Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Do not worry, the troublemakers are sorted out.

Too bad I don't have the phone number of Team 6 handy, I have a little job offer for them :p

Thanks Supadupafly! You are Freeones own Team 6!

And Nikki, don't worry about us here. Like jitna said, it is what we do, and it is our honor.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

A suggestion for us all

The creep who's harassing Nikki thrives on both the chaos he causes AND the attention he gets - directly or indirectly - as a result of his asshattery. No doubt he'll try to slide back in with a duplicate account, and no doubt he's reading this as a Guest ...

If you guys want to slag him off, or discuss the issue, my suggestion is that might be better to do it in PMs. That way, you starve FuckFace of the one thing he wants - attention and reaction.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

As some of you already know our good friend Vern started a movie review site. I gave him a list of my top 25 movies and he has it up on his site now WITH the movie trailors for each film.
If you are at all interested check it out.
The notes below each choice are my own notes as to why I chose it and what's so great about it to me.
I wonder if any of my top choices would be on your lists.
check it out...

Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter
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official thread

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well "Scooby Gang" my night ended wonderfully last night...Nikki actually played an indirect role in making that happen....but I'll save it for a more appropriate time. My day today started really well too....felt GREAT all around and all over....then it's been all down hill from there. Got going home late, raced to the dentist, got there early and taken early....good at the dentist? NOPE! Found out that I need medical clearance from my cardiologist since it's only been like 6 months since heart attack. Would have been nice to know that ahead of time! Ha ha ha!

Many know I was a MAJOR caffeine addict before the heart attack. Hadn't touched it since! WELL, the day I've been having...I fell off the wagon. Now I can't get my heart to stop racing & I feel like climbing the walls! UGH!!!

Like I said....what a difference 10 little hours can make! UGH!!!

Sometimes you just feel like throwing in the towel...but you just have to keep plugging away! Ha ha ha!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

As some of you already know our good friend Vern started a movie review site. I gave him a list of my top 25 movies and he has it up on his site now WITH the movie trailors for each film.
If you are at all interested check it out.
The notes below each choice are my own notes as to why I chose it and what's so great about it to me.
I wonder if any of my top choices would be on your lists.
check it out...

Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter
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my blog
official thread

checked it out. interesting picks. ive seen a grand total of 11 of those movies.
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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I've only seen two of the movies on your list :p
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

As some of you already know our good friend Vern started a movie review site. I gave him a list of my top 25 movies and he has it up on his site now WITH the movie trailors for each film.
If you are at all interested check it out.
The notes below each choice are my own notes as to why I chose it and what's so great about it to me.
I wonder if any of my top choices would be on your lists.
check it out...

Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter
my site
my blog
official thread

I am not a big movie buff, and I don't watch very many. But I have seen 6 of your movies, and I like all six. But my eyes could have done without a cross-dressing Tim Curry in Rocky Horror Picture Show. Hahaha.


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Nikki I put the correct pics that you sent me on the article. Again I feel like shit for not getting your permission first. I hope there is no hard feelings. This was a mistake I will never make again

You can see the correct article

Thank you again NIKKI. I love you

thats the picture Nikki picked? bendy. and talking on the phone. excellent multitasking
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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

thats the picture Nikki picked? bendy. and talking on the phone. excellent multitasking

I was sent two pics in that exact order.

One question. is everybody able to see the videos on the article? When I previewd it, they all appeared, and now only a few do.


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I was sent two pics in that exact order.

One question. is everybody able to see the videos on the article? When I previewd it, they all appeared, and now only a few do.

i saw the videos, but i only watched the first one.
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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Speaking of movies.....I have a Redbox code that is ONLY good for Thursday. Actually I have two & will only use one. Sooooo, feeling generous....First to PM me that can DEFINITELY use it....gets the code good for one free movie rental....on Thursday, May 12th ONLY!!! So if you can use it PM me & I'll hook you up!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Vern, all the videos showed up when l looked and l watched a couple and all seems ok there me at least:)

Nikki's selected a great list with some old classics and some more recent ones.....a great variation!

I was sent two pics in that exact order.

One question. is everybody able to see the videos on the article? When I previewd it, they all appeared, and now only a few do.
Yeah, waiting since two years or so for the vid and it never came out. Lame! I think we'll never gonna see it. What a shame, the teaser was great =/

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

I figured this is as good a time as any to share a little recap of my trip to NOLA, including my "cheesy" little story of how Nikki actually indirectly made my Tuesday night pretty wonderful.

First, The good...I read your blog Nikki & I was glad to see Twitter shut down that "imposter" account for you. Since I didn't bring it to your attention until Sunday...getting it shut down in about 3 days seems pretty good for Twitter! Now, if they will finally give you verified account status...that will be even better! I REALLY appreciated you including some of the CHEESY crap the imposter was Tweeting! I LAUGHED about as much as I did the 1st time I read it! Ha ha ha! I mean.....COME ON...."Suck My Titties!"??? Ha ha ha! I couldn't figure out...being blunt here...who was the bigger idiot....the ass who created the imposter account, or the IDIOTS who actually thought (from the Tweets I read directed at the imposter anyway) it was REALLY you! Like I's a toss up! Ha ha ha!

More good...the "cheesy" story. I wasn't feeling all that great Tuesday night, so I took a nap. When I awoke, I decided to head over to the casino. Toward the end of the night, following a fairly luckless evening, I decided to try to come up with a better way to pick slots to play (didn't really feel up to playing the table games). Sooooo....instead of the old "eenie meenie miney moe"...true story...I decided to try "N-I-K-K-I-N-O-V-A" and play the machine when I came to the "A"! Ha ha ha! For real though. The first machine I played that way, I hit for $280. I was down about $100 at the I cleared $180! Then I sauntered over to the "Sex & The City" slots because I usually manage to clear about $50-$100 if I play long enough. Hey I'm not "Diamond Jim Brady," but I still manage to get free rooms! Ha ha ha! Anyway, I did the same selection process & I was about to quit, after breaking even basically...then I decided to try 2 more times. Next to the last time I got a bonus game. In that, I did the same "Nikki Nova" thing to select which one I wanted in the bonus. Wellllll, I thought I had won $68.40 in the bonus...which isn't bad. Sooooo, as it was paying just kept going & going & going! Turns out, since I was betting the max of 10 cents a line ($6), there was a multiplier of 10....I actually won $680.40! Then on the way to the elevator to the hotel, I hit for another $50 1st pull. Sooooo, Nikki indirectly caused me to walk into a casino with $200 in my pocket & walk out with over $1100!!! I guess I might owe her a cut! Ha ha ha! It was the best night gambling I had in quite some time, and it wasn't until I used the "Nikki Nova" selection process!

The bad was the fact that I was actually losing most of the night up to that point & the fact that it was hot and sticky the first night & the fact that my departure was delayed & I had to race to my dentist appointment....but it was all good (aside from the fact that the dentist was a waste of time anyway because of needing medical clearance...ha ha ha!)

The ugly was what happened to me at a Walgreens in New Orleans. Though he was being "nice" the cashier called me "pops"! "POPS!!!" I had to get him to repeat himself! Ha ha ha! Yep....he said "How are doing tonight pops?" Now I might have a little salt in my pepper....thanks "sperm donor" AKA dad (at least I'll never go what ya gonna do? Ha ha ha)! BUT, "POPS!?!?!?" BOY, did I feel OLD!!! Ha ha ha


I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

The ugly was what happened to me at a Walgreens in New Orleans. Though he was being "nice" the cashier called me "pops"! "POPS!!!" I had to get him to repeat himself! Ha ha ha! Yep....he said "How are doing tonight pops?" Now I might have a little salt in my pepper....thanks "sperm donor" AKA dad (at least I'll never go what ya gonna do? Ha ha ha)! BUT, "POPS!?!?!?" BOY, did I feel OLD!!! Ha ha ha

My hair may be receding, (either that or I have a very large forehead) but at least it is still grey free. :dunno: