Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

you seen any good movies lately Nikki?

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

i dearly apologize, Nikki. i saw the picture and just felt the need to share it with people who could appreciate it. from now on, im on Team Motivate Nikki. no more cookie pictures. no cakes. no pies. no tarts. no smores. not even a digestive biscuit. from now on, im onboard one hundred percent. though we may need a better name then Team Motivate Nikki. Go, Nikki, Go!
Since Stewie already took "Nikki Nova Hit Squad", I'd have to go with "Team Awesome Angel!" I mean Nikki is AWESOME & she is an that pretty much sizes it up! Since it isn't just a motivational team...that name works for me!

Now if anyone might need SIGNIFICANT motivation, that would be me! Working on it steps! Today I had to go to the bank and a few other errands...all within a mile. So, since it is such a beautiful day, I actually left the car in park and walked! Yay me!!! Ha ha ha! Now, I think I am going to watch Jeopardy...then I am heading out for a quick dip in the pool...think I am going to take a leisurely swim today...BUT, it still helps increase one's lung capacity just the same! When I activate the gym membership I bought...keeping at it for the full 4 months and beyond will take great discipline!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Since Stewie already took "Nikki Nova Hit Squad", I'd have to go with "Team Awesome Angel!" I mean Nikki is AWESOME & she is an that pretty much sizes it up! Since it isn't just a motivational team...that name works for me!

Now if anyone might need SIGNIFICANT motivation, that would be me! Working on it steps! Today I had to go to the bank and a few other errands...all within a mile. So, since it is such a beautiful day, I actually left the car in park and walked! Yay me!!! Ha ha ha! Now, I think I am going to watch Jeopardy...then I am heading out for a quick dip in the pool...think I am going to take a leisurely swim today...BUT, it still helps increase one's lung capacity just the same! When I activate the gym membership I bought...keeping at it for the full 4 months and beyond will take great discipline!

Team Awesome Angel? Seriously? and i thought mine was bad. not just a motivational team? what else is it?

since it sounds like im the only person here whos actually worked out on a regular basis, ill say what i think works for me. what ive done is make going to the gym not something i have to do or even something i want to do, but something that i just do. it's just part of my day, like brushing my teeth or eating dinner. i never think about it. its just what gets done. of course, thats easier said then done, but i think you just need to find something you dont mind doing at a time that doesnt interfere with the rest of the day. its like the the difference between dieting and eating healthy. diets never work because theyre something youre forcing yourself to do for a limited time, but eating healthy is just how you live you life.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Team Awesome Angel? Seriously? and i thought mine was bad. not just a motivational team? what else is it?

since it sounds like im the only person here whos actually worked out on a regular basis, ill say what i think works for me. what ive done is make going to the gym not something i have to do or even something i want to do, but something that i just do. it's just part of my day, like brushing my teeth or eating dinner. i never think about it. its just what gets done. of course, thats easier said then done, but i think you just need to find something you dont mind doing at a time that doesnt interfere with the rest of the day. its like the the difference between dieting and eating healthy. diets never work because theyre something youre forcing yourself to do for a limited time, but eating healthy is just how you live you life.
Wellllllllll....I saw it as being a hybrid of support and motivation....suppivation if you will! Ha ha ha! "Team Awesome Angel" is "kinda" cheesy.....yet 100% accurate....personally I like "Nikki Nova Hit Squad" best of all! It's not trademarked ya know! Ha ha ha!

Now, to be perfectly honest....I USED to workout on a regular basis.....but it was A LONG time ago & my needs have seriously changed & I need to balance the needs with health issues that I didn't exactly have way back then! I would definitely agree that the key is lifestyle change that is actually sustainable over the long term.

Finally, and in closing, since I have been brushing up on my French (high school and college) over the past few days.....I will leave you with this:

Nikki, vous êtes l'une des plus belles et uniquement spéciales personnes jamais à marcher la terre ! J'espère que vous avez une nuit plaisante et le plus doux des rêves ! Portez-à soin de vous-même… vous moyen beaucoup moi et à autres innombrables !

Now, I might translate should I pop back on later tonight...but, for those who know little of no French....of course it is something nice...DUH!!!
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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Or team NikkiAtion (Nikki and motivation merged)!!!

Now, I forgot to mention before...but I got my CT Scan and MRI results today...they ended up it saved me one trip today. Anyway, the CT Scan didn't yield anything & the MRI only detected the same cysts on my parotid glands...but no change (no smaller) it wasn't entirely bad news...pretty good news actually! They are still debating going in and draining one or both of the cysts...soooo I'll keep everyone posted!

Now following my swim...went an hour today...I am EXTREMELY tired right I am calling it a night! Good night and sweet dreams Nikki...I know you are working your butt off...but I hope you are able to continue sleeping (and dreaming) better! Also, congrats on the reception you received for your "sex & rock and roll" article! We are all extremely proud of you!

Good night and I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

ps. Jitna, I heard you had an extremely exciting day (by your standards anyway)....he found out that 7 people were searching for him on!!! 7!!!!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Or team NikkiAtion (Nikki and motivation merged)!!!

Now, I forgot to mention before...but I got my CT Scan and MRI results today...they ended up it saved me one trip today. Anyway, the CT Scan didn't yield anything & the MRI only detected the same cysts on my parotid glands...but no change (no smaller) it wasn't entirely bad news...pretty good news actually! They are still debating going in and draining one or both of the cysts...soooo I'll keep everyone posted!

Now following my swim...went an hour today...I am EXTREMELY tired right I am calling it a night! Good night and sweet dreams Nikki...I know you are working your butt off...but I hope you are able to continue sleeping (and dreaming) better! Also, congrats on the reception you received for your "sex & rock and roll" article! We are all extremely proud of you!

Good night and I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

ps. Jitna, I heard you had an extremely exciting day (by your standards anyway)....he found out that 7 people were searching for him on!!! 7!!!!

NikkiAtion. sounds (and looks) like NikkiNation

congrats on the cysts being not bigger

ps. whend that happen? 7 people? why are any people looking for me?

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

for once im kind of interested in shoes. those are kind of awesome.

oh, yeah, one more thing to say about that picture...Nikki is fucking hot!

No doubt! Three things you can count on...death, taxes, and Nikki being fucking HOTTT!!! She could be all bundled up like an Eskimo, and she would still look incredible! Funny thing though, her looks aren't even what I find most attractive about her! So, given how extremely lovely she always looks...that's REALLY saying something!

ps. Jitna, I don't know if you got my joke or not...but I was spoofing some gay commercial they keep running for the basically worthless site! Ha ha ha! Also, thanks for the kind words about the cysts too! Definitely could have received worse news.

Nikki, if VCU & Kentucky meet in the Final...I say you're going with Kentucky. Am I right?

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Good Tuesday morning everyone! I hope you have a beautiful day Nikki!

Now, before I go for the day...I'd like to share a reflection:

Like I said earlier, as incredibly beautiful as Nikki looks, I don't believe her looks are her most attractive attribute. So I was thinking about what is. This is the conclusion I came to:

Nikki's most attractive attribute is the fact that she is such a beautiful and genuinely good person! Believe me, people as genuinely nice and good as she is are EXTREMELY rare! That might seem simplistic to some...but believe me, especially in today's society...and coming from me (a recovering self-professed cynic)...that's saying a helluva lot! As much as I try...I'm not even sure I could say the same for myself! Ha ha ha! Seriously though...Nikki is one of a kind, and I genuinely consider myself fortunate to know someone as truly special as she (is)!
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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hey everyone! Boy you guys have been chatty. hahaha. Ok first and foremost thank you so much for all of the kind words and motivation. I love it. I am about to go run errands and then head to the gym after that. Tonight means a long night of work again because I am making time for the gym early in the day. Working out means working later in the office but it's cool. It's worth it. I'm lucky I get to set my own hours. That doesn't change my workload but it does make it eaiser to add other things.
2nd- NO to NikKi Nation and NJO to Nikki Nova nation. The reason I say that is because that is kind of Vicky Vettes thing. She has used those terms for herself and her girls for years and that wouldn't be too cool if you guys started using it for me. It would be uncool to her. I also am not exactly the kind of person that would want someone elses shit anyway. I HATE when people do that to me and that has been done to me my entire life on many different levels. I'm more of the independant natured person. I march to beat of my own drum. You guys probably already know that by now.
Hope you're having a great week.
Big love to you!
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter
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official thread


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Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hey everyone! Boy you guys have been chatty. hahaha. Ok first and foremost thank you so much for all of the kind words and motivation. I love it. I am about to go run errands and then head to the gym after that. Tonight means a long night of work again because I am making time for the gym early in the day. Working out means working later in the office but it's cool. It's worth it. I'm lucky I get to set my own hours. That doesn't change my workload but it does make it eaiser to add other things.
2nd- NO to NikKi Nation and NJO to Nikki Nova nation. The reason I say that is because that is kind of Vicky Vettes thing. She has used those terms for herself and her girls for years and that wouldn't be too cool if you guys started using it for me. It would be uncool to her. I also am not exactly the kind of person that would want someone elses shit anyway. I HATE when people do that to me and that has been done to me my entire life on many different levels. I'm more of the independant natured person. I march to beat of my own drum. You guys probably already know that by now.
Hope you're having a great week.
Big love to you!
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter
my site
my blog
official thread

See, thats why was against NikkiAtion to close to NikkiNAtion. And Nikki Nation has just been nixed by noneother than Nikki Nova herself.

off to the gym again? jesus, Nikki, save some exercise for the other people.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I agree with you Nikki 1000%!!! I believe there are too many attempts at placing labels on any and everything in today's society. and too often the labels are "stolen" from someone else. All of the labeling has become so cliche that, quite frankly they have to meaning to me anymore. Like no major news story can happen without every media outlet scrambling to put a label on it. Every sports teams fans are "Team" Nation. It's just kinda sad, the lack of creativity that is...and the need to label. I for one already know you don't care for labels as it is.

That being said.......for me anyway, the term that works best is: a friend! Friends are supportive and motivate each other by nature (real friends do anyway). So that's it....I'm a friend...and that says it all!

I'm really proud of you Nikki for sticking to the gym for a week and counting! Like you said, you are fortunate enough to basically set your own work hours.....BUT, you are showing exceptional willpower by making good use of your non-work time by going to the gym & like I're sticking to it!

April 1st (Friday) is the day I plan to activate my gym membership.....that's when things get really interesting! On a semi-related note, sadly, today is cloudy and cool no swimming for me today....supposed to be stormy tonight and probably no swimming tomorrow either.

See, thats why was against NikkiAtion to close to NikkiNAtion. And Nikki Nation has just been nixed by noneother than Nikki Nova herself.

off to the gym again? jesus, Nikki, save some exercise for the other people.
And....for the record...I stated that I am against all labels because....let's face it, they are cliche.....AND, Nikki might be many things, but cliche she isn't! When I suggested "NikkiAtion" I was in cheesy dork mode....I was hardly being serious! Ha ha ha! I consider myself a more no less....and that is more than enough!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well, like I said before, I don't see the need for a label for people who are supportive of Nikki. I consider her my friend & me hers. Nothing else need be said about it. Labels for everything, like I said before, are too cliche, and let's face it, more than a little childish and silly......and that coming from the guy who introduced "Bad Joke Friday" and "Mindless Musings Mondays" and Trivia Tuesday"! ha ha ha! What can I say, I have changed and grown a bit since then (In no small part due to my good and dear friend Nikki)!

Honestly, for my part anyway, I didn't think we (jitna and I) were being serious when we were tossing around labels yesterday. Can't speak for jitna.....but that was the way it was for me anyway. Ha ha ha!
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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hi there friends, just popped in to catch up on all the going's on:)

Wow!!...great pics as always Nikki......and keep up the good work at the look fantastic anyway Nikki

l'm in the minority as having never ever been to a gym....must be lucky l guess

Hey.....thats great you got good news with your scans jbs....excellent!!

well must dash.....keep safe, be happy and have a great evening.

over and out!!:)