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Obama and Sarkozy overheard badmouthing Israeli PM Netanyahu

At least we know what Henry Kissinger would have said if he overheard that conversation

Nixon adviser Henry Kissinger branded Jewish as self-serving 'b*******', new documents reveal

American Jewish groups, lobbying the Nixon administration on behalf of their Soviet brethren, got under White House adviser Henry Kissinger's skin so much that he denounced them as self-serving 'bastards', newly released documents reveal.

The comments were made in August 1972, when appeals were flooding the White House over the Kremlin's levying of fees for exit permits.

One such letter was from the Israeli prime minister, Golda Meir, appealing to the White House to end its strategy of 'quiet diplomacy', and for Mr Nixon to take up the issue with Soviet leaders directly.

A White House official, Leonard Garment, himself flooded with letters and phone calls with Jewish appeals, asked Mr Kissinger for help and guidance.

According to transcripts released by the State Department, Mr Kissinger - deputy national security adviser at the time - said to Mr Garment: 'Is there a more self-serving group of people than the Jewish community?'

Mr Garment replied: 'None in the world.'

The exchange was all the more remarkable because both Mr Kissinger and Mr Garment were Jewish.

But Mr Kissinger continued, saying: 'What the hell do they think they are accomplishing? You can't even tell bastards anything in confidence because they'll leak it.'

Despite his outburst, Mr Kissinger said he would take up the issue with Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin and also meet again with Jewish leaders.

But he finished with: 'They ought to remember what this administration has done.'

The remarks were contained in documents dealing with U.S.-Soviet relations released by the State Department.

Mr Kissinger, 88, was not available for comment over the released transcript.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Mr Kissinger played a dominant role in U.S. foreign policy between 1969 and 1977.

During this period, he pioneered the policy of detente with the Soviet Union, orchestrated the opening of relations with the People's Republic of China, and negotiated the Paris Peace Accords, ending American involvement in the Vietnam War.

Even after his term with presidents Nixon and Gerald Ford, he has been approached for advice by successive presidents - including Ronald Reagan and George W Bush.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...b-----new-documents-reveal.html#ixzz1e5ln2yGX

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
According to transcripts released by the State Department, Mr Kissinger - deputy national security adviser at the time - said to Mr Garment: 'Is there a more self-serving group of people than the Jewish community?

Whoopsie. Never knew Kissinger was appointed Master of the Obvious.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
They air commercials for the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews all the time. Such manipulative bullshit top-loaded with guilt and shame. They act like, as a Christian, I am a brother. When they extend their hand it isn't to shake my hand but closer to a shakedown.



Hiliary 2020
And racist. Like you.

Not cool and not right.
I've been accused of this before here, usually because of peoples narrow minded perspectives.
If you really read my posts, you would see that all I want is unity in this country among races, for the benefit of the people who live here.
That's what they said would happen one day.....but in reality there is more of a divide in races now than ever, or at least since the 60's.
And I blame that on 3 main things: The Government and politicians especially democrats, the education system run by the Government, and the mass media mainly TV, News and Hollywood.
Especially the media and the media is controlled by a certain group of people who benefit from racial problems, and the government benefits from it too.
It's about control and money.
I put the blame where I see it....if anything I say by doing that is considered racist well that's just not correct.
It's narrow minded.
Yea meesterperfect it's the democrats. After all wouldn't want all them folks of another race actually striving to better their stations. Man your either seriously mixed up(touch of conspiracy theory slab dashed with right wing ideology) or are indeed narrow minded. The good old days when the white man ruled supreme and everyone got along like rosey and jim:)


Hiliary 2020
Yea meesterperfect it's the democrats. After all wouldn't want all them folks of another race actually striving to better their stations. Man your either seriously mixed up(touch of conspiracy theory slab dashed with right wing ideology) or are indeed narrow minded. The good old days when the white man ruled supreme and everyone got along like rosey and jim:)

Yeah I know that's what you read.
And that is one thing I want, everybody to strive and better themselves. But that ain't gonna happen as long as THE GOV is gonna support people, young people, if every possible way for throwing away their future and having babies they can't take care of....then taking from others in the form of taxes to pay for it.
It brings everybody down.
It also ain't gonna happen if the past is harped on , exaggerated and twisted in the schools and media to no end, creating a current racial divide.
See you took my post as me wanting blacks kept down in the ghetto, when what I really want is the complete opposite.
It's THE GOV and the media that wants that.
You misunderstood completely.
Yeah I know that's what you read.
And that is one thing I want, everybody to strive and better themselves. But that ain't gonna happen as long as THE GOV is gonna support people, young people, if every possible way for throwing away their future and having babies they can't take care of....then taking from others in the form of taxes to pay for it.
It brings everybody down.
It also ain't gonna happen if the past is harped on and exaggerated in the schools and media to no end, creating a current racial divide.
See you took my post as me wanting blacks kept down in the ghetto, when what I really want is the complete opposite.
You mis-understood completely.........but I bet it felt good.

No it didn't. You have valid points but blaming the democrats and social justice for all the woes is just well stupid. I agree though like everything their are people probably taking the Michael. But what about genuine cases, Being jobless is hardly upper social strata to aspire to. I mean yea your gonna fuck lots of chicks. And have nice stuff.


Hiliary 2020
No it didn't. You have valid points but blaming the democrats and social justice for all the woes is just well stupid. I agree though like everything their are people probably taking the Michael. But what about genuine cases, Being jobless is hardly upper social strata to aspire to. I mean yea your gonna fuck lots of chicks. And have nice stuff.

I blame all US government, just democrats more than republicans.
(example: 2 politicians speaking yesterday, which one is being more honest and making more sense?)
and it was all for nothing anyway because the dems won't budge, huge tax increase, pass job bill or theyre going home.
And you say social justice? I was speaking about creating a society of people who instead of taking advantage of the free education that is offered to them they instead make baby after baby and are 9/10 times bad parents, creating more of the same. This completely takes away any will to strive to "better themselves" as you put it. And that is just what the government wants, people dependent on them and reasons to take more from people who arent....and mess up the economy doing it....which will make more people, even those who want to "better themselves" dependent on them.
It's win - win for them and as obvious as can be if you just open your eyes and clear the bullshit that's been distracting you all your life coming from the media, the politicians who are part of it and the schools.
To me that isn't anything close to social justice.
Meesterperfect, I think you're a racist because you see "race" as an moral meaningful distinction. YOu speak of the "unity of races", but the word "race" is already outdates. It comes from a period when people started traveling the world and encountered people who looked different, and who had no common ancestors.
However, all of this isn't true today. A lot of people fall between two or multiple "races" and this will only increase. The word "race" will become completely meaningless when the globalization continues.
Furthermore, "race" really doesn't doesn't define a person in a moral sense. Altough you might agrue that people have different fysiology, and that has to do with common ancestors, this doesn't say anything. We should still treat people as ends in themselves and therefore judge their actions, not their endownments.


Hiliary 2020
Meesterperfect, I think you're a racist because you see "race" as an moral meaningful distinction. YOu speak of the "unity of races", but the word "race" is already outdates. It comes from a period when people started traveling the world and encountered people who looked different, and who had no common ancestors.
However, all of this isn't true today. A lot of people fall between two or multiple "races" and this will only increase. The word "race" will become completely meaningless when the globalization continues.
Furthermore, "race" really doesn't doesn't define a person in a moral sense. Altough You Might agrue that people have different fysiology, and that has to do with common ancestors, this doesn't say anything. We should still treat people as ends in themselves and therefore judge their actions, not their endownments.

Are you serious?
Have you even read a word I wrote?

I am dumbfounded over the fact that hate speech is tolerated on this board. :2 cents:

You're just trying to start trouble, not cool, there has been no hate speech here. I just responded to LD's statement(in which I think he was half joking)....and was pretty clear about it.
And I've recently already been banned for so called racist/hateful speech when I've said nothing racist or hateful.
We're still allowed to respond to direct cheap shots around here right, or should this just be a board full of little kids calling each other names?
Are you serious?
Have you even read a word I wrote?

You're just trying to start trouble, not cool, there has been no hate speech here. I just responded to LD's statement(in which I think he was half joking)....and was pretty clear about it.
And I've recently already been banned for so called racist/hateful speech when I've said nothing racist or hateful.
We're still allowed to respond to direct cheap shots around here right, or should this just be a board full of little kids calling each other names?

Yeah I did read what you wrote. And you said a few posts back that your idea of a good society was unity by race. No I don't know exactly what you mean by that, but it looks like you divide people up by race. My definition of a racist is someone who thinks race is a moral relevant category. Considering you talked about the ideal, and race was the major distinction you made, by my definiton you are a racist.
In my post I tried to argue that race is not only morally irrelevent, it's also empirically a category of diminishing importance. (Insofar the "differences" between "races" cannot be explained by culture/economic situation/history etc.)


You're just trying to start trouble, not cool, there has been no hate speech here. I just responded to LD's statement(in which I think he was half joking)....and was pretty clear about it.
And I've recently already been banned for so called racist/hateful speech when I've said nothing racist or hateful.
We're still allowed to respond to direct cheap shots around here right, or should this just be a board full of little kids calling each other names?

You've taken a thread about a squabble between three politicians and launched multiple tirades against jewish people and Israel.

- You've raised ridiculous conspiracy theories about the influence of jewish people have on financial systems and world politics
- You have challenged recorded history - forwarding your own ideas about the causes of World War 2
- You have indicated that generally, business dealings with jewish people are negative
- You have questioned that the the Holocaust took place

These are all examples of hate speech, and they belong to you.

I didn't start any trouble. But I sure as hell found it.


Just because someone says something doesn't mean what they say has any value. To them or anyone else.