Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread
~2000 more votes to get her in the top 50 "all-time"
Nikki is currently still in 8th in recent voting with 1476 votes! As far as the 2000 votes, I can probably personally pull that off in 10 days or so. I still have 150-200 that I can pull off LATE tonight. I got some friends to commit to as of now, I essentially control & can pull off 200 votes a day!!! Soooooo, if we can get the full 50 votes out of 5-10 other guys on they say....the sky is the limit!!!!! And for the record....NO, I DID NOT create extra Twitter accounts. Directly working the 2 that I do (my mom's and mine) is enough work as it is! ha ha ha! Now, if anyone wants to create extra e-mail accounts and Twitter all means have at it. I'm merely AGGRESSIVELY using legitimate (even if rarely used) Twitter accounts toward our goal! Ha ha ha! I admit I had considered doing that.....BUT, aside from it being a lot of work....I came to the conclusion that...well frankly it wouldn't be cool at all! Ha ha ha!
Now, I've been REALLY sleepy all day today. I kept dozing off while I was watching "Little Fockers" which, honestly was understandable considering that whole franchise is played out.....but yeah, REALLY sleepy! Sooooo, if I can manage to stay awake for like another 4 can count on 150-200 more votes today from the voting bloc that I controll!
Thanks Jon for your words of support because the site is back. I added an adult content warning on there even though there is nothing pronographic about the site. It's just to make sure none of the photos get removed
You're quite welcome Vern! Glad to hear your site is back up! Keep up the excellent work!
Now, before I leave to return the movies I rented last night, I will leave you with a brief anecdote about honesty....even with regard to so-called "little things." When I was getting ready to leave NOLA, I stopped by a Subway while I was taking care of some business that had cropped up that morning. Well, when I was leaving, I decided to buy a newspaper out of the machine (YES, I STILL read newspapers....ha ha ha!). As I was going to get mine, a young female who worked there came out and asked if there were papers in the machine. I said yes, and proceeded to put my money in. Wellll, as I was taking mine out, she asked in a flirtatious manner to give her a paper. Well, I paused knowing it was wrong, but being a sucker for an attractive female....I did just that. She flirted a bit more and then she went back inside. Wellll, the whole time I knew it was wrong...stealing and all, and it was from the delivery guy, not the paper itself....not that it made any difference. I felt GUILTY as I was doing it & the feeling never left. Well, within 30 seconds of the whole affair, I pulled 75 cents out of my pocket....put it in....opened and closed the box without taking anything out & hopped in my car to head home....feeling good that I didn't sell out my integrity for a measly newspaper & that I had done the right thing. Too often people sell out all the time...many times thinking that it wasn't anything major. Remember, it's the so-called "little things" that often speak volumes about one's integrity and honesty...because those are the areas where people so often "stray". Now, knowing that the Subway girl had to have seen what I did after she went in....I have wondered what she thought about what she witnessed. In the end, I did not steal a paper for her.....I BOUGHT one for her!!!! And, at the end of the day...I felt a helluva lot better for it!
A conscience....she is a bitch!!! If I didn't have one...I'd be unstopable! I mean, let's face it, the world is pretty cut throat anymore! Ha ha ha! But, I wouldn't have it any other way....because that life (without a conscience) would hardly be worth living....and I would not be able to live with myself. SERIOUSLY!!!! I guess if one doesn't have a conscience, they have an excuse. But, like in my case, too often people who do have a conscience still do the right thing...just like I did with the newspaper....BEFORE I corrected the situation.
Anyway, I have some movies I need to I will bid everyone adieu for now!