
Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I liked "Howard The Duck" When I was 10 but watching it again I got somewhat creeped out. Especially this part where Lea Thompson's character seduces Howard.

I vaugly remember the other two and maybe that's a good thing

but it was produced by George Lucas, people! he'd never be involved in anything bad.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Aw that's just awful. Don't tell her to watch those dreadful flicks. Howard the Duck? Are you serious? What if she takes you literally? She will never get that chunk of her life back you evil evil man. hahaha
Nikki Nova
What!?!? Are you saying "Howard the Duck" ISN'T considered to be a classic? Ha ha ha!
Actually, getting people to watch "Howard the Duck" is but a small part of my plan for global domination. I figure, after watching it, it will turn everyone into my brain dead minions! Bwahahahaha! From what I see from society, my work is at least half way done already, even without them watching "Howard the Duck"! Definitely no shortage of idiotas! Ha ha ha!

Seriously though, tell me about it, I saw "Howard the Duck" for free through a radio station before it was released (so it didn't actually cost me anything)....and I am still trying to get those wasted 110 minutes back to this day! I mean, I could have better spent that time doing something more enjoyable, like getting a root canal or something! Ha ha ha!

Hey I might be evil....but at least I have a slightly classy evilness to me....since I haven't actually seen "Piranha 3D" and you starred in "Busty Cops," so I was classy enough not to mention those two films. See.....I'm not TOTALLY evil! Ha ha ha!

but it was produced by George Lucas, people! he'd never be involved in anything bad.
Damn you jitna...you stole my thunder! Ha ha ha! I was going to say...everyone knows George Lucas "couldn't" make a horrible film! Well, anyone who hasn't seen Star Wars episodes 1-3 & Howard the Duck anyway! Ha ha ha!

Finally, to clear things up for the ever lovely Nikki Nova & the reigning Top Euro Tart Miss Hybrid. I made a reference to jitna being a "happy camper" because things worked out for him figuring he would understand what I meant. Of course he didn't....BUT, he did take the liberty to "steal" my old-school dorky term "happy camper" in reference to who??? in the "Ask Miss Hybrid" thread (note...my reference was 2 hours before jitna's & he used it minutes before he responded to my post.....ha ha ha!). Sooooo, I responded to him using MY term "happy camper" & stated what I meant by it in this thread....but I did so in the "Ask Miss Hybrid" thread.

Why did I do that you ask? Because being the sweet guy that I am, and knowing that the ever awesome Nikki Nova "kinda" doesn't dig sports in her thread....I was a bit cryptic in here....but explained it in full in the other thread. Long story short....jitna's Flyers came from behind to win a must win playoff game the other day to force a game 7 tonight....and I figured jitna would be elated!

See....I wasn't so complicated now was it!?!? Ha ha ha!

Now then....if you haven't done so yet.....go out and watch "Howard the Duck"! Future instructions will be forthcoming! Bwahahahahaha!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

your fav Comedy is Old School, Mines is The Other Guys


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Damn you jitna...you stole my thunder! Ha ha ha! I was going to say...everyone knows George Lucas "couldn't" make a horrible film! Well, anyone who hasn't seen Star Wars episodes 1-3 & Howard the Duck anyway! Ha ha ha!

and Indiana Jones and the What the Fuck is Shia Lebouf Doing in This Movie


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
yeah. this is just the unofficial post a link to Nikki pictures. Nikki's fanbase are hanging out in her official thread

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

and Indiana Jones and the What the Fuck is Shia Lebouf Doing in This Movie
Oh God....how could I have forgotten that steaming pile in the form of a dreadful film! Ha ha ha! I'm not even sure I remember the actual title....I think it was "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull". But, as I am too sick, tired, and lazy to Google...that's only a guess! Ha ha ha!

This is kinda sad i cant think of a movie

Does the current president count ?
as a movie?
You got to admit, it will make an awesome drama one day.
What will it be called? Given who left (Bush) when Obama took office, I kinda thought "The Exorcist" would be appropriate....but I believe that title is already taken! Ha ha ha! I kinda think Obama might be Father Karras though given his bemusing Presidency to this point.....not sure "Better than Bush" is as good enough a selling point that I once thought it was for me! Ha ha ha!

Ya know though....elections in the United States....especially Presidential ones....are increasingly like choosing between Syphilis and Gonorrhea....ya "kinda" don't really want either one! Ha ha ha!
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I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Talk of presidential films reminds me of Being There, directed by Hal Ashby and staring Peter Sellers in his final role (and maybe his best).

Ashby also directed one of my all time favourite films - Harold and Maud. Staring Bud Cort and Ruth Gordon, with music by Cat Stevens.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that English is not your first language. hahaha. I'm sure your "nuts" are just fabulous but if you're trying to use them as a seling point you should probably re-think your sales pitch. At least a different sales pitch with me. That may work on other ladies but not so much with me. haha
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
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You are going love nuts and have exciting life with me

Nikki, you are going love my nuts


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