Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

well if we can get Nikki in the top 50 in the next week then overall 1 might even be possible. otherwise we might have to be just happy with being number 1 in recent
No doubt about it! Heck, just a tiny rag tag group of guys have managed to double her vote total from Monday-Friday! Just imagine what we can do in a month or longer!

but she'll always be number 1 in out hearts! (aaaawwww!!!)
Truer words were never spoken!!! I might not always show it....but I can't imagine that ever not being the case....& I've only known her since November! I know of no other person who is sweeter or has a bigger heart! Number 1 in our hearts for sure....and at the end of the day...that's what REALLY counts anyway!!!!

Now....who knew Osama Bin Laden was such a freak? He grew a lot of pot AND he had a HUGE stash of porn!!!! Now if that isn't the Muslim way....I don't know what is! Ha ha ha! Can anyone say...HYPOCRITE!!!! Shocking isn't it! Ha ha ha! Plus, "they" said he was holed up in a "mansion"!!! Ha ha ha! Heck, my house is nicer than the pig sty he was holed up in! Hey, I live in a mansion and didn't even know it! Ha ha ha!

Now, I was lucky enough to get home in time to see "Real Time With Bill Maher" soooo, that's what I'm watching until I can vote again! Needless to say, I would LOVE to be on the panel for even 1 episode!!! I've wanted to do that even since the "Politically Incorrect" days! Hey, with all of the nutjobs throwing their hat into the ring for the GOP nom. for president....I might throw my hat into the ring! I'll be the "not so nutty" candidate! Ha ha ha! JUST KIDDING!!!!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hey, with all of the nutjobs throwing their hat into the ring for the GOP nom. for president....I might throw my hat into the ring! I'll be the "not so nutty" candidate! Ha ha ha! JUST KIDDING!!!!

hey, if the dude that used to run Godfather's pizza can win the first debate, you might have a chance

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

hey, if the dude that used to run Godfather's pizza can win the first debate, you might have a chance
I was kinda hoping for PA's own Gingrich or Santorum &/or Bachman & Palin! I even thought up a campaign slogan. "You have a choice in this election....I'm not AS nuts as the other guys......Smith for President!" Of course I will have to work on denying evolution & preaching on the evils of education and being educated & become anti-immigration if I REALLY want to have a reasonable chance. By the way....did you know the Earth is only 3000 years old & humans and dinosaurs lived together on it at one time? Also, I have solid evidence that President Obama was actually born on Krypton and is thus ineligible to be President! I was going to dispatch a team to invesitgate this further....but, unfortunately I was informed that Krypton was destroyed in some kind of a tragic disaster. Ha ha ha!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I was kinda hoping for PA's own Gingrich or Santorum &/or Bachman & Palin! I even thought up a campaign slogan. "You have a choice in this election....I'm not AS nuts as the other guys......Smith for President!" Of course I will have to work on denying evolution & preaching on the evils of education and being educated & become anti-immigration if I REALLY want to have a reasonable chance. By the way....did you know the Earth is only 3000 years old & humans and dinosaurs lived together on it at one time? Ha ha ha!

oh god, is gingrich really from Pennsylvania?

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

oh god, is gingrich really from Pennsylvania?
Yes....Newt Gingrich REALLY is Pennsylvania born and raised! I don't believe he left the state until he left for college. His mother lived north of Harrisburg in Dauphin....until her apparent carton a day smoking habit took her life! Newt was a nut even at a young age.....he ACTUALLY pushed for a zoo in Harrisburg when he was just a kid. Don't know how much time you spent in Harrisburg.....BUT.....YEAH!!! A zoo in Harrisburg! Ha ha ha! Pennsylvania doesn't exactly put it's best foot forward when it comes to the Presidency. We've had one...James Buchanan...and we all know how "well" that worked out! Ha ha ha! I guess that's why Virginia is known as the home of Presidents....and so much! Ha ha ha! For all of the history that took place in PA...kinda shooting blanks in that department!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Major Campaign Announcement!!!

If elected I intend to name Nikki Nova the first ever Secretary of Awesomeness and Sweetheart Affairs!!! A totally new cabinet position!!!

Now what this thread and my campaign needs right now is......MORE COWBELL!!!!

ps. Anyone who can think of a new cabinet position to which THEY would like to be named WHEN I am away! Ha ha ha!
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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Just to let everyone know....I believe I have a few more votes left....BUT, while I was voting, we pushed Nikki up to 7th place with 1634 votes!!!!! Helluva job guys!!!


I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hey Jon, can you post the vote link again, just to keep it current and I don't have to search back for it again.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hey Jon, can you post the vote link again, just to keep it current and I don't have to search back for it again.
Just woke up and am just seeing this....sure thing! In the future, I will try to see that it's posted once per page for the very reason you raised.

Here is the DIRECT link to vote for Nikki:

She is currently still in 7th....but with 1636 votes now!!!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Yes....Newt Gingrich REALLY is Pennsylvania born and raised! I don't believe he left the state until he left for college. His mother lived north of Harrisburg in Dauphin....until her apparent carton a day smoking habit took her life! Newt was a nut even at a young age.....he ACTUALLY pushed for a zoo in Harrisburg when he was just a kid. Don't know how much time you spent in Harrisburg.....BUT.....YEAH!!! A zoo in Harrisburg! Ha ha ha! Pennsylvania doesn't exactly put it's best foot forward when it comes to the Presidency. We've had one...James Buchanan...and we all know how "well" that worked out! Ha ha ha! I guess that's why Virginia is known as the home of Presidents....and so much! Ha ha ha! For all of the history that took place in PA...kinda shooting blanks in that department!

Well, James Buchanan was the only bachelor to be elected president, so he's got that going for him.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well, James Buchanan was the only bachelor to be elected president, so he's got that going for him.
PLUS....the REASON he was the only bachelor! Just don't let them hear you mentioning the REASON should you ever take a tour of any or his homesteads.....they stick by the "broken engagement" story & don't take too kindly to hearing the REAL reason. Incidentally, the woman he was engaged to....the one in the "broken engagement" story.....actually went "insane" following the sudden broken engagement and within a year or two (if that long) she committed suicide. NOW, can you imagine what a woman would go through even today if she found the guy she was engaged to in bed with another guy? I can just imagine what it would do to a woman in the first half of the 19th century! Just speculating about what sent her over the edge. But, he DEFINITELY had a guy who he lived with for years and was even his assiatant when he was President. Even in the media of the day....they called it the way they saw it. The guy who was evidently his lover was wearing powdered wigs.....WAYYYYYY after they were no longer in vogue....which the media & his political enemies ate up as well! Ha ha ha!

Broken engagement which results in confirmed bachlorhood for life equals.....welllllll I think everyone can figure that one out! Ha ha ha!

Anyway....on a lighter note....I passed out last night before maxing out in my votes. Sooooo, this morning I have been voting some more (Just FULLY maxed out) & I managed to push her over the 1700 vote plateau. Currently Nikki is still in 7th place in recent voting....BUT, her total now stands at 1728 votes! An increase of about 1000 votes since Monday!!!!! Realistically, Nikki will break the 2000 vote mark by tomorrow morning!!!! Only question is who will cast that 2000th vote!!!! You can count on me for another 150-200 votes on my end....soooo, if we can muster an other 72 votes or so....yep, we'll do it!!! Anyway, helluva job guys!!!!

By the is "Random Act of Kindness Day"! Sooooo, try to go out and do something nice for a total stranger today!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

PLUS....the REASON he was the only bachelor! Just don't let them hear you mentioning the REASON should you ever take a tour of any or his homesteads.....they stick by the "broken engagement" story & don't take too kindly to hearing the REAL reason. Incidentally, the woman he was engaged to....the one in the "broken engagement" story.....actually went "insane" following the sudden broken engagement and within a year or two (if that long) she committed suicide. NOW, can you imagine what a woman would go through even today if she found the guy she was engaged to in bed with another guy? I can just imagine what it would do to a woman in the first half of the 19th century! Just speculating about what sent her over the edge. But, he DEFINITELY had a guy who he lived with for years and was even his assiatant when he was President. Even in the media of the day....they called it the way they saw it. The guy who was evidently his lover was wearing powdered wigs.....WAYYYYYY after they were no longer in vogue....which the media & his political enemies ate up as well! Ha ha ha!

Broken engagement which results in confirmed bachlorhood for life equals.....welllllll I think everyone can figure that one out! Ha ha ha!

whether he is or not, i dont think theres going to be any rush by the gay community to claim him as their own. though it could only help his reputation

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

whether he is or not, i dont think theres going to be any rush by the gay community to claim him as their own. though it could only help his reputation
True enough...George W. Bush did a lot to boost Buchanan's status...but acceptance by a whole group of people would be HUGE for him! Of course, it would damage all of the strides the gay community has tried to make for years! To be honest, I doubt the gay or straight communities are too anxious to call James Buchanan one of their own! Ha ha ha!

For the record....and to be perfectly honest....not that it REALLY matters....YES, James Buchanan WAS a homosexual.....OR, he sure as Hell went out of his way to "pretend" he was! Ha ha ha! I read some articles from the early to mid 1850s that came right out and called James and his relationship with his "special friend" and assistant for what it was. That part DID surprise me....that even back then the media could be so blunt & salacious.

Now back to my FUTILE research!!! Ha ha ha! LONG story! When I set my mind to something.....I NEVER give up...futile or not!!! Ha ha ha!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

my research (wikipedia) has uncovered how the classy 7th president Andrew Jackson used to call them "Miss Nancy" and "Aunt Fancy"

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

my research (wikipedia) has uncovered how the classy 7th president Andrew Jackson used to call them "Miss Nancy" and "Aunt Fancy"
You found the very quote that always sticks in my mind regarding them. To be honest, I had forgotten who the quote was attributed to originally....but, that's the one! I guess dirt and politics have gone hand in hand for MUCH longer than people give them credit for.

And yeah....from everything I have read on the man...Andy Jackson was indeed very "classy"! Ha ha ha!
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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I just found this video of a one hit wonder by Len! Knowing the actual meaning of this song...both in the big and small sense...having read their explanation & my own personal interpretation (which are basically on the same wave length)....I felt it very appropriate to share it with all of you! Enjoy!

Don't forget to keep voting for can do so up to 50 times a day!

We're shooting for the VERY realistic 2K by tomorrow!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

7th place with 1817
I know! ;) 2K by we come!!!

By the way, trying to be the sweet guy I can be from time to time....I went in and deleted all of the Tweets being sent via the voting process. I deleted something like 30+ as to not clutter up Nikki's time line with those redundant Tweets. It says only 1 Tweet per 12 hours....BUT, it DEFINITELY sends out more than that! Sooooo, though Nikki hasn't said anything about it, I kinda figure the sweet/nice thing to do is to go into our Tweets and delete them as they are created. That's just my opinion on it anyway. If I alone created 30....I can just imagine how many she is getting.
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Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I know! ;) 2K by we come!!!

By the way, trying to be the sweet guy I can be from time to time....I went in and deleted all of the Tweets being sent via the voting process. I deleted something like 30+ as to not clutter up Nikki's time line with those redundant Tweets. It says only 1 Tweet per 12 hours....BUT, it DEFINITELY sends out more than that! Sooooo, though Nikki hasn't said anything about it, I kinda figure the sweet/nice thing to do is to go into our Tweets and delete them as they are created. That's just my opinion on it anyway. If I alone created 30....I can just imagine how many she is getting.

oh it definitely sends them more than every 12 hours. more like every hour (maybe 2). whenever it forces you to sign back in.

ive been deleting them too. trying to keep it down to the first one and the most recent. no one needs to see 30 "i just voted for Nikki Nova" i think one more or less does the job