WWII Israeli police and military went door to door pointing guns in people faces and ordering them out of their homes.
Stealing their homes and property and creating 10's of thousands of displaced people.
I mean they took everything they owned.
Jews claim that those evil Germans did that to them in just a few years earlier. Then they turned around and did that to the Palestinians.
To this day Palestinians are treated probably worse than any people on the planet and by the Israelis.
Like I said how could anyone expect "peace" after all that.
And btw way the israelis claim they are always the victims of those evil palestinians (are you seeing a pattern?).
But the Palestinians don't even have a military. Nothing. They can't own guns.
But yet they are victimizing the israelis who are armed to the teeth with the highest tech weaponry and have heavily armed police and military all over Palestine.?
Does anybody actually buy that bullshit?
See that seems to be a pattern going back at least a thousand years. A country lets them in, gives them rights, treats them well, then they get stabbed in the back. (How did all those jews wind up in Germany? Because those Evil Germans gave them sanctuary when all those Good countries like England and France told them to go fuck themselves).
Then they get exiled and cry anti-fuckyouism.
Always the victim.