Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread
The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
I figured this is as good a time as any to share a little recap of my trip to NOLA, including my "cheesy" little story of how Nikki actually indirectly made my Tuesday night pretty wonderful.
First, The good...I read your blog Nikki & I was glad to see Twitter shut down that "imposter" account for you. Since I didn't bring it to your attention until Sunday...getting it shut down in about 3 days seems pretty good for Twitter! Now, if they will finally give you verified account status...that will be even better! I REALLY appreciated you including some of the CHEESY crap the imposter was Tweeting! I LAUGHED about as much as I did the 1st time I read it! Ha ha ha! I mean.....COME ON...."Suck My Titties!"??? Ha ha ha! I couldn't figure out...being blunt here...who was the bigger idiot....the ass who created the imposter account, or the IDIOTS who actually thought (from the Tweets I read directed at the imposter anyway) it was REALLY you! Like I's a toss up! Ha ha ha!
More good...the "cheesy" story. I wasn't feeling all that great Tuesday night, so I took a nap. When I awoke, I decided to head over to the casino. Toward the end of the night, following a fairly luckless evening, I decided to try to come up with a better way to pick slots to play (didn't really feel up to playing the table games). Sooooo....instead of the old "eenie meenie miney moe"...true story...I decided to try "N-I-K-K-I-N-O-V-A" and play the machine when I came to the "A"! Ha ha ha! For real though. The first machine I played that way, I hit for $280. I was down about $100 at the I cleared $180! Then I sauntered over to the "Sex & The City" slots because I usually manage to clear about $50-$100 if I play long enough. Hey I'm not "Diamond Jim Brady," but I still manage to get free rooms! Ha ha ha! Anyway, I did the same selection process & I was about to quit, after breaking even basically...then I decided to try 2 more times. Next to the last time I got a bonus game. In that, I did the same "Nikki Nova" thing to select which one I wanted in the bonus. Wellllll, I thought I had won $68.40 in the bonus...which isn't bad. Sooooo, as it was paying just kept going & going & going! Turns out, since I was betting the max of 10 cents a line ($6), there was a multiplier of 10....I actually won $680.40! Then on the way to the elevator to the hotel, I hit for another $50 1st pull. Sooooo, Nikki indirectly caused me to walk into a casino with $200 in my pocket & walk out with over $1100!!! I guess I might owe her a cut! Ha ha ha! It was the best night gambling I had in quite some time, and it wasn't until I used the "Nikki Nova" selection process!
The bad was the fact that I was actually losing most of the night up to that point & the fact that it was hot and sticky the first night & the fact that my departure was delayed & I had to race to my dentist appointment....but it was all good (aside from the fact that the dentist was a waste of time anyway because of needing medical clearance...ha ha ha!)
The ugly was what happened to me at a Walgreens in New Orleans. Though he was being "nice" the cashier called me "pops"! "POPS!!!" I had to get him to repeat himself! Ha ha ha! Yep....he said "How are doing tonight pops?" Now I might have a little salt in my pepper....thanks "sperm donor" AKA dad (at least I'll never go what ya gonna do? Ha ha ha)! BUT, "POPS!?!?!?" BOY, did I feel OLD!!! Ha ha ha