Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread
i see you raised my puppy with an entire rescue shelter. well played. ill see you and raise you another $300 million into scientific research in developing the good tasting 100% healthy non-fat cookie! suck on that!
Only problem with your premise is: 1. I am totally serious (if I ever had the means) & 2. It's actually not a competition....I'm not out to show up or upstage anyone....I'm just, for better or worse....well, I'm just ME!
A similar anecdote that I will share, when I popped in to say hello to Nikki on MFC (actually ended up staying WAYYYYY longer than I planned) about 3 weeks ago, and while she was away in a private show, someone who appeared to be a regular on MFC or simply a big fan "bragged" that Nikki knew him better than anyone else on there. This guy and a few others and I had been chatting about Nikki while she was away, so that kinda came out of the blue. Another guy said something to contradict that which I said "I could chime in....but I won't...because, first, it's not a competition, and quite frankly It's not cool!" Now, having seen Nikki and my interaction, one of the other "regulars" said to the other dude: "Yeah, Nikki does appear to know jbs better than any of us." Ha ha ha!
Well, the way I see it, it's not a competition. Be yourself, and you'll be alright. Honestly, being nice comes naturally to me (because I like to believe that I am genuinely and generally a nice guy), and coupled with the fact that I have no trouble expressing myself & I am college educated (not to mention more "seasoned" AKA older), most people would be foolish to try to make it a competition. 1st, I am me....and they are them....and, just like with Nikki, there isn't anyone else like me in the world. 2nd, trying to make it a competition with me only short changes those who would try, because they aren't really being their true selves. The way I express myself comes naturally to me...because....lets face's truly who I am! I don't say things that I don't mean. Do I go overboard sometimes....of course...who doesn't? But, like I said, just be yourselves and the rest will come naturally.
Finally, I don't know if anyone else does this or not, but I have NEVER gone around bragging that I am "friends" with Nikki Nova. I have never even thrown her name out around here other than to pay her a compliment in another thread. Frankly, I consider myself to be a friend of the "real person" who is Nikki Nova anyway. Could I make a lot of people jealous (come on....let's face it...Nikki has been quite popular in the industry for years....and she has a very sizable fan base) if I was a real dick and went around bragging about the interaction I have been fortunate to have with Nikki & the friendship that I would like to believe we have forged together? Of course I could! So why don't I? Like I said: First, it's not a competition; second, I like, and am friends with the person, not the persona (Nikki Nova is a persona); and finally because I am not a DICK....and to do that would be ROYALLY dick headed! Name dropping is beyond shallow and makes you a tool in my opinion. To me, "Nikki Nova" is simply a wonderful person and an amazing friend! If this makes sense, "Nikki Nova" doesn't really do much for me, but I find the REAL WOMAN who is "Nikki Nova" to be beyond AMAZING!!! I might have a hard time containing the genuine affection that I have for Nikki, but believe me, I am not, do not, and will not make it a competition....because, let's face it.....IT'S NOT!
Now jitna, I am fairly certain that you are simply kidding in your inferring that it is a competition, and I can't speak for Nikki, BUT, that whole idea is actually something that I am a little sensitive about....because, let's face it, some people do see things like this as being a competition.....I just hope you REALLY are not one of them.....because, like I said, I am not.
Anyway, I'm off to finish watching a movie & I hope everyone has a wonderful night and an Amazing Wednesday!
ps. Labels aren't the only thing that I find to be more than a little gay.....the general overuse of "hash tags" on Twitter is more than a little gay too! Ha ha ha!