
Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well, like I said before, I don't see the need for a label for people who are supportive of Nikki. I consider her my friend & me hers. Nothing else need be said about it. Labels for everything, like I said before, are too cliche, and let's face it, more than a little childish and silly......and that coming from the guy who introduced "Bad Joke Friday" and "Mindless Musings Mondays" and Trivia Tuesday"! ha ha ha! What can I say, I have changed and grown a bit since then (In no small part due to my good and dear friend Nikki)!

Honestly, for my part anyway, I didn't think we (jitna and I) were being serious when we were tossing around labels yesterday. Can't speak for jitna.....but that was the way it was for me anyway. Ha ha ha!

serious? who me?

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

serious? who me?
I seriously was hoping you weren't! I get my signals crossed sometimes, but I didn't think we were being serious anyway. Ha ha ha!

On an unrelated note...I notice the Spam post for some Paris escort service that I reported was deleted (I actually reported all 5 posts that were made on 5 different threads)! Yay me!!! Ha ha ha! I just don't get it. Why do people either do it themselves, or often use bots to Spam message boards? Like I said....I just don't get it! Trust me jitna, being rational is a bitch sometimes! Always find yourself analyzing irrational behavior! Ha ha ha! Sometimes I bet if I had a dollar for everything that "I don't get," I'd be a Billionaire! Of course I would give my good friend Nikki $100 Million....because if anyone truly deserved it, it would be her! And, I genuinely believe that she would put the money to good use in many positive and philanthropic ways!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I seriously was hoping you weren't! I get my signals crossed sometimes, but I didn't think we were being serious anyway. Ha ha ha!

On an unrelated note...I notice the Spam post for some Paris escort service that I reported was deleted (I actually reported all 5 posts that were made on 5 different threads)! Yay me!!! Ha ha ha! I just don't get it. Why do people either do it themselves, or often use bots to Spam message boards? Like I said....I just don't get it! Trust me jitna, being rational is a bitch sometimes! Always find yourself analyzing irrational behavior! Ha ha ha! Sometimes I bet if I had a dollar for everything that "I don't get," I'd be a Billionaire! Of course I would give my good friend Nikki $100 Million....because if anyone truly deserved it, it would be her! And, I genuinely believe that she would put the money to good use in many positive and philanthropic ways!

what a kiss ass. always trying to make me look bad. well i can one up that, if i was a billionaire id give her $200 million and a puppy!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

what a kiss ass. always trying to make me look bad. well i can one up that, if i was a billionaire id give her $200 million and a puppy!
I don't try to make you look bad...you seem quite capable of that on your own! But, if you ever need any help! ha ha ha! Just kidding! Now, if being nice to someone as deserving (because she has more than earned it) as Nikki makes me a "kiss ass," consider me "puckered up"!

Now, if I were a billionaire, I really would want to serve many philanthropic pursuits. Of course I could not do it all myself...so I could honestly see myself giving Nikki $100 Million or so, because, like I said, I genuinely can see her doing a lot of good with that amount of money...AND I have grown to genuinely trust and admire her...so, I know I wouldn't have to be scrutinizing her every move. I would set up a non-profit foundation and trust (in her real name) and place the $100 Million in there for tax reasons (for both of us), but it would actually be hers to do with as she sees fit! Now, upon reflection, I believe I would also set up and fund a large animal rescue facility in a city of her choice & name it for her (her real name....not "Nikki Nova") & I would install her as the Executive Director!

What can I say....Jon thinks big! Now, the hard part....making it happen!

Anyone who doubts that Nikki could do a lot of good with $100 Million...quite frankly...they don't know Nikki! She is already an incredibly giving person....can you imagine what good she could and would do with that amount of money? SERIOUSLY!!!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

No doubt! Three things you can count on...death, taxes, and Nikki being fucking HOTTT!!! She could be all bundled up like an Eskimo, and she would still look incredible! Funny thing though, her looks aren't even what I find most attractive about her! So, given how extremely lovely she always looks...that's REALLY saying something!

I have to totally agree agree,


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I don't try to make you look bad...you seem quite capable of that on your own! But, if you ever need any help! ha ha ha! Just kidding! Now, if being nice to someone as deserving (because she has more than earned it) as Nikki makes me a "kiss ass," consider me "puckered up"!

Now, if I were a billionaire, I really would want to serve many philanthropic pursuits. Of course I could not do it all myself...so I could honestly see myself giving Nikki $100 Million or so, because, like I said, I genuinely can see her doing a lot of good with that amount of money...AND I have grown to genuinely trust and admire her...so, I know I wouldn't have to be scrutinizing her every move. I would set up a non-profit foundation and trust (in her real name) and place the $100 Million in there for tax reasons (for both of us), but it would actually be hers to do with as she sees fit! Now, upon reflection, I believe I would also set up and fund a large animal rescue facility in a city of her choice & name it for her (her real name....not "Nikki Nova") & I would install her as the Executive Director!

What can I say....Jon thinks big! Now, the hard part....making it happen!

Anyone who doubts that Nikki could do a lot of good with $100 Million...quite frankly...they don't know Nikki! She is already an incredibly giving person....can you imagine what good she could and would do with that amount of money? SERIOUSLY!!!

i see you raised my puppy with an entire rescue shelter. well played. ill see you and raise you another $300 million into scientific research in developing the good tasting 100% healthy non-fat cookie! suck on that!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

i see you raised my puppy with an entire rescue shelter. well played. ill see you and raise you another $300 million into scientific research in developing the good tasting 100% healthy non-fat cookie! suck on that!
Only problem with your premise is: 1. I am totally serious (if I ever had the means) & 2. It's actually not a competition....I'm not out to show up or upstage anyone....I'm just, for better or worse....well, I'm just ME!

A similar anecdote that I will share, when I popped in to say hello to Nikki on MFC (actually ended up staying WAYYYYY longer than I planned) about 3 weeks ago, and while she was away in a private show, someone who appeared to be a regular on MFC or simply a big fan "bragged" that Nikki knew him better than anyone else on there. This guy and a few others and I had been chatting about Nikki while she was away, so that kinda came out of the blue. Another guy said something to contradict that claim.....to which I said "I could chime in....but I won't...because, first, it's not a competition, and quite frankly It's not cool!" Now, having seen Nikki and my interaction, one of the other "regulars" said to the other dude: "Yeah, Nikki does appear to know jbs better than any of us." Ha ha ha!

Well, the way I see it, it's not a competition. Be yourself, and you'll be alright. Honestly, being nice comes naturally to me (because I like to believe that I am genuinely and generally a nice guy), and coupled with the fact that I have no trouble expressing myself & I am college educated (not to mention more "seasoned" AKA older), most people would be foolish to try to make it a competition. 1st, I am me....and they are them....and, just like with Nikki, there isn't anyone else like me in the world. 2nd, trying to make it a competition with me only short changes those who would try, because they aren't really being their true selves. The way I express myself comes naturally to me...because....lets face it....it's truly who I am! I don't say things that I don't mean. Do I go overboard sometimes....of course...who doesn't? But, like I said, just be yourselves and the rest will come naturally.

Finally, I don't know if anyone else does this or not, but I have NEVER gone around bragging that I am "friends" with Nikki Nova. I have never even thrown her name out around here other than to pay her a compliment in another thread. Frankly, I consider myself to be a friend of the "real person" who is Nikki Nova anyway. Could I make a lot of people jealous (come on....let's face it...Nikki has been quite popular in the industry for years....and she has a very sizable fan base) if I was a real dick and went around bragging about the interaction I have been fortunate to have with Nikki & the friendship that I would like to believe we have forged together? Of course I could! So why don't I? Like I said: First, it's not a competition; second, I like, and am friends with the person, not the persona (Nikki Nova is a persona); and finally because I am not a DICK....and to do that would be ROYALLY dick headed! Name dropping is beyond shallow and makes you a tool in my opinion. To me, "Nikki Nova" is simply a wonderful person and an amazing friend! If this makes sense, "Nikki Nova" doesn't really do much for me, but I find the REAL WOMAN who is "Nikki Nova" to be beyond AMAZING!!! I might have a hard time containing the genuine affection that I have for Nikki, but believe me, I am not, do not, and will not make it a competition....because, let's face it.....IT'S NOT!

Now jitna, I am fairly certain that you are simply kidding in your inferring that it is a competition, and I can't speak for Nikki, BUT, that whole idea is actually something that I am a little sensitive about....because, let's face it, some people do see things like this as being a competition.....I just hope you REALLY are not one of them.....because, like I said, I am not.

Anyway, I'm off to finish watching a movie & I hope everyone has a wonderful night and an Amazing Wednesday!

ps. Labels aren't the only thing that I find to be more than a little gay.....the general overuse of "hash tags" on Twitter is more than a little gay too! Ha ha ha!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

^^^Sorry, but I forgot to mention (before it was too late to add it to the above post), the reason I said about the animal rescue shelter was because I actually remembered Nikki mentioning wanting to do something like that if she won one of the huge lottery jackpots once sometime back. So, it wasn't actually something that I thought up myself, it was something that I remembered Nikki expressing was actually important to her & was something that she would actually like to do if she had the means!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Only problem with your premise is: 1. I am totally serious (if I ever had the means) & 2. It's actually not a competition....I'm not out to show up or upstage anyone....I'm just, for better or worse....well, I'm just ME!

A similar anecdote that I will share, when I popped in to say hello to Nikki on MFC (actually ended up staying WAYYYYY longer than I planned) about 3 weeks ago, and while she was away in a private show, someone who appeared to be a regular on MFC or simply a big fan "bragged" that Nikki knew him better than anyone else on there. This guy and a few others and I had been chatting about Nikki while she was away, so that kinda came out of the blue. Another guy said something to contradict that claim.....to which I said "I could chime in....but I won't...because, first, it's not a competition, and quite frankly It's not cool!" Now, having seen Nikki and my interaction, one of the other "regulars" said to the other dude: "Yeah, Nikki does appear to know jbs better than any of us." Ha ha ha!

Well, the way I see it, it's not a competition. Be yourself, and you'll be alright. Honestly, being nice comes naturally to me (because I like to believe that I am genuinely and generally a nice guy), and coupled with the fact that I have no trouble expressing myself & I am college educated (not to mention more "seasoned" AKA older), most people would be foolish to try to make it a competition. 1st, I am me....and they are them....and, just like with Nikki, there isn't anyone else like me in the world. 2nd, trying to make it a competition with me only short changes those who would try, because they aren't really being their true selves. The way I express myself comes naturally to me...because....lets face it....it's truly who I am! I don't say things that I don't mean. Do I go overboard sometimes....of course...who doesn't? But, like I said, just be yourselves and the rest will come naturally.

Finally, I don't know if anyone else does this or not, but I have NEVER gone around bragging that I am "friends" with Nikki Nova. I have never even thrown her name out around here other than to pay her a compliment in another thread. Frankly, I consider myself to be a friend of the "real person" who is Nikki Nova anyway. Could I make a lot of people jealous (come on....let's face it...Nikki has been quite popular in the industry for years....and she has a very sizable fan base) if I was a real dick and went around bragging about the interaction I have been fortunate to have with Nikki & the friendship that I would like to believe we have forged together? Of course I could! So why don't I? Like I said: First, it's not a competition; second, I like, and am friends with the person, not the persona (Nikki Nova is a persona); and finally because I am not a DICK....and to do that would be ROYALLY dick headed! Name dropping is beyond shallow and makes you a tool in my opinion. To me, "Nikki Nova" is simply a wonderful person and an amazing friend! If this makes sense, "Nikki Nova" doesn't really do much for me, but I find the REAL WOMAN who is "Nikki Nova" to be beyond AMAZING!!! I might have a hard time containing the genuine affection that I have for Nikki, but believe me, I am not, do not, and will not make it a competition....because, let's face it.....IT'S NOT!

Now jitna, I am fairly certain that you are simply kidding in your inferring that it is a competition, and I can't speak for Nikki, BUT, that whole idea is actually something that I am a little sensitive about....because, let's face it, some people do see things like this as being a competition.....I just hope you REALLY are not one of them.....because, like I said, I am not.

Anyway, I'm off to finish watching a movie & I hope everyone has a wonderful night and an Amazing Wednesday!

ps. Labels aren't the only thing that I find to be more than a little gay.....the general overuse of "hash tags" on Twitter is more than a little gay too! Ha ha ha!

all i hear is "blah, blah, blah i give up"

yes, clearly, im just playing. would i even try to compete for Nikki's affections or to see who's a better friend? no, thats just stupid. to be honest, im just happy she talks to me and hasn't labeled me 'pest'.


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

^^^Sorry, but I forgot to mention (before it was too late to add it to the above post), the reason I said about the animal rescue shelter was because I actually remembered Nikki mentioning wanting to do something like that if she won one of the huge lottery jackpots once sometime back. So, it wasn't actually something that I thought up myself, it was something that I remembered Nikki expressing was actually important to her & was something that she would actually like to do if she had the means!

oh, i remember that. but i think you forgot about the orphans who get to play with the animals.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Nikki and others... i feel better now :) BTW Nikki, you look HOT in racesuit: http://www.evoms.com/evo/Pages/evogirlnnracesuit.asp :rolleyes:
I for one am REALLY glad to hear it! If anyone can help get someone back in balance...It's DEFINITELY Nikki!
oh, i remember that. but i think you forgot about the orphans who get to play with the animals.
Yeah, I must admit that I forgot that...but I will take your word for it. I could see doing something like that too...but, for liability reasons, I would keep the facilities separate. Though regular visitation by the orphans (to the animal shelter) would be very therapeutic...so that's a definite!

Now Jitna, the reason why I am so sensitive about the silly competitive mindset about things that aren't really a competition is because I dealt with it with my own younger brother all of my life...so much so that it ruined a genuine friendship between the two of us. Sadly, he only managed to sell himself short & make himself unhappy....and me also eventually!

That's why I said for you to be happy with the relationship you have with Nikki as yours is unique as is mine! Every relationship anyone has is unique. Relationships are not a competition....though, and trust me here, MANY people try to make them competitions. I'm glad you REALLY don't see it as a competition & I hope you are being serious there. Like I said, it's not a competition, so just be yourself and you'll be fine!

Well, now you know why I am sensitive to the whole premise


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I for one am REALLY glad to hear it! If anyone can help get someone back in balance...It's DEFINITELY Nikki!

Yeah, I must admit that I forgot that...but I will take your word for it. I could see doing something like that too...but, for liability reasons, I would keep the facilities separate. Though regular visitation by the orphans (to the animal shelter) would be very therapeutic...so that's a definite!

oh, from what i recall, Nikki had the whole thing planned out. Give her the money and i think shes ready to go. not that she doesnt have enough things on her plate as it is. just means youve gotta hire an administrator to take care of the major duties


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Wow. jitna and jbs....you guys are hilarious!. jbs you are right. I did and do have the whole thing planned out as far as a non profit that I am looking to start within the next few years. I don't want to get into that here however because this is NOT the the place or the audience for it. That's the part of my life I keep private.
I am just siging on right now to say thank you for the laughs guys. My power was out for hours this morning and my landline/home office line is not working. The tech is coming out today SOMETIME within the next 9 hours. I'm going to be charged for the repair however. So annoyed. Anyway all of this and yesterdays tech. headaches (see my blog) reminded me that Mercury is now in retrograde. This kind of shit ALWAYS happens when Mercury is in retrograde. It officially went into retrograde today but it's effects are usually felt a little in advance. The retrigrade itself last for a few weeks and for those of you who have no idea what in the hell I am talking about let me explain. The planet Mercury is moving backwards during a retrograde. It affects the magnetic and gravitational feild of our planet. It usually affects mechanical things. Computers, cars etc will have more problems during a retrograde than any other timne of years. There are a a few retrogrades a year. Also it creates delays. Traffic delays , travel delays due to mechanical issues of others etc. It also seriously afects communication. There are a lot of miscommunications during this time so it is the WORST time to enter into a legal agreement of any kind. It can also bring up old issues that weren't resolved and in that way create headaches BUT it can also bring unresolved issues to a close so I guess there are SOME positives to a retrograde. Either way keep these things in mind and prepare thyself. Back up all work on your computers. Allow extra time for any appointments/travel/driving time etc. and so on. Basically folks...the next few weeks are going to be a doozie. haha. Now Jon....given your heart problems you need to do whatever you have to to keeo yourself calm during any stresses that come up.
That goes for everyone!
Ok I'm of to bathe and eat. I haven't had a chance to yet this morning due to dealing with tehcnicians and calls etc. Ugh! haha
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604


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Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Wow. jitna and jbs....you guys are hilarious!. jbs you are right. I did and do have the whole thing planned out as far as a non profit that I am looking to start within the next few years. I don't want to get into that here however because this is NOT the the place or the audience for it. That's the part of my life I keep private.
I am just siging on right now to say thank you for the laughs guys. My power was out for hours this morning and my landline/home office line is not working. The tech is coming out today SOMETIME within the next 9 hours. I'm going to be charged for the repair however. So annoyed. Anyway all of this and yesterdays tech. headaches (see my blog) reminded me that Mercury is now in retrograde. This kind of shit ALWAYS happens when Mercury is in retrograde. It officially went into retrograde today but it's effects are usually felt a little in advance. The retrigrade itself last for a few weeks and for those of you who have no idea what in the hell I am talking about let me explain. The planet Mercury is moving backwards during a retrograde. It affects the magnetic and gravitational feild of our planet. It usually affects mechanical things. Computers, cars etc will have more problems during a retrograde than any other timne of years. There are a a few retrogrades a year. Also it creates delays. Traffic delays , travel delays due to mechanical issues of others etc. It also seriously afects communication. There are a lot of miscommunications during this time so it is the WORST time to enter into a legal agreement of any kind. It can also bring up old issues that weren't resolved and in that way create headaches BUT it can also bring unresolved issues to a close so I guess there are SOME positives to a retrograde. Either way keep these things in mind and prepare thyself. Back up all work on your computers. Allow extra time for any appointments/travel/driving time etc. and so on. Basically folks...the next few weeks are going to be a doozie. haha. Now Jon....given your heart problems you need to do whatever you have to to keeo yourself calm during any stresses that come up.
That goes for everyone!
Ok I'm of to bathe and eat. I haven't had a chance to yet this morning due to dealing with tehcnicians and calls etc. Ugh! haha
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

so what youre saying is we need to alter Mercuries orbit so it never appears to be moving backwards in the sky? ok... i dont think i can handle the math. i may also need a giant rocket and a shitload of fuel...

sidenote: retrogrades are why planets are called planets because the latin word for planet (which im too lazy to go look up) means wanderer because they appeared to wander around in the nightsky

im assuming youre bathing and eating at the same time. i realize its probably not true, but i like the image. im thinking pizza...

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

so what youre saying is we need to alter Mercuries orbit so it never appears to be moving backwards in the sky? ok... i dont think i can handle the math. i may also need a giant rocket and a shitload of fuel...

im assuming youre bathing and eating at the same time. i realize its probably not true, but i like the image. im thinking pizza...
Boy...you've definitely got one fertile imagination! To spend one day in your head...hahaha! But, you DO like Nikki, so that means that you have impeccable taste (in this regard anyway), so I am "forced" to give credit where credit is due!

Now a riddle: What do hardware stores and the Internet have in common?

I was remiss in not saying hello earlier to our Aussie friend Dazza! Hope all is well "down under"!

In closing, I hope you have an amazing Thursday everyone!!!

ps. Jitna, doesn't your pizza get a tad soggy when you eat it in the bathtub? Ha ha ha!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Boy...you've definitely got one fertile imagination! To spend one day in your head...hahaha! But, you DO like Nikki, so that means that you have impeccable taste (in this regard anyway), so I am "forced" to give credit where credit is due!

Now a riddle: What do hardware stores and the Internet have in common?

theyre both made of a series of tubes?

ps. Jitna, doesn't your pizza get a tad soggy when you eat it in the bathtub? Ha ha ha!

no, its easy to keep it out of the water, but for some reason it sometimes taste like soap

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

theyre both made of a series of tubes?
Nope, that's not the answer to the riddle!

no, its easy to keep it out of the water, but for some reason it sometimes taste like soap
It's not Lifebuoy is it??? That stuff'll make you go blind!

So Nikki, Mercury being in retrograde can effect your biological circuitry too? Either way, I shall heed your advice about stress and my heart! I'm getting better at not getting all worked up...but I still have work to do. Honestly, I've always been fairly laid back...BUT, "obviously" I can get worked up too! I can't afford that anymore! It gives people power that they shouldn't have over me...and dying over something stupid is more than ridiculous! I actually saw a recent study that shows that people who meditate every day actually live significantly longer than those who don't. I've been slipping there lately...time to get back on track...I did notice it makes a MAJOR difference for me. I have noticed not feeling quite right today...just a lil off really (no jokes please Jitna...ha ha ha) & I keep losing my Internet connection off and on also!

I watched "Never Let Me Go" last night. Good movie, though definitely a feel good film! Rather down, dark, and depressing really! Think elements of "Brave New World," yet MUCH darker! If you want to see a generally good film...this is one! If you want to feel happy afterward....this isn't the film for you! To be honest, I figured the way the film would play out from the early onset....yet it didn't really ruin it or diminish my enjoyment of the film itself!

Finally, I keep forgetting that most people come on here for T & A and little more...sooooo I will leave everyone with one final question...and I welcome and encourage your HONEST responses:

If you had to name the one thing that you like most about Nikki, what would it be?

I was just curious what everyone's HONEST response to the question would be & I think it would be nice for Nikki to be able to know too! As to not influence the responses...I'll answer the question a little later!

Much love to you Nikki...the rest of you are alright too!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

^^^I noticed a MAJOR typo after it was too late to change it! It should read that "Never Let Me Go" is definitely NOT a feel good film!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

i have noticed not feeling quite right today...just a lil off really (no jokes please jitna...ha ha ha) & i keep losing my internet connection off and on also!
