Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

My hair may be receding, (either that or I have a very large forehead) but at least it is still grey free. :dunno:
I just notice "salt" popping up from time to time. I think I'm just overly aware. I ask others, and only when they look closely they see the grey hairs. I mean, REALLY my hair is still VERY brown....but YEAH...a "little" salt! Ha ha ha! My dad started greying prematurely...but he never started balding in the slightest. Sooooo, like I said, what are ya gonna do? Ha ha ha!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

The ugly was what happened to me at a Walgreens in New Orleans. Though he was being "nice" the cashier called me "pops"! "POPS!!!" I had to get him to repeat himself! Ha ha ha! Yep....he said "How are doing tonight pops?" Now I might have a little salt in my pepper....thanks "sperm donor" AKA dad (at least I'll never go what ya gonna do? Ha ha ha)! BUT, "POPS!?!?!?" BOY, did I feel OLD!!! Ha ha ha

relax. the kid was probably a hipster. who the hell says 'pops' to some random guy? he probably called the next guy 'mac' or 'pally'.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I just saw "The Shining" was on Nikki's "top 25" list & it got me to thinking. Did anyone see the ORIGINAL theatrical release before a few scenes at the end were deleted before it went into full release? I believe the ORIGINAL only played for 2 weeks tops. I've seen some stills....but it looks like the full version with those scenes will never be seen (assuming the deleted footage wasn't destroyed. It gave the ending a bit of a different spin & would have really changed the feel at the end. Anyway, just curious. Now, I was 8 when it was released.....but, given that my mother wasn't June Cleaver exactly.....sooooo, I did see "The Shining" in the theater....but Harrisburg (Camp Hill really) got it when it was in "full release" & the scenes in question were deleted. If anyone is REALLY interested in what I am talking about....I'm sure I can find the info again (with stills). I'll just say this, it dealt with the man who was the manager of the hotel (Stuart Ullman...he had scenes at the end that were deleted...and what role he did or did not play in the whole grand scheme of things). It's my understanding that it didn't play well & Kubrick didn't really care for it was cut.

Funny thing though....Ironically, I've seen at least something like 20 of the films on that list.

Great job Vern!!! Interesting list Nikki!!!
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Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

im pretty sure i wasnt alive at the time of the release, though i have seen the movie.

why am i not surprised that Jon has seen the most movies in Nikki's list?

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Obviously I saw a few at Nikki's suggestion....BUT, I actually saw most before I even knew of Nikki...much less met her.....that's the SURPRISING part! Ha ha ha!

And "The Shining" was released in 1980....soooo, if you were born after that...then YEAH! Ha ha ha! Like I said, I saw it when I was 8 with my brother (who was 6 at the time) went to see "The Empire Strikes Back" with my grandmother (who died 2 days before my brother's birthday in October of that year) instead! It was a small 2 screen Eric theater (that's since been torn down) 2 movies were playing. memory....seems like it was just yesterday! Ha ha ha!

I'd like to see the deleted scene(s) at the end....but alas....I fear it isn't to be! Most people I saw who wrote on the subject believed that knowing Kubrick....since he REALLY didn't care for the way the scene(s) played....that he probably had the footage destroyed so that it could NEVER be seen again.


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

yeah, not alive yet. I wouldve chosen to see Empire too (and i still would)

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Yeah, I think I would have too....given that I WAS "only" 8 at the time. I "kinda" remember being a little freaked out at times during the movie & questioning why my mom took me to see it in the 1st place. Ha ha ha! In her defense, I don't think she fully knew the contents & info wasn't as readily available in the days before the proliferation of the Internet (technically it WAS created in the 50's or 60's). I kinda enjoyed it then even though....but I remember the axe scene, the blood pouring footage, and the bathtub scene among a few scenes that kinda freaked me out.

Now my only question is when Vern is going to get around to asking me for my top 25 list?!?! Ha ha ha! JUST KIDDING!!!!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

there are probably more scenes in that movie that should freak you out than not.

on the other hand, Empire has Billie Dee Williams as the only black man in a galaxy far, far away
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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

there are probably more scenes in that movie that should freak you out than not.

on the other hand, Empire has Billie Dee Williams as the only black man in a galaxy far, far away

then it was Samuel L. Jackson, but they killed him :(

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Another question would be how "The Andy Griffith Show" was set in fictional "Mayberry, North Carolina" yet not a single person of color lived there?

But yeah....Billy Dee (Lando) had to hide out in Cloud City because he saw how they did Samuel L. (Mace) & he didn't want to be next.

BTW....I've officially repped everyone in here! I have to spread some around before I can rep anyone else in this thread! Ha ha ha!


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

there are probably more scenes in that movie that should freak you out than not.

on the other hand, Empire has Billie Dee Williams as the only black man in a galaxy far, far away

Unless you count James Earl Jones' voicing of Darth Vader ....:dunno:


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Unless you count James Earl Jones' voicing of Darth Vader ....:dunno:

"because vader's beautiful black visage is sullied when he pulls off his mask to reveal a feeble crusty old white man. they trying to tell us that deep inside we all wants to be white!" [2:12]


Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Some of my favorite movies are
Busty Cops
All Nude Nikki
Alabama Jones & The Busty Crusade
The Night That Never Happened
Hollywood Nights
Nooner with Nikki
Lolida 2000
Though I must admit that I "have a thing" for one of the actresses that appears in all of those....and, though I've admittedly never seen any of them.....Dear God man!!! Ha ha ha!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

but its pure evil killing Samuel L. Jackson, except for The Other Guys that was funny


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

"because vader's beautiful black visage is sullied when he pulls off his mask to reveal a feeble crusty old white man. they trying to tell us that deep inside we all wants to be white!" [2:12]

This is an excellent point; although, you could argue he was that white because of some ultra-virulent space vitiligo ...:D:D

And we all know anything prefixed with 'space' is going to be super nasty if it's a disease :1orglaugh