Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Ok...couple things. First off hello and Good morning to you! xoxo
2nd. My posting of the Busty Cops thing was a seriously sarcastic joke. We had been discussing our top 25 movies as I compile my list for Vern for his website and everyone knows how I feel about the B movies that I've done. I think they're rediculous. I did the Busty Cops series at the request of a friend who was co-producing it. That's all. There are some funny things in it however. My personal favorites are the out takes at the end...but I would NEVER include ANYTHING I've ever been in on my top 25 movies list. hahaha NO FUCKING WAY! I have way better taste then that. hahaha.
As far as my book Vern and everyone else...let's not discuss that here plz. I am already getting way too many messages asking me what it's about and when it's coming out etc and so on. It is NOT adult related at all. It's topic has nothing to do with anything anyone would ever imagine. It's something I will be working on for at least a year and probabaly more due to all of the research and interviews involved. That's all I can say at this time so mo more questions or assumptions about it please. It's NOTHING that anyone would ever imagine in a million years.
Nikki Nova
Nikki, I already picked up on your feelings about B-movies and "Busty Cops" in particular. If anything, you are honest, even when it comes to your own works. I'm sure some people (likely guys...ha ha ha), think "Busty Cops" is a great flick....but, evidently, people with any kind of taste whatsoever, such as Vern, yourself, and me (though I haven't seen it in it's entirety) know that it might be harmless and "campy," but a "great flick"? Ha ha ha! The fact that you agreed to do it (even more than one for that matter) as a favor to a friend, is a further testament as to what a great friend you truly are!

Can't speak for everyone else...but I got the sarcasm behind your posting of the "Busty Cops" pic! Ha ha ha! That's what "inspired" me to sarcastically award it an honorary Academy Award....ha ha ha!

As for other subjects, I am already realizing that, when it comes to a public venue such as this....TMI doesn't only stand for Three Mile Island! There is a place for everything....and FreeOnes is "probably" not the place for most of it! And that is coming from a guy who publicly revealed his name! Ha ha ha! (but, given what my name is & how common it is...I "might" be okay! Ha ha ha!)

Remember, the more information we put out there....the more ammo we give the nuts and crazies (even the harmless ones who just like asking a lot of questions) when they decide to come out of the woodwork! Ha ha ha! SERIOUSLY though!

Well, I think I might head out to Blockbuster and make it a movie day....and NO, as much as I love Nikki, I WON'T be renting "Busty Cops"! ha ha ha!
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Eternally hoping to lick Briana


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

As far as my book Vern and everyone else...let's not discuss that here plz. I am already getting way too many messages asking me what it's about and when it's coming out etc and so on. It is NOT adult related at all. It's topic has nothing to do with anything anyone would ever imagine. It's something I will be working on for at least a year and probabaly more due to all of the research and interviews involved. That's all I can say at this time so mo more questions or assumptions about it please. It's NOTHING that anyone would ever imagine in a million years.
Nikki Nova
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all im going to say is i cant wait.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

"AMAZING custom latex costumes" "take place in a dungeon " sounds like its right about Miss Hybrid's alley.
Leave it to you to head right to the kink! Ha ha ha! Actually, the MUST READ part came at the end. Truer words were never spoken...or written as the case may be.

i hear you. ill wait.
I know waiting can be a bitch, but do try to do so silently and/or privately! The crazies are lurking EVERYWHERE! Remember: Loose lips sink ships!

In the meantime, go out and watch "Howard the Duck" and all will be okay! Bwahahahaha!
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I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Latex , tornadoes and energy. No really. That's this blog entry. haha Check it out...
A happy person enjoys interacting positively with the the adult models that bring joy to their lives. Thank you, Nikki, for being one of those models.

Actually custom latex is very much MY thing as well but the dungeon part is definitely more up Miss Hybrids alley.

:drool2: Miss Hybrid's alley :D

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

A happy person enjoys interacting positively with the the adult models that bring joy to their lives. Thank you, Nikki, for being one of those models.
More specifically, a happy/positive person tries to exude a positive energy to those around them & hopefully receives positive energy in return. A miserable person simply tries to make those around themselves miserable too, instead of seeking out something to actually deal with their misery and actually trying to become happy themselves. They are too busy tearing others down and sharing their own "special blend" of miserableness with everyone they come into contact with. To be blunt.....everyone has their problems, issues, moments, etc., but that is no excuse for being truly miserable and fucked in the head!

And yes.....Nikki is DEFINITELY an incredibly SPECIAL person!

:drool2: Miss Hybrid's alley :D
And here, in all the time I have known the two of you.....I never realized that you and Miss Hybrid were bowling aficionados! And here, apparently Miss Hybrid has her own bowling alley and you evidently aspire to have the opportunity to "play" on it one day!;)
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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

As for larss and jbs...yes yes and yes on the positivity topic. As far as what you guys are refering to in my blog entry for today, well...there's great expression regarding this very suject.

"Blowing out my candles won't make yours shine any brighter".

I LOVE that saying and it is very true! There are a lot of trash talking, back stabbing models that can learn from that too. I see women all of the time in the modeling world put others down and talk shit about other models (especially to their men) and it's almost always because they are jealous of or intimidated by that model. I think they think if they put that girl down and disect her and try to tear her apart by pointing out her flaws that her man or others will see her as less attractive when actually all they are doing is making themselves less attractive by doing so. It's a message that so many need to pay attention to and learn from.
Nikki Nova
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Eternally hoping to lick Briana


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I thought you and The Vern were working on getting Miss Hybrid over for a U.S. tour?

and maybe this is just another step. maybe Miss H will take a stop over in the south west to shoot with Nikki. of course if both ladies want to meet over here in the southeast, you know meeting in the middle as it were, id be more than willing to house up Nikki as well as Miss and her retinue. but i think ill leave that up to the ladies

of course is Nikki wants to stop over at any other time, she can feel free

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

As for larss and jbs...yes yes and yes on the positivity topic. As far as what you guys are refering to in my blog entry for today, well...there's great expression regarding this very suject.

"Blowing out my candles won't make yours shine any brighter".

I LOVE that saying and it is very true! There are a lot of trash talking, back stabbing models that can learn from that too. I see women all of the time in the modeling world put others down and talk shit about other models (especially to their men) and it's almost always because they are jealous of or intimidated by that model. I think they think if they put that girl down and disect her and try to tear her apart by pointing out her flaws that her man or others will see her as less attractive when actually all they are doing is making themselves less attractive by doing so. It's a message that so many need to pay attention to and learn from.
Nikki Nova
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EXACTLY and VERY true! As surprising as it may seem to some......I am actually VERY hard on myself. However, I never got the mindset of talking shit about other people and/or tearing other people basically an attempt to hide one's own insecurities and a lame and futile attempt to boost yourself up. I came to the realization a long time ago that that type of behavior changes absolutely nothing about one's self & the only thing that can change me ultimately for the better is ME! At the end of the day, I am still going to be Jon, with all of my weaknesses, troubles, frailties, etc. that all humans have....along with my positive attributes.....and no amount of ripping on other people, putting other people down, back biting, etc. will change that basic fact! And, obviously, so often it is done in a two faced manner, where it is done/said behind people's backs. It's like with drugs and booze.....if you have problems before you hit the bottle or are still going to have them....probably to a worse degree, when everything is said and done.

In short, no amount of ripping on other people and putting them down will change who and what YOU are! Sadly too many people fail to realize that basic fact, that, to my eyes (and obviously yours) is so plain and evident!

Id like to nominate for post of the decade !
There actually is a Post of the Week in the "Members Only" all means....have at it my man!